Chapter 5: The deal go wrong

We see Church standing on top of the base just aline to his thoughts when Y/n walks up to the second floor of the base and see church and walks over and asked.

Y/n: Hey Church wanna ask you something.

Church: If it's about Tucker wanted the sniper rifle then here is a way to make him shut up.

Y/n: That's not why I'm here.

Church: Oh then what?

Y/n: I wanna know how your war between Red and Blues began and who started it?

Church: How should I know?

Y/n: Well you are Blue teams leader and you've been here more then me and the rest of my squad so there's have to be a reason for it.

Church: Oh sure just because I'm the leader, I know everything is that right?

Y/n: Well.....Yes?

Church: No I don't know and even I do know I just don't give a crap about it. What about you call Vic and he tell you everything.

Y/n: I did but when I said who I am he just hang up.

Chruch: Really, that's kinda rude.

Y/n: That's what I just said.

Church: Well there is nothing for me to do. I'm just a ghost without a body.

Y/n: Oh speaking for bodies Lopaz and Sheila said they will not take part your war and their away to build their robot army.

Chruch: (mad) What?! Did you not even stop them, you are a sparten after all!

Y/n: Hey man I'm maybe a super soldier but try to face two robot couple one is a regular Spanish robot and the other a huge fucking tank, yeah I don't think I'll stand a chance.

Church: Well that's just fucking great.

Y/n: Why are you complaining about, why not take over Lopaz like before and bring them back.

Church: I would but for some reason he seems to resist it some how.

Y/n: How?

Church: No clue but this maybe a problem for the two of us.

Y/n: (mutter) Well maybe yous shouldn't treat them like garbage, then maybe they will stick around.

Church: I heard that dick head.

Then Frank walks up and walks over to them and said.

Frank: Hey Sparten we managed to capture someone.

Y/n: Manage to capture someone, who?

Frank: Well the pink guy who calls himself Donut. Apperley he accidentally stumbled to blue base thinking it was red base.

Y/n: Seriously, how there is outlines of blue, surely he must of seen them.

Frank: He also said about a cave monster but if yous wanna now more, then maybe it's best you see this for yourself.

Both Church and Y/n look at each other and question about Cave monster but they follow Frank inside the base and see Donut with Tucker, Caboose, Cali, Rimington and Robert as Tucker see Y/n and runs up to him.

Tucker: Hey remember you said the pink armor was a dude and not a girl?

Y/n: Yes?

Tucker: Yeah I believe you know and I REALLY gonna kill myself after all those "alone times" I've been doing.

Frank: Dude gross.

Church: Well besides that what else has he said?

Frank: Nothing much, Caboose and the girls seems to like him. He even give Rimington some hair gels to keep her hair beautiful for some reason and different clothes for Cali as well.

Y/n: So just girl talk?

Frank: Yeah.

Y/n walks over to Donut as Donut was given both Cali and Rimington some suggestions about stay beautiful.

Donut: Don't try to use the gel you usually use cause that's not gonna do anything. If you wanna make your hair stay beautiful during battle, try use the once in this paper this will save your hair in no time.

Donut hand the paper to them and Y/n said.

Y/n: Hey Donut, remember me?

Donut: Heeey I know you, your the guy who blow up our warthog and the one that nearly killed Grif.

Y/n: Well I didn't actually try to kill him, it was just Tucker's stupid driving skills with it.

Tucker: (distance) Oh fuck off man, it was Sheila not me!

Donut: Well Apologies accepted, so what do you wanna talk about.

Y/n: You said about a cave monster, what do you mean by that?

Donut: Oh well there was this purple soldier who was talking to himself, saying about talking over the universe and also saying we shouldn't do that.

Y/n: We? Who was with?

Donut: No one, I think he was talking to himself. I ran out and try to warn the reds but I ended up here. At first it was a store but I remembered Sarge told me there was no store.

Y/n: Store? This is the middle of the canyon, why would they be a store here?

Donut: That's what he said.

Y/n: (thought) Wait, Purple soldier?  That sounded like Doc? And taking over the universe, that's not like him unless.......oh shit.

Y/n: Cali, Rimington, Frank and Robert, get your gears ready and let's go.

Cali: Why, what's going on?

Y/n: I think I need to check up on someone.

