Chapter 34: Spartans will never die out
Ashia: Hello! Is anyone here?! Hello?!
We see Rowen, Mike, Jin and Ashia make their way down the steps of the Freelancer bunker and once Jin and Mike at the final step Jin turns to Ashia and tells her.
Jin: Whoa Ashia can you be a little bit louder so our enemies might hear you.
Ashia: Ha Ha very funny Jin. Besides, there is no one in here.
Rowen: Except the Reds and blues who might be here.
Mike: How can they even get into one of the Pelicans and left without anyone knowing?
Jin: Well at least now we know where they went thanks to Maine telling us where they are.
Ashia: But are they really here?
Then they heard a noise in the distance which signal them that someone is here.
Mike: Sounds like it.
They continue on moving snd soon they arrive at the storage area and they were a bit stunned to see two small base being made that is made out of boxes and other junk. They make their way to Tucker, Grif, Simmons and Caboose who are at the other base where Sarge is seen making the base and once over Mike asked.
Mike: What is all of this?
Tucker: Let's just say Sarge is a bit upset when he found out Project Freelancer was using us a testing dummies.
Jin: Ouch, that must have hurt.
Ashia: Really Jin?
Jin: Yes I am.
Rowen: This is stupid. Sarge get down here and talk to us.
Sarge: No way! Go away.
Grif: Hey why you calling him down here? At least we don't have to do anything.
Rowen: What are you talking about?
Grif: Well think about it. The reason why you guys were at our base is so you guys can keep an eye on us so we won't screw up.
Simmons: Grif may have a point there. We're not actually solders in your eyes just.....nothing besides solders.
Rowen: Your all being ridiculous.
Ashia: We would never think about that.
Sarge: You lie!
Then Sarge appear on top of the base and tells them.
Sarge: I think the reason why we weren't on special missions or any special training. You think we make mistakes, doom humanity and most importantly....useless. And you know what, your right. We are useless, we're not solders we're......a mistake.
Tucker, Grif, Simmons and Caboose looks down also feel the same as well while everyone was silent until Rowen tells Sarge.
Rowen: You really don't get it do you?
They turn to Rowen as he looks at Sarge and tells him and the rest.
Rowen: You may not be solders to Project Freelancer but here with us, you are. What about the time you first face the Covenant or faced Project Freelancer or Tracker ans his team and army!?
Simmons: But that was all you and Y/n?
Rowen: That maybe so but don't forget you help them as well. You shown to be solders that may make mistakes but you are one thing that some Spartan like us never were. Humans. I was trained to be like a machine and so dose Mike, Jin and Ashia. We weren't like many solders within the UNSC but being with you show that we can have emotions, we can make our own decisions and more importantly be butter as Spartans. True the UNSC were afraid to sent you out there but that's because they don't know fully of you guys. They don't know what you all have been through. But now I think it's your time to shine.
He then picks up a shotgun and tossed it to Sarge, as he catches it Rowen also tells Sarge.
Rowen: Don't give me wrong you are an idiot in times. have a strong desire to a real soldier. So....what do you say, your coming or what?
Sarge was surprised by Rowen and looks at his shotgun which he cocks it back and leaps oit of the base and tells him.
Sarge: Boy that is one of the reason that I like you. No offence Simmons.
Simmons: None taking sir.
Tucker: Kick Yeah! We're back in business.
Grif: Fuck and I was enjoying our short retirement.
Caboose: Yes! We're gonna save Church and he'll be my best friend forever.
Simmons: I'll start up the Pelican.
Mike: No need for the Pelican Simmons.
Grif: Then how can we get there?
Mikze: Let's just say....ever seen a ship bigger then a Pelican?
Bullets fly by within the snow landscape as the Spartan slayer solders march through the snow to make it to the Spartans hold out base but mines were placed within the snow and blows them up sky high.
They can't track it because these mines are cable to block our any radar so there were bodies flying while the Spartans and UNSC soldiers have the upper hand with Freelancer equipment and weapons in hand.
Ave: Alright boys, let them have it!
Ave and her Spartans pull out prototype hydras and fire missiles oit of the cliff and blows up a few Spartan slayer soldiers while Ashley and her snipers take point at the other side of the cliff and open fire at them quickly taking oit solders left and right.
Vehicles either get damaged too much or get completely blow up in both sides as we see Tracker, Washington, Quick-Trigger and Breaker get cover behind a rock as they see solders getting killed left and right.
Breaker: It looks like their have the upper hand.
Tracker: Fuck! We need to take them out.
