Chapter 37: A boring day as a Spartan (Lemon)
It was a rainy day within Spartan Utopia ad we see marine's at the front get on patrol when they see a incoming transport vehicle as one marine pulls out his hand to stop them and they did so. Once that a Marine walks over by the window and talks to the driver while the other looks around the vehicle in case they found anything suspicious.
After during the search we see a dark figure on top of the truck which the marine looks up only to see nothing which he shrugged and keep on looking while the other looks looks the drivers ID and tells them they are clear to enter.
Once that the gate open and the two trucks make their way inside and parked at the storage area were they load up the food and supplies for the base but fail to notice that same figure now invisible sneaking it's way through the storage area and hide when marines walk by but they haven't spotted the figure as the figure reach to a elevator and presses the button as the elevator closes and the lift gose up.
We see Y/n and Brianna at the break room as we see Y/n throwing darts at the dartboard while Brianna stares out of the window and sighs to herself.
Brianna: Damn it I'm bored. Aren't weren't suppose to go out there and beat those Covenant fuckers in the galaxy?
Y/n: Mendez dose say we have been working very hard and despite what we are, we deserve a break.
Then Watcher appear on a table as Y/n sat down on the couch and said.
Watcher: Yeah but at least we can have some break from the Covenant and what's been going on. Too bad that the red and blues don't deserve a break though.
Brianna: Where are they going?
Y/n: Heading to a colony world that is invaded by Covenant troops. I think Johnson is with them.
Brianna: Lucky.
Y/n: So yo don't like standing here and do nothing all day?
Brianna: Of course I don't! We're fireteam: Hard heads for fuck seak. Our weakness we waiting, standing around doing nothing, talking all day and not blow up.
Y/n: That would explain why no one never given you or your team rocket launchers or anything explosion like.
Brianna: Yeah tell me about. Say there is one thing that we might do?
Y/n: We? What do you mean by-
She walks over and get on the couch and crawl over to Y/n and gets a bit too close to Y/n which Watcher sees this and just disappeared while Brianna gives him a sexxy smirk and rub her finger to his chest.
Brianna: (smirk) God your hotter without that armor. Say, how's about you and I go to your room and maybe....have a bit of "fun" if yo know what you mean.
Y/n blushes very deeply while Brianna gets too close to him until Mia enter the room which they turn to her and she blushed seeing this and nervously inform Y/n.
Mia: (blushed) S-Sorry to interrupt but....y-your needed at the training arena at 0500.
Brianna chuckles and leaves the couch but before she leave the room she turns to Y/n snd tells him.
Brianna: (smirk) I'll let you think about it. Take care handsome.
She blow kiss him and walks out of the room. Mia feels kinda jealous by what she saw while Y/n walks over to Mia and ask.
Y/n: Is everything alright?
Mia: Y-Yeah it's good. We should head there so we won't miss the training.
Y/n: Alright. At least watching the fire fight will be fun to see, let's go.
The two walk out of the room while Mia stop thinking about what she saw but the two fail to see a outline of someone invisible walking across to one hall to another behind them including any other Spartan in the halls as well.
We see eight red Spartans and eight blue Spartans at the larger version training simulation room outside of the base. Y/n walks over to them with his datapad as they give him a salute and Y/n tells them.
Y/n: At ease. Today this will be a special training for today. You four are doing Big team battle fiesta. To some who may not know its kinda like slayer but your spawn in random weapons that can even be common weapons or power weapons but it be a good time.
While he dose that we see Mia at the control room looking down at Y/n and once he is done he leave the room and came to the control room as he walks over to the controls and ask Mia.
Y/n: Okay so what game map would these Spartan might take part?
Mia: No clue, what's on the list?
Y/n: There is Blood Gulch, Tempest or Zanzibar.
Mia: Those are good one. I'll say Tempest, that's a interesting map.
Y/n: Alright then, let the match begin.
He type in a few buttons as the room changed to Tempest and after the number hits zero the match begins. Mia and Y/n watch as two side battle search other with random weapons while Y/n lend back while Mia watched but then a Y/n.
Mia: Say what were you and Brianna talking about it thr break room?
Y/n: (little blush) Oh...Um just some words. Nothing else.
Mia:.....She was flirting with you was she?
Y/n:.....Yes. Say you alright Mia, you looked a bit down?
Mia: (Sigh) Sorry it's just things have been quiet and I have nothing else to do.
Y/n: Yeah I get what you mean. We're super soldiers trained to fight against the Covenant and last line of defence. Now we're just sitting here and doing nothing except watching this match.
There was an explosion as they see a Spartan flying up in the air and coke back down while Mia nods to him and said.
Mia: Yeah but at least nothing crazy like Spartan Killers army ain't gonna ruin our jobs as Spartans or Project Freelancer.