(Short while later)

The four step into the cave with weapons at the ready as they turn on the flash lights on their guns as they slowly enter the cave were Doc would be at as they scan the cave.

No one was their, Y/n singal them to move out and they did as they go down a small hill and reach the bottom were there was a set up and everything was empty.

Y/n and the rest lower down their weapons and Y/n see a table set up with a raido on as he walks over and see it has been turned on.

Y/n: Oh shit. Fuck! I forgot to tell him!

Cali: Tell him who?

Y/n: Doc. I told him I will give him some supplies to keep in touch with command but that before O'Malley was a thing and now I think he just of escaped and took over Doc.

Frank: That's not good.

Robert: So if O'Malley is taking over Doc's body, then where did they go?

Cali: Doesn't like they be hiding for our attack. They must of gone somewhere.

Rimington: Guys looks.

They walk over to Rimington and they see some kind a tracks that leads out of the cave. Cali bends down and touch the tracks and it was warm.

Cali: This is Ghost tracks. A Covenant Ghost.

Frank: How did he manage to get one of Covenant vehicles?

Robert: Maybe this answers our question.

They looks over and see a dead Grunt with its legs sticking out behind the rock which horrified them as Y/n stands up and said.

Y/n: We need to find Doc and stop O'Malley before they would get away.

Cali: The walls are too high to claim and if I remember, Covenant Ghost can't fly.

Y/n: Still we need to be sure. Frank I need on top side and see if you can scan around for Doc.

Frank: On it.

Cali: So what now?

Y/n: We can't fight O'Malley on our own. What's even more wrose is that Sheila and Lopaz are away and if O'Malley finds them, who knows what he will do to them. Our only option is to get all the Blues and Reds together and work together.

Rimington: Do you think they will listen?

Y/n: One way to find out.

(Short while later)

Y/n and Cali walk back to Blue base while Robert and Rimington head to Red base so they can all get together to stop O'Malley. Frank is above the canyon and looking down and keeping tabs on them in case both O'Malley or Doc will show.

Y/n and Cali see the blues were getting ready for something with Donut next to Caboose as Y/n walks up to Church and Tucker and asked.

Y/n: What's going on?

Church: We're gonna meet up the reds at the middle of the Canyon.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait for a truths?

Church: No.

Tucker: Church took over the pink guys body and make a deal of the reds to make two robot body's with no Spanish system or anything that would kill us all.

Y/n: OK? Wait if you need a body, why the second one?

Church: You know, one for me and other for......Tex.

Y/n: Really, and you think the reds will listen?

Church: Of course, they maybe stupid but as long we have their hostage, I think they will listen.

Y/n: Well about that Church, I think yous need to stop fighting and work together.



Caboose: Silence silence silence silence wait....why are we quite?

Church: Yeah I don't see that.

Y/n: Well you don't have a choice cause Doc is-

Tucker: Hey Church we're gonna be late.

Church: Oh Shit your right, we have a talk about this later but time for the deal.

Y/n: But Church you gonna-

But the blues went by them and walk off as Cali and Y/n as they watch the go.

Cali: I can tell things will end badly.

Y/n: Yep, pretty much.

They follow the blues until they reach at the middle where they see the Reds at the other side with two robots similar to Tex and Church. Rimington and Robert runs over to them and said.

Ronert: There's no point, they wouldn't listen.

Rimington: What should we do?

Y/n: we be fine just as long we have Frank looking out.

Cali: Well at least that's one good news.

Robert: Yeah and I think bad news has come.

They turn to see Lopaz and Sheila there which was a problem now.

Tucker: Hello, we're here to surrender! This time we will hand you the prisoner and as like our deal, you hand us the bot one by one, slowly!

Sarge: (distance) Alright, we hand you them! Yous first and we hand them over.

Tucker: Get going pinky.

Donut walks over while Caboose calls out.

Caboose: Good Private Biscuit, I will always remember you. Who was that guy?

Once Donut reach the middle Sarge sent the blue bot over and everything seems going well until Lopaz runs up at the middle to stop this.

Y/n: Oh boy.

Robert: This can't end well.

Sarge: (distance) The hell, this is a trap all along. Donut Francis X come back!

Tucker: Wait don't!

Then everyone was in a stand still and both reds and blue don't know what to do.

Rimington: I'm getting a feeling this will not end well.

Cali: Yeah same here.

Tucker: Ow what the hell?!

