Chapter 47: The largest battle they have ever faced

A lighting bolt strucks the night sky follow by rain pouring down from the ground as we over see a one of the largest Covenant landing spots that has ever seen. We see many Covenant ships on the ground, pouring out troops and vehicles out and getting ready to attack Reach as rain drops hits their armor and body ad they gather as much weaponry and supplies as they could for the battle ahead. Elites roar in bravery, brutes growl and eat meat, Jackals checking their beam rifles, Needles, Plasma rifles, Plasma pistols and focus rifle, hunters clashing their arms to the ground follow by a roar and grunts are seen sleeping while some were just playing around while they laugh.

Then we see an Elite Zelot named Bupo 'Vosumee making his way through the camp and reaching to a Covenant tent where his ship master is explaining his warriors the plan. Once he enter the tent we can see his armor as he look at the crowd of high ranking Elites as his ship master explain to them the plan of attack while he make his way over to him.

Bupo: Ship master, a word.

His ship master named Iga 'Lovumai turn to see him and turns to his higher ranking elites to dismissed and be ready which they make their leave while Iga turns to Bupo.

Bupo: I see you already known about the humans discovery of our landing invasion.

Iga: That is correct. I believe the humans are planning their assault as we speak.

The two leave the tent and walk through the camp as Covenant forces rush by them while Bupo tells him.

Bupo: How long would they arrive?

Iga: When the sun rises. But we will never retreat. This will be our chance to destroy the humans fleet and army once and for all.

Bupo: I agree. My elite Zelots will do their best to track down this "Noble team" and wipe them all out.

Iga: I hope your Zelot will. Because the last Zelots that were sent came back with only one.

Bupo: It will not happen again.

Iga: I hope not. I have also gotten word by the Prophet of Mercy. He requested a group of Spartans must be killed for good.

Bupo: Are these the Spartans that damaged the rumoured holy halo ring many years ago?

Iga: Indeed and they requested that "he" will take care of them.

Bupo: (shocked) You mean...."The Slayer of Demons?" My apologies but I thought he was a myth.

Iga: No myth. He's real and he'll take care of them in any means necessary. If he is in the area, don't get in his way. He'll handle the Spartans, himself.

He then walks off leaving Bupo complete shock by this but he shake himself as he turn and get this gear ready for a battle ahead.

(Next day)

The sun rises over the hills in the distances as we see nothing but a open landscape until we see a warthog in the distances, soon another Warthog, and another, another and another. Then we get a veiw of the whole UNSC army riding in their ground vehicles while some were in flying vehicles like Pelican's or Falcons as they make their way to the dark zone where Noble 6 and Jun have gone pass and conformed a Covenant landing invasion from last night.

In one Pelican we see the Reds and Blues along with Y/n, Ashley, Sophie and Elijah while Mia, Gabriel, Ave and Doc were in another Pelican next to them with some marines as Y/n turns to everyone and tells them.

Y/n: Okay listen up! Once Kat destroy a Covenant tower, Covenant forces will be coming towards us but our mission still stands. Our objective is to take control of a factory and use that as a base of operation. Once taking over we regroup with the rest the team and Fireteam: Freelancers and make our way to the Covenant data control base to pull any information they have in there. Any questions?

They sat there in silence until Grif reach out his hand and ask.

Grif: How long until we die?

Y/n: Well if you get your head down and dodge the incoming Plasma bolts coming at'll be fine.

Grif: Yeah that dose not sound "fine" to me, can I get off?

Sarge: Grif you coward! This is the greatest thing i could ever imagine. I've been dieing for this.

Tucker: Well I'm dieing to show my sweet tricks to a bunch of sexxy female Spartans. Especially the kitty cat Spartan who has a sexxy ass.

Kat: (radio) You do know I can hear you right?

Tucker: Oh....Um....Bow Chicka wow wow?

Kat: (radio) Keep your radio mute next time.

Tucker: Sure no problem.

Caboose: Yeah I don't thinm she doesn't like you.

Tucker: Oh she done.

Kat: (radio) No I don't.

Tucker: Damn it.

Donut: Relax guys I don't think it isn't gonna be that bad. We've faced the Covenant before, I believe we can do it again!

Lopez: (Spanish) If I die, I'm going to be pissed.

Donut: That's the spirit Lopez!

Lopez: (Spanish) Screw you all.

