Chapter 41: Can you really trust him? (Lemon)
The sea moves gently into shore as we over look at Relic, an ancient forerunner site within installation 01. We see bones of both Covenant and humans laying on the sand as their grave. Then a sound of a engine is heard coming towards the island and soon a Prowler fly around the planet and then slowly landed down at beach and once down the hatch open and Carolina and Lennox exit out of Prowler and look around.
Lennox sees the many bones, weapons and bits of armor everywhere while he hold is battle rifle at the ready and so dose Carolina.
Lennox: So why are we here? This ring is left abandoned for a very long while.
Carolina: We're here to see if we can find something that is here.
Lennox: Like what, there is nothing here?
Carolina: Not exactly. Church is it still active?
Then Church appears and tells her.
Church: Yep his armor is still active.
Carolina: Good. Let's go.
Lennox follows Carolina as they walk towards the structure as they go pass many bones from both spaces which gives Lennox the creeps as he hears tells aboit this ring and it's battle and wonder if anyone did survive and made it out alive before the bombs where dropped.
They get into the structure and they approach a body that isn't UNSC but Freelancer as Carolina bend down and check his armor.
Lennox: Who is he?
Carolina: Agent York.
Lennox: I see. Where you two close?
Lennox: I was just asking but if you don't want to talk about it then I understand.
Carolina: Why?
Lennox: Sorry?
Carolina: Why do you trust him?
Lennox: Who Y/n?
Carolina: Who else?! After everything he did, after what he did to project Freelancer you still trust him! I don't get it on why South, Washington, Maine and more importantly you trust him! You may not be a Freelancer agent but your an ONI soldier and you break me and him out for no reason what to far! So why do you trust him?
Lennox was silent and then takes a deep breath and tells Caroline.
Lennox: Because he saved my family.
Carolina was confused when Lennox looks at Caroline in the face and then tell her.
Lennox: I wasn't there when my wife and my children were attacked by the Covenant in their colony world. They told me they were trapped in a mall and Covenant elites were breaking into the mall and once they did....the elites start to kill all except for my family. They were about to if it wasn't for...him. He and his team came out of nowhere and saved my family from those elites and took them to a nearby transport so they can escape. Till that day I can never forget what he and his team did. They aren't just soldiers to me.....they were heroes and when ONI arrested him I knew I ain't right so that is why I broke him out of that cell so I can return the favour.
Caroline: And me?
Lennox: I know your father was responsible of many crimes during the human and Covenant war. You need to understand that his actions must be stopped and Y/n did it along with his team. You may not trust him Caroline but you have to some day.
Caroline: How can I trust someone after what I've been through! I've used to have a team and after everything, every mission and every training we did, they turn on me and betray me. How can I trust him and his stupid friends!
There was silence between them as Lennox just doesn't say nothing but turn and tells Caroline.
Lennox: I'll wait by thr Prowler. Hope you find what ever your looking for Caroline.
Caroline: Fine.
Caroline turns to continue when Lennox says before he gose.
Lennox: I know trying to trust someone is hard. I know how it feels like when I work for ONI. All the lies, all the fales stories almost made me to not trust anyone.....I can't even trust myself. But what I do know is that to survive thus war we must trust each other....especially those that you don't won't to trust and Y/n.....he'll trustes everyone, especially those who maybe his enemies.
He then walks off while Caroline have those words into her hard as she gose on to search through Yorks armor to find something before they head back to the rest.
It is night time as we see everyone set up a camp fire while they sat around it.
Grif: (smile) Now this feels great.
Simmon: Yeah until Caroline comes back znd order us more again.
Grif: Yeah don't remind me that.
Sarge: So what is this thing that she is looking for?
Washington: Don't know but I hope it's something that can lead to the Director.
Maine: Whereis Y/n and South?
Tucker: Probably having their "private time" if you know that I mean.
Caboose: Hahahahahahahahahah......wait what is the joke, I forgot?
Doc: Well i gonna say this isa nice night even though we are wanted by a crazy ONI officer.
Donut: Yeah and we got no marshmallows. This sucks.
Lopez: (Spanish) Grif eat them all a while ago. Fatass.
Donut: I know it sucks.
Grif: Well good thing I've brought my secrets stash of beer with me.
Simmon: How did you get that?
Grif: Long story but let's drink in!
He grab his hand to grab the beer but realise it's not with him as he turns and looks around as he panic as he stood up and look around.
Grif: (panic) Oh crap! Where is it? Where is it?! WHERE IS THE BEER!
Maine: You sure you didn't leave them in the Prowler?
Grif: NO! Maybe you took them!
Maine: Seriously. I'm not a beer type of guy.
