Chapter 51: Honour and Sacrifice

We over see the UNSC base within the reach. The last UNSC base that they have got since most base were either glassed by the Covenant, lost contact with the other UNSC bases or the bases are unknown to still be active or destroyed.

Inside we see UNSC marines walking through the halls being silent while some are seen in medical rooms laying in board as they moan while groan from the pain they have gotten by the Covenant forces during the battle. Then the doors at the end of the hall open and Y/n and his team make their theie way down the hallway while they look around to see injured or beaten marines sitting along the halls looking down on the ground while some stumble as they walk down the halls.

They can't believe this as Ashley was the first to break the silence as she said while she turns to the rest.

Ashley: I can't believe this. The Covenant destroyed everything and soon Reach will fall.

Ave: Yeah, those fucks will pay for this.

Sophie: Let's hope the rest are doing alright?

Doc: Same here. Let's hope not all are injured during the battle.

Gabriel: We should check up on them just in case.

Y/n: Agree. Let's go.

They walk down the halls for a short while and soon they arrive at the room and once they head inside they see the reds and blues sitting there in silence while Y/n and the rest walk in and look around and ask.

Y/n: Hey....where's Rowen and Mike?

There was silence from them until Y/n and the rest realise what happened. They look down as Tucker spoke out.

Tucker: They're gone. Fuck. I can't believe they are gone.

Caboose: I'm going to miss them.

Sarge: I can't help feel was all my fault. I should have been with him.

Y/n: There was nothing you couldn't do Sarge. It's war, we lose people during war.

Sarge: (sigh) I guess so.

Simmons: So now what? The Covenant has glass half of Reach, how are we going to fight back?

Y/n: No idea. But I think it's time to go with Operation: Planet riot.

Jin: Operation: Planet riot?

Ashia: What's that?

Y/n: Doctor Halsey has a plan to sent me and a fee marines and Spartans to head to the elites home world and help an elite rebel leader to take down the Covenant within.

Grif: And you think this will work? Because I have a feeling that it could be a trap.

Gabriel: It's the only plan we have.

Mia: This is our only one way to defeat the Covenant and win the war.

Sarge: I like that plan! When should we Start!?

Eric: After one last mission.

They turn to see Eric enter the room as they turn to him and Y/n ask him.

Y/n: One last mission?

Eric: The captain will explain at the bridge. Carolina and her team are also there as well. We're just waiting for you and your team.

Y/n: Right. Take some rest guys, we be back.

And so Y/n ans his team leave the room along with Eric and once they left the reds and blues take a long break before they will go to another mission.


Fireteam: Black-wing, Fireteam: Spartan rangers and Fireteam: Freelancers are all seen at the bridge as Captain Jacob Keyes stands in front of them as he looks at the team and tells them.

Keyes: You three are the only Spartan teams that we have. Most of M.I.A or still out there fighting or surviving. Either way you three are the only teams we have left so listen up. Noble team had a package that I want you three to protect. This package will not fall to enemy hands understood. If the Covenant gets the package then it's game over for humanity. We will give you Pelicans so you can catch up to Noble team and assist them on their mission. That's it, you have your mission, get it done. Dismissed.

They all saluted and left the room except for Y/n and once everyone left Y/n ask Keyes.

Y/n: Sir did Halsey told you about the operation she put us on?

Keyes: Indeed. I've read the operation and it seems suicide but.....if there is a way to fight against the Covenant....I that is our only shot we have left. Since you needed Spartans to assist allow me to introduce another Spartan that will assist you on this mission.

Then the doors open behind Y/nnas he turn and sees a Spartan walking up to Y/n and then stood beside him as he give Keyes a salute.

Watcher: Huh that's a cool armor.

Y/n: (surprised) Same.

Keyes: This is Spartan Ash. He'll assist you in your mission and your operation after that. Take care you two, you are dismissed.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Ash nodes as the two make their leave and once they left the room Ash glance over at Y/n and then tells him.

Ash: It be an honour working for the brother of the master chief.

Y/n: Thanks. Gonna say you have a cool armor.

Ash: Thanks. So where to?

Y/n: At the hanger. We meet everyone else there and head out.

Ash: Roger.

Watcher: Damn he is a badass wearing that knight armor thing.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess Spartans have it's taste.

Ash: What?

Y/n: Oh sorry, just talking to Watcher my AI.

Ash: Oh I see.

Soon they arruve to the hanger and once there they walk up to the other teams as they look up to see both Y/n and Ash.

Tucker: Whose this new guy?

Caboose: Is he a new friend!?

