Chapter 39: Going rogue
We see the ONI prison space station as we see it hooving over a human colony planet while Pelicans make it's way in and out as we cut to the cells where we see criminals inside of their cells either making a lot of noise or not.
In one of these cells we see Y/n throwing a bouncy ball at the hall and catch it while he was wearing a orange prison jumpsuit as he was taking for treason either though he was kidnapped and forced to by Carolina. Speaking of her next to him we see her sitting against the hall where Y/n is sitting as he catch the ball and sighs to himself and then tells Carlina while the walls are thick enough for Carolina to hear him.
Y/n: Five days since we have been taking here huh?
Y/n: In my life of duty I think of many ways I was captured but ONI.....Well that's one of my list that I was be captured and taking for "treason" man Elijah was right about those guys, they are dicks.
Carolina: I don't want to talk to you.
There was a long silence from the two as Y/n looks down and then ask her.
Y/n: Listen Carolina....I've been thing and....I want to help you find the Director.
Carolina: Why? So you can clear your name?
Y/n: Well maybe that but no. The Director is still wanted for many months now and this hunt has to end. We need to find him and if you know how to then let me help.
Carolina was silent for a bit and she stood up and ask him.
Carolina: What's your deal?
Y/n: Look, if we locate the Director, we guve then information to ONI and the UNSC so they can get him. Hopefully that will help us clearing our names and all this problem will be over and done for.
Carolina: You really want to help a person who have a pistol at your head?
Y/n: (smirk) Ain't the first time I have a gun pointed at my heard. Still, we have a deal.
Carolina:......Fine deal. So you got any plans to get out of here?
Y/n: Well let's hope they will come and pick us up soon.
Carolina: Who's they?
Y/n: (smirk) You'll see.
Screams is heard in a room as we see Iker and other ONI scientists as we see Church getting torture for information by Iker as he watch this through the glass window as one ONI scientists tells him.
ONI scientist: Sir we're not finding anything through his memory. He truly doesn't know where the Director is.
Iker: He has to know. Maximise the machine to 100% and do it longer this time.
ONI scientist: But sir eben if this is just an AI this one feels pain. If we do this even longer, he might di-
Iker: Are you disobeying your superior office? I've guve you the order and you will obey to my order!
The scientists looks over tohave rest and they shrugged which he sighs and turns the nob and active it again as Church feels more pain while Iker smirks hearing the screams of Church like he is hearing the Director's screams of torture going through his ears.
We see Y/n sitting on his bed when a slide door opens and his plate of food slide through as a familiar voice said through the door.
???: Hope your feeling alright here sir.
Y/n: (smile) Feel better as always Lennox, thanks for the food.
He walks over and takes it as we see a ONI soldier who is the only one who show respect and believe that he really didn't turn traitor as he respond.
Lennox: (smile) No problem sir. After all, it's been an honour serving food to you and having a talk to a hero hero shut do Project Freelancer and ending the Spartan killers rain once and for all. You sure did a great help to the UNSC and ONI.
Y/n say down and start to eat his delicious food while he tells him.
Y/n: Yeah but it ain't stopping them for arresting me out of nowhere like that.
Lennox: You mean Iker arrested you.
Y/n: Yeah...I mean he dose work for ONI so ONI wanted me arrested right?
Lennox: Actually....ONI didn't know that you were arrested.
Carolina: What do you mean?
Lennox: I'm not talking to you.
Carolina: (anger) Listen you little-
Y/n: Carolina calm down. Lennox, it's okay she can listen in. Now what do you mean that ONI didn't know that i was arrested?
Lennox: Iker doesn't like the Spartans ever since the Spartan II's were complete and sent out to the battle feild. He believes that one day all will betray them and try to take down ONI and the UNSC. At first the leaders of ONI didn't believe him and even if the Spartan killer form their terrorist organisation, they still have faith with the Spartans except for Iker. He never liked the Spartans and that's why he arrested you. I mean why else did he place you and Carolina at the far back of the prison. It's see members of ONI won't you and ask some questions.
Carolina: So Iker is doing this without ONI's noticed.
Lennox: That's right. This is his private space station and no one dares to question him in fear he will take them away. I heard that ten ONI soldiers stood up against him and those ten were sent to Midnight facility where they are disappeared.
They were surprised by this news but Y/n smirks and tells Lennox.
Y/n: (smirk) Well we're not gonna be here for long. Our friends are gonna come and we be out of here before you know it.
Lennox: (surprised) Wait? You two are escaping this prison?
Carolina: Yes and if you tell anyone about this we will-
Lennox: Let me help you both.
