Chapter 36: The odd one out returns
Within a small house on top of a hill we see two kids, one a boy named Pom while a little girl named Loo who were peaking around the corner as we see South, Washington and Maine with South sitting on a chair facing with two older teenagers as she start to ask them questions about a Spartan.
South: Do you two know what happened to Spartan-1337 after you two gone their separate ways with him?
Teenage boy: Hmm not too sure actually. Last time we saw him he was heading south.
Teenage girl: After that we head home and that was it. Why didn't he return back to your base or something?
South: He was supposed to be at the pick up point but he hasn't shown up. We believe he might be captured by the Covenant and we wonder if any of you two seen the Covenant near here?
Teenage boy: Nope. We've been living here for years and the only time we saw one was that massive beast. But you have no worry about that beast ever gonna bother us.
Washington: Still this is weird. Would 1337 Would have contacted the UNSC for back up or something?
Maine: Either his coms must be busted or something must have happen.
South thinks about this and stands up and tells them both.
South: Thank you for answering some questions. We be leaving now.
They nod with the trio leaving but Maine turns to see the two little kids wave him goodbye and wave goodbye back to them and left.
We see them outside of the house as Washington pulls out a datapad and type something into it.
South: Anything on that?
Washington: Nope. His tracker hasn't shown up. So why is he called by his call sign?
Maine: He believes it makes him more badass and to hide his real name.
Washington: Really? What is he, a superhero?
South: That's what the files said.
Washington: Wish we have Y/n and his team here to help us.
South: They have their own mission while we have ours.
Washington: True. Hey thanks for given me a second chance you guys. It means a lot.
Maine: No problem. We learn our mistakes and now we are better.
Washington: Yeah that's true.
Suddenly Washington datapad beeps and he checks it.
Washington: Found him!
South: Where?
Washington: He is far off where the pick up point is. So where south from here.
Maine: Why did he travel the opposite way?
South: Only one way to find out.
She then get into coms and calls out to command.
South: Command, request a Warthog in our position over.
Command: (radio) Copy that South. Stand by.
Once a Pelican arrive and drop down a Warthog, they drive off to where 1337 is at. They drive through the dirt road where trees are everywhere on each side as they drive through the dirt road.
Washington: How come the Covenant haven't glass this planet?
South: No one knows. Maybe this planet has less humans here and it be no point of glassing a planet that shows a threat to them.
Washington: Make sense. You know, your kinda sound like Carolina a bit.
South: Really? Huh, weird.
Maine: We should be careful. What I heard, this planet has prehistoric creatures living in this planet.
Washington: What like Dinosaurs?
Maine: Maybe.
Washington: Well this mission is now getting interesting now.
South: How far?
Washington pulls out his datapad to check and tells South.
Washington: Not far. Just a little longer.
South nods and pulls the throttle and after a while the trio arrived the location and park the Warthog and claim out and aim their assault rifle around to search the area but no sign except a large rock blocking their way. Washington check his datapad and even taps it to see it's not glitching out.
Washington: That's odd. We are here but where is he?
Maine: Maybe it's a trap?
South: Maybe. Washington, your with me, Maine stay here and-
???: Um hello! Is there someone down there?!
They aim their rifles above them and they see a large nest and soon a Spartan peaks down and waves down to them which they lower their rifles.
Washington: Is that him?
Maine: His number on his chest said "1337" so yeah.
South: You alright?
1337: I'm good! Just um....need to get down here that's all.
Washington: Why not just jump down. Your armor can protect you from the fall.
1337: No way! I've falled, crushed, blasted and hit so there is no way I am gonna-
Then a next he is standing collapse and he fell as the trio watch him as he hits the ground with a thud. Once that he slowly stands up and shake his head.
1337: Ow. It would great if any of you catch me.
South: Oh you find. I've seen many Spartans crash and be fine within seconds.
1337: Jeez thanks. So who are you people?
South: I'm South. This is Maine and Washington. We used to be members of project Freelancer but after it was shut down, we join the UNSC and became Spartans.
1337: That's cool.....I think.
Maine: Now we located you, we should head back to base so we can bring you home.
1337: Actually we need to go somewhere. There is a crashed UNSC ship that I need to see and probably need some back up.
South: Oh yeah I saw that ship as well.
Maine: Did the kids side that's where their mother came from?
Washington: Was she a UNSC soldier?
1337: Or possibly a Spartan. Just saying because those kids have some incredible strengths but I think we should integrate that ship and see what we can find.
South: Guess there is important information we can get from that ship. Alright team new mission, let's integrate on that ship and see what we can find.
Washington: Hopefully it ain't something that will kill us.
1337: I agree bro, I agree.
The four jump into the Warthog and drive off while we see a Covenant drone spying on them before the drone flies off back to base.
