Chapter 48: The greatest hunt begins (Lemon)
We see what's left the Covenant data control base in flames with rubble and fire everything while a large Covenant ship flies over head as we see a few burned bodies of both human and Covenant forces being cooked by the flames as we slowly move along the rubble until we come across a hand sticking out underneath of some rubble as the hand is just laying there but then the fingers move a bit and then the hand slowly forms a fist ad the rubble start to move and soon it was tossed away.
Then Y/n slowly gets up while he breaths in a sigh as we can see his Spartan armor nearly damaged along with his visor on his helmet cracked a bit as he slowly get up and grab his injured arm and look around to see no one but himself.
Y/n: W-Watcher? You alright buddy?
Watcher: Yep. Safely inside your helmet man. Jesus that was soke blast, I can't believe we survived.
Y/n: Guess we should thanks Carolina and Church for that shield drop.
Watcher: Still I think that blast must have knocked us away from everyone.
Y/n agrees as he slowly moves through the rubble while he looked around for anyone but there was no one. He lost his weapon from the blast apart from his sword and knife, so when he come across a Covenant Carbine on the ground, he picked it up and use it as his weapon for now.
Y/n: Watcher sent out a beacon so they can find us.
Watcher: If they can. That Covenant ship up above us ain't going no where for a hour.
Y/n: Still we should keep moving.
He make his move as he walk through the rubble and only see more dead bodies of both Covenant and UNSC marines laying on the ground being burned as Y/n move by them looking for anyone who is alive.
Everything was silent apart of the flames cracking near him as he continue on walking when he heard something so he find cover and peaked over to see a few elites looking around for any survivors.
Y/n: (whisper) Watcher my shields are still down. What's the problem?
Watcher: The blast must have knock out your shields pretty hard. Hold on until I get them online.
Y/n hide there for a bit as the elites talked to each other and then they move out. Once they left Y/n exit out of cover and walk over to where they were standing and watch them leave in another direction. Soon his shields come online and it recharged until it was complete.
Watcher: Done! Your welcome.
Y/n: Nice. So where to?
Watcher: Well I've detected a distress beacon nearby. Looks like a marine is there. Guess we go there and find the others.
Y/n: Right let's move.
He move on not before he picked up a plasma pistol off of a ground and continue on moving while we see a invisible figure behind him and then disappeared from site.
Y/n keeps on walking while trying to avoid too much attention from Covenant forces due to his monitor on his helmet not working due to his cracked helmet so now he must use his ears in order to not be detected. He stop only to take cover when a few elites or grunts were nearby so he either move by them sneakly or tossed something that make a sound so they will go and check it out while he quickly go pass them.
After what seems like a while he arrive to the distress beacon and see a marine at the other side of some rubble but there is a hole that he can see through and call out to the marine.
Y/n: Marine! You okay?
The marine quickly turn in a panic but breath a sigh when he see it was a Spartan so he nodes to him.
Male UNSC marine: Yes sir. Thank god your okay as well. God, we almost died.
Y/n: Not today marine. Where's your squad?
Male UNSC marine: I-I don't know. They were away to check for any survivors but they didn't came back.
Y/n: Did they leave you alone?
Male UNSC marine: N-No there was another but he told me he was going to take a piss but....he didn't came back. Th-there something there sir. I'm scared.
Y/n: Hang in there marine. I'll get yo you, just hold on.
Male UNSC marine: Okay sir. Thank you I-
Suddenly there was a sound which startled the marine which cost him to turn and aim his DMR around while he called out.
Male UNSC marine: (scared) W-W-Who's there? Show yourself coward!
He few a few shots while Y/n sees this and look around to try to find a way to get to him but it was too late. The two heard a thud behind of the marine and next thing Y/n hear was a marine screaming before it was cut silent. He look through the hole and see the marine have his head cut off and laying on the floor dead.
Watcher: That can't be good.
Y/n: Agree.
???: Ah a Spartan. I knew you would survive that blast now this will be a interesting battle.