Quick-Trigger: Are you nuts?! There us too many out there now and they have us pinned. We should pull back and-
Tracker: NO! We're NOT gonna fall back! I'm not leaving until I'll watch them all dead!
Quick-Trigger: God fucking damn it Tracker listen to yourself! We have an army, we have their base, we have everything we have but your revenge is driving us to our death! And I will NOT be apart of it!
Tracker: Are you saying you are gonna abandoned us.
Quick-Trigger made his decision and stand up and tells them.
Quick-Trigger: Yes. Goodbye sir.
Then he turn invisible and walks off, disappearing within the snow while Tracker gets pissed off by this betrayal but then a tank blows up a rock where they were at and sent them flying.
They land hard onto the ground and Washington sees his battle rifle and he was about to grab it but then a leg stomp on his arm and looks up and he was met with a barrel of shotgun with Tex aiming to his head.
Washington: Your suppose to be dead.
Tex: Don't sound so disappointed. You'll make me cry. Now tell me, where is the Director?
Washington: The Director? How would I know?
Tex: Wrong answer.
Breaker suches over and tackle her which made her sent flying and lands onto the snow. Breaker crackle his knuckles while he walks towards her but then Maine rushes over and throws a punch at him which made him stumble forward.
Tex: You take care the tough guy while I'll take care of our old friend.
Maine: And Tracker?
Tex: Never worry. He's dealing with him.
Washington stands up and Breaker and Washington charge at them ane they fight while Tracker slowly stands up and looks over to see them fight but then he heard.
Y/n: Tracker!
He turns to see Y/n with only holding his sword but he tossed another sword at Tracker which he catches and he looks at it and to Y/n.
Y/n: This is between you and me. You hunt my thoughts for far too long. Time to end this!
Tracker: (Evil chuckle) I agree. Let's finish this.
Tracker rushes at him while Y/n stand there and wait and once Tracker was close he try to swing at him but he quickly blocks his strike and the two clashes blade at each other while Maine and Tex blow punches at Breaker ane Washington as Breaker takes up his brute shot ane swings his blade at Maine but he dodges it while he throws a backwards kick at Breakers head and he rushes at him and throws a strong punch that cost Breakers visor to crack.
Breaker in pure rage fires his brute shot at anything even his own man as he try to take down Maine but Maine quickly moves away from the brute shots while rushing towards Breaker.
Breaker: (anger) FUCKING DIE ALREADY!!!
Maine dodges the blows and then leaps up with his fist back and then throws a punch at Breaker once more in the head that cost his helmet to fly our but not his head as he fell onto the ground unconscious while Maine stood over him.
He looks down at the Brute shot and picks it up.
Maine: Hmmmmmm. Nah.
He then throws back to the ground and turns to see Tex fighting Washington so he rushes over to help her but gets blocks off by Spartan Slayer solders as they fire at him. He gets behind cover while Tracker and Y/n continues to clash blades at each other which Y/n can see how fast Tracker really is with a blade.
Watcher: Jeez he must be training very well with a blade.
Y/n: Yeah but I'm better.
He punches Tracker in the stomach and rushes towards him and the two continue to clash blades once more. Tracker grabs his arm and headbutts Y/n and then throw him to the ground and once on the ground he rise his blade to kill him but a gravity hammer hits him senting him flying.
Y/n turns to see South holding a gravity hammer as she lend out a hand to Y/n which he takes and South helps him up.
Y/n: Where did you get a gravity hammer?
South: It was on that base. Guess the Covenant was here and then left.
Y/n: Huh...they are lazy.
South: Agree.
Then Church rushes over to the two which Y/n tells Church.
Y/n: What are you doing out here? It's too dangerous.
Church: Oh please I was shot a few times when this battle began so I'll be fine.
Y/n: Still you should find cover and soon.
Then they hear a yell from Washington as they turn to see Washington land on the snow with Tex standing over him. Washington looks at her as Tex aims her pistol at him.
Tracker: Hello there Tex.
Then Tex turns around only to be stabbed in the face by Tracker and his capture unit as he drains her into it and soon she was captured.
Y/n and Church: Tex no!
Tracker laughs while he throws the body of Tex away ane turns to Y/n to see his team is now wiped out even his army as well.
Washington: We should pull back. We have the unit, let's just leave.
Tracker looks at the capture unit and seeing this is his chance of defeating all Spartans once and for all so he slowly place it into his back.
Washington: Tracker don't!