Carolina:........I'm sorry what? You want to help us?
Lennox: Yes. For years I've been working for ONI and I'm tired of all the secrets and the torment anymore. I want yo get out of this place and if you two are going to escape, then I'm in.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess you weren't suspected that huh Carolina?
Carolina: Shut up.
Lennox: So...when will your friends will come?
Y/n: Oh they might be already in now and they should be cutting the power in 3....2......1.
Suddenly the lights shut off the cells open as the prisoners step out and cheered as they knock off the ONI guards away and there was a prison riot as Y/n and Carolina exit out of their cell and they see more guards coming at their way.
Carolina rushes over and kicks one in the face before slaming the other at the metal rails. She grabs both of their pistol and tossed one to Y/n which he catches while Carolina walks by him.
Carolina: Your welcome.
Lennox: She doesn't like you.
Y/n: Yep. Anyway before we meet up with them, I need to find Church.
Lennox: I can take you there, follow me.
Y/n: Right. Carolina! Head to hanger A3, they are there
Carolina: (distance) On it.
Once that the two make their way out of the cell room and once out they rush through the halls are more ONI guards block their way and fire their SMG at them which they take cover. Beside Y/n was a riot shield which he takes and exit out of cover and charge at the ONI guards and Ram them sending them onto the ground as he swing his shield at them and knocking them down.
Once they were out he drop the riot shield and take one of their SMG while Lennox was surprised by what he just seen.
Y/n: Oh sorry if I knocked out your friends.
Lennox: (smile) Well actually they are jerks to me so thank you for beating them up.
Y/n: Oh cool. Let's keep moving.
He nods and they continue on. After a while they arrived at the room where Church is at and Lennox open the door and they step inside and scan around. Luckily no one was here as they lower their weapon and Y/n rush up to the window to see Church. He open the door to the room and rush over as he sees Church on the ground as Y/n calls out to church.
Y/n: Church. Church you okay? Wake up?
Their was a groan as Church shake his head and slowly he stand up and looks up to see Y/n.
Church:'s about time you show up.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's twice I've rescued you.
Church: Hey, I didn't ask to be rescued when I was stuck in that captured unit.
Y/n: You maybe did.
Church: Whatever, let's get out of here before Iker shows up.
He agrees and pulls out Church's data chip and exit out of the room and he and Lennox race out of the room and soon meet up with Carolina at the hanger bay they see no ship as Carolina asked Y/n in frustration.
Carolina: (anger) You said they be here?!
Y/n: Their probably gonna do a dramatic entrance
Then a stolen ONI prowler enters the hanger and make it's landing and once landing the door hatch opens and a figure came out as this figure looks at them and he said.
Caboose: Hey Y/n, mean lady and unknown guy that I've just met for the first time but he maybe my friend. How was prison.
Y/n: (smirk) Not as bad as I think of Caboose. Good to see you.
Then Tucker appears beside Caboose as he asked Y/n.
Tucker: You hot Church?
Y/n: Yep. Let's get out of here.
They enter the Prowler and once they were all in ONI soldiers came out and they open fire at them as the Prowler turns and exit out of the hanger and once far from the station it jump into slip space and escaped.
Iker enters the hanger to see that they have escape with Church which angers him as he tell his men.
Iker: (anger) Find them and kill them.
They looked like each other but with no choice they agree to his orders and Iker walks out of the hanger and find a way to track them down and kill them before his leaders ask him questions.
Travelling through slip space we see Y/n, Carolina and Lennox enter the cockpit as we see Sarge, Tucker, Grif, Simmons, Caboose, Doc, South, Washington and Main here as Y/n looks around and asked.
Y/n: Guess none of my team isn't here besides Doc huh?
Washington: They were away on their own missions but they tell us good luck.
South: Yeah but there is someone else you forgot to mention.
Then Watcher appears on a holopad as Y/n walks up to him and Watcher fold his arms and asked.
Watcher: Long time no seek man.
Y/n: (smile) I could say the same thing to you.
Sarge: Now what are they doing here?
He turn to see Sarge pointing his shotgun at Lennox and Carolina which Y/n rush up and lower Sarges Shotgun while he tells him.
Y/n: Stand down Sarge. Their okay.
Grif: Okay? Carolina kidnapped you and have a gun at your head!
Simmons: Yeah and that guy is from ONI right? The guys that arrested you?
Lennox: Well judging by this situation, not anymore.
Y/n: Lennox help us to escape and help me to find Church. As for Carolina....Well we have a deal while we were in prison.
South: A deal?
Maine: What deal would that be?
Y/n: We're tracking down the Director.
There was silence as they stare at Y/n for a while and then Grif said.
