Chapter 35: A walking tank.....literally

It was another day and we see the Spartans including UNSC staff are in the middle repairing the damages that were cost by Tracker and his army. The threat of Tracker and his terrorist army is over and now they are returning back home and repairing what Tracker ans his squad did.

Meanwhile we see Mendez within a dark room and type a code into a keypad and once that two holograms open up and showing Halsey and a ONI agent named Iker as the two were discussing about something until Mendez came as he clear his throat and asked.

Mendez: Good evening Doctor Halsey and Agent Iker, have I missed anything?

Halsey: (hologram) Not much. Iker here is concerned about Spartans rebellion against the UNSC.

Iker: (hologram) I think we should all be concerned about this. These Spartans are children and it's unknown when they will start to rebel against us.

Mendez: I can assure you that Tracker ans his team including his army are dealt with and no longer worry the lives of the UNSC or ONI again.

Iker: (hologram) That's exactly my point! Joe-779, William,379 and Coal-909 are the first three Spartans to successfully escape into UNSC hands and join up with Project Freelancer!

Mendez: We didn't know they would join with Project Freelancer. None of us didn't see it.

Iker: (hologram) Excuses. If you two don't control your Spartans, ONI has no choice but to shut down all Spartan program for good. Have a good day.

Iker disappeared and there was this silence until Halsey tells Mendez.

Halsey: (hologram) How is Y/n and his team doing?

Mendez: Training the soldiers at Valhalla Ma'am.

Halsey: (hologram) I see. Are these soldiers the reds and blues?

Mendez: Yes Ma'am. I hope they won't trash anything in there.

Halsey: (hologram) I'm sure Y/n and his team can handle them.


There was a crash and we can see the reds Warthog crashed into a leak while they are capturing the flag as we see Y/n, Ave and Gabriel watch this on a hill and looking down at them as Y/n sighs to himself.

Ave: Is this a fourth time they crash their Warthog?

Gabriel: Looks like it.

Watcher: Man that Warthog really take damage a lot.

Y/n: Yep. Let's hope Lopez won't get piss if we drag that Warthog back to the garage.

Gabriel: Wait, have any of you see the blues?

Ave: Should be around?

Jin: (distance) FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!

They look down to see Jin, Tucker and Mike getting chased by Caboose within a hornet as Caboose accidentally fire rockets at them while they run away from the in coming rockets.

Gabriel: Find them.

Ave: So who won this match?

Y/n: Um...Well none. Tucker was close of getting the flag but he gotten distracted by Ashia when she fell over with her butt sticking out and then get taking out by Sarge from behind.

Ave: So no one win?

Y/n: Nope but we can try it again tomorrow. Watcher.

Watcher nods and ends the match. Once that the trio walks over to the reds and blues as they form a line and Y/n looks at them and tell them.

Y/n: Well guys you did.

Sarge: Brilliant? Fantastic!

Grif: Fucking worse then ever?

Caboose: Best friends?

Tucker: Bad ass!

Mike: Did our best?

Y/n:......Um yeah, you all did well but we can do it better tomorrow.

Grif: Well at least we can head to the cafeteria earlier. They are serving free pizza's.

Simmons: That's for Spartans.

Grif: Well that's bullshit.

Rowen: You really need to go on a diet Grif.

Grif: Well you need to light it up man.

Rowen: What ever.

Tucker: Hey is there any news about Church yet?

Y/n: No news yet.

Ave: Hope Church will be alright.

Gabriel: Knowing Church and how many times he survive, I'm sure he can handle it on his own.

Doc: Hey guys.

They turn to see Doc walking over to them while he tells Y/n and the rest.

Doc: We got a new mission sent to us.

Y/n: Cool, let's gear up and head there.

Grif: See ya man, too bad we can't come along. (chuckle)

Doc: Actually they also want the reds and blues to go on this mission as well.

Grif: Huh?! You gonna be kidding me.

Doc: Nope, not joking. This mission is very important to the UNSC and they need enough men he needs on this mission.

Ave: He?

Doc: Yep. He wants some soldiers and Spartans to join him on this mission in order to make sure that the Covenant will not have it.

Gabriel: And Who is this person?

Doc: Well he said he knew Y/n a while ago.

Y/n: Really? Huh, well let's see who this person might be.


Soon the reds, blues and Fireteam: Spartan rangers enter the planning room and once inside they see a man facing away from them and looking at the screen and he spoke while not turning to them.