Y/n: You alright Tucker?

Tucker: Yeah I-

Vic: (coms) Hello, Hello what's up?

Sarge: (distance) Vic it's me Sarge.

Vic: (coms) Oh hey Sarge how is you, what do you need?

Sarge: (coms): I need some air support, an air strike right now!

Vic: (coms) Copy that, air strike will come in five-

Tucker: Wait Vic? Your with the reds, yournin our side? What the fuck is going on?!

Vic: (coms) Oh Private Tucker, your here as well. see......gonna go.

Then Vic cuts off and Y/n knows it time as he step out in between them and calls out to both Reds and blues.

Y/n: Listen here both of yous! Yous hear what's happening here, your "command" has been playing both sides of this "war" and I believe yous are just being played like fools.

Sarge: Fools?! Who do you think you are calling us fools son?

Y/n: Names Spartan Y/n 453 and we are here to investigate the transmission but as it turns out this planet your own is a Halo ring that will wipe out everything from existence. What's more there is a Covenant Fleet above us and now down at this planet trying to activate this ring for their great journey while yous just play this imaging War for all this time.

Everyone was silent for a moment until one asked.

Grif: So yous not Freelancer here ti murder the shit out of us?

Y/n: Well no but still we must-

Then a shutgun sounds nearly hits Y/n as he steps back and everyone pulls up their weapons as Cali, Rimington and Robert runs up to Y/n and Cali said.

Cali: Stand down now Sarge.

Sarge: You don't tell me what to do.

Cali: I am a Sargent as well you you'll won't like me when I'm pissed off.

Sarge: Oh I think we can handle a simple girl like you.

Cali: (anger) excuse me shit head!

Y/n: Cali calm down, we're not here to fight. We are here to talk.

Frank: (coms) Guys we got a situation.

Y/n: Yeah I know, the reds and blues seems not gonna get along.

Frank: (coms) That's not it, it's-

Sarge: Get ready blues, it's time for yous to die!

Tucker: Wait we don't have to do this. Y/n is right, we're being played!

Simons: What was that blue?!

Caboose: I like shouting!

Frank: (coms) Guys this is a huge problem!

While all this is happening Church walks up to the blue bot and takes it over while the rest arguing while try to calm then situation.

Y/n: Let's all stand down and take a breather.

Simon: Only to tell your squad to stand down.

Robert: Only because your Sargent try to shoot Y/n, dumbass.

Simon: I'm not a dumbass, you are.

Robert: Woah Nice come back.

Simon: Oh fuck off.

Frank: (coms) Guys their coming!!

Y/n: Who's coming, Doc? O'Malley?

Frank: (coms) No it's-

Then there was sniper shots and then there was a huge explosion as they turn to see Frank blown off the cliff and lands hard on the ground.

Y/n: Frank!

Then suddenly banshees fly over the canyon as they flying around and start to came down towards them.

Tucker: (shocked) What the fuck are those things!

Then suddenly another blast hits Tucker sending him flying.

Tucker: Son of a bitch!

Then Tucker lands hard as Doc/O'Malley came out with riding a Ghost as he laughs and shooting plasma at them.

Chruch: The hell, O'Malley?!

Y/n: Yeah, O'Malley must of token over Doc's body and now he is going into rampage.

Church: The fuck, if you knew then why didn't you tell us.


Church: Oh did whe you came back didn't you.

Y/n: One problem at the time.

Then Banshees came down and fire green energy at them and they exploded when contacted with the ground. Cali and Rimington runs up to Sheila as they open fire at the Banshees in the sky. Sheila fires her cannons and take one out of the sky.

Rimington: (smile) Nice shot!

Sheila: Well thank you.

Cali: Sheila, eleven o'clock!

Sheila spone her cannon around and fired at another Banshee. Doc/O'Malley rides by while Robert runs over to where Frank have landed and once there he see him laying on the ground his bones broken and he was dieing.

Robert runs over and bend down to him and said.

Robert: Stay with me man, you'll be alright.

Frank: (coughing) N-No.....I'm not gonna make it man.......please.....please protect my little girl and my wife.....tell them.....I'm....I'm....sorry.

Then Frank dies which upsets Robert as he grabs Frank's Dog tags and runs out to join in the fight. Banshees fly around an firming at them while they fire their weapons at them and soon they were all taken out.

