Chapter 43: Fight together, win together

Carolina and Church arrive to their location and they enter the planets atmosphere and make their landing within the forest. Once landed Carolina take out the mongoose that was within the Prowler and ride the Mongoose through the dirt road.

While riding by the two noticed many scrap metal from Covenant forces who were here until something happened and what's left now were crashed Phantoms, destroyed Ghost and Wraiths as they gone pass human building and finally arrive at the base. It was a large abandoned base and underneath it is where the Director is at as Carolina leave her Mongoose and Church scan the area within her helmet while Carolina make her way inside.

Church: Looks like everything is clear. What ever happened here must be a large battle or something else.

Carolina turn a corner and see many skeleton dead elites laying around as Carolina walk by them and noticed many Covenant weapons on the ground that looks like it hasn't been touched for a while.

She picks up a plasma rifle and sees it's still works along with another one so she takes two of them and make her way towards the metal door that the dead Covenant forces were trying to enter.

Carolina: Is this the place?

Church: Yeah. This is it.

Filss: Hello.

They look over to see a screen next to the metal door as Filss voice is heard following by the screen turning on.

Carolina: (surprised) Filss? Filss is that you?

Filss: Indeed. Unfortunately I must ask for you to leave. This is a restricted area and no one isn't allowed to-

Church appears as he tells Filss.

Church: It's fine Filss. Open the door for us.

Filss: Director? I thought you were already inside? Strange but of course, opening main door now.

The large metal door opens slowly as they turn to see it open. Once it was slightly open, Carolina make her way inside as the hallway lights turn on as the two go down through a long hallway.

After a while they exit out of the hallway and enter what looks like a storage area as she walks down the steps and see many Covenant, Freelancer and Forerunner technology as Carolina looks at them and wonder what was her father doing with all of them.

Carolina: What is all of this for Filss?

Filss: I can not say but what I can say is he has been collecting important technology throughout the human and Covenant war. Some of these technologies maybe able of time travel.

Carolina: (surprised) Time travel?

Filss: Maybe but I do not know for sure.

Church: So where was "I" before me and Carolina stumble here?

Filss: I believe my last record of you was at the testing room. I believe you were doing something in there.

Church: Take us there.

Filss: Gladly.

After a while of walking around and looking at all technology that the Director has, they reach to the door qs Filss unlocks it while Carolina asked Church.

Carolina: Ready?

Church: Kinda but let's end this.

The door open as Carolina enter the testing room and once there she stop and asked Church in a shocked tone.

Carolina: (shocked) Church.....what is this?

Church: He kept trying.........

Church: He kept trying to get "her" right.

Carolina: You think these....things are anything like the real deal?

Church: I hope not.

The bots turned on as they crackle their fists together and crackling it just like Tex would do it. With one bot stepping out from the crowd and crackle it's knuckles while saying.

Tex drone: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in (chuckle).

Carolina raise her twin plasma rifles and said.

Carolina: Alright. Me first.

The Tex drones charge at her while she fire her twin plasma rifles at them taking some of them out.

Church: On your left!

She drop her twin plasma rifles and backflips to dodge a punch while she land on her feet and pulls out her shotgun and fire a few at a few drones while she dodge and beat them back while fire her shotgun at them as she leaps up and land onto a tex drone and slide across the room while she spone around as she takes out a few more text drones.

She leaps off of the tex drone and kicks the tex drone that crash into many tex drones while she quickly dodge q strike from behind and fire her shotgun at a few until her shotgun was grabbed and throws away so she start punishing on the Tex drones as more and more comes at her way.

She dodges their strikes as she kicks one that sent them flying back and crash into others while she catch a fist coming at her but another punched her at the stomach which made her stumble back but she forms a fist in anger and swings a punch but they dodge her punch and the two double punched her that sent her flying and crashed onto a wall and onto the floor.

She slowly gets up while a box filled with Grenades came fell and Grenades came out as she looks at them while looks up to see tex drones coming towards her.

She throws one at a tex drones head as the grenade is in the air she pulls out her grabble gun and fire a grabble to grab the grenade and use it as a weapon to swing at the tex drones and taking some out while she kicks a few back when they get took close. Then she slam the grenade with the other, costing a large explosion sending the tex drones flying.

Church: Look out!

But it was too late as Carolina turn and gets punched by a Tex drone so hard that sent her mid flying and rolled onto the ground. Carolina gets up while Church appears next to her.

Carolina: (anger) Could you be a little more specific!?

Church: Yeah, uh, sorry Carolina, but seeing this many ex-girlfriends in one room kinda has me terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

Carolina: (anger) WELL SNAP OUT OF IT! I NEED YOU!

She then use Church to charge up her equipment within her armor and she gose fast while Church try to tell her to slow down and calm but she doesn't listen as she beats up as many Tex drones while quickly going as fast as her can as flashes of her Freelancer life appear on her head and many agents she worked along side her up until Tex came that ruined her life.