Y/n: Yeah guess I agree with what do you want to do to pass the time?
Mia blushes and bit and press a button to lock the only door to get in and out as she walks over to Y/n and tell him.
Mia: (little blush) W-Well we now....have a small fun before the match ends.
Y/n: (blush) Y-You mean right here? Right now?
Mia: (blush) I mean if you want because there are no cameras around, not even hidden once and since it takes 20 minutes for the match to end....I figured....why not.
Y/n: (blush) W-Well I'm kinda I the mood for a bit of fun.
Mia smirk a bit and walks up to Y/n and sat on his lap as she lend her breast to Y/n's chest and the two lock eyes to each other with Mia asking.
Mia: (blush) This is my first time but I really wanna do it.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. You look cute and beautiful.
Mia: (giggle) Thanks. Shall we?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
(Short lemon Start)
The two lend in and they kissed as Y/n wrap his arms around her waist as they make out and Y/n slowly move his hand to her butt and squeeze them which made Mia moan a tit and blush a lot which Y/n thinks it was cute as they continue making out for what seems like a minute until they stop to catch their breath.
Mia wipe some droll from her mouth and stare at Y/n and his handsome face and Y/n dose the same and the two lock eyes before Y/n lend over to Mia's neck and starts kissing her neck which made her turn on as she made some cute moans.
Mia: (moaning) Oh Whoa Y/n that feels good.
She lend out a gasp as Y/n kissed at her good spot and she start to pant as Y/n stop and then she decided to give him a blowjob so she bend down in front of Y/n and pulled down his treasures and underneath and see his dick sticking out.
Then she start to lick at it which Y/n lend out a moan and soon she stick her whole mouth into Y/n's dick and this made Y/n lend his head back while Mia keeps on sucki g his dick.
Y/n: (moaning) Mia~Oh yes Mia harder!
She dose so and sucks his dick faster and harder as Y/n can feel his dick about to exploded of cum and after a while his dick dose what he thinks and cuj enter Mia's mouth as she drinks it all up and she remove her mouth from Y/n's dick snd looks up at Y/n in love in her eyes.
(Short lemon ends)
Y/n was panting as she stood up and giggle a bit before she lend over and kiss him on a forehead while she said.
Mia: (smile) How was it?
Y/n: (panting) Amazing. Jesus that was something alright.
Mia: (giggle) I wish we can move to the next level but I don't think we don't have time for it.
Y/n nods as he totally forget about the match snd turn to see it's only 10 minutes until the match will end Y/n pulls back his treasures and they watch the match until it ends.
We see two Spartans exit out of the intelligence room while talking to each other and they walk away as the door was about to close but then and end reach over and the door slide back open as we see the same figure enter the room and search around many files within the room.
The figures deactivate it's cloak ams search around the files and check even the back for it. After a while of searching the figures finds the file and it spoke in a female voice.
???: Gotcha.
She pulls out the file to see the file about Epsilon aka Church as she takes the file and was about to leave when she hears the door open and she active her cloak ad we see Elijah and Ave enter the room to drop off some files but while they do that, they talk to each other while this mysterious person overhear their conversation.
Ave: Okay so if you were friends with John-117, what will be a best place to take him in order to impress him?
Elijah: Well it depends on what he likes.
Ave: It could be anything.
Elijah: That's not good info. I mean what dose he like really?
Ave: Blowing up Covenant I one thing he likes.
Elijah: That's on missions not on free time. Come to think about it, what dose he do in his free time?
Ave: No clue. What do I look like, John's brother?
Elijah: Oh yeah maybe Y/n knows what dose Jkhn do in his free time.
Ave: Nah, no point. Let's just drop these files off and head off.
Elijah: Guess so.
They drop off the last file and make their exit while the mysterious person sneak out and hide around the corner as she mutter to herself.
???: (mutter) Y/n is here?
She makes a fist of anger like she has deep hatred towards Y/n and she walks off to not only to get out of here but to find Y/n and possibly lower him into her trap.
We see Y/n walking through the halls as Spartans greet him and other marines greet him as well. Watcher appear on his shoulder and ask him.
Watcher: So where are you off to?
Y/n: Probably head yo the spar bath to relax. Man things have been quiet.
Watcher: Yeah it's weird because usually we get reports on the reds and blues mishaps at Valhalla.
Y/n: Well that but maybe I just need to relax and take a nice and warm spar bath.
Watcher: What ever man, I'm gonna try to watch this amazing show on Netflix. See ya.
He disappeared as Y/n arrive at the spar room which he enters and take off his clothes and once that he enter the dpar bath itself and dips himself into it and breaths in a sigh of relief.
Y/n: Aaaahhhh now this is what humanity is fighting for. I wish this was the Covenant weakness.
He smiles while he clear his mind from anything that is going on and feels very relaxed. So much so he somehow feel someone giving him a shoulder rub behind him.