Sheila: Help! Help he got Lopaz!

Y/n: Where is he?!

Doc (O'Malley): Hahahahahahaha!

They turn to see Doc and Lopaz on top of red base near the teleporter as he laughs.

Church: How did he get over there so quickly.

Donut: Woah he must be fast.

Doc: Thanks I lettered in track in high school!

Doc (O'Malley): Shut up! Now we will make our leave and we will take Lopaz with us, so long fools. (Evil laughter)

Sheila: Noooo Lopaz!

Y/n and Cali fires at him but the two escape through the telepoter and disappear and they stop firming.

Cali: Damn it! He got away!

Robert walks up to them looking down and once there he hands Franks Dog tag to Y/n and Y/n see Frank didn't make it.

Robert: I'm sorry, he didn't make it.

Y/n looks at Franks Dog tag and he slowly makes a fist and he suddenly shake it in anger as he punches a nearby rock that punch through it while he shouted.

Y/n: (anger) Fuck!

The reds and blues were silent and kinda scared a little but Y/n takes a breather and Cali rest her hand on Y/n's shoulder and said.

Cali: Don't blame yourself. Frank was a good soldier.

Y/n: He was.......

He then turns to the reds and blues and said to them.

Y/n: Alright listen up, you see O'Malley is back and has taking Lopaz and now we have to work together to stop O'Malley and get Lopaz back.

Sarge: Hold up son, you can't tell us what to do unless you have a rank.

Y/n: I'm Lieutenant.

Sarge: Oh........OK what's should we do.

Grif: Wait your just gonna listen to this guy?

Simon: Yeah I agree with Grif, you never listen to enemies orders.

Sarge: That maybe true but Lieutenant is the most over ranked any military would have. Besides we've seen him fight, wanna face that?

Grif: have a good point.

Simon: Yeah I wather not have my ass kicked by a unknown super soldier and his mysterious squad.

Donut: So what about the blues?

Y/n: That means both blues and reds gonna work together.

Church: Yeah but one problem is Tucker is down so that leaves two blues and four reds.

Y/n: Like I said, we're working together. No fighting, no arguing, no team killing just working together and getting Lopaz back and stopping O'Malley.

Caboose: Oooooooooohhhhhhh yeah I don't get it.

Y/n: (sigh) This will take a while.

(Two hours later)

They were standing up top of red base as Simons and Robert fix the teleporter while Y/n explains to the rest.

Y/n: OK you all get it now. We are all soldiers on a mission to save a Spanish Robot and stopping and crazy A.I from taking over the world. There will be no fighting or anything that will break this truths go it?

Church: Yes we get it.

Y/n: Good.

Simons: I've managed to fix the teleporter and this may lead us to O'Malley and Lopaz.

Y/n: May? You saying there is a little chance we may be teleported to another place?

Simons: Well that or not but it's all fixed.

Robert: so what's the plan?

Y/n: Donut and Sheila will stay behind while the rest of us go get them. Sarge, Caboose and Rimington yous go first.

Sarge: Today is the good day to teleport!

Sarge, Caboose and Rimington go through the portal and then Simons, Y/n and Cali gose next and lastly was Grif, Robert and Church as they go through the portal and it was Donut, Sheila and the black bot beside him.

Donut: Huh I should have told them about O'Malley said something about sabotage the teleporters? I'm sure their be alright.

Then suddenly a warthog off the canyon and it lands down and made a stop bside red base. Ave hops out of the driver seat and soldiers follow her up and she points at Donut and said.

Ave: Freeze!

Donut: Oh hey there, are yous here to be part of red base?

Ave: Where is Y/n and his squad?

Donut: Ooooooohhhh those guys, well one died and they went through this teleporter.

Male UNSC soldier: Why is your amor pink?

Donut: It's not pink, it's light red.

Male UNSC soldier 2: No that's pink.

While they talk there was sound and the black bot was taking over by Tex as she said.

Tex: Alright O'Malley get ready to face.....wait where the hell I'm I?!

Tex turns to see Ave, the two soldiers and Donut but she stare at Donut and asked.

Tex: Wait.....have we met before?

Donut: Ummm.

Tex: Hold up, your the bitch that blow me up!

Donut looks at both Ave and her soldiers and back at Tex and said.

Donut: Well.....this is awkward.

To be continued.........

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