Grif: Well it's either one of you all! Damn it this sucks!
Washington: Look it's best we don't drink anything. For now let's just chat.
Grif: Fine but who ever took my beer I'm gonan kill them!
We then cut to the inside of the temple when we hear a a cheer of South echo out within the temple with no one can't hear then as we see South and Y/n sitting on sleeping bags wearing no armor on them as the two have gotten a bit drunk as they drink some beer that South "found" as the two drink the last few glasses of beer as South laughs while she lays on her sleeping bag.
South: Jesus fucking crist (hic) I've never been this so drunk in my whole life.
Y/n: (chuckle) Same here (Hic) s-s-so where did you find (hic) find them?
South: No clue (hic) but I feel amazing.
The two lend our a drunk like laughter while South crawled across of Y/n and she gets up close to Y/n as the two chuckle while they stare each other as she walk her fingers upwards to Y/n's body while she lend out another drunk like giggle.
South: (giggle) Tell me (hic) how many girls have you fucked?
Y/n: Shit i don't remember (giggle) (hic) I'm so drunk right now, I don't remember how many girls I've fucked.
South: (smirk) Well you may add one more to your fuck list because I want you.
Y/n: You sure we can do this here? What if they hear us?
South: (giggle) No worries the walls are strong enough for no one to not hear us. So whatdo you say? Wanna fuck?
She lend out a drunk like giggle and before Y/n could say anything she lend over and kiss Y/n on the lips as she stick her tongue into Y/n's mouth and lend out sexxy moans.
Y/n: (thought) Yeah you know what, fuck it.
(Lemon start)
He kiss her back which South made a surprised moan but she giggled as the two made out as they wrap their bodies around each other as they fell onto the floor with South on top of Y/n as they each took off their black body suit and once that they were completely naked as they made out.
After a while they stopped and South sat up and slide Y/n's dick into her vigina as they do reverse cowboy as South gose up and down whike she lend out some moans and so dose Y/n as she gose faster znd harder.
South: (moaning) Fuck this feels so good~!
Y/n: (moaning) God don't stop South~! Don't stop~!
She gose on for a while and soon Y/n's cum exploded into her as the two lend out a moan and short while later we see the two back of making out with Y/n stroking South's leg very slowly just to make her turn on really good while kissing her neck which she lend out a gasp and start to pant life a dog.
South: (moaning) Yes, Yes, Yes! Fuck yes that feels amazing! Right there, kiss my neck harder! Ahhh~!
She exploded a bit as the two go back of making out as their tongues and move around inside and soon we see soyth sticking her butt out as Y/n stick his dick into her and start thrusting his dick into her which turned her on really good as she stick out her tongue as Y/n doss it to her.
South: (moaning) Oh yes! Oh yes! That hits the spot! OH YES~!
He slap her butt cheeks which made her moan and after a while Y/n cum exploded into South as the two lend oit z moan. Soon South pinned Y/n onto the wall, bend down and start giving him a blow job as she stick her whole mouth into Y/n's dick and start sucking his dick while Y/n lend out some moans as South gose on faster and harder.
Y/n: (moaning) South there it cums! This one is massive!
Then his dick exploded with cum that is bigger then they can image as it spilled onto the walls and everywhere else. Once that South laps onto Y/n as he holds her and made out as they play around thier tongue faster and harder as they move to one wall to another like a pin ball until they fell onto their sleeping bags with Y/n on top of her as Y/n insert his dick into her vigina and start to do it which made South roll back her eyes while sticking out her tongue with pleasure.
South: (maoning) Yes! Of god yes! Fuck me really good Y/n!
Y/n dose it even more faster and after a while of all the pleasure and load moans the two lend out a loudest moan they can ever make and they were done.
(Lemon ends)
We see the two laying on their sleeping bags panting after that much fun as the two can't even feel her legs or can't stay conscious as Y/n slowly open his eyes to South to see her already passed out but have a cute smile while she slept.
Y/n smile back and lend over and kiss her on the forehead and then he too pass out either for him and South being drunk or the sex, either way the two passed out together as they have a nice night together including the rest as they get some sleep for the next morning.
We see Carolina still looking through Yorks armor when Chruch appears behind her.
Church: Hey Caroline.
Carolina: What is it?
Church: I think I've found something.
Carolina: What ever it is can you show me it lat-
???: (message) Good evening beautiful people.
Carolina stops what she was doing and turn around to be met with a hologram of York as he stare back at as Caroline stood there in surprise but realised it's just a message.
York: (hologram) It's a lovely Monday night and I'm here with another adrenaline-pumping journal entry, courtesy of our good friend delta.
