Chapter 44: Winter contingency has been activated

Y/n: In my years as a Spartan, I have seen many human colony planets fall one by one by the Covenant. We were sent to these colony worlds to do our best to protect the lives and get them off world. Sometimes we've manage to save all of them and live to fight another day....while some didn't make it and were left behind to burn but sometimes they will not go without a fight. I've seem many Spartans fall around me along with brave Marines, Ship commanders or Generals as they die to protect humanity no matter what happens. Still we have lost some important colony worlds but as long one colony planet is alive and still stand....we will never stop fighting and that planet is....Reach.

Y/n: Unlike many other colony planets throughout humanities history, reach is part of the main military force of the UNSC. Build many UNSC vehicles, fleets, weapons and train Marines, navy, officers and more importantly....Spartans. Reach is home to many Spartans within Reach and it still stands during the human and Covenant war for years. Without it I don't even know how we can survive the first few years when the Covenant St their glassing in many human worlds.

Y/n: I couldn't think that the Covenant will never find Reach. They may have glasses many human colonies but they will never know two important planets that is the reason we are pushing the Covenant back. Earth...and Reach. Two planets that are the main important to the UNSC and to the human race and if either of those worlds fall....then it's all over for us. Humanity will be done for but you all think that will never happen, in the end humanity will win and two worlds will be fine right? (Sigh) Well....I wish that was the case but in didn't go well in my head. This is a story...........

Y/n: How reach fall.

(July 26th 2552)

We over see a colony planet as we zoom in onto the planet as we see in the middle of a trail in the woods as group of marines getting under attack by Covenant forces as they push forward while fire their plasma bolts at them.

The Marines were pinned and taking fire from the Covenant forces as one Marine get shot in the shoulder while the other drag him behind a warthog as plasma bolts fly around them while they push forward. One Marine pulls out his radio and calls through to command.

UNSC marine: Command we Nedd back up right now! We are pinned I repeat, we are pinned!

UNSC command: (radio) Hang tight! Back up is on it's way!

UNSC marine: I hope so!

There was a blue explosion that dirt hit on their helmets while two marines peak out and fire their battle rifles while Covenant forces pushes forward while the elite chuckle thinking they will win. Suddenly he was shot in the head by something within the woods and fell onto the ground.

The Covenant forces stop and look around only for bullets to fly out within the forest beside them qnd they were quickly taking out with some fire a few bolts before they were quickly taking out. The other marines peak over and see them all dead as they hear movement within the trees and soon they see Y/n and his team exit out of the bushes as Y/n turn to the marines and walks over to them.

Y/n: Good thing one of yous didn't pull the trigger by accident.

They lower their weapons with one marine tell them.

UNSC marine: Thank you sir. We thought we be done for.

Y/n: (smile) Just doing our job. Doc, check up this injured marine.

Doc: On it!

Doc rush over to check on him while Ashley looks around and aim down her scope to see more Covenant fircesin the distance.

Ashley: Looks like enemy back up is coming.

Y/n: Bad or good?

Ashley: Two Wraiths and twice as troopers then the once we take down.

Y/n: So bad then. Guess we need to head back, get into yoru Warthogs marines. We're getting off this rock.

(Short while later)

We arrive to the UNSC camp site and we see marines packing up their gear and loading them all into their Pelicans and shelters while Y/n and the rest of his team walk around seeing that everything is alright before they make their leave.

Elijah: It seems we're right in schedule. Soon we pack up everything we can leave without the Covenant forces on this planet will not know we were here.

Gabriel: Least that's a good thing. This rock is kinda boring.

Ave: (smirk) You can say that again. This planet has nothing but tree after tree after tree.

Doc: But this is interesting since it shows some Forerunner life here.

Y/n: (smile) True. What about you watched, ready to leave this planet?

Watcher: It was interesting but I think it's best I rather do something then sitting here and do nothing.

Y/n: (chuckle) Never know you gte board.

Watcher: Well watching you guys battle lowers my excitement just a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Don't blame you. I might feel board the same if I was someone's head.

They lend out a chuckle while a marine walks over to them which made them stop as he calls out to them.

UNSC marine lieutenant: Glad you return. You got someone who wants to speak to you.

Y/n: (smile) Cool, let's go squad.

UNSC marine lieutenant: Actually he just wants the squad leader.

Y/n: Oh....Well you guys wait within Sheila while I got and catch with someone.

Ave: (smirk) Sure thing. See your sexxy ass later.

Y/n smirked under his helmet while they walk off as Y/n follow the lieutenant to a tent as the lieutenant turn son a holotable and a hologram of Mendez as Y/n remove his Spartan helmet and set it on the table and guve him a salute.

Mendez: (hologram) At ease Spartan. Glad you came back along with yoru squad safe and sound.

Y/n: It was a simple mission sir. Still we be returning back to Spartan Utopia very soon.

Mendez: (hologram) Actually Spartan, I've called all Spartan units to Reach immediately including your squad as well.

Y/n: Why what's happening?