Then he installed it and then his armor spark oit of electricity while he screams out in pain and he can feel them inside his head. All of the Alphas fragments were inside of him as he slowly stands up and starts to laugh but with all the AI fragments laughing along as well.
Tracker: I can feel them no. I can we are.....unstoppable....we are....powerful then any human ever was!
He then loosm at Y/n and the rest and walks towards them. Y/n sees this and rushes towards Tracker and swings his blade at him but his sword just bounce it off and when he try to swing another Tracker grabs it and breaks his blade.
Then he grabs Y/n by the neck and lift him up in the air chocking the life out of him.
South: No!
South swap her weapon and she and Church open fire at Tracker but he sees this and picks up Breakers brute shot and fires a few shots at the which they dodged within seconds.
Tracker: We feel powerful and will die and our revenge will be complete.
Y/n: Please.....don't do this.
Tracker: You are a fool. No one can't stop us and no one is not gonna stop us from a person who ruined everything and that person is you!
Watcher: Y/n stay with me! Come on!
Y/n was chocking and losing his breath and he could feel like he is gonna pass out soon. He drop his sword and he really thinks he was gonna die, he was about to shut his while he looks at the sky when a knife stab inro Tracker from behind.
Tracker let's go of Y/n snd he turn to see Washington who stab him from the back.
Tracker: Traitor.
He then slaps Washington senting him flying and land hard onto the ground. Y/n rushes over to him and helps him up but not before asking him.
Y/n: Why did you safe me?
Washington: I......I realise what I was doing was wrong. I just wanna be something then just...that guy or.....something better. I was treated like I was just.....nothing when I was with Project Freelancer and I just......I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you snd to the Spartans. I really am.
Y/n: (smile) That's okay Wash. Just glad your alright and see your realise that.
Washington was surprised by Y/n's sudden forgiveness but they turn to see Tracker walking towards them while he said.
Tracker: We're gonna end you both and show the world who we are. Once and for all the Spartans will be destr-
Suddenly Tracker was sent flying from a incoming rocket and he crashes to the snow. Washington and Y/n looks up and see a large Vulture hovering over them and the one that saved their butt's.
Washington: Is that on our side?
Y/n: Don't know.
Mike: (radio) Yes sir we are.
Y/n: (surprised) Mike?! Thank god to hear your voice.
Sarge: (radio) Don't you forget about us.
Grif: (radio) Jesus it's freezing.
Simmons: (radio) That's the reason this planet is an ice planet idiot.
Caboose: (radio) Hi Church!
Church: Don't know I should be happy or sad that they are here.
Y/n: Thank god you guys are here....and about before.
Sarge: (radio) Oh forget about that crap, now let's beat this Spartan once and for all!
Tracker stood up and looks at the Vulture with Mike firing machine guns at Tracker which Tracker deployed an engery shield to block the bullets while Ave, Ashley, Gabriel, Sophie and Elijah arrive with Spartan lasers with Gabriel tossed Y/n one.
Ave: (smirk) See we missed the party.
Ashley: This may sound risky but these Spartan lasers might do to take down Trackers shields.
Y/n: We only need to take away that capture until so let's weaken him as best we can.
They agree while Tracker fire his brute shot at the Vulture which nearly blows up the bridge so Mike takes it away but seconds later a red beam hits Tracker and he looks at Ave ane try to fire his brute shot but another beam fired by Ashley fires at him from another side and soon more red beams from Fireteam: Spartan rangers fires their Spartan lasers at them trying their best to weaken him.
Tracked try his best to hold off his shield but it was too much and it breaks ane fell to his knees.
Watcher: He's down!
Y/n tossed his Spartan laser and rushes towards him and then grabs the capture unit and try his best to pull it oit but Tracker grabs his hand and twisted it which made his hand to break as Tracker start to tell him.
Y/n: Your wrong. No matter what Tracker. Spartans will never.......
He then pulls as hard as he can and soon he tear off the capture unit out of Trackers back while he yells out.
He lands onto the ground while Tracker lands onto the ground and slowly sat up then his armor start to malfunction and soon his bones start to break everywhere from his body while he scream out in pain before his neck snapped by his helmet and he fell onto the ground dead.
Y/n was breathing to see Tracker is no more ane he still holds the Capture unit and stand up while Church, Washington, South and Maine rushes up to him.
Church: Where is she?!
Y/n: She's in here.
Maine: Any way we can get her out?
Washington: No way. That capture unit is too strong for any AI to break another out.
Church: Yeah but not me!
