Chapter 38: We meet at last
A Pelican enters the hanger of Spartan Utopia and once landed the hatch opens and the reds and blues slowly walk out of the Pelican with some dust and burn marks on their armor and they looked very tired. Well apart of Sarge who walks out of the Pelican while humming to himself as he is in a happy mood.
Grif: Man that battle was so much worse then I have ever been in my whole life.
Simmons: Tell me about it. I run around while that hunter slam it's shields at me.
Caboose: I try to make friends with the grunts.
Tucker: Oh yeah and how did that go?
Caboose: They run away so a chase them...then they run more....more...more....and then they fell off a cliff and I don't think they aren't waking up.
Tucker: Well that's good for you.
Sarge: Oh come on gentlemen that was a great battle. In fact it was a best battle ever! All those explosions, gunfire and more explosions. Hehe, it was 4th of July except better.
Mike: Well I'm just glad we all are safe and back home.
Grif: Yeah glad we can sit back and relax now we don't have to do anything no-
Suddenly sirens go off at the hanger and Marines and Spartans runs around while they see this with Grif sigh to himself.
Grif: God fucking damn it.
Mike stop one marine and ask him.
Mike: What's going on?
Male marine: One of files are gone and Y/n is missing.
Tucker: Missing?
Sarge: Who would took a file and run off with Y/n?
Jin: More importantly, how did this person enter the base?
Mike: One way to find out, let's go.
They rush out of the hanger and soon they enter the bridge to see Mendez and the rest of Y/n's team with Watcher looking through the security footage as they rush over to Mendez and asked.
Mike: Sir what happened?
Mendez: It appears we have an intruder that took one of the file and Y/n is missing.
Rowan: Any idea where he want?
Mendez: We're looking up the footage right now.
Watcher: I got something.
The screen show Y/n at the hanger as he enter the Pelican qnd soon after the Pelican takes off and that was it.
Tucker: Did he take a Pelican and left?
Caboose: Was he going on a super secret mission? Is it to get ice cream, the ice cream machine might be run out.
Mendez: I didn't sent him on any mission and I never got a report that Y/n is going on a mission. I afraid he might have gone rogue.
Ave: Bullshit!
She slams her fist onto the table and tells Mendezs.
Ave: He is loyal to the UNSC and save many lives as a Spartan and a good leader to us and friend. He CAN NOT gone up and run away!
Sophie: She's right. He must have been kidnapped or someone took him.
Mendez: All we see is him enter a Pelican and left the area without our notice. Either something must have happened or he betrayed us.
Tucker: Then what about the file? What is it did this person took?
Mendez was silent for a bit until he turns to them and tells them.
Mendez: The location of Epsilon.
The reds and blues were surprised qnd wonder why would anyone would want to know about Church's location.
Watcher: Sir take a look.
They all turn back and Watched freeze he screen and it was a hallway but Watcher highlighting the shape and they see a person in cloak sneaking his or her way through the base.
Watcher: I think who ever that is must be one the one that took the file and maybe kidnapped Y/n.
Mendez was silent for a bit and after a while he turns to the Spartans and the reds and blues and tell them.
Mendez: You got your new mission. Find Y/n qnd who ever that person is and bring them back.
Ave: Understood sir.
Grif: And so much for my break.
Sarge: Oh suck it up Grif, Y/n needs us!
Caboose: Don't worry Y/n! We're coming to save you!
Tucker: Yeah and try not to kill him once er find him.
Caboose: Okay.
They all left to find Y/n while Mendez stay at thr Bridge with Watcher and wonder why this person wants Y/n snd why is this person looking for Epsilon.
Everything was a blurr to Y/n as he slowly wake up and once he fully wakes up he looks around and see he is tied up in the Pelican and he can feel the Pelican enter slip space.
Y/n: (thought) Okay so what the heck happened to me? I think I remember enter the Pelican which is Sheila then next thing I know, I was knocked out from out of nowhere. What ever is going on and who ever kidnapped me they will be sorry.
Then the door in front of him opens and Y/n was surprised to see a light blue female soldier as she walks over to him and bend down to him and the two share looks for a while.
???: Hello Y/n. Glad we finally met, face to face.
Y/n: Well face to helmet since your wearing a helmet.
???: You think jokes will save you?
Y/n: (smirk) Well best to try it.
She stood up and then punch him in the face which hurt a little but he can handle it as she bend down to him once more and ask him.
???: You remember me?
Y/n: No I don't.
???: Of course you never know me. Maybe you just see my picture from Allison.
Y/n: (thought) Did she just say Allison, as in Tex?!
Y/n: How do you know her name? Who are you?
She reach to her helmet and takes I off and Y/n eyes widen to be met with a long haired women as she stare at him while Y/n was leaving shocked.