Jun: (radio) Time to bake that cake we made last night!

Kat: (radio) Copy that. Acquiring signal lock on the pylon.

Y/n: This is it guys. Get ready.

He move to the cockpit where the pilots are at as Kat starts to count down.

Kat: (radio) Detonating in three. Two.....

In the distances there was an explosion followed by Plasma bolts flying by as Covenant forces charge at them. The Pelican Y/n and the rest were on dodges the bolts and returns fire, taking out the Banshees as they fly by.

Watcher: This either might end in a soft landing or a rough one.

Y/n: One way to find out.

There was explosions around them as Covenant Anti aircraft cannons fire at them at the cliffs and it managed to shot down where the rest of Y/n's fireteam is at as they started to fall and crash hard in the middle of the ground battle.

Y/n: Mia are you and the rest alright?

Mia: (radio) We're alright. Looks like we're making our walk for our first objective. Good luck in yours.

Y/n: Same to yours.

Once that their Pelican along with few others see the abandoned factory ahead and finally make their landing. Y/n grabs his Saw, Spartan lazer and twin SMG's as he stand in front of the rest as the back door drops open.

Y/n: LET'S GO!


The marines lend out a cry as they charge towards the factory as Covenant forces open fire at them as they charge towards them. Warthogs drive by them and get front of tjem sideways as cover for them as some get behind the warthog while some find cover behind large rocks as they return fire at the Covenant forces. We see Covenant Plasma turrets fring at them through the broken windows as well at the front gates as some marines get hit by them and fell to the ground.

We see Y/n and the rest fring at them and only duck down to reload and fire at them once more. A marine on one of the turrets get shot and fell to the ground as Sarge tells Simmons.

Sarge: Simmons! Get on that turret!

Simmons: Sir yes sir!

Simmons gets on and open fire at the Covenant forces, ripping them with his turret.

Simmons: Suck it you Covenant alien scum! Hahahahaha!!!! Face your destroyer mother fucker!

Grif: Okay now your acting like O'malley right now.

Simmons: Screw you, I'm enjoying it! Hahaha!

Donut throws Grenades at the Covenant as they were blown up while the marines were surprised by his amazing throwing skills.

Y/n ducks for Covenant as a Banshees dive down and fire a green plasma missile to their location but missed but dirt was blown everywhere. Once ducked a Marine Lieutenant crawl up to him and tell him.

Marine Lieutenant: Sir they have heavy defenses, we can't get throw!

Y/n: Order your marines to stay behind the warthog. I have a plan. Ashley, Sophie, Elijah let's push those Pumas towards the factory!

The four Spartans grab the side of the Warthogs and push them towards the base while the marines follow and peaking out just to open fire at them. Simmons along with the marines on the turret keeps firing at the Covenant forces and manages to take down the gunnery Plasma turrets while more Covenant forces as they make theie way through the gate entrances. Once that Y/n and the rest leap out over the Warthogs and lend out a battle cry as they charge inside the factory and take out any Covenant forces inside.

After a long while of gunfire, stabbing and more cries. They have managed to clear the factory from the Covenant and use it as a hold up base as more marines came in to set everything up.

The reds and blues felt exited after that while Y/n is seen on the second floor as he radios in command.

Y/n: Command this is Spartan 453, we have taking control a Covenant base and using it as our current base as we speak.

UNSC command: (radio) Good job Spartan. I have just gotten word that Noble team have destroyed the first Covenant Anti Aircraft cannon so air force is a go.

Y/n: Copy that sir.

UNSC command: (radio) A wait further orders.

He nodes and looks at the veiw of the battle when Ashley walk up next to him.

Ashley: You okay?

Y/n: Yeah. Let's just hope we can win and get the Covenant off of Reach.

Ashley: Hope so as well.

UNSC command: (radio) New objective Spartan. We've just gotten word that Fireteam: Freelancer are sitting ducks. Regroup with your squad and save them, once that make your team way to the Covenant data control base.

Y/n: Copy that. Permission to borrow some Warthogs and race in there for battle?

UNSC command: (radio) Permission granted Spartan.

Once that he meets up with the reds and Blues and tells them all their new objective now.

Grif: Huh is it me or is it always us that have to save the Freelancers?

Simmons: Maybe. Guess Freelancers get themselves in trouble most of the time.