???: It's about time you show up. Wait anymore then those Covis will already have it as my mother finish making apple pie for my Lunch!

Y/n was surprised to know that voice and sense of tone as the person turn to them and he and his team were surprised to see the legendary Sargent himself as he stare at them.

Y/n: (surprised) Sargent Johnson! Nice to see you man.

Johnson: (smirk) Pleasure is all mine Y/n. Nice to see you have on of the badass team I have ever heard.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Sargent.

Grif: (whisper) So who is this guy?

Mike: (whisper) That's Sargent Johnson, a legendary Sargent and soldier within the UNSC. Head on strong, smart and never show fear to anyone. He is also a Spartan I within the Orion Project.

Simmons: (whisper) I thought that those who took part were discharged from the military?

Jin: (whisper) Yeah but not Sargent Johnson, he's a badass.

Johnson: That's right! Now tone your voice full down and listen up! This mission is very important for the UNSC and might give us a upper hand against the Covenant.

They stay quiet as Johnson puts up a screen of a colony planet that is under attack by the Covenant as he points at it and tells them.

Johnson: This Sansar one of many UNSC colony worlds and now those Covis are attacking it but the big problem is the project they are making. This project is called "Project: Walking Tank" ONI staff are making literal walking tanks also known as Mechs to give us the upper hand against the Covenant. If the Covenant either destroy it or steal the files or heck do both! This will be one step away for the Covenant to succeed their goal of wiping humanities butt's off the face of the galaxy! That is why I need a squad of Spartans including a team of soldiers to help me on this mission. Now is there any question?

Everyone was silent until Grif rise his hand and asked.

Grif: Um yeah what are the chances for us surviving the battle?

Johnson: Maybe a small chance but if you stay quiet and listen to me! We can make it.

Sarge: Hehe, I like this guy.

Grif: I can see why.

Y/n: I have one Sargent.

Johnson: Shoot it Spartan.

Y/n: When are we leaving?

Johnson: (smirk) Right now.

(A long while later)

We see a UNSC carrier travel through slip space and soon it exit out and enter right in the middle of a space battle against the Covenant along side the UNSC fleet.

Soon Sheila along with several Pelicans exit out of the hanger bay and fly down towards the planet and soon after fly over a forest and see a nearby city getting attacked by a Covenant ship along with Covenant forces on the ground.

The Pelicans and Sheila enter the city and make their landing at the roof of a UNSC base as the hatch opens and Soldiers exit out of their Pelicans while the reds, Blues, Fireteam:  Spartan rangers and Johnson exit out of Sheila and a ONI soldier rushes over to Johnson and give him a salute.

Johnson: Report on the situation soldier?

ONI soldier: Sir, Covenant forces are pushing all our forces back. We can't get through the ONI base.

Y/n: Where is the ONI base?

ONI base: Down the road near the beach but there is too many Covenant forces to get pass.

Y/n: Mia any ideas?

Mia: Trying but it seems those Covenant really doesn't want us to get through.

ONI soldier: We shut down the room where the mechs are but it's unknown how long until the Covenant will find it and break through.

Johnson: Never worry soldier, we can handle it. Give us a few Warthogs and we be on our way.

The ONI soldier nods snd he rushes off to do that while they hear something and they look over to see a Covenant Phantom in flames and flying towards them.

Gabriel: Clear the landing pad!

Johnson: (smirk) No worries Spartans, those are just another fireteam gonna help us.

They were confused until they see a hatch open and three figures leap out and land at the landing pad as the Phantom fly by them and crash at another Phantom and gose down and crash at a squad of Covenant and they blow up sky high.

The three female Spartans fully stand up and walks over and remove their helmets whike smirk and walks over to Johnson.

Brianna: (smirk) Sargent fricking Johnson, nice to see you came for the party. What did you think about that landing?

Johnson: (smirk) Smooth as ever. Everyone, this is Fireteam: Hard head. Hard heads, these are Fireteam: Spartan Rangers and the reds and blues.

Brianna: (smirk) Awesome! Names Brianna, squad leader. That's Alina the marksman and Josie our heavy girl.

Josie: (smile) Hi there.

Alina: Sup.

Y/n: I heard about you girls. You three are shown to be teh aggressive Fireteam within the UNSC.

Brianna: (smirk) Famn straight handsome and it's best awhile meeting you here. Come here.