Y/n: (shocked) Jen?
She then hit him once more and tells him.
Carolina: Don't you dare call me that name. My name is Caroline and you will remember that.
Y/n: (shocked) B-But how and why....why are you doing this? Where are you taking me?
Caroline stand up and pulls out a holopad and a hologram of the capture unit is shown to Y/n as she tells him.
Caroline: I'm looking for Epsilon. He knows where to find the Director and he is the key for his location. I was aboit to leave when I over heard that you were here so I lower you here and captured you. Now, your coming with me to get Epsilon.
Y/n: And what are you gonna do after that?
She pulls out her pistol and points it at his face.
Caroline: You really wanna find out?
She then stand up and move to the cockpit but before she shuts the door Y/n asked.
Y/n: Why did you capture me Caroline? I fought along side your mother.
Caroline:....Yeah you have....but she's is gone because of you.
She the close the door leaving Y/n in the room alone as Caroline enter back to the cockpit while Sheila who is next to Caroline and is a data chip tells her.
Sheila: You really don't have to drag him into this. He has nothing to do with her death.
Caroline: He failed to save her and my life was ruined because of him.
Sheila: Maybe so but do you really blame him for her death? He try his best and failed but its not his fault.
Caroline stay silent for a while until her computer beeps meaning they are here so she jump out of slip space and fly towards and a planet where Epsilon might be at.
The planet was filled with cloads and after a while the Pelican flies through the rain and flies towards a UNSC base which is hanging on a hill.
Two marines enter the landing pad to see a Pelican making it's landing and once landed the hatch opens and two marines get shot by tranquilliser dirt by Caroline. Once they were out she takes Y/n and shove him off the Pelican which he fell onto the landing pad with Caroline leap off qnd picking him up and push I'm in front of her.
Caroline: Move it.
She points her pistol at the back of hid head and Y/n has no choice but move forward. They walk through the landing pad and they walk towards the front entrance while Y/n try to tell her so she can release him.
Y/n: Caroline you don't have to do thi-
Caroline: Quite!
They walk over yo the control and Caroline waits for Y/n yo open the door which he turn to her and tell her.
Y/n: Look I'm sorry what happened to your mother, she was a good soldier but-
She hits him at the back of her pistol which hurt as Caroline tells him in anger.
Caroline: (anger) She wasn't just a soldier! She was my mother and I was happy until she was gone because of you.
Y/n: I just wanna know. How?
Caroline: I just found out. You call yourself's super soldiers, hero's but what you are is nothing but just a boy taking away by his parents to be a soldier and show no emotions y
to those who died in battle.
Y/n: But Caroline-
She points her pistol at his face as she tells him.
Caroline: Open. The door. Now.
The two look at each other for a while and before Y/n could say anything the door open and a marine step out outside to take a smoke break as he place his cigarette into his mouth and take a few puffs.
He sigh and looks over to them and they stare for a while until he said.
Male marine: Um is this spot taking?
Caroline turn and fire a shot at the marine and he fell on the ground dead while she push Y/n into the base. Y/n try to reason witn her but there was no point as she fires him to move through the base and after a while they arrived at the room where Epsilon is in and Caroline open the door and they enter inside.
On the table was the capture unit as they walk over to it and look at it.
Caroline: Get it open.
Y/n: How, there's no way to open it.
Caroline: I don't care just open I or I'll shoot you.
Y/n looks at the capture unit and turn to Caroline and tell her while having a pistol at his head.
Y/n: Please Caroline. We don't have to do this. Just turn yourself in and we can find the director. You can trust us,
Caroline: Yeah i trust someone once, never trust anyone ever again. Including you, now open it, now.
Y/n sighs and with no choice turns to the table and start working on it while siren go off meaning they know Caroline and Y/n where here.
Caroline: Shit. Get working on that and don't try anything or I'll kill you.
She rushes off and leaving Y/n alone with the capture unit as Y/n watch her leave qnd breath in a sigh and work on the capture unit in hopes to rescue Church and get him out of here before she comes back.
She rush through the halls and she turn and corner only to be met with Washington, Maine and South as they draw weapons at her and so dose Caroline.
Washington: Wait, Caroline? Is that you?
South: (shocked) No fucking way.
Maine: We thought you were dead?
Caroline: I can say the same to you, Main.
She fire her pistol at them which they quickly take over while Caroline stop firing and slowly walks towards them. Once close South grabs he'd pistol which force her pistol to be aimed into the ceiling and fire a few bullets while South kicks Caroline and before Caroline would fire qt her Washington rushes over and wrap his arms around her trying to hold her.
Washington: Caroline stop! What ever is going on we can-
She headbutt Washington that force him to let go of her and she kicks him back and she turn and gets tackled and pinned by Maine as she struggled to escape.