Mendez: (hologram) Spartan.....Winter contingency has been activated. The Covenant found Reach.

Y/n was shocked by this and he thought it must be a joke so he ask.

Y/n: (shocked) S-Sir....this has to be a joke right?

Mendez: (hologram) No joke Spartan. Noble Team were sent on a mission to recapture a UNSC Visit grad relay from we thought were insurrectionist but we were wrong. A group of Elite zealots attacked Noble along with the Covenant forces and luckily they survived but now we know that the Covenant had found reach.

Y/n: (shocked) That's impossible! It's been years and now they found it?! How?!

Mendez: (hologram) It doesn't matter how they found it Spartan. Right now we call apon every Spartan to reach to get ready if a large invasion wil come.

Y/n: That include Fire Team: Freelancers and the reds and blues?

Mendez: (hologram) That is correct. I've already sent them reach and you and your squad do the same. Have a safe trip there Spartan. Mendez out.

The call ends and Y/n puts on his helmet and exit out of the tent and make his way to Sheila and the rest while Watcher was shocked as him as well.

Watcher: (shocked) I can't believe this. If the Covenant found Reach that means they will glass it and we'll lose our military force.

Y/n: No we will stop them. We can drag them into of reach I just know it.

Watcher: You think we can do it?

Y/n: Maybe but we can't let Reach fall. We will protect it, even by mean sacrificing our own lives for Reach.

Watcher: Let's hope man. Let's hope.

Soon he get onto Sheila and once on they take off as UNSC Pelicans and shuttles make their leave and onceup in space Sheila jumps into slip space to head to Reach.


After a while of flying through slip space they exit out of slip space and fly through a large fleet of UNSC above Reach as they all look through the windows in shock to see so many UNSC ships around them as they fly by.

Sophie: (shocked) This is one of the largest fleet I have ever seen.

Elijah: Maybe not the last.

Mia: So it is true. The Covenant found Reach.

Y/n: Yeah but we're not gonna let it fall like the rest. We qill drag the Covenant off world.

Doc: I hope so. If Reach falls then that's it for new UNSC fleet and all.

Sheila: Reach is one of the most important planets of all. If that's gone then we're done.

Doc: That's kinda what I said.

Sheila: Oh my bad. Guess I didn't be glitching out a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Hang in there Sheila, it's not long until we set you down.

They enter Reaches orbit and exit out of the cloads and fly towards the UNSC base as they land at the landing pad and exit out as they look around to see many Spartans rushing around to get gears ready while they walk through and looking around.

Soon they spotted Sarge, Grif and Simmon with some marines as Sarge is on top of a box and giving a speech to the marines.

Sarge: Listen here gentlemen! Those Covenant are coming here and we need to get ready for anything. No matter what they do show them no fear and show them that your not a scary cat like Grif over there.

Grif: Screw you Sarge!

Sarge: Do not worry! I have a plan to win thsi battle! First: We raised our hands and tell the Covenant that we have surrounded. Second: They come down to the planet and see that we have surround and have a chuckle thinking that we are scary cats. Then three: Boom! We blow them, kill all of their friends and once that they be the one that wil get scared and run off with their weird elite legs up their ass! Hehe, perfect plan.

Grif: Well I'm surprised you didn't have me to be killed or nothing.

Sarge: That's because we need you to test this plan and if they kill you then we go to plan B?

Grif: And that is?

Sarge: Killing them all.

Grif: That it? Your plan B is to kill them all.

Simmons: I have to agree with Grif here, that is kinda risky.

Sarge: It's a perfect plan! Ain't that right marines.....Marines?

He turn back to see them already gone well except for Caboose who is sitting the first chair as he wave at Sarge.

Caboose: Hey.

Sarge: Bunch of dirt bags.

Y/n: (smile) Glad to see you guys here. You're nervous?

They walk over to them while Sarge leaps down from his box and tells Y/n.

Sarge: Nervous me? This is something I have been waiting for all my life! The greatest battle I have ever faced in my life!

Grif: Yeah a battle that will definitely kill us.

Simmons: But at least we die for what we fought for.

Grif: I only fight for the pizza places they destroyed all across the planet. Do you know how long those pizza places will have to be rebuild.

Simmons: Maybe not for a long time.

Grif: A very long time!

Y/n: Where's everyone else?

Simmons: Donut and Lopez are at the weapons room to hand some weapons to Spartans and marines. Tucker is trying to flirt some female girls while Church is with Carolina and her team to do some scouting mission.

Caboose: Wanna know where I was?

Grif: You were sitting there all day.

Caboose: No I wasn't! I was sitting at this other room that has lots and lots of bombs.....I think I nearly blow it up.

Y/n: Still we all need to get ready when the Covenant arrives. Let's just hope the commanders have a plan.

Sarge: Let's hope so. Otherwise I have to do the planning. I got a few.

???: No need to Sargent.

They turn to see John walking up to them wearing a new armor which impresse Y/n as he walks over to him.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice armor bro. When do I get an upgrade.