Y/n: Guys this is Ash. He'll be joining us on the mission the operation: Planet Riot. Ash, this is my team and friends.

Eric: (smile) Nice to meet you man.

Sarge: Same here. Welcome to the battle.

Ash: I'm glad to be here.

He then turn and looks at Carolina as the two stare at each other and then Ash said to her.

Ash: Hey Carolina. Nice to see you alright.

Carolina: S-Same here.

Tucker: You two know each other?

Donut: Oooohhhh is he someone you knew years ago! I like mysterious back stories!

Lopez: (Spanish) If it turns out that they are siblings, I wouldn't be surprised.

Reznya: So you know Ash Carolina?

Carolina: Yeah. This may surprised all of you but he's actually my little brother.

They were surprised by this except for Lopez who just simply said.

Lopez: (Spanish) Like I said. Not surprised.

Donut: (surprised) I know Lopez! What a twist!

Lopez: (Spanish) I hate all of you.

Church: Look let's save the surprise and questions later but we have a job to do so let's do it already!

Rook: Church is right. It won't be long until Covenant will take down the Pelican that Noble team are in.

Y/n: Right. Everyone get inside your Pelicans and let's head out!

The teams head inside their own Pelicans with Ash going with Y/n's ans his teams Pelican which is Sheila as Ash sat onto the co-pilot seat while Y/n sat next to him as he start up Sheila.

Sheila: Ready for today's mission Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) You know it Sheila. Is Everybody ready?

Sarge: (radio) I'm ready! Ready to kick some Covenant jackasses!

Tucker: (radio) We're ready as well and- Caboose don't push that!

Caboose: (radio) But its flashing blue.

Tucker: (radio) Just don't touch it!

Carolina: (radio) Our team is ready.

Eric: (radio) Same here Y/n.

Y/n: Right. Here we go!

They all take off and once that they fly their Pelicans out of the hanger and fly off to where Noble team are at so they can aid them and get the package to their location.


At the hanger of the Covenant ship we see Lorik dodging a few elite zealots and then cut them down. He turns and blocks another strike from the elite zealot and kicked the elite zealot back and then slice at him. Lorki breaths heavily while he turned to see all elite zealots are dead apart of Bupo who is surprised that Lorik stand a chance against his best elite zealots but he growl and ready his engery sword as the two elites slowly circle around while keeping thier eyes on each other while they ready their enegry swords.

Bupo: You've always been the lucky one while holding that sword. A power to slay many Spartans is from that sword and you've always been the Prophets best assassin in all of the Covenant.

Lorik: I do what I must to slay as many demons I can encounter. Your clan killed only a few while I've killed hundreds or thousands of them.....maybe even millions.

Bupo: Once I kill you I will use that sword as my own and slay as many Spartans that I can see.

Lorik: Then do it. Take it out of me, show me that you are worthy enough of this power.

Bupo: With pleasure.

Bupo charge at Lorik and the two clash blades at each other as sparks fly out as they clash energy swords at each other in the middle of the hanger. Through the cameras around the hanger we see Iga watching the fight. He dose have the power to stop it but he like to see how this will end.

The two keep clashing blades at each other and moving around as they block or strike at each other as they move around and then Lorik leaps back and lands on top of a phantom while Bupo looks up at him and says.

Bupo: Is that all you got?

Lorik: No.

Then Bupo hears a beep and looks down to see that Lorik place down a trap which actived and zaps Bupo as he roar in pain. Then Lorik leaps down and kicks Bupo back as he stumble back. He slowly looks up and quickly blocks several blade strikes but soon Lorik slice off both Bupo's hands off which he yell in pain as he fell onto his feet while Lorik place his blade on his neck.

The two look at each other as Bupo just lend out a chuckle and looks down while he says.

Bupo: If this is ho I die....then so be it. For the glory of the Covenant.

Once that Lorik slice off Bupo's head off. His head lands on the floor while his body lands onto the ground as well. Once that Lorik deactivated his engery sword and looks up to see Iga and his clean up crew as they walk over and pick up Bupo's body and many other bodies as Iga walks up to Lorik and tells him.

Iga: You have done a good job Lorik. With him and his heretic followers gone, we can finally succeed by glassing the rest of thid planet and kill all Spartans and humanity on this planet for good.

Lorik: Of course....ship master.

Once that Iga leaves him while Lorik stood there as other elites carry the dead bodies as Lorik turns and noticed Bupo's enegry sword which he walks up and picks it up. He stare at the weapon for a bit and then puts it away and make his way to his phantom ti make his leave.