She wants to be the best so she can be better, be better then everyone else including Y/n. Then a thought of Y/n appear in her head and how upset he is about her always blaming hij for her mothers death even though he too is upset by her death as well and wanna be better. Her own father told her how the Spartans are selfish and ruined peoples lives but she remembered how Y/n changed South and Maine's lives, how Spartans were viewed as hero's and how they saved humanity from the Covenant. Was.....was Carolina wrong about Y/n and other Spartans or-


She snap back as she was about to run towards a few Tex drones as she punched one but the othwr two punched her hard that sent her flying and crashed onto a wall and land hard on the floor.

Church: Come on! Get up!

Carolina: I......I can't.

She sat up one knee while she looks at the Tex drones surrendering her as Carolina gose on to say.

Carolina: She was right....I can't do this....I can't beat her...I could never beat her....

One Tex drone walks up to her as the drone rolled back it's fist ready to punch her.

Tex drone: Better luck next time Carolina.

Carolina was waiting for her pain when suddenly a blade stabbed at the Tex drone as sparks comes out as the Tex drone shuts off while the blade was pulled away as the Tex drone falls while Y/n appears in front of Carolina as he turns to the other Tex drones.

Y/n: (smirk) Hello there.

The other Text drones were about to fight him when three plasma Grenades were stuck onto their heads throne by Donut as he calls out.


The plasma Grenades blow up as the rest of the reds, blues, Washington, Maine and South appear to Carolina as Y/n reach out his hand to Carolina as she takes it and Y/n helps her up.

Carolina: What are you doing here?

Y/n: Here for the party. Looks like those people don't like us.

They all turn to see the Tex drones as Church appears between Carolina and Y/n.

Church: Well, I thought this wasn't your fight?

Sarge: Come on, overwhelming odds with little to no chance of success? How could we resist?

Maine: Agree. Besides, we're a team and as a team, we stuck together.

Watcher: Yeah I mean you got a problem with that, Church?

Church: Guys, I'm an asshole. I admit it and I will gladly accept any and all smart-ass remarks after this is over. But I would like to point out the fact that we are in a room filled with crazy Freelancer robots that are ready to completely and utterly fuck our shit up!

Tucker: So....cheesy forgiveness speech later?

Watcher: Probably right after this but I can wait.

Y/n: Still Church is right. Let's deal with the bots and then get to the Director. Ready for this Carolina.

Carolina:....Yeah. lock snd load, people!

They all ready their weapons as they are ready for a battle. Caboose was facing the wrong way while Church appears to him.

Church: Caboose, I need you to get a little angry, okay buddy?

Caboose: Okay....yeah, I don't remember how to do that.

Church: I do.

Church enter Caboose's head and Caboose turns around and gose in first and ramming all the Tex bots sending all flying as he rolled to the ground and stood up.

Caboose: My name is Michael J. Caboose. And I hate.......

He beats a few Tex bots that were coming towards him and even grabbing one Tex bots legs and throwing them towards others as he said.

Caboose: TAXES!

Grif: It's "Texas", you idiot!

Caboose: That too!

Y/n: Let's do this guys! CHARGE!

They all charge at the Tex drones and they fight the Tex bots as the reds fire their weapons along with Maine, South and Washington with Tucker and Y/n slicing their blades at them while Carolina catches a pistol throne by Maine as he turn and fire his Saw, taking out a whole army of them while he turn and kicks one away while South pick off some head shots at the incoming Tex drones that were coming their way.

More and more Tex drones come to battle them as Y/n see this and grenade two Grenades at them and blowing them up while he swap his sword for his plasma pistol on one hand and the other a needler as he fire his needler qt a few and they blow up with a purple blast while he charge up his  plasma pistol and fire a bolt at a one drone and shutting it down while two Tex drones rushes between him and was about to strike at him which Carolina fire a grabble at Y/n's arm and pulled him towards her.

Carolina catches her as they spone once while they look at each other.

Y/n: Thanks for the save.

Carolina: (little blush) S-Sure no problem.

Grif: Get a room you two!

They turn to Grif and karma hits Grif really good when he was kicked in the nuts from a Tex drone behind while Y/n pulls out his pistol and give a shot, taking out the drone.

Grif: Why do my nuts always get crushed!

Y/n: Guess they hate your nuts.

Grif: Screw you!

They see they are getting surrounded as they form a circle while they take out many Tex drones that were coming at their way.

Simmons: There's to many of them!

Y/n: Lennox, Johnson, Melanie! What's the situation in your end?


We see the trio at the control room as Melanie takes out a Tex drone while she walks over to Johnson and Lennox as Lennox calls up Y/n to tell him.

Lennox: I'm trying my best but this computer won't allow me to shut them down! Maybe I can-

Johnson: Stand by boy, I know the easy way to do it.

Lennox allows him as Johnson aims his shotgun and fire a few pumps at the controls until the screen turns off.

Lennox: Do you think that will work Sargent?

Johnson: (smirk) Me and Sarge knew that if computers don't allow us to shut things down. We blow them up! Haha!

Lennox: I don't think that will not work.

Grif: (radio) It worked! They're shutting down!

Lennox: (surprised) Wait what?!


The room gone silent as the Tex drones stop moving and soon they shut down as they fell onto the ground and they were not moving.