Y/n aim his Carbine around but he can't see anything but he heard quick footsteps and he turn and he was quickly kicked very hard and was sent flying. Y/n crash through some rubble and fell onto the ground. He stood up and he look over to see a figure who is invisible bit then he deactivated his cloak to reveal himself to Y/n as he slowly gets up while the elite stop and stare at him.
???: I see your armor is damaged. Good, I like to see Spartan weak and pathetic.
Y/n: Never see this elite.
Watcher: Same. Must be a new kind of elite.
Lorik: I am Lorik. Slayer of all demons and I'll be your grim reaper Spartan. This is where you will die.
Y/n: Like to see you try.
He then fire his Carbine at the elite but he had his shields on which doesn't phase him. Y/n have no problem as he swap his Carbine to his plasma pistol and charge it up. Lorik walk slowly towards him as he fired a charge plasma pistol and it land a hit at him.....but his shields didn't even shatter or anything which shocked Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) The hell?!
Watcher: (shocked) How the fuck is his shields not broken or weaking even!?
Lorik: Surprised Spartan?
He charge at him and swing his engery sword at him but he rolled put of the way and pull out hid Carbine and fire several shots at him but it doesn't phase him as he walk towards him and with one slash, slice off his Carbine as he throws it to the ground and pull out his katana and the two clash blades at each other.
The two battle while flames and rubble surrounded them as Lorik and Y/n clash their blades at each other as Lorik delivered some heavy strikes at Y/n and quick swings that surprised Y/n as he nearly dodges his swings just a second. He now gose in defensive ad he block his quick slashes but Lorik still strike heavy blows at him which cost him to step back while trying to find a way to land a blow at him.
Watcher: Jesus he is very skilled with a blade.
Y/n: Yeah. Who ever this elite is we must-Aaahh!
Lorik managed to strike his engery blade at his waist which cost him to stumble back and look at his waist to see a burned cut through his black suit and blood start to come out of it. He turn and quickly block his strike but he nearly loses his balance from his heavy swing as he roll by him and try to swing at him from behind but he active his cloak and disappeared.
Y/n stood there and look around for him. He can feel eyes on him along with footsteps as well. He stood there a bit and then Lorik appear behind him so he turn and swing at him but his blade go through him and he disappeared, revealing to be a hologram.
Y/n: Shit!
He quickly turn as Lorik appear behind him as Y/n quickly try to block it but the hilt of the blade gets cutted off by Lorik's enegry sword. The blade drops to the ground as Lorik strike a kick at Y/n which he slammed onto a metal wall while Lorik walk towards him.
Lorik: Many Covenant call you and all demons but I see you as just human wearing just a suit of armor.
Y/n pulls out his knife and charge at him with a yell as he get close and swing his knife at him but Lorik just dodge his swing and strike a kick once more, he fell onto the ground but Lorik walk up to him and grabbed him by the neck and lift him up in the air. Y/n try to stab him at the neck but his strong shields stop him from doing it. Lorik growl as he tossed Y/n back and quickly slash at him. His chest armor have a large scratch mark as Y/n stumble whioe his shields broke.
Then Lorik walks up to him, grabs his armor chest and immediately ripped it out of his body which shocked him and watcher as he immediately kicked him hard qhich cost him to slammed onto the wall. He groan in pain as Lorik walks towards him and look at his now broken chest armor and throws it away.
Lorik: Your armor may have saved you many times throughout your war. But when it comes to me, your armor is nothing but something to easy ripped off like human paper!
He grabs Y/n by the neck once more and picked him up as he slammed him onto wall while he point his engery blade at his face and slowly move his blade at his shoulder and slowly he moved his blade towards his shoulder until it touched as Y/n lend out a yell, feeling the pain and heat of the blade until Lorik pull the blade back which made Y/n breath heavily as Lorik lower his face close to him and said.
Lorik: All Spartans are humans and no matter how strong, powerful and emotionless they might be. There is someway to harm or even kill a powerful and strong super soldiers for mankind. I must say it's very disappointed that none has never get the upper hand and finally defeat me.
He tossed Y/n away and he slammed onto the ground as he hold his arm while Lorik walks over and stood over him as he glare at him and then tell him.
Lorik: This is your end Spartan. Just like many other Spartans I have defeated and killed, this is where you will die!