They reached the crashed UNSC ship and it was something they have never seen before. Washington walks over and remove the moss and see it's call sign.
Washington: The UNSC Mama? That's kinda a weird call sign?
Maine: I kinda like it. So how can we get in?
1337: How should I know? Never been this close before.
South: Up there.
She pointed at a open hanger which they take out grabbles from the Warthogs and fire grabbles to the hanger and the four start to claim and soon reach the inside of the hanger.
The four turn on their flash lights on their helmets and walks through the hanger seeing damage and broken UNSC vehicles but Maine gone close to one and see their not UNSC vehicles.
Maine: These are ONI vehicles. This must be a ONI ship.
South: Make sense. No wonder this ship is so new.
1337: I always knew ONI were hiding something, just like I believe they are lizard people.
South: Lizard people?
1337: Yeah. It makes perfect sense.
South: No it doesn't.
They heard something that sound like something was dropped which they aimed their weapons at the open hallway which tehy move up and they journey through the halls of the ship while they aim their weapons around to see who or what is in here.
After a while they walk into a door that leaves to the bridge and Maine grabes the door and use his straight to force it open and once open they make their way inside.
The bridge was dark and empty as they look around but noticed something glowing on the controls which Washington walks up and an AI appears in front of Washington which was a little girl as she looks up and gasp before bend down and cover her face with her hands like she is afraid.
Washington: Um guys, you might wanna see this.
They group up with Washington and they stare at this little girl like AI which surprised them.
1337: Okay this is weird.
South: I never seen an AI like this one.
Maine: Is she scared of us?
???: (scared) Pl-Pl-Pleasw leave. I-I-I don't w-w-want to b-be experiment.
South: Experiment?
Washington: What is she talking about?
Maine senses someone sneaking behind them and quickly turns and grabs a steel pipe that she was about to hit and then grabs her arm and made her drip the pipe. They quickly turn to see a female women with blue hair that is just like the little AI girl.
??? 2: You get your hands off of her you hear me! She will not be tournamented anymore!
Washington: Wow relax! Okay. We're not here to hurt you or her okay.
After a while of struggling she calms down and Maine puts her down and set her go.
South: What's your name?
Wendy: My name is Wendy. I'm a Spartan just like you all....Well was. The AI is....myself. People call her The Child.
1337: So what is so important about this AI?
Wendy: It's a long story but before I tell you, please don't judge me what I'm about to tell you.
South: Okay...tell us about this ship, you and the AI.
Wendy: Right. Well it started years ago. This used to be a UNSC carrier but ONI takes over it and soon became a research ship for scientists to test slip space travel and AI's. During the start of the human and Covenant war, a ONI head researcher Doctor Ilya have an idea to make Spartans more stronger and smarter by using Spartans minds to create an AI and try to improve the AI to make it more smarter. It did work however it creature her instead. The ONI scientists were confused to see she is the opposite to what they are image but instead of cancelling the project, they decided to experiment her and do test that....are hush. They never cared about the AI's and think they have no emotions but she dose. So I have enough and damage the engines so the ship will crash to this planet and killing everyone except for me and her.
They were shocked by this and they turn to the child and to Wendy.
Maine: You protected her?
Wendy: Indeed. Soon I stayed this planet and raised my children but never tell them about her. She rather stay here so she doesn't want to talk to anyone ever again.
South: I see.
1337: Must be hard to be tormented for all of these years.
The Child: Your that Spartan that I saved.
1337: Yep. I'm one of teh greatest soldiers in space! I am Spartan-1337.
The Child: (smile) Nice to meet you 1337. You really not that bad guy. Your a nice person.
1337: Thanks. So what should we do now?
Wendy: It's maybe best you all leave. Who knows who else you three bring.
The Child: Um mama, there is scary looking aliens outside.
Wendy: (shocked) What?!
Wendy rushes over to a cracked opening and see a few Covenant drop ships landing with Covenant troops making their way to the ship.
Wendy: God damn it! We need to move before they found her.
South: What else dose she have that the Covenant wants?
Wendy: What else? Battle plans, important ONI files and other shit.
She walks over and grabs a shotgun from the ground that works and turn to the child and tells her.
Wendy: Can you active the defences?
The Child: I can try.
Wendy: Alright. You four now how to fight?
Washington: Sure we do.
South: They don't call us Spartans for nothing.
Wendy nods and hours later we see Covenant troops making their way through the halls securing the area and soon they come across paths which each team split up and see if they can find something important for the Covenant.
A Covenant squad enter the cafeteria and they search around while Maine sneaks into the shadows and one by one takes care the Covenant stealthy with a combat knife and the elite turns to see he is the only one lift.