Grif: Nope.
Carolina: No?
Grif: No. We helped you and now you all are gonna drag us into another adventure?
Y/n: Well kinda but listen. We can't go back to Spartan Utopia or any UNSC location so the only way to clear out names is to track down the Director and leak all the information to ONI. That way, they might captured him while I'll explain that I was arrested without ONI's notice and then boom! We're no longer wanted criminals.
Simmons: Right and you sure we can trust Carolina?
Y/n turns to her and she looks away from all and he turns back to the rest.
Y/n: It may take a long time to trust her but she might know information about the Director's location and Church might be the key.
Caboose: Um Church isn't a key. He's an AI. Wait...what dose AI stand for, I forget.
Maine: But how? ONI hasn't been able to track him down for months. What makes us thinks that we can find him.
Carolina: Because I'm looking for him as well and I believe he hid something inside of Church or Epsilon. Remember, Epsilon is the memory of the Director so if that is true, then we can find the Director's location from Epsilon.
Lennox: But Iker hasn't gotten anything from Church for 5 days.
Carolina: That why they were torturing him. We need to jog his memories so he can remember where the Director is.
South: You think that will be easy?
Carolina: Probably not but we got to try.
Sarge: Well I'm in! Since this adventure involves battle,
then I'm in.
Simmons: You needed someone to be your tech so I'm in as well.
Tucker: Same to me and Caboose.
Caboose: Yes! Friendship!
Doc: Me too.
Washington: So dose Fireteam Freelancers.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks you guys. Its a bit ashame that Donut isn't here to join us.
Donut: Oh hey there Y/n!
Lennox jump when Donut appears behind him as they turn to see Donut. Y/n laughs as he walks up to him qnd pats him on the shoulder.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you alright Donut.
Donut: Same to you. Me and Lopez were just cleaning your armor and since now your here, guess you needed on.
Y/n: (smile) You know it man.
After a minute Y/n exit out wearing his Spartan armor as he enter the cockpit with Lopez as he looks over to see Carolina also wearing her armor as he walks up to her.
Y/n: I like your armor by away. It suits you.
Carolina: We're not friends.
Y/n: Maybe not know but soon, we might be.
He walks away and slide Watcher data chip out and insert it into his helmet as Watcher sighs while inside of Y/n's helmet.
Watcher: Man feels to be back in your beautiful head.
Y/n: (chuckle) And I feels good to hear your voice in my head as well.
Watched chuckles while Y/n insert Church and Church appears on the holopad as Y/n sat on the pilot seat and qsk Church.
Y/n: So Church, do you remember anything that can locate us to the Director?
Church: No I don't know where the Director is.
Grif: Okay so how can we get Church to remember where the Director is?
Lennox: I think I know.
They turn to Lennox as he walks up over and sat on the copilot seat and type something onto the computer and a screen opens up to reveal the old Project Freelancer base, the same one that they took down and ended Project Freelancer for good.
Simmons: Is that the same base that we enter and take down.
Washington: Yeah and the same base that we found Epsilon.
Caboose: And where Church died.
Church: What do you mean, I'm still here.
Y/n: He's on about the Alpha version of Church. He sacrifice his own life and died from the E.M.P.
Church: You mean Emp?
Washington: Jesus fucking christ not this shit again.
Lennox: That base was investigated by ONI but after they realised all computers and AI where shut down and killed, they leave this base and they for it abandoned. But I believe some computers are still alive and if we're lucky, maybe an AI survived and he or she can help us.
Carolina: What makes you think we can find anything in there?
Lennox: Well it's either look for somewhere else or go there.
Carolina was silent for a bit and then she sighs and said
Carolina: Find we go there and see what we can find. Let's hope your right about this?
Lennox: Well let's see. So ready for this adventure Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Watcher: You do know we might be aline right? There will be no support for any UNSC or anyone right?
Y/n: (smile) Maybe so but that's how to mak ethics adventure even more fun.
Watcher nods as the rest agree well maybe Grif but still they travelled through slip space and soon they exit out and arrived to their location as Lennox and Y/n fly the Prowler towards the planet and see this nothing but the planet it self.
Sarge: Looks like we're alone.
Simmons: Yeah no UNSC ships or anyone.
Washington: Must haveno suspected anyone to come here.
Church: Well beside us.
Y/n: Well guys, let's head in and see what we can find.
They enter the planet to find anything they could find on where the Director might be at in hopes they can hand over all the location to ONI so they can capture the Director while also seeing Iker corruption and arrested him and their names will be cleared and they can return back in the fight along side the UNSC once more.
To be continued................
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