Y/n: (thought) This is so good. No missions, no training and no distractions. Hehe, it kinda feels like someone is rubbing on my shoulders behind kinda dose feel like....wait a minute.
???: (giggle) What a surprise to see you were alone?
Y/n immediately turn to see Brianna completely naked as she smirks at him while Y/n blushes very deep red while Brianna crawl into the bath and tells Y/n while she cuddle his shoulder.
Brianna: (smirk) about that thing I said. You know, how we can haveaome "fun?"
Y/n: (blush) W-Well I-I-I didn't decide it ye-
She stick her finger over his mouth while she sshh him and tells him.
Brianna: (smirk) It's fine my sexxy. I know you have been busy with some stuff that you didn't have much time to think about. How's about I give you a feel to it and maybe you can decide.
(Lemon start)
She gently dive her hand to the water and move towards Y/n dick and she gently grab it which made Y/n gasp a little while Brianna start to move Y/n dick, giving him a handjob as Y/n's dick gets bigger and bigger while Y/n start to pant while Brianna smirks even more while Y/n feels turned on right now and lend out a few moans.
Y/n: (moaning) My god Brianna~Ah Brianna.
She gets faster and faster until Y/n can't take it and let it out as he lend out a loud moan. Once that he pants while Brianna chuckles and sat on his lap and wrap her arms round his head and the two looked at each other.
Brianna: (smirk) So....wanna do it?
Y/n looks at her and lend over and kiss her which Brianna believes it's a yes and the two make out as Y/n grabs her butt which made her turn on while they make out. Brianna gets really turned on and decided to place her vigina inro Y/n's dick which Y/n feels and knows she wants to do it and so they done it as Brianna lend out a moan as they do it faster and harder while Brianna moan out to Y/n.
Brianna: (moaning) Oh god yes! This feels amazing. Harder, harder, har-OOOOOOHHHHHHHH YES THAT'S THE SPOT~!
After that they take a breath bit soon after they went back to making out and soon after we see Brianna bend over and grabbing hold on the wall as Y/n stick his dick into Brianna butt and start to thrust his dick and and out while Brianna feels really good and tells Y/n.
Brianna: (moaning) More! More! My god more you sexxy Spartan, do it hard!
He dose so while he slap her butt which really made her turn on good as after a while they two lend out a moan and they stop. Soon after we see them on the floor with Y/n on top of her as he sucks her breast while squeezing her other breast while Brianna lend out moans as her breast gets bigger and bigger as Y/n sucks her breast even more.
Brianna: (moaning) My god your a good sucker! Suck the milk out of me!
After a while Brianna lend out a cry and her bresst milk exploded inro Y/n's mouth which he drinks it up and decided to end this by crawl down to her vigina and start licking her vigina as she start to have a orgasm as Y/n stick out his tongue deeper and deeper to her vigina while she grab her own breast as her voice gets fater and fater like she is gonna pass out.
Brianna: (mutter) Yes! Oh god yes keep going! Almost there aaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddd goodnight.
She passes out just after her cum exploded onto Y/n face which he wipes it off while drinks some as he looks over to see her unconscious tut smiling as well.
Y/n: (thought) Well at least she is happy and not board.
(Lemon ends)
We see Y/n carrying the covered Brianna to her barracks and once there he tug her inro bed as she was dress to her UNSC JP's by Y/n as he watch her sleeping peaceful with a smile in her face.
After that he walks out of thr room and was about to leave when he got a radio call from someone he doesn't know.
???: (radio) Spartan-453, report to the hanger immediately.
Y/n: Wait who is-
But I cuts off and Y/n haveno idea what's that about but eh shrugged it off and heads to the hanger. Once there he looks around for this person who called him but he doesn't see her.
Y/n: Maybe I can track the call with this datapad.
He took out his datapad and types in the call and it works but it was weird for Y/h to see the call was near. He follows it and see it arrive at Sheila which he enters and looks around.
Y/n: Hey Sheila, where you trying to call me?
There was no respond which was weird to him and said.
Y/n: Huh weird. Maybe I'll call Mendez at thr bridge and maybe he can-
Suddenly he get zapped by someone behind him as he falls onto the ground and he start to loss consciousness when he sees the figures feet and it lookedbright blue but female like.
Y/n: (mutter) Who are.....
Then he passes out as we pant the camera over to see a female soldier in light blue armor with a Elictro staff as she looks down at Y/n and only said.
???: Your worse nightmare.
She then turn and enter the cockpit and since she turns off Sheila, she can control the Pelican as she starts up the engines and shuts the doors behind the still unconscious Y/n and the Pelican lift up from the ground and takes off out of the hanger way snd soon disappeared once gone through the cloads with no one knowing that Y/n has been kidnapped by a unknown female soldier.
To be continued.............
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