Chapter 45: A jouned mission

At the male shower room within the UNSC base on Reach, we see the male Spartans naked ad they take showers while they talk about the Covenant finding reach and if they can win or not. Among the Spartans we see Y/n taking a shower, letting the water pour down from his face while he breath in a sigh as he lower his head down before he stare at the wall in front of him. He can still hear other Spartans talking about it and who knows if some rumours he hear were true or not.

Either way he doesn't over think it and just try to ease his mind when a Spartan came up next to him and turn on the shower to get himself clean while he sees Y/n and spoke to him.

???: (smile) Nice to see you after for so long.

Y/n looks over to see Eric as he give him a warm smirk while he smirk back to him.

Y/n: (smirk) Eric, been a long while since we last encounter each other. How is your girlfriend?

Eric: (smile) She's still badass and hit as always. You girlfriends?

Y/n: (smirk) Same as all was. I heard you and your team were in a colony before you were called to resch.

Eric: Yep it was a hard battle but we managed to get through in the end. So you think the Covenant will sent their whole fleet to Reach?

Y/n: I rather not think about that. No matter what we can drive them back.

Eric: Let's hope so. Hey, I've seen your Reds and Blues, they are......pretty good soldiers.

Y/n: (light chuckle) Yeah, we try to keep an eye on them as best we can. Still they are friendly if you get to know them.

Eric: (smile) Guess so. Say can I ask you something?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, ask away.

Eric: Command has sent us on a mission that involves on investigation a possible Covenant outpost in a nearby city. Command allows us to be helped by another fire team and i was wondering, you can help us?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Besides I haven't seen your team for a long while so it be cool to see them again after all these years.

Eric: (smile) Awesome man, thanks. You will immediately like our team once we meet you at the hanger at 0500.

Y/n: (smile) Can't wait for that man.

Eric nodes and make his leave and after a short while Y/n exit out wearing his UNSC shirt and treasures as he make his way through the halls when suddenly he was pulled to a dark area as before Y/n was about to say anything his lips was blocked by Cal who kissed him on the lips. Y/n sees her and kisses her back. Soon after they stp kissing and look at each other with Cal lend out a soft giggle while she said.

Cal: (smirk) Guess I surprised you huh?

Y/n: (smirk) Guess you have. So what's with the surprise kiss?

Cal: (smirk) Because why not. This might be our final moments so I want to kiss you one last time.

Y/n: Don't worry Cal, we will win and we will come back alive and well.

Cal: Disbite some of us ain't coming back.

Y/n:......True but still, Spartans will never die.

Cal: (smirk) Agree. Maybe if we both survive, maybe we can have some "fun" along with Fireteam rainbow if they survive.

Y/n: So they are here as well? Where are-

Halsey: see you two having a moment.

They look over to see Halsey but rather then being mad she just smirka bit and turn to Y/n.

Halsey: Y/n I need to see you in private.

Y/n: Y-Yes ma'am.

Cal: (smirk) See you later.

He nodes as he leaves with Halsey as the two walk through the halls while Halsey tells Y/n.

Halsey: I know reach being attacked by the Covenant might scare you Spartan and I understand why.

Y/n: Maybe so ma'am but we can succeed.

Halsey: Which is why if Operation: Red Flag fails then we must go to our next Operation. Which is when you, your team, Fireteam: Freelancers, reds and blues will take part and any other Spartans who wishes to join you.

Y/n: May I ask what is this other Operation?

The two enter a room and they were what looks like a meeting room as Halsey open a hologram on the table and she shows the planet of sangheilos as Y/n stood there and looking at the planet in shock while Halsey tells him.

Halsey: If reach falls then Operation: Planet Riot is active. We got a surprising contact from an elite who wishes to help the UNSC of defeating the Covenant and allow us to win the war.

Y/n: (shocked) Wait?! An elite betrays the Covenant?! You sure it's an elite?!

Halsey: That's we thought at first but there are no humans on that planet and someone is using Sangeili languages so we are sure this person is in fact an elite. He uncover something that the Prophets kept in secret and doesn't want anyone to reveal it. We believe that if this information is spread throughout Sangheilos, there will be riots and soon the elites will betray the Covenant and which sides with us in our battle.

Y/n: (shocked) Knowing how many elites take Command of many Covenant ships! We gain the upper hand!

Halsey: That is correct. Your mission is to meet up with this elite and hid rebel forces and help him to succeed his mission.

Y/n: Any idea who this elite is?

Halsey: We're not too sure but he dose mentioned his father who is a brave warrior with a ancient sword.

Y/n: Huh that's pretty cool. Still how can we get to Sangheilos without being blown up?

Halsey: That is where you will find out. Find a way to get to Sangheilos and assist this elite.

Y/n: But if it's a trap?

Halsey:.....Then may god help you all.

