Chapter 40: The hunt begins

We over look at the abandoned Project Freelancer base where they store all the AI fragments and the area that Y/n and his team end it all once and for all. Now they have return in hopes to seek answers about the location of the Director and find him.

We see Simmons, Grif, Donut and Sarge near the Prowler as Lopez and Lennox repair the ship and checking for any trackers inside that ONI might track them down. Sarge walks up to Lennox as Lennox asked Sarge.

Lennox: This is a ONI stealth Prowler. How in the world did you guys manage to steal it?

Sarge: Let's just say they left the keys inside the ship.

Lennox: Really?

Sarge: No we stole it from a ONI base in another colony.

Lennox: Oh right.

Grif: So any trackers in there?

Then Lennox pulls out a device and crushes it. He throws it away while turning to the reds and said.

Lennox: Not anymore. Looks like we're free to go anywhere without ONI being on our asses.

Sarge: That's good to here.

Lennox: So this is the base that you guys ended all. How dose it feel when you ended Project Freelancer?

Grif: Very Very Hard. I mean we have to do paper work. Paper work! It sucks!

Simmons: Still why are we here? The EMP wipe all technology in this base. What makes Caroline think we can find something here?

Lennox: I heard a rumour that not all technology were destroyed. There is some rooms in this base that is build to stand against E.M.P attacks.

Grif: So she thinks there is some important information we might find that can lead us to the director?

Lennox: Let's hope so.

We then cut to the Blues and the rest as they are inside the base looking around. Parts are hanging off the ceiling due to how old this base is and all computers and power were shut off and not gonna turn on.

Maine: This place is like a ghost town.

South: It's been a long while since we came back here.

Caboose: Yeah we have such good memories here.

Tucker: Yeah of people trying to kill us.

Caboose: I try not to remember the bad stuff.

Tucker: There were all bad stuff.

Caboose: You don't know that, you weren't with us.

Tucker: That maybe true but judging all the close calls we have during our adventure, I might tell you guys have some tough times before you guys found me.

Washington: Your not wrong there Tucker.

While they talk we cut to Y/n and Caroline at the door that holds the AI fragments as Watcher is doing his best to get the power to the door open.

Caroline: Any progress?

Y/n: It be a while for Watcher to open the door.

Caroline: Tell him to give faster.

Church appears on Caroline's shoulder and looks around the halls which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: You okay?

Church: Yeah I just feel like...I remember this hallway before.

Y/n: Well this is the place where the Alpha or your other self....was killed.

Church: You mean I'm a copy?

Y/n: Yeah.

Church: Shit. That's creepy to think about.

Y/n: Still Caroline what makes you think we can find information in here? This place has lost power due to the E.M.P blast.

Caroline: Not all of them. I remember one room that still has power and it's through these doors.

Y/n: Let's hope so. Say Caroline we need to talk.

Caroline: Talk about what?

Y/n: About how you treat Maine and South. They really did change and it's not their fault for being what they are.

Caroline: Maine pulled out my AI chips amd throw me off a fuvking cliff!

Y/n: That wasn't Maine it was the Meta or Sigma. Maine didn't mean to kill you, he wasn't in his right mind. You gonna believe me.

Caroline: Yeah right.

Y/n: And South. South may have anger problems when she's apart of Project Freelancer but now she changed. She's actually a lot more clamer now if you ask me.

Caroline: Look I don't care what you think about them, they were the painn of my asses over the years so why should I give them a chance.

Y/n: Then what about Wash? What about him?

Caroline:.....Wash is the only one I can actually trust and I don't know why he trusts you.

The two look at each other until the door opens beside them as Watcher appears as he dust his hands off.

Watcher: Open sesame! Now let's head inside.

Y/n takes Watcher and walks inside with Caroline following him as they enter the fragment room and they look around. The shelfs where the AI's are stored were empty and all of the AI's were gone. They walk down the steps and they look around while Church hear whispers that he can't make out as they walk to the other side of the room and Stop by a metal door.

Y/n insert Watcher into the computers so he can do his job but then Watcher appears and tells them.

Watcher: Looks like this will be a lot more harder as i thought it be. Seems like there is someone blocking me from getting in.

Y/n: Another AI? How is that-

???: Warning! Warning! Warning! You are trespassing Project Freelancer information vaults! This room will self-Destrust in ten seconds.

Y/n: Shit!

Caroline: This is Agent Caroline from Project Freelancer, stop your cound down.

???: Oh Agent Caroline, my apologies I never suspected you here. I thought you were dead.

Caroline: I can answer that later now open this door.

???: Glady.

The door opens in front of them and once open Y/n grabs Watcher and they head inside. They enter a large room filed with important information and files all around them and it seems it didn't go out like the rest outside.