Delta: (message) York, please. Documentation is an important part of-
York: (message) Yeah, Yeah. Jimminy Christmas, excuse me for trying to lighting the mood. So, today I intercepted some interesting messages from our good friends over at Project Freelancer. It sounds like someone is causing them a bit of trouble. Old news, I know. Old news. But there is the interesting part, D, give me a drum roll please.
Delta: (message) I would prefer not to.
York: (message) Anyways! They said "she." She, as in a lady. Not Wyoming, not maine, but a former female Freelancer has suddenly popped up on PFL rader. And if you know me, then you know my momey's on the gal in the greenish-blue, seafoan green, turquoise...whatever it is armor. Well, at least if I had any money. Still no ID on our female troublemaker. But given what I know aboit South's last location, I'm fairly certain the odds are in my favor.
Delta: (message) Again, I must point out that from a statistical standpoint in odds of Agent Carolina-
York (message) In other news, hurricane Delta continues to rain on my parade. So when I finally see her again, I thinm I've narrowed my line down to, like, two options. Okay? Here they are. One: Hey there Carolina, if I said I like your armor, would you hold it against me? Or two-
Delta: (message) Please focus.
York (message) What? Pick-up lines are important, D. Did i eve tell you about how we met? See, I was out one night with my buddies. They abandoned me at some ridiculous nightclub, I think it was called....
Carolina: Errara.
York (message) Errara. So I'm just sitting there at the bar, bored out of my skull and I'm flicking this lighter off and on. Then, from our of nowhere, she walks up. She just grab the lighter right out of my hand and she gose-
Then the message ends for a second and the gose back on to a new one.
York (message) Agent foxtrot 12, journal entry 0424. Intercepted another transmission from command today. They have confirmed that Agent tex continues to avade their response teams. And she dose possess the omega AI. Nothing more to report.
Delta: (message) York?
York (message) You know, D? I bet if I'd opened up with that pick-up line, I never would seen her again.
Delta: (message) Why is that?
York: (message) Cause she's probably would have busted my other eye.
Delta: (message) What would you have told her, York?
York: (message) I would have told her that I understand why she did what she did. I just wish I haven't. I mean I've heard about the Spartans going out there in battle and act like their machines. I mean I have no idea why Director hates them, I think they are badass. Especially that green guy.
Delta: (message) Do you mean John-117?
York: (message) Yeah that guy. I mean, if might won the war by himself if he is that as badass. Anyways, I wished she could have learned when to let things go. I mean, she hate this one Spartan don't know who but what ever that Spartan did, he was probably doing his or her job and what ever happened wasn't his or her fault. She just need to let it go, what ever that may piss her off. Still, I guess I should, too.
Then the message ends leaving Carolina alone as the onky sound is heard is the sea flushing into shore as Carolina looks at the veiw and then ask Church one question.
Carolina: Why did you show me that?
Church: Because......I know how it feels like to spend your life chasing ghosts.
Carolina:.....Still I don't understand. These are more than memories.
Church: His journal entries were part of the Delta that Wash recovered and they stored them in his personal file. Which, just so happened to be one of the many folders that yours truly picked up the last time I visited a Freelancer facility. Not bad for a rag-tag idiot, if I do say so myself. Feel free to start begging for my forgiveness whenever you feel like it, Carolina.
Carolina: Not happening.
Church: What, seriously?
Carolina: But, I will thank you.
Church: Yeah, well. I'm pretty great.
Carolina: Church, the Director's still out there somewhere. And I need to find him. Not just for what he did to me, but what he did to York, and to Wash and Maine, North, South, to all of them. And for what he did to you, Church.
Church: Right and what about Y/n?
Carolina: The Director maybe the one who done everything to my team but Y/n is the one who started all of this. He let Director's own wife to die during the war which cost all of this and you to happen. You may not see it but I do, if Y/n haven't just saved her, none of this wouldn't have happened. York would still be alive, Maine would still have his voice, South and North will still be together and don't have to suffer the pain, the sadness the loneliness that you've gone through.
Church looks down and see that she is right. None of this wouldn't have happen if Y/n would do one job which is to save someone that the Director loved most. We see Lennox at the Prowler taking a smoke when Carolina approaches him as he throws his cigarette onto the floor and ask her.
Lennox: Guess we're heading back?
Carolina: Yeah andi know where to go to next. Let's get eveyrone else and get going to our next location.
Lennox: What ever you say.
They two enter the Prowler as the hatch closes and the engines start up as the Prowler lift off the land and turns and flies out of the island and soon the halo ring as the Prowler jump to slip space and return back to eveyrone so they can get their gears ready and move out to their next location.
To be continued......................
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