Maine: Caroline stand down please! We don't want to hurt you.
Caroline: Funny to say to the guy who torn off my AI chips!
She electrocuted Maine force him to stand up qnd Caroline leap up and kick Maine which sent him flying across the room. South strike a kick to her but she dodges and the two girls share blows to each other but Caroline gets the upper hand and knock down South to the ground and was about to punch her when Washington tackle her and the two rolled onto the ground and then the two land on their knees with Washington aim his battle rifle at her.
Caroline looks up at Washington as the two share looks as they slowly stand up and walk around with Washington still aiming at her.
Washington: Why are you here Caroline?
Caroline: It's none of your business Washington.
Washington: Yes it dose! We thought you are dead and now we see you breaking into a UNSC base for what? Weapons?
Caroline: No. Something far more important.
Washington: What is it important that you are looking looking for the Director, are you?
Caroline has enough qnd rushes to him and kicks Washington and sent him flying and he crashed onto a wall. His battle rifle was dropped which Caroline picks up and walks over and aims it at his head.
Caroline: I need to do this Wash. Either your with me, or against me.
Washington and Caroline stare at each other for a while when suddenly Caroline gets hit at the back of the head and she fell on the ground unconscious.
Sarge: Right at the back of your head. Hehe, classic.
Washington: Sarge?
Grif: Hey we're here as well.
The reds, blues and Fireteam Spartan Rangers were there as Sarge helps Washington up as Maine gets helped by Caboose as he asked.
Maine: What on earth are you all doing here?
Tucker: Trying to find Y/n. He was kidnapped qnd lucky we tracked the Pelican he was on to here.
Caboose: Yep and it was another main person all alone. Mystery solved.
Grif: Finally now we can take her and head back home.
Simmons: What about Y/n? Where is he?
Elijah: I think i have his signal. He's over there, follow me.
They follow Elijah while Mike, Jin, Ashia and Rowen keep an eye on Caroline in case she wakes up and attack them. Soon they arrive at the room and they hugged the wall and soon Sarge opens the door and they breach inside the room.
Sarge: Don't worry Y/n. We are here to-
They lower their guns when they see something that they can't believe they are seeing.
Caboose: Church?
Y/n turns to them to see them and moves out of the way and there he was. Church as he turns to them and look at them for a very long while and then he said.
Church: Fuck. Here I thought hell can't get any worse.
Caboose: Church! Your back! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
Church: And it just did. Thanks a lot Y/n, you ruined my peaceful afterlife.
Y/n: Hey don't blame me! I have a gun pointed at my head!
Church: Yeah while i got blow up by a tank by a idiot.
Tucker: Good to hear your voice again Church.
Churck: Fuck off!
Doc: Well what a surprise! Guess we have Church back after all.
South: Yeah and Y/n safe.
Iker: I don't think so
Then ONI soldiers enter the room and they aim their weapons at Y/n which shocked them as Iker walks out and walk pass them as he stare at Y/n and tells him.
Iker: Spartan-453, by order of the UNSC and ONI, you are under arrest for treason against the UNSC and ONI.
Everybody: What?!
Maine: But he didn't do anything! He was kidnapped and-
Iker: Force to work with a Freelancer? We watch the footage when they enter the base and Y/n did nothing to take her down or take away her weapon. Not only that but he willing open the capture unit that was forbidden foe anyone and now he must be punished for it.
Ave: (anger) What the fuck! You can do this! This isn't far!
Iker: Be quiet Spartan-556 or you will be served the same punishment as Y/n will.
Ave just glare at him while ONI soldier handcuffed Y/n qnd drag him out of the room but Y/n asked.
Y/n: What are you gonna do with Church?
Iker: Since the Epsilon AI is now out, we must get any information out of him for the location of the Director ane end this hunt once and for all.
Y/n: And me? What are you gonna do with me?
Iker: (smirk) You? We're making sure you and you Freelancer friend ain't gonna see the light of day again. So much for being a brother to the greatest hero within the UNSC and humanity. Take him away.
They nod and they take Y/n away while the rest can't believe this is happening and even Church as he watch this happen while Iker walks over to him and tells him.
Iker: Your gonna tell us everything you know about the Director and his location.
Church: Yeah how about go fuck yourself.
Iker: (smirk) So be it then.
He snap his finger and two ONI soldiers take Church and take him away.
Caboose: Church!
Sarge: This isn't right! You can do this!
Iker: (smirk) Well guess what? I'm in chargeof this operation and you all will get out of this base at once or you all shall be punished as well.
They can't believe this but will no choice one by one they leave the room leaving Iker alone as he smirks while he tidy up his tie and leave the room as the door shuts behind him as he morelos plan of finding the Director into motion.
To be continued................
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