Y/n: Our rides will come soon. Once they arrive we will make our way to them and rescue them.

Caboose: Yes and we can fight the alien bad guys and save the world! I think we should us the secret weapon.

Grif: And that being?

Caboose: Music!

Grif: Why music?

Caboose: Because that is how you defeat them. Haven't you watched aliens from Mars invades earth.

Grif: That was a old movie and it wasn't even real!

Caboose: I think it was a interesting documentary.

Grif: It was a fantasy Sci-Fi film.

Caboose: That was real!

Grif: Jeez no wonder Church really wants to kill you.

Caboose: Yeah I know. He wants to kill me with love and Friendship.

Grif: Whatever.

Sarge: Well what are we waiting for! Let's not waste time and beat some asses!

Y/n: (smile) You said it Sarge. Let's move out!


An explosion blows up a Marine as he lands hard in the ground moaning in pain. South pulls him behind a lifted Warthog as we see Carolina and the rest taking fire by Covenant forces as some marines were injured while some help them as Carolina fire her battle rifle at them along with Washington while Maine fire his rocket launcher, taking out two Banshees from the sky.

Maine: Jesus there is too many of them!

South: Probably a bad idea to take the Warthog knowing wr might get blow up!

Carolina: We just need to hold here until back up arrives. Church where are they at?

Church: Three minutes, just hold on!

Carolina: Good to hear!

She fire her battle rifle and head shotting a few grunts and Jackals as Washington ducks down as he reloads.

Washington: This is one of the massive battle all time!

South: More like the gigantes battle ever!

Washington: Agree! Still you think they are planning for something? I'm getting a feeling something bad will happen.

Carolina: Let's forces on the battle until back up arrives.

Marines: How can we tell back up is here?!

Then they hear some music in the distances which the marines were confused until Carolina smirked and said.

Carolina: (smirk) That's our back up!

Suddenly Warthogs fly over head them and land in front of them as they open fire at the Covenant forces, surfing them soo much they fall back. Soon more back up arrive to chase the Covenant forces away. We see Ave, Mia, Gabriel and Doc in the Scorpion tank as they park next to them and climb out.

Y/n and the rest dose the same as Y/n took off his helmet and walk over to Carolina and the rest.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like you needed some help Agent Carolina. Glad we're here just in time.

Carolina smirked as well and tell off her helmet and give him a kiss on a cheek. A few marines cheered as Carolina lend back and said.

Carolina: (smirk) And good thing we did.

He node as the two put on their helmets as Mia walk up to them and inform them.

Mia: I just gotten world that Noble 6 and Kat are making their way to the second Covenant Anti Aircraft cannon. Once that is down the rest of the focus with move in and take down the spire.

Simmons: That's good to hear.

Y/n: Yeah but we have our own mission and that is to get every information they have and load them all into the UNSC intelligence for research.

Sarge: Then we can blow it up and Grif will be in the middle of it.

Grif: Knew that your going to say it.

Church: Okay guys this is serious so let's not screw this up. We just need to get to the data control base and download as much information they can find. Once that is done we get the heck out of there.

Watcher: For once I agree with him.

Church: Well thanks and fuck you.

Watcher: Who knows what the Covenant have planned. Its best we be carful and move into the base safely.

Y/n: Well you know us Watcher, we go in loud and reckless sometimes. Now let's do this ladies and gentlemen!

Everyone cheered as they hop into their UNSC vehicles and take off to the Covenant data control base to attack and get their information for the UNSC.

(Sometime later)

We see the Covenant data control base as we see guards at the front entrance as well as others on Ghost and Choppers. They were patrolling the base, doing nothing as we see two grunts at the Frint gate as one turn to another.

Grunt: Hey?

Grunt 2:....Yeah?

Grunt: Ever wonder why we're here?

Grunt 2: Um what kind of question is that?

Grunt: I mean, why are we here? Protecting this base? We should be out there then being here.

Grunt 2: Yeah but do you wanna die out there?

Grunt: I don't know. Either die in the battle feild or die of boredom. I mean, you find this pretty boring don't you think?

Grunt 2:....Yeah your right, this is a boring job in the Covenant army.

Grunt: Yep.

We see a Jackal on a Covenant Watchtower aim the scope of his beam rifle and see a small army of UNSC vehicles heading towards them. He see a tank pointing at him and fired. Seconds later the Watchtower gets blown up as Covenant forces were shocked by this and get ready for battle.