He was about to call for backup backup Maine gets behind the elite and cut his throat as he chock from his own blood and fell onto the ground.
Maine swipe the blood off of his combat knife while we see Wendy and South hugging tbe cornor with South peaking out to see a few elite squad walking towards them. South nods to Wendy and soon Wendy press a button and both downs in front and back closes and the room that the Elites where in gets gassed while South and Wendy walks away.
While that is happening, we see Washington and 1337 on the balcony and looking down to see a large Covenant troops there with a phantom hanging next to the hanger as Washington tossed him a grenade which 1337 nods and then stands up and throws a grenade.
The grenades lands at thr grunts feet and the grunt scream and leaps away but there was no explosion. They see 1337 didn't pull the pin as they slowly turn to see 1337 as he nervously said.
1337: Whoops, forgot to pull the pin hehehe. Say do you kind throwing that back to me?
Washington sighs and soon the Covenant open fire at him which hengets down while Washington tells him.
Washington: That was the stupidest thing I have ever all time.
1337: Hey don't blame me for that! Let's just shoot them!
Washington: Fine.
The tow stand up and fire back and take down a few Covenant troops while the balcony they were one collapse and they drop down. The two land hard but catch their fall with their feet and they return fire while get behind cover.
Soon the rest came when they heard the gunfire and they each take cover as South asked.
South: Guess I didn't go well with you two?
Washington: Ask 1337 about that.
1337: No you ask about that.
Washington: I'm not the one who forget to pull the pin!
Wendy: Return fire!
They did so and they take out a few Covenant troops while the Phantom pulls away the hanger and turns and open fire it's turrets at them which was bad news for them as they try to disable the turrets but the turrets fire at their cover and they have no clear shot.
Wendy: Damn it! We need to find another way yo take down that Phantom!
Maine: Any ideas?
The Child: (radio) H-Hey I think I know how to active the defences of the ship.
Washington: Then do it!
The Child: (radio) Goss nothing.
Soon the lights in the hanger turns on as the turrets appear out of the walls and open fire at the Covenant. The Covenant troops get killed quickly while the Phantom try to turn it's turret around to fire at the enemy turret but the turrets get too many hits and get destroyed.
Wendy sees a rocket launchers so she grabs it and aim it at the Phantom and fires at the Phantom which blows up and start to fell and soon crashed. The five of them walks over to the edge of the hanger bay and looks down to see the Phantom is destroyed.
Washington: You think more will come?
South: Maybe but it's maybe best you take your family somewhere safer.
Wendy: Agree. I think this home might be glassed soon.
We see them outside of the ship as Wendy holds a AI chip where The Child is in while they say goodbye to Wendy.
South: You may have betrayed the UNSC, but not to your family and to her.
Wendy: Thank you.
Washington: We won't tell the UNSC about you and that ship.
Maine: So where are you and yoru family gonna go?
Wendy: No clue. Probably off world but anywhere but here. 1337.
1337: Yep.
Wendy: The Child shown to like you and your sense of humour.
1337: Well you know me. Best solder in the galaxy.
South: Yeah while Y/n and John is ahead of you.
1337: Right.
Wendy: She is scared with ONI but as long she is with someone that will protect her. She'll be happy. I have kids but....I think you can be trusted with her.
She then handed the child chip to 1337 which surprised him and looks at Wendy ans she nods to him. He nods back and takes the chip and insert it into his helmet and he will hear her in his helmet.
The Child: (smile) Hi there! We are gonna be best friends.
1337: Same here kiddo. Same here.
The four hop to the Warthog and before they drive off South asked.
South: Hey I've been meaning to ask. Who is your husband and where is he?
Wendy: (smile) He's somewhere. Trust me.
South smiles underneath her helmet and nods to her and then they drive off while Wendy watched them leave and she was now alone until she heard a familiar voice.
???: Hey honey.
She turn to see her husband as she smiled back at him and respond.
Wendy: (smile) Hey wanna leave this planet?
???: Sure where do you want us to go?
Wendy: I'm thinking.......Chorus might do.
South and her team along with 1337 return back to base and once there they claim onto the Pelican and once on the Pelican takes off and takes off to space.
Washington: So what are you gonna do?
1337: Probably take a long shower and a big rest. Being on that planet made me miss things.
The Child: Yeah you are kinda skinny.
1337: Well blame that Dinosaurs bird that took me miles away from the pick up point.
South: Well at least you are safe and can return back to base.
1337: Good I can't wait.
Maine: By away what is your real name? I mean it can't be 1337 right?
1337: Do you want to know my real name?
Washington: Yeah I wanna know your real name is.
South: Same.
1337: Okay then. My real name is actually-
But the Pelican jumps to slip space before he could have say his real name and now we will never know what his real name really is.
To be continued..............
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