We see five Pelicans flying through the landscapes of the desert as yhey fly over the sands while we cut to the cockpit where we see Y/n and Ash sitting there and piloting Sheila. There was silence between the two until Y/n looks over to Ash and then ask him.

Y/n: and Carolina are siblings....that's good.

Ash: Don't blame you. So you wanna know how's that possible?

Y/n: Um yeah sure. I mean, she never said she had a little brother.

Ash: That's because she thought I was killed when the Covenant glass our world. When it did, i was left by our father to die but Spartans came and saved me and once that I was trained to become a Spartan III.

Y/n: Damn. That's rough.

Ash: Yeah and I think she blames herself for leaving me behind but I don't. It's not her fault to abandoned me many years ago. Just glad that she's alright.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. She's doing alright with us around. We've kept her safe throughout the years.

Ash: And I appreciate with it. Thank you.

Y/n nodes and then the computers start to beep which Y/n ask Sheila.

Y/n: Sheila what's the situation?!

Sheila: We got a UNSC ship coming up. It looks like it's Noble team.

Y/n: Right. Let's help them out guys.

They all agree and head to their location. Soon they see one Pelican smoking whike several Banshees are behind it, shooting at the Pelican. Y/n, Eric and Carolina open fire at the Banshees and take them out before they will do serious damage to the Pelican.

Carter: (radio) This is Carter-A259. Thanks for assist.

Y/n: No problem Carter. Glad we can help. Where's the rest of your squad?

Carter: (radio) Most were gone but I had two Spartans on the ground heading to the Pillar of Automn.

Y/n: Copy that. We assist you and we-

Grif: (radio) LOOK OUT!

Suddenly a beam suddenly appear which they move out of the way. Then they see a scarab below them and looking up at them and firing it's beams at them which they dodge so they won't get it.

Eric: (radio) Damn this scarab is pissing me off.

Y/n: Everybody target at the Scarab and protect Nob-

Carter: (radio) No. Forget about me and help my team.

Y/n: Not a cha ce Noble one, we can help you just hold on.

Carter: (radio) Y/n my Pelican is in flames and there is no way I could land without it blowing up. Noble 6 and Noble 4 needed you down there. I'll take care with this scarab.

Y/n wants to help but he had this mission to do but soon he lend out a sigh and tells Carter.

Y/n: Okay....we go. Give them hell Carter.

Carter: (radio) Roger that. Noble 1 out.

Once that they fly away while Carter gose around and flies towards the Scarab while he opens fires at the Scarab and soon he crash his Pelican into the scarab, killing both him and the scarab at the same time.

Once the Scarab fell off the mountain and crash onto the ground, the rest wee sadden by his death as Y/n sighs to himself while Ash tells him.

Ash: I'm sorry about this but his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Y/n: Yeah....Yeah your right. Everybody let's complete this mission.....for Carter.

They all agree and they head to where the Pillar of Autumn is at including Noble 6 and Noble 4 are going. Meanwhile we see a Covenant ship arriving to the location as we see Iga looking fown at the battle and seeing the humans are being crush by the Covenant might and he knew that soon the human race on this planet will fall once more.

Elite crew: Sir we detected something in the distances. It looks like a ship being docked.

Iga looks over and see a small UNSC ship which is the Pillar of Autumn being docked as he looks at it and then sat back down and said.

Iga: No matter. The ship along with the humans on board will be destroyed soon. Sent in the carrier to glass it and deploy troops to kill all humans in site.

Elite crew: Yes ship master.

Iga lend back against his chair as he watch the battle that is happening and then we cut to outside of the hanger as we see several Phantoms to be deployed and take off to the docking area near the Pillar of Autumn as we see Lorik inside the Phantom as he tell his troops the mission.

Lorik: Our mission is to make sure that ship will not leave the planet and stand our ground long enough until the carrier will get in range and destroy the ship. We are close to victory so do not ruin this. Is that clear.

They all agree as they get gears ready while Lorik gets to the cockpit and stands behind the pilot as he lend over to see five Pelicans heading to the same location ad they are. Lorik can't shake the feeling that in one of these Pelicans is the demon he fought as we cut to Y/n's Pelican as Y/n turns and sees Phantoms coming and can't help but also feel that in one of those Phantoms is Lorik inside one of he Phantoms.

Ash: What's wrong?

Y/n: skilled are you with a sword?

Ash: I'm very skilled with a sword. But why?

Y/n: Because I might need your help to take down this elite if he is here and I must warn you....he is very tough then any elites you have ever seen.

To be continued................................

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