Lorik rasies his engery sword ready to kill him as Watcher try everything he could but there was nothing he can do as Y/n just breath in a sigh and shut his eyes. Then suddenly a wall burst through as Lorik turn and he was immediately hit by a warthog and sent him flying. He crashed into some rubble as Y/n groan in pain while Sarge came out of the passage seat while Grif was at the driver seat while Simmons on the gun.
Sarge: Damn it Grif! You forgot our music!
Grif: You do realise I'm still complete shock that we nearly died from that blast right?
Simmon: Look there's Y/n!
Y/n slowly get up as Sarge helps him up and drag him at the back of the warthog with Simmons while Lorik came out of the rubble. Simmons aims his turret at him and call out.
Simmons: Eat this alien freak!
He fired his turret as bullets hit Lorik as he stumble back from too many bullets while Grif turn the Warthog around and they take off. Lorik leaves the rubble and watch them escape but rather being angry he just lend out a chuckle, knowing this ain't the end of his hunt. Not for a long shot.
We see Y/n at the medical centre at the UNSC base as we see him sitting up on his bed while his broke armor or what's left of his armor is being taking to see if Halsey can get it fixed.
He was wearing a UNSC clothes that they give him and soon Halsey came into the room and walk up to him. Watched appear on the desk nect to Y/n as Halsey walks up to them.
Halsey: I have some bad news. Your Spartan armor is too damaged to repair. I afraid you've lost your Spartan armor until you'll get a new one.
Y/n: Shit. I love that armor but....Guess that's what war is huh.
Halsey: Indeed. Tell me, you've faced an elite who had an orange armor an sword?
Watcher: Yeah and his shield was tough. Like super tough, we've never encountered that type of elite before.
Halsey: I shouldn't have know he'll be here.
Y/n: You know this elite?
Halsey: Indeed. That elite is one of the most powerful elite ever in the Covenant military. In fact, he is the only elite that can wear that type of armor and weapon.
Y/n: Really?
Halsey: Indeed. According to Intel by ONI. This elite is responsible of killing many Spartans either taking on one Spartan or five or six of them on his own.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit!
Halsey: He's shown to use stealth and melee as a way to attack his enemies and doesn't use any Covenant weaponry. Some reports say he even placed down traps that is able to trap or kill Spartans. He also as incredible strength that can rip off Spartan armor like a car door. It's unknown where his strength came from but we believe he was experimented by the Covenant to make an elite to fight against a Spartan and win.
Y/n: Damn. How many has he killed?
Halsey: Too many to count but your lucky the reds came and saved you just in time.
Y/n: Yeah I own them for it. Say where is the blues and my team and Carolina's team?
Halsey: They've managed to survive the blast and right now they are getting some break. You should as well Y/n, get some rest.
Halsey make her leave and once the door closes Y/n lend back and sigh.
Y/n: Man that sucks. Looks like i have to sit in the sidelines until I get my new armor.
Watcher: Hey look at the bright side, at least it doesn't stink.
Y/n: Well don't blame me for going on too many missions without- Wait you can smell?
Watcher: Well not really but judging how you've always wear your armor all the time, I can probably guess it must be smelly.
Y/n: (chuckle) Guess you have a point.
He sigh once more and decided to leave the medical centre and check up on Carolina. He move through the halls of the base and soon he arrive to his room and open the door and see Carolina sitting in his bed without her armor on as she turn to see Y/n so she stood up and rush over and hugged him.
Carolina: Fuck I'm soo glad your alright.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you. How's Washington and the rest?
Carolina: A bit shaking up but alright.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah thanks to you a Church.
Carolina: Yeah but if it was a bit stronger we would all be alright but it was a heavy blast and I try my best but-
Y/n: Carolina take it easy. Don't blame yourself okay? You tried your best but we're alive.
Carolina: Well.....not all of us.
Y/n: Yeah.......but we won't their deaths get us down. We keep on fighting no matter what. We will fight for Reach for sure.
Carolina node to him as the two look at each other and within seconds Carolina shut the door behind him, locked it and kissed him in the lips which surprised Y/n but he kissed her back.