Y/n: (smile) Nice work! We meet you outside.

Johnson: (radio) Copy that.

They look at the shut down Tex drones as South asked.

South: So now what?

Washington: Now there is the Director to sort out.

Church: Yeah but this is our thing now. Thanks for the help you guys but....I think me and Carolina will deal with him.

Y/n: You sure about this?

Carolina: Yeah.....we can handle the Director from here. Meet you all outside.

And so the two left as Y/n and the rest meet up with Johnson, Lennox and Melanie as they make their way back to the entrance and they open it and step outside.

Y/n: Oh crap.

In front of them was Iker and his ONI soldiers as the soldiers aim their weapons while they do the same.

Iker: (smirk) At long last we finally got you.'s time for traitors like you to die.

Y/n: Iker wait! The Director is here, you don't have to kill us.

Iker: (smirk) Do you really think I care about the Director?I only care about ending the Spartans once and for all! Once I kill all of you I will take all Freelancer equipment and threating ONI to shut down the Spartans program for good and once that I will be in charge of ONI! There will be and NEVER be Spartans fighting along side humanity against the Covenant! Us humans will fight and you all will not stop me!

???: Is that so Iker.

They all turn and they see a man wearing a white military like uniform with reward metals on his uniform with two UNSC soldiers behind him as guards as he looks over to Iker.

Y/n: (surprised) Lord Hood!?

Melanie: What are you doing here sir?

Hood: Well before you all were going around the galaxy, trying to figure out the location of the Director, we were doing the same but it took us longer for us to find him and soon we find him here. It seems you both have beat us to it but I also can't help but wonder why ONI agent Iker would label John's brother a traitor even though there is no reason  on why he is.

He turn to Iker who stood there as he try to figure out the right answer but can't as Lord Hood see this and tells his own ONI soldiers.

Hood: I believe he needs to answer that to ONI themselves. Soldiers, take him to my ship.

They did so as they grab Iker and drag him away as he yell to be released while everyone stand down as Y/n walks over to Hood.

Y/n: Thanks. Thought we were about to shoot some ONI soldiers.

Hood: (smile) Your very much welcome Spartan.

He looks over and Y/n sees Carolina exiting out of the building and walking up to Lord Hood and hands him a data chip.

Carolina: Here is everything you needed.

Hood: And the Director himself?


Hood: I see.....Agent Carolina you did a great job. You maybe a Agent to Project Freelancer but with this....I think we fully end the Project once and for all.

Carolina: Thank you sir......glad I can help.

Hood: (smile) You and Y/n's criminal records will be erased and we have Iker arrest for treason.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you sir.

Hood: (smile) It's my pleasure.

Lord Hood left while his marines enter the building to take everything they can get while the reds and blues sigh in relief knowing that they can know return home and rest easily and Project finally over.

(Days later)

We see Y/n return back to Spartan Utopia and every Spartans were glad to see him back. Iker was arrest for treason while ONI promoted Lennox but he retired to live out his normal life.

Now we see Y/n at the Gym as the sun was setting up for a new day while Y/n was punching the punching bag as his morning routine which he really missed.

???: Looks like I'm not the only one who woke up early.

He turn to see Carolina who is now a new Spartan here as she walks over to Y/n also wearing her gym uniform just like Y/n as well.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow.

Carolina: What?

Y/n: Oh no nothing! I look....very strong.

Carolina blushna bit which Y/n find it kinda cute to see while Carolina smiles a bit and tells Y/n.

Carolina: (smile) Thanks....I could say the same to you.

Y/n: (smile) Guess in the end of the day, we're all strong.

Carolina: (smile) Yeah.

The two lend out a chuckle while Carolina walks up to Y/n and hugged him which surprised Y/n a bit.

Carolina: I'm truly am sorry for the way I treated you. I just.....I just lost my mother and I don't know what to do. I just.....don't know who will I hate you...or the Covenant. I wish you forgive me.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Carolina. I forgive you and I guess I apologise for yelling at you and Church. It ain't like me.

Carolina: No you have every right to yell at us. We put all the blame on you which made you snap.

Y/n looks at Carolina in the eyes to see some tears on her as he wipe them away while he tells her.

Y/n: (smile) It's alright Carolina. We all are angry at something that involves around our past. I failed to save your mother but I use that as my strength and I won't anything happen to anyone, including you. I may fail to save Allison but I won't fail you, I promise.

Carolina's heart beats more which made her smile as she hugs him once more while hugs her back. They stop hugging and Carolina asked.

Carolina: (smile) Hey, mind I join you here?

Y/n: (smile) Sure if your strong enough.

Carolina: (smirk) Is that a challenge?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe. Who ever finishes all of the equipment within 10 minutes gets the first meal at the cafeteria.

Carolina: (smirk) Oh your on.

And so they go on many gym equipment while they smile ij joy as Carolina never felt this joy for a long while and finally feel free knowing now she is with amazing people that respect her and treat her like real family while she also find someone that will fill the hope within her broken heart ever since she lost York which is Y/n. She is happy and glad to be a Spartan and help humanity in their war against the Covenant and hopes they can win.

To be continued.....................

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