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind ma'am.

Halsey nodes as Y/n turn to make his leave when Halsey tells him.

Halsey: Y/n.

He stop and turn back to her.

Halsey: (smile) You and John are doing a great job for humanities sake.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you ma'am.

He turn and left the room to get his Spartan armor on and get his team ready at the hanger.

(Sometime later)

We see Fireteam: Spartan Rangers making their way through the hanger as we see many marines and Spartans going around making sure their gears are ready and vehicles are working perfectly while Y/n and his team try ti find Eric and his team.

Doc: It's exiting to be teaming with your old friend Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah he was like my childhood friend while we were training to be Spartans.

Ashley: (smile) It be great to see them after so long.

Sophie: (smile) Yeah can't wait to see how they have been doing throughout the war.

Gabriel: So what do they call themselves?

Elijah: I believe Fireteam: Black-Wing. Since they are wearing dark armor and the Covenant calls them the black angels of death, they decided to name themselves that name.

Gabriel: Huh like that name.

Mia: Say there they are!

They look over to see the team standing near the Pelican as they walk over while Eric looks over and walk towards them while wearing his Spartan armor like the rrst with his team as Y/n and Eric shake hands.

Eric: (smile) Glad to see you all here! Your a bit early but still, good thing you all are here!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks man. This is my team bet you know Sophie, Ave and Ashley.

Eric: (smile) How can I forget, let me guess you three are Doc, Elijah and Gabriel right?

Elijah: (smile) That's right. It's nice to meet you along with your team.

Eric: (smile) Thanks man. Since we still have time allow me to introduce my team. Bet you know Reznya my girlfriend.

Then Reznya walks over next to them as she nodes to them while smacking Eric in the butt follow by her saying.

Reznya: (smirk) Nice to meet you all and Y/n, been along while since we last met.

Y/n: (smile) Same, see your still flirting with him.

Reznya: (smirk) You know it. He is my handsome Spartan man right here.

Eric: (chuckle) And your my sexxy Spartan woman.

The two giggle while another Spartan walks over between them while he tells them.

???: Will you both stop flirting each other. I thought we agree no flirting.

Eric: (chuckle) Sorry about that. This is Rook, he's our scout and recon specialist, trust me if you challenge him to a race he'll wipe the floors in his fast speed.

Rook: Still I'm the best around.

Then another female Spartan walks over to them while Eric introduces her to the rest.

Eric: Our marksmen is Jeanne, trained to be one deadly sniper and leaves nothing behind.

Gabriel: Wait that name sounds familiar. Do you know by the name of Spartan B-312?

Jeanne: Yep, that's him.

Gabriel: (surprised) So your that Spartan that was trained by B-312 to be a deadly assassin.

Jeanne: (smirk) What can I say, someone's needs to take over if the previous deadly assassin dies.

Eric: And lastly is Alyssa our spy and assassin in the group.

They look over to see Alyssa swinging her knife between her fingers before she look over at them and slide her knife and walks over and stand next to Jeanne.

Alyssa: Sup.

Y/n noticed a weapon on her back which he asked.

Y/n: Is that an assault rifle attached to a chainsaw?

Alyssa: Yep. I called it the Lancer. I'm very addicted of stabbing my enemies to death in battle.

Doc gets a bit scared of her as Eric asked Y/n.

Eric: (smile) So what do you think? Are they awesome or what?

Y/n: Awesome? You kidding me?.......THEY'RE FRICKING AMAZING!

Eric: (chuckle) Thanks man, I'm glad you like them. Say I forget you have an AI, where is he?

Y/n: Oh his name is Watcher and he's helping Halsey and Cortana around the base while also keeping an eye on the reds and blues.

Ave: (smirk) I think the main reason why he wants to stay is because he wants to get to know more about Cortana.

Reznya: (surprised) Wait, are they in love?!

Ave: (smirk) Well Watcher has a crush on Cortana so kinda off.

Reznya: (smile) Aaaawww that is so adorable! They might be a cute couple one day.

Ave: (smile) I know right?!

Rook: Can we please go.

Eric: Oh right, we should leave before Command comes down and kick us into the Pelicans.

Y/n: Agree let's go.

They head inside the Pelican and once inside we see them exit out of the hanger as the Pelican they are in takes off as they were off to do their mission while on the bridge we see Watcher watches them leave as he sigh and turn only to startle when Cortana appear in front of her.

Watcher: (surprised) Wow! Jesus that almost give me a heart attack.

Cortana: Oh sorry if I scare you. Say, you do know your an AI right? We don't have hearts?

Watcher: Well I didn't mean literally have a heart attack, it's just my saying it.

Cortana: Oh I see. Your very interesting.

Watcher: (little blush) R-R-Really, what makes you say that?