She walks over and remove his helmet and bit and kiss him on the lips which surprised some while Brianna stop kissing him and lick her lips while given him a smirk which made him blush.

Johnson: (smirk) Looks like he knows how to get the ladies over him.

Tucker: Yeah (mutter) Lucky.

Then taht same ONI soldier walks over to them and tells Johnson.

ONI soldier: Sir the Warthogs are ready for you all.

Johnson: It's about time. Let's move everyone!

(Short while later)

The streets were empty except destroyed cars and other still flaming UNSC vehicle and Covenant as we see a Scorpion tank driving ahead along with a line up of Warthogs and Gausshogs including another Scorpion tank at the back as they ride through the street.

Johnson, Y/n and Brianna were on the first Warthog, Sarge, Grif and Simmons at the second, Ashia, Rowen and Mike at the third, Jin, Alina and Josie at the fourth, Ave, Sophie and Gabriel at the fifth and Elijah, Doc and Caboose at the sixth and Tucker at the seventh with two UNSC soldiers with him as they drive along the empty road searching around the area for any Covenant ambushes.

Y/n: Mia how is things at base camp?

Mia: (radio) Doing well but you gonna a hurry. Covenant chatter kicked in and they want glass this planet as soon as possible.

Johnson: Then we need to hurry up. Move it troops!

They move faster while Brianna share a glare at Y/n ans ask him.

Brianna: (smirk) So Y/n, how is things with you?

Y/n: Good actually. Dealt with someone that try to kill us snd now with that out of the way, we can forces on the Covenant.

Brianna: (smirk) I heard about that battle and it really sucks that I didn't see it. It will be pretty sexxy to see you battle along with your sword.

Y/n: (little blush) Um yeah it would...I guess.

Brianna: (giggle) Your cute. Maybe after this you can show me a thing or two about your "Blade" if you know what I mean.

She purred like a cat while Y/n blushes even more while Watcher scans the area and feels that sometimes isn't right. At one of the windows we see an elite with a plaster launcher as he charge it up and fire four plaster balls and stuck onto the first tank.

Watcher: Ambush!

The first tank at front blows up right in front of everyone while Covenant forces in front of them deactivate their cloaks and open fire at them. They return fire and take down a few but mow Elites with plaster launchers fire at the a tank at the end and the tank blows up.

Now they are trapped as they open fire at the windows ans take down a few Elites but there was no point at more Covenant troops start to get closer to them.

Sarge: They got us pinned!

Tucker: What should we do?!

Brianna: (smirk) We make our own path! Alina, grenade launcher!

Alina nods and pulls out a grenade launcher and fire a singal grenade at a faul station and blows it up sky high and making a path for them to go through.

Johnson: That's our path! Go go go!

They turn he Warthogs around and drive through the hole while Covenant troops continue to fire at them. Soon Ghost gose after them. Once they came out of the other side they spread apart and open fire at the Ghost and take a few out. Soon Septres arrived to give support and open fire at them.

They dodge the plasma bolt and Sarge in a gausshog fires a beam and hits one spectre and send it crashing into another car while a few turrets within Warthogs open fire at the other spectre and kills the driver and sent the spectre off track and crash into a wall as they turn a corner.

But Ghost and other Spectre still was on their tail while two vampires appear out of the cloads and chase after them as tehy fire large needles at them.

They dodge the needles and some open fire at the vampires but their armor were tough of them to punch through but the Gausshogs cannons can deal a little damage to it but not enough to take it down.

Tucker: Are we there yet?!

Doc: Hope so. I'm not comfortable dieing in a messy city.

Ave: Up ahead!

They see a ONI base ahead and soon they immediately stop their vehicles and turn the turrets around as Brianna, Johnson and Y/n exit out of the Warthog and race over to the controls.

Johnson: Damn it! We need an ONI officer to get us in.

Watcher: Don't need one. Boom!

Suddenly the door opens which surprised Johnson as he smirk and tells Y/n.

Johnson: (smirk) You have one impressive AI Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Sargent.

Sarge: In coming!

They look over to see Covenant Ghost and Spectre making their way to them along with three Wraiths.

Sarge: We buy you some time now go!

Grif: You kidding, we should leave!

Johnson: We're not leaving this mission soldier! Either we die as a soldier or die while completing this mission!

Johnson, Brianna and Y/n head inside while Grif sighs while he aim his battle rifle at the Covenant.