They see them in the distances and they open fire at them. Wraiths behind the walls fire Plasma bolts as it rain down from the sky while they dodge the explosions. Some were not soo lucky and blown up while some continued driving towards them.

They open fire at them taking out a few thart were in the open veiw and they immediately stop and made a defensive wall with the Warthogs as the Scorpion tank fire and blow up several Covenant forces. The marines, Reds, Blues, Fireteam: Freelancers and Fireteam: Spartan-Rangers leave theie vehicles and open fire at them and take out the Covenant forces and moved forward.

They slowly make their way towards the base with the Spartans leading them as Wraiths fire as two blue Plasma balls fly up and fall towards them.


They slammed their fist to the ground and enter armor lock as the explosion hits then but doesn't kill them while the Marines, reds and blues were safe. They exit out of their armor looks and continue on.

Carolina: Church I need armor enhancement of speed!

Church: Got it! Ready, go!

Carolina gose fast and quickly takes out most of the Covenant forces near the entrances and even take our the two Wraiths by placing her Grenades into the core and once that they blow up. Once that they enter the base and take out Covenant forces inside. Maine fire his assault rifle at some grunts. He ran out of ammo so he picked up twin needles and turn and fire them both at a charging Brute which blows up with enough Needles and kills him.

Maine: Oh yeah, love these type sof weapons.

South fire her battle rifle at them when she get behind Covenant when elites open fire at her. She takes a deep breath in and leaves cover and take aim onky to see North between them staring back at her as she lower her battle rifle and mutter out.

South: North?

Y/n: South look out!

He pushed South away just as a Plasma grenade landed where South was standing and blow up.

Y/n: You okay? You kinda froze a bit?

South turn back to the elites already taking care off but North is gone.

South: Y-Yeah I'm fine. Let's keep moving.

He nodes with a bit concerned but continues on. They push theie way through the base and finally they made it to the control room and once they clear the room of Covenant forces they look around and look at all the information they have.

Sarge: Well holy Mary, mother of Joseph! They got a lot of data here.

Donut: Tell me about it. You think they watch some relaxation music videos?

Lopez: (Spanish) That or some plans of destroying all of you.

Grif: Yeah, I bet they were trying to learn Spanish Lopez.

Y/n walks over to the controls and plus Watcher inside. He appears in front of them and gose on to download as much information and sent it to UNSC command.

Carolina walks up next to Y/n and press on a button and a hologram video of the Covenant spire is seen. They see it getting shutting down and Noble 6 leaping onto Judge and  Carter in the Falcon as they take off.

Carolina: Looks like they have completed their objective.

Y/n: Looks like it. Watcher is it done?

Watcher: Yep and get this. Command is authorised to use MAC rounds to take care with that spire.

Y/n: (surprised) Holt shit really! Now that's something I gonna see! Guys come and look at this!

They gather as Watcher opens a bigger hologram of the Covenant spire and see a UNSC ship aiming down and fire it's MAC cannon at it, completely destroying it as they all cheered.

Grif: Fuck yeah! Eat shit you alien fuckers! We have the bigger dick now!

But theie cheers were immediately stop when a beam zapped through the UNSC ship, destroying it completely as it gose down while the rest stood there in shock and disbelief.

Y/n: (shocked) Watcher......where did them beam come from?

Watcher: I'm looking through it now.

It wasn't long for him to see where it come from and it shocked him. He show this on the screen and they see a massive Covenant ship above the entire battle feild which is something they have ever seen

Caboose: (whisper) Um I think they may have the bigger dick now.

Watcher: (shocked) Guys! I've detected one of their cannons aiming down at their location! They're about to fire!


They immediately did so while outside we see the Covenant flag ship aiming down it's cannon at the bade and open fires a simgal shot at the base. The base was it and blows up in a large explosion. We see some elites in the distances seeing the smoke as one Elite turn to their leader.

Elite: You think they have survived the blast?

The elite who is wearing a new kind of armor and helmet turn and tells his elite warrior.

???: They are Spartans. They can survive that explosion but i believe they are now weaken now. Time to finish them off.

Elite: Yes sir.

He enter his personal Ghost and rides off along with his elite and small Covenant forces as they head towards the explosion to finish off Y/n and the rest of the Spartans for good.

To be continued.............................

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