Then Church exit out of his body and into the capture unit which shocked everyone while the reds and blues land the Vulture ane rushes over and then Watcher calls out.
Watcher: Oh shit! It's shutting down!
Y/n: Shit! Come on Church. Make it.
But soon the Memory unit shuts off which sadness everyone to see that they not only lost Tex once more....bit Church as well.
The UNSC ships arrived after Mendez calls for help was answered and we see UNSC soldiers on the ground taking the arrest Spartan slayer soldiers along with Breaker who survived the battle away while some take the injured Spartans and UNSC soldiers away to get healed.
We see Y/n and the rest in line as Mendez looks at them and he looks at Y/n ane his team and tells them.
Mendez: You did a good job taking down Tracker once and for all. And your medic did a good job healing many Spartans and solders in this battle.
They give him a salute which he nods and then he gose up to Sarge and the rest and he looks at them and then tells them.
Mendez: You all disobey my orders once again.
They were ashamed but then to their surprise Mendez smirks and tells them.
Mendez: (smirk) But I own you my thanks. Maybe I can have you in many missions more often the then you all standing around ane talking.
They were glad for this whike Mendez walks up to South, Maine and Washington as he asked.
Mendez: You sure you two want him to join us?
South: He have suffered enough sir. It's best we give him a second chance.
Maine: Agree. Like we didn't to him.
Washington was surprised by this while Mendez agrees and tells them.
Mendez: Very well then. I'll inform to ONI about this and inform them about the threat is over. Now we have the deal with the Covenant now. You all did well, now get into your ships. We're heading home.
Then he walks off and after Washington looks at everyone and tells them.
Washington: You know you don't have to do this, I think I should be punished for what I did.
Y/n: No way Wash. You deserve a second chance like Maine and South.
Washington: Yeah. Hey South sorry for nearly killing you and not trusting you.
South: That alright Washington. Besides, you were kinda scary.
Washington: Hey I wasn't that scary.....was I?
Maine: (chuckle) Same old Wash. Welcome back buddy.
Washington: (smile) Same.
Everyone smiled while Ashia walks over to them and tells them.
Ashia: Vulture is ready to launch.
Grif: Good god, let's get out of here.
Simmons: Shot gun!
Ashia: Actually Rowen calls shot gun on the Vulture.
Simmons and Grif: Fuck!
Sarge: Hehe now that's what I like a call a shot gun call. Hehe.
Grif: Yeah Yeah let's just go.
And so they make their way to the Vulture and soon the UNSC ships takes off and leave the planet while we see Quick-Trigger standing at the edge of the cliff as he looks down at his hand and looks at the small teddy bear heckles from Daisy after he death.
He turns and we see a Pelican waiting for him and he was about to enter when a pump of a shotgun is head from behind and he turns to see Mendez aiming his shotgun shotgun him.
The two stare at each other for a long while as a cold wind blow them when Quick-Trigger breaks the silence and asked.
Quick-Trigger: Well....are you gonna shoot me?
But then Mendez lower his shotgun a bit and asked the same question.
Mendez: Are you as well?
Quick-Trigger was silent a bit and that either of them aren't gonna take the shot.
Mendez: Where will you go Solder?
Quick-Trigger: Somewhere. Somewhere that is a away from UNSC or any life. All I be past of a family with my sister.
Mendez sees the necklace and tells him.
Mendez: Daisy-023. I heard about her. She try to escape to live out her happy family but return when she sees her flash clone.
Quick-Trigger:.....And Mine?
Mendez: Long dead.
Quick-Trigger: Figures.
Mendez:......You must understand that just because your sister died, that doesn't mean you go out of you to take revenge of the UNSC for her death. You must understand she died to serve for the UNSC and humanity, not as a slave to us or to Halsey.
Quick-Trigger was silence once more and then Mendez fully lower his shotgun and tells him.
Mendez: I'm letting you go but I want you to think very hard and think about what you fighting for. Are you really fighting for revenge towards us....or to them?
Quick-Trigger doesn't say nothing but turns and enter the Pelican and he close the hatch and soon he takes off and now Mendez was alone now as he turns to leave while we see Quick-Trigger fly out of the Pelican while he took out a hologram photo of him ane Daisy salute kids with himself putting on a flower crown on her as a signal tear pour out of his helmet and tells to himself or to her.
Quick-Trigger: Daisy....please.....I hope you forgive me. I still love you and.....I really missed you.
He then press the bottoms and then he jumps to slip space and disappeared possible forever, alone with no one around him to be
To be continued...............
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