Grif: Well...we're gonna die for sure.

Covenant forces made it to them and there is a large  fire fight while we cut to Y/n, Johnson and Brianna racing through the halls of the ONI base and soon made it to the door.

Brianna: Looks like area is clear.

Watcher: Give me a minute to hack into the system.

They waited for Watcher to open and after a while it was done as the doors open and they race inside and see the mech suit.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow!

Brianna: (smirk) Now that's awesome.

Johnson walks over to one or the working computers and  read through the files.

Johnson: looks like this suit is onoy be wearn by UNSC soldiers and not Spartans.

Brianna: Well that sucks.

Y/n: Maybe so but I'm sure you know how to drive it, right Sargent?

Johnson: (smirk) Boy there is nothing that I can't drive. Let's give this baby a shot.

(A while later)

We see the reds and blues along with the Spartans getting pinned by Covenant forces as two UNSC soldiers get killed by incoming plasma bolts as Wraiths fire at them and blow up a few Warthogs and they start to get pinned down hard.

Simmons: Sir if we do die here, just wanna know it is an honor serving along side you.

Grif: Well if we do die, hope heaven have all the food I can eat.

Sarge: Enough with that boys. We have a battle to win and I'm gonn die the best way possible! By showing those Covis who I am!

Sarge leaps up and fire his shogun at the Covenant and taking them out. A Jackal see Sarge and aim his beam rifle at his head and was about to kill him when a rocket came and blows up the jackal whidh made the Covenant surprised by that.

Johnson: Hey Covenant, wanna know what homework we are making today?

Then they turn to see Johnson wearing a mech suit while stepping out of the garage door which shocked them to see the mech suit in person.

Johnson: This is our homework! Now here is yours!

He raised his machine gun arm at the Covenant and open fire at them and taking a few Covenant troops out whike Wraiths fire at Johnson but he moves away ane fire his shoulder cannon at the Wraiths and blow them up.

Ave: (smile) Ah hell yeah!

Sophie: (shocked) That's very interesting.

Jin: (smirk) Yep and Johnson is showing the Covenant what it can do.

Johnson fire everything this suit has and force the Covenant to fall back while he continues open fire at them. The Covenant pulls back and soon after Y/n and Brianna exit out of the garage and turns to Johnson which he turns to them.

Johnson: (smirk) What do you think? Would this be my Spartan armor?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe but I'll say why not.

Johnson chuckled and their mission is a success.


We see them at the airport ad they load the mech suit within a cargo ship to get it moved to Earth while Johnson thanks Y/n ans his team and Brianna and her team for the help ane even the reds and blues before he set off to speak with ONI agents while they group up with Y/n asked the reds and blues.

Y/n: Well how was your first mission?

Sarge: It was amazing!

Grif: A nightmare.

Simmons: Very interesting.

Caboose: Why dose the Covenant have different blood?

Tucker: Not bad but like it more if I was the one to wear that suit.

Y/n: (smile) Maybe next time.

Brianna: (smirk) So heading back to Spartan Utopia huh?

Y/n: (smile) Yep, you going there as well.

Brianna: (smirk) Hell yeah. As long we be with you it be more interesting.

Y/n blushes more as Brianna winks at him and then Mia walks over and tells Y/n.

Mia: Got any messages from South or her team.

Y/n: Well hope they are alright on their own.

Brianna: So South, Lucy and Charlotte are away on a mission. Not surprised since they are BFF's.

Y/n: Actually she is on a new team and they are sent on small missions.

Brianna: (smirk) Really. What's their team name?

Y/n: Fireteam: Freelancers and they are on a mission to search for a MIA Spartan.


We over look a blue sky before it was blocked over by Maine as he walks over and bend down to see tracks that may belong to a Spartan but it ends where he is standing.

South: Anything from the Spartan?

South walks up behind him as Maine stood up and walk over to her and tells her.

Maine: It seems that the tracks ended here but not too sure where he want.

South: This is odd. Washington, what about you?

They look over to see Washington looking at something before he turn and tells them.

Washington: Well I might find something that we can ask some questions.

He points over and they walk over and see a small wooden house on a hill which Maine asked.

Maine: You sure there is anyone in there?

Washington: I saw movement in there. Either by a creature or someone in there.

South: One way to find out. Let's ask if they know about Spartan-1337 where abouts.

To be continued..............

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