Cortana: (smile) For one you've shown to have more emotions then many other AI, you last far more longer then 7 years and get along with your team also most

Watcher: Like a family?

Cortana: Strange....I never know that word. What is family?

Watcher: Well family is like a group of people cares for each other and no matter what happens, they will never break apart.

Cortana: I see. Do you have a family before you met Y/n and the rest.

Watcher: No. I was more of a outcast by everyone around me due to my personality and my attitude towards my higher ups.

Cortana: Why would they do that?

Watcher: Because they are jackasess. No one respected me back then.

Cortana: Well....your friends respect you and....I respect you.

Watcher: (surprised) Really? You respect me?

Cortana: (smile) Of course. I may not understand why they cast you out but I won't do the same to you.

Watcher: (surprised) W-Whoa Cortana....thanks.

Cortana: (smile) It's my pleasure.

Watcher smile while he shows more and more attached to Cortana as the two look at each other when a UNSC officer says.

UNSC officer: Um we have a disturbance at the weapons room. It seems that dark blue one has gotten the rocket launcher.......again.

Watcher:........(sigh) be right back.

He disappeared to settle this while Cortana smile a bit and some reason can't stop thinking about Watcher which she wonders why?


We see the Pelican arrive at the city on Reach as we cut to see both teams turn to both Eric and Y/n as Eric pulls up a hologram of the UNSC base camp.

Eric: This is the UNSC outpost base: Three Kings castle. These a three base camps that is spread out outside of thsi city. Its used for detecting any Covenant fleets that arrive to reach and without it, we can't know what is happening up in space which is why we are sent to secure the three base camps and element any Covenant forces.

Y/n: We split up into our own teams. Eric's team will take control of base camp 1 while my team will take control of base camp 2. We all regroup at base camp 3 and take care any stranglers that try to escape. If there is any hostages then we must retrieve them and take them to safety.

Eric: We be going in blind until we take control of the base and call in the UNSC. Alright any questions?

Doc rais his hand and Eric node to him, allowing him to answer.

Doc: What if they are waiting for us down below?

Eric: (smirk) Then we show them not to ambush badass Spartans like us, right Y/n!

Y/n: (smirk) Copy that Eric. Any other questions?

Jeanne: Will we have air support?

Y/n: Unfortunately no. We don't want to damage the base. So no high explosions or air support. We want the base attached, is that clear?

They all node while the pilot calls out to them.

UNSC Pilot: We're making our landing! 30 seconds!

Eric: Alright everyone, let's get our gears ready!

They node and they all gather as much gears as they can hold and once that they stand at the hatch of the Pelican while Eric and Y/n take front as Y/n cock his battle rifle while Eric turns to him.

Eric: (smirk) I can already tell this is gonna be one badass mission.

Y/n: (smirk) Agree. Let's see who gets to the third base camp first.

Eric: (smirk) Your on man!

UNSC pilot: 20 seconds!

The Pelican make it's landing as they ready for this and after another second the Pelican make it's landing and the Pelicans back door open and they race out and aim their weapons around while the Pelican takes off after everyone was out.

Once the area is clear they move out as they walk along the trail while some looking around for any ambushes as they aim their weapons around while keeping moving.

Rook: I have abad feeling about this.

Reznya: (smirk) What's wrong? Scared that grunts may pop up and surprise attack you?

Rook: (smirk) I might laugh if it happen to you.

Reznya: (smirk) You wish.

Gabriel: You alright back there Doc?

Doc: Yep I'm perfectly fine. Say what are the chances that we might be ambushed.

Alyssa: Possibly 99% we will get jumped but I'll be ready to stab them to death.

Doc: (nervous) O-Oh....that sounds.....lovely.

Eric: Rook, see what you can find up ahead.

He node and he runs off which surprised Y/n and his team to see how well he can run. Soon he return and tells Eric.

Rook: Looks like there is three paths.

Eric: Good, let's check it out.

They continue on walking and after a while they reach what looks like a destroyed gate along with three paths once they enter the broken gate and look at the three paths. The left path takes them to the first base camp, the right path takes them to the second base camp while the path forward takes them to the third base camp as both teams turn to each other.

Eric: Guess this is were we split up. Meet you at the third base camp.

Y/n: Same to you Eric. You and your team stay safe.

Eric: (smile) We will, Same to your team as well.

After that Eric's team take the left path while Y/n's team take the right path as both teams split off to complete their mission.

Ave: You think they be alright?

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, Eric and his team will strick fear to the Covenant once they see them. Bet they ran away if they spotted one member.

They agree as they continue on while in the distance we see a Jackal sniper spotted them and once he sees them he lower his beam rifle and rushes off to warn his commander that the Spartans have arrive and they must get ready for an attack.

To be continued.............

(Just wanna thank Izanagi_Kuno for his Oc characters, they are the best. Anyways see you all in the next chapter!)

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