They walk up to a computer as a female AI appears on the screen as the background is filled with information as she greets them.

Angel: (smile) Hello there. I am the AI who protect the Vault of all the important information within Project Freelancer. You can call me Guardian Angel or Angel for short.

Y/n: I didn't know you survived the E.M.P blast?

Angel: In case of this base decide to use it, I was programmed to shield this Vault from the blast so Freelancer staff will retrieve all important information and moved it to the next base. Hmm but it seems it's taking them a long time though.

Caroline: We need to know the Director's location and where he might go?

Angel: I apologise Agent Caroline but I believe that Information is classified by the Director himself.

Caroline: In that case. Access code: 09335682.

There was a moment of silence and after that Angel tells them.

Angel: Access complete. Wait there for a moment.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh how did you manage to get that?

Caroline: Best not to know.

Y/n: Alright then, just wondering.

Angel: Hmm that is weird.

Caroline: What is it?

Angel: It seems that someone took this information out of the Vault.

Caroline: Who?

Angel: A Agent named......CT

Y/n: (surprised) CT?!

Caroline: You know CT?

Y/n: Yeah, he try to kill us while we were investigating the disappearance of a Fireteam of Spartans.

Caroline: He? You mean she?

Y/n: No he was male. Why?

Caroline: Because CT is female. Her real name is Connie.

Y/n: Um you sure? Because he sounded male.

Watcher: Yeah and I even scanned him and he is male for sure.

Caroline: We have discusse that later now we know where to go next, thanks Angel. Let's go.

Angel: (smile) No problem Agent Caroline.

Y/n: Wait we're just gonna leave her here?

Caroline: There is no point of bring her here. She has a job of protecting these Vaults, if we bring here then the Covenant might find it and take it.

Caroline walks off while Y/n doesn't want to leave an AI behind but if that were true then he has no choice so he leaves the Vault leaving Angel to do her job of keeping the Vault safe from anyone who might use it against humanity.


We see everyone gathered outside of the Prowler as Caroline told them all this information which is when Tucker asked in surprised.

Tucker: (surprised) Hold up? CT is female?

Sarge: You sure? Because when we met him, he sounded male.

Grif: Yeah unless he was using a voice changer like Tex used.

Simmons: No he was male alright.

Maine: Must be someone using her armor.

South: Maybe but you think thsi new CT still has the information?

Caroline: It's possible, we need to find CT and get that information.

Lennox: But what if it's not with her or him?

Caroline: Then there is one Agent that might know. York.

Washington: But York is dead?

Caroline: Maybe but he might hold information qhile helping Tex. Come on everyone, let's find CT and see if it's still there.

They climb onto the Prowler and once that they take off leaving the planet and once that they jump to slip space. Once that Y/n turns to South and ask her.

Y/n: So who is York?

South looks over yo Caroline and to South as she signal him to tell him in private so he agree and they move to the back of the Prowler and once they were away South tells him.

South: York was our tech guy in the team. He's pretty smart and I think Caroline used to have a crush on him.

Y/n: That's sweet.

South: It was but it didn't last long. When Tex start to rebel against Project Freelancer, York joined her and he faces off with Caroline at the elevators. York try his best to convince her to leave with him but...she refuse. The two battle and Caroline defeated York. After that he run off and I think he was killed. Don't know what happened to him but I think it was either the Covenant or the Meta.

Y/n: It must have hurt to have her crush turn on her like that.

South: It dose. Just wish he was still alive and join us on the search. He could be a great allie to us.

Y/n: Same. He sounded like a cool guy.

South: (smirk) Yeah but not as cool as you are.

South remove her helmet and so dose Y/n as she kiss him on the lips while wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. Y/n shut his eyes and kiss her back for a while until they stop kissing and look at each other with a smirk on their faces.

South: (smirk) Man it's been forever since I kissed you.

Y/n: (smirk) Thought you have?

South: (smirk) Yeah but that is from the cheek, not in the lips.

The two chuckle as they look at each other and they were about to kiss once more when a voice spoke out beside them.

Caroline: We're here.

They turn to see Caroline as she looks at them and turn and walks off. They felt kinda embarrassed but South kiss him on the cheek and wink at him as she grab her helmet and put it on. Y/n smirks while he grab his helmet and pits it on and join up with the rest.


We see Mendez at his office within Spartan Utopia as we see him talking to Iker as we see a small hologram of Iker on his desk as Mendez tells Iker once more.

Mendez: Listen they are not here for the last time. Your just wasting yoru time talking to me right now.

Iker: (hologram) Your lying. I know you have Spartan-453 here and your gonna tell me right here right now!

Mendez: We all due respect even if I know where he is I would never tell you. Your a ONI agent after all, you could track them down easily.

