Chapter 31: Getting back home

We see a landscape of the desert. No human life, no creatures or anything until two Warthogs fly over and lands hard onto the ground and travels through the sand and reached their location. Once at a put stop Fireteam: Search-Out leap out of the Warthogs and walk towards a Covenant crashed ship.

Once close they see it was complete damage and cannot fly. Max get close to the ship and press his hand onto it.

Dan: Hey Max, Try not to make it worse.

Max: Like how?

Dan: I don't know blowing it up.

Max: Oh fuck off man, there is no power in this junk.

James: Enough. Max, Dan get inside and see what you can find. Harry your with me, let's see what we can find in the computer files.

They head inside and Max and Dan started to rip parts from the ship while also finding any weapons or tools while we see Harry managed to get a little juice of power to one of the computers snd start digging into the files.

James: Anything?

Harry: Nothing much. Just some orders couple a months ago.

James: I see.

Max and Dan arrived and place down the boxes onto the floor following by Max said.

Max: That's all of it.

James: That good. Let's take them back to sandcastle base and report this to Y/n. Let's move out!

They nod and they return back to their Warthogs and drive off and soon they arrived back at Sandcastle base which is a small UNSC camp that they set up with a little help of the Elites with their knowledge of technology and equipment.

We then cut to Grif near outside of the base and looking around at the landscape while Tucker walks up to him.

Tucker: Hey grif, what's up?

Grif: Hm? Oh. Hey Tucker.

Tucker: What're you doing?

Grif: Well, Sarge and Y/n told me to Bury all the bodies from our battle.

Tucker: That's a lotta grave. Lotta holes to fill. (Mutter) Bow chicka bow wow.

Mike: Yeah try not to say that next time when your spying on Y/n making out with Mia.

Then Mike walks up to them which Tucker said.

Tucker: Don't blame me. I just turn a corner and saw them which was hot as heck. Y/n is really getting with the ladies.

Mike: Well he's a lucky man. Anyways where is the bodies?

Grif: Well after I dig up the holes, the sand came and blow not only the hole but the bodies as well.

Mike: Huh guess that means your job is done. Nice work Grif.

Grif: Huh, I like the way you think.

Tucker: So how is Sheila doing?

Mike: Doing well, all we need to do now is pray knowing that she'll be online and take us back to base.

Tucker: Nice. So there is like a city of Spartans or what's the story?

Mike: Well it's kinda like a gift for us since we took down Project Freelancer.

Tucker: (surprised) Seriously?! You mean I've been calling yo then this whole time and none of them respond because they were shut down?!

Mike:.......Um yes?

Tucker: Shit.

Sarge: Hey!

Then Sarge walks over to them and asked.

Sarge: Thought me and Y/n told you to burry the....bodies? What the?

Mike: No need to yell at him Sarge, Grif managed to burry them.

Sarge: What the? How is that possible in quick time. Did either of you help him?

Mike: No I just arrived here.

Tucker: Heck no. Have you not know about me Sarge, I'm a lover, not a digger.

Mike: Thought you said last time "I'm a lover, not a alien knowledgeable."

Tucker: That's just what I am.

Grif: (chcukle) Still he would help if some of the bodies were dead ladies.

The three turn to Grif which Grif said.

Grif: Now I felt wrong to say that.


Inside the temple we see computers of both Covenant and UNSC place around while Y/n and watcher looks through them just as James walks up behind him and Y/n turns to him.

Y/n: Hey James, found anything?

James: Just same parts we need to get out of here.

Y/n: That's good. These parts will do for Sheila.

Watcher: So what is our plan? If we bring the Elites with us, there might be problems.

Y/n: I agree but what else can we do? They serve Church like a God and there is no way to take Church without pissing them off.

James: I see your point. Can we just kill them?

Y/n: We're not like the Covenant or Tracker snd his army. We just need to find another way to leave with Church without pissing off the Elites?

Watcher: Well there is one way.

Y/n: What's that?

Watcher: We could just leave and take a hand fill of soldiers and return back to base and leave Church and some troops there and we can create something for them to worship and we can just take Church and they will not give a shit.

Y/n: You think that will work?

Watcher: Look if I know about those Covenant, I'll say they worship anything that is Forerunner, heck maybe a Forerunner toaster and they'll bow down to it.

James: That might work.

Y/n: Agree. We can leave the blues with Church for a while and then return back.

James: Sounds like a plan.

Sophie: Um Y/n?

Then Sophie came into the room along with Church floating into the room which cost the Elites to how down with respect.

Y/n: Is there a problem?

Sophie: Well it's Church. He's starting and slowly getting his memories back.

Y/n: Really? What is he remembering?

Church: Not much. But I remember....a waterfall....a Forerunner structure and...a black armor soldier going into it. Still I think my memories are telling me something.

Watcher: Well Delta once said "Memory is the key."

Y/n: Unless he is talking about a glowing killing sword.

Church: Probably. So what are you all doing?

Y/n: Getting ready to head to Spartan Utopia along with the reds, Fireteam:Search-Out and a few UNSC soldiers.

Church: Cool mind I join.

Y/n: Sorry but we can't risk the Elites get....pissed off. It's best you stay here with the blues.

Church: Damn it, I hate those guys.....Well except Mike, he's seems like a chill guy.

Then Ave appear from the back with a smile as she said.

Ave: She is ready Y/n. We can finally go home.

Y/n: (smile) That's brilliant Ave. Let's take you home James.

James: Yes sir.

Soon they gathered as much equipment and men as they can ane they load them up into Sheila. During all of this Church decided to screw them and sneak inside and hide somewhere while they were ready to take off.

Y/n fire up the engines and take off as Sheila flies off and once in space jump into slip space and returning back to Spartan Utopia.


They exit out of slip space and flies towards the planet and they enter the atmosphere and soon break through the