(Lemon start)
The two made out as Carolina leaps up and wrap her legs around Y/n's waist and pinned him onto the door while Y/n grabs her ass as he was surprised by her being turned on all of a sudden but this made him turned on even more and kissed her back.
She lend out a moan when he squeezed her butt hard which sounded sexxy as the two made out a bit as Y/n carry her over to the bed and the two collapse onto the bed and made out with Carolina stretching out her legs into the air as the two made out more.
Soon they turn over while making out for a while until they stop and look at each other and then Carolina took off her shirt and throw them aside and took off her bra and also throw it aside to snow her breast to Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Your really turned on are you Agent Carolina?
Carolina: (giggle) You know it my sexxy Spartan. How's about we get straight to business shall we?
She unzipped her shorts which Y/n knows what she mend and next thing we see was Carolina shorts and Carolina and Y/n moaning as we see them doing a reverse cowboy as Carolina lend out some moans while Y/n have his dick in her as he moves it which made Carolina grab hold on the wall and lend out some moans as they go faster and harder which really turned her on really and then what seems like a minute the two lend out a moan of pleasure as Y/n's cum exploded into Carolina's.
Carolina: (moaning) Holy shit that felt amazing! Aaaahh~!
Y/n lend out a chuckle as he grab both her her breast and sat up and kissed her neck while making Carolina moan even more as she wrap her armor around him.
Carolina: (moaning) Fuck me good Y/n~! Oh yes~!
The two fell back onto the bed but this time Y/n was on top of her as he stick his dick into her once more and start thrusting in and out which made her moan as she grab hold on the blanket while she felt her body shake up and down as Y/n gose faster and harder. Soon the two have a orgasm for a short while before they lend out a moan of pleasure.
The two breath heavily as they stare at each other and then Y/n lend in and kissed her on the lips as they play around with their tongues and soon we see Y/n out of the bed and on is knees while Carolina have her legs spread her legs out while sitting on the bed as Y/n gently grabs both of her legs and start licking at her vigina and sticking his tongue into it.
Carolina gently grab his head and squeeze it a bit as she bite her lips a bit while Y/n continues licking her faster and deeper.
Carolina: (moaning) Oh yeah that feels the spot! Get it in there! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! OH GOD YES~!
Her cum exploded on Y/n's face as he lick some of it off of his face while drink some into his mouth as he looked up at Carolina and short while later we see them laying in bed with Y/n behind Carolina as the two facing the right side od the bed as Y/n inserted his dick inro her ass while have his fingers at his vigina as he start thrusting his dick in and out of her while sticking his fingers into her vigina while at the same time kissing her neck.
This made Carolina moan even more as she can feel heat from her and Y/n as Y/n continues on faster and harder as Carolina can't take it anymore and lend out a pleasure like yell and soon it was done as Carolina lay in bed barely conscious as Y/n wrap his arms around her and pull over the covers.
(Lemon ends)
We see the two laying in bed barely naked as they were breathing heavily after that as Carolina slowly turn to Y/n and cuddle him and nuzzle his head.
Carolina: Jesus that was the best.
Y/n: (smirk) I've never heard you moan like that.
Carolina: (smirk) Find it sexxy?
Y/n: (smirk) Too sexxy.
Carolina giggle and lend out a yawn before cuddle with Y/n as he too yawn as well and the two fell asleep as night came as they rest for the night.
(Next day)
We see Halsey and Y/n at the armory as Halsey has a new Spartan armorready for him as we see claws some machinery putting on the new armor on him while Halsey stood in front of him watching him getting on his new armor while he tells him.
Halsey: It's similar to your new armor but better. It has stronger shields, tougher armor and many other upgrades as well so you'll be ready for anything.
Once that was completed Y/n tape his first steps with his new armor as Halsey turn and pick up his new helmet and turn back to him. He bow down so Halsey can put it on him and once that he stood up and look at his new armor.
Halsey: So....what do you think Spartan 453?
His hud turns on and his monitor, shield bar, health bar and everything else appear on screen and feels weird but also comfortable as well as he trun to Halsey and tell him while we get to see his new Spartan armor.
Y/n: It feels great Halsey. I'm ready to face the Covenant once again!
To be continued...................................
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