John: Maybe later but as I was saying. The commanders have a plan including Halsey and Mendez.

Y/n: That's good to hear.

???: Hey aren't you gonna introduce me to your bother.

Y/n: Who was that?

John: Oh right. Everyone meet my new Ai. This is Corntana.

Then a Blue female AI appear on his hand as she looks at everyone with a nice smile.

Corntana: (smile) Hello there eveyrone. It's nice we finally met.

Doc: (surprised) Wow that's so cool!

Ave: (smirk) I knew one day he have his own AI someday.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you as well Corntana. Here, this is my AI partner named Watcher.

Then he appear on Y/n's hand as Watcher looks at Corntana as she give him a nice smile and said.

Corntana: (smile) So your must be his AI partner. Well it's nice to meet you Watcher.


Corntana: Um hello? Are you okay?

Grif: Looks like he is glitching out again.

Simmon: He never glitch out idiot.

Y/n: Yo Watcher, you cool?

Watcher: (nervous) Oh uuuhhhhh Y-Yeah I'm cool! Better I mean! Hehe, nice to meet you Corntana. Glad to meet you.

The two shake hands and once they let go Corntana looked surprised and said.

Corntana: (surprised) Amazing! I already feel that you are very intelligent unlike any other AI.

Watcher: (nervous) Um Y-Yeah I am incredibly smart! I mean not as smart as you are i mean! No wait! Fuck!

He then disappeared all of a sudden in a panic which they find that a bit weird.

Y/n: Sorry about that Corntana.

Corntana: (smile) No need. He was a very intelligent AI.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So what plan has they talking about.

John: If the whole Covenant fleet is coming here then some Spartans must take part in Operation: Red Flag.

Sarge: I already love that Operation already.

Grif: You don't even know what it is yet.

Y/n: What is Operation: Red Flag?

John: Our job is to capture a Prophet and force a truths. Hopefully this will not only stop them from glassing Reach but end the war for sure.

Y/n: That sounds suicide John.

John: I know but it's the only plan we have left. The other Spartans including your team will defend the surface of Reach as best you all can.

Grif: So we're basically gonna die either way. Great, just great.

Y/n: Well since eveyething seems to be calm I guess we just bunker down and wait for anything to happen.

John: Right. Your team have a long trip, get some rest as best you can.

Y/n: Right. Be safe bro.

John: You too.

Once that John make his leave and once that Watcher appear on his shoulder as Y/n ask him.

Y/n: You okay? You were kinda nervous around Corntana.

Watcher: Um yeah I'm fine...I was know.

Y/n: You know what?

Ave: (smirk) You have a crush on her do you?

Watcher: SHUT UP!

Y/n: (surprised) Really? You have a crush on Corntana?!

Grif: Well that's unsuspected.

Simmon: Well Tex and Church were in love while Church still have feelings towards her even if both are AI's.

Watcher: (nervous) Fine I do bit can you blame me! It's just something click inside of me when I saw her. She was just so beautiful, sweet, have a wonderful voice and so kind.

Ave: (smirk) Well never be nervous Watcher. Why else us girls love Y/n so much.

Mia: (smile) True and we don't care you and Corntana are AI's, I think it's adorable.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah you two are more then just two are living beings and I don't see any wrong to have two AI's falling in love.

Watcher: Guess so. Thanks you guys. Just need to find my courage that's all.

Y/n: (smile) I think so as well. For now let's get some rest, I need to take a hot shower.

Ave: Dips to shower with Y/n!

Sophie: No fair!

Ashley: You can't just call dips!

Ave: (smirk) Just did.

They walk into the base while Sarge, Simmons, Grif and Caboose watch them leave as Caboose said.

Caboose: So....who was Watchers crush again?

Grif: Don't care. I'm gonna go and get something to eat.

Grif walks off to grab something to eat and hopefully forget about this.


Within the forest of Reach, we see Carolina leading her team as they slowly walk through the woods and looking around for anything that is Covenant.

South and Maine were at back shape Washington was at front with Carolina as they slowly make their way through until they see a clearing up ahead. Soon they exit out of the forest and they were on top of a cliff with a veiw of the mountains and hills in front of them.

Washington pulls out a datapad and tap his finger a bit until he nodes to Carolina.

Washington: Yep. This is it. Looks like this is the dark zone.

South: Well light zone since it's day out Wash.

Washington: Ha Ha.

Maine: Still this must be where the Covenant forces are coming from.

Carolina: Looks like it. What do you think Church?

Church appears and looks around while he node his head while the rest wait.

South: Well is it?

Church: Can you give me a second here. Hhhhhmmmmmm yep....this is it. The communication here is a bit fuzzy to any normal UNSC coms and the area here looks to be wrong. This has to be it.

Carolina: If that's the case then we need report this to high command. Fireteam: Freelancers, let's head home.

They turn and make their leave before any Covenant drones might spot them as they report their findings to their higher up commanders so they will sent a team of Spartans to investigate it further while they head back to base to rest up.

To be continued....................

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