Iker: (hologram) Then bring me his squad then. They will tell me.

Mendez: They are away on a mission right now. Best you call back later.

Iker: (hologram) Don't you dare hang up on m-

Then Mendez dose as he hangs up on him while Johnson enters his office and tells Mendez while walking up to his desk.

Johnson: Those ONI guys are really are annoying. I can hear him yelling behind the door.

Mendez: (sigh) I can't believe ONI would arrest a Spartan for something that he was forced to do.

Johnson: Yeah I can imagine John hearing this qnd might go to ONI to ask some "personal" questions.

Mendez: That is why I'm keeping this a secret to John. You know how John-117 is like when he heard his only brother is accused of a crime that he didn't do by ONI.

Johnson: See what you mean. So what should you want me to do Mendez?

Mendez: I need you to track Y/n and once you do protect him at all cost. I believe he might be trying to do something to clear his name.

Johnson: By what?

Mendez: No clue but make sure ONI doesn't find him Sargent.

Johnson: (smirk) Oh please. If anyone gonna to arrest my best mate in the whole galaxy, then they have to get pass me.

Then Johnson leaves the office and head to the hanger bay where he was met by Melanie-897 standing near the Pelican as Johnson walks up to her as Melanie ask him.

Melanie: What's the new mission Sargent?

Johnson: (smirk) Just gonna see how Y/n is doing and maybe we can help him with what ever it might be.

Melanie: Yes sir.

She puts on her Spartan helmet and the two walk inside and Sargent gets on the pilot seat and takes off to find Y/n and help him what ever he is doing.


We see the reds and Blues digging their shovels into the sand as they dig to gund CT's body so theu can retrieve the information while Caroline, Maine, South, Washington and Y/n stand guard as the reds and blues continues working.

Grif: Man this sucks. Why do we have to do this stupid job.

Doc: You are the one that buried the bodies and didn't know where they were buried.

Sarge: Yeah niceqork dumbass.

Grif: Hey I thought I did my job right!

Simmons: Next time, have a tombstone for them so we can tell where they are buried.

Grif: That's hard work.

They were getting tired which Y/n sees and walks over to them and tell them.

Y/n: I think it's time for a break. You guys get some rest while I can find it.

Grif: Finally.

They walk off while Caroline walks up to Y/n and ask him.

Caroline: Why did you tell them to take a break? We don't have time for a break.

Y/n: Maybe but we need to keep our engery up at all times.

Caroline: This is a mistake and you know it.

Y/n: Their not machines Caroline. Their people, they can't work forever.

Caroline just walk pass him and grabs a shovel and continues working while Maine, Washington and South walk towards Y/n.

Washington: She is stubborn.

Maine: Yeah, always try her best to be the best.

South: Just like us.

Y/n: (sigh) Just wish she would understand.

Lennox: (radio) This is Lennox to Y/n, do you copy over?

Y/n: I'm here Lennox. What's up?

Lennox: (radio) Just gonna tell you it might get dark soon. It's maybe best we take the night here and continue on the mission tomorrow.

Y/n: Good idea Lennox. Over and out.

Once that Caroline hits her shovel on something so she kneeled down and removes the stand off of her hand.

Caroline: Found it.

They rush up and they look down to the hole to see CT's helmet staring back at them as Caroline grabs the helmet and pulls out a chip inside the back of her helmet and looks at it and insert it into her helmet.

Caroline: Crap! The information is scrambled. Y/n can you AI unscramble it?

Caroline hands the data chip to Y/n which he insert it into his helmet and Watcher tells them.

Watcher: This will take a very long while for me to unscramble this. What ever happened to this, it's all over the place.

Caroline: Alright then. I'll order the trooper sto stand in guard at night while we get some rest.

Y/n: Hold on Caroline it isn't far. I think we take turns taking night watch.

Caroline: Why do you care for those troopers. You know their not real soldiers.

Y/n: Maybe so but their good soldiers to me. They helped us on many missions and saved many lives.

Caroline: You need to understand that those simulation troopers aren't the best and you need to learn that in this universe there is only one way to live in a war qnd that is to survive. But if you to take turns of night guard then fine then, I'll allow it.

Caroline walks off while they watch her walk off as Washington place a hand on Y/n's shoulder and tells him.

Washington: Sorry about her. She always just wants to be the best around.

Y/n: I don't blame you or Caroline Wash. I think she's just lost that's all, she doesn't know what to do so she probably thinks finding the Director could be her main goal now.

South: Let's hope she can work together rather always giving us bad time because she needs to learn the difference between her enemies and her friends.

Y/n agrees and hope so as well as they head back to the rest to set up camp for the night as the sun behind them start to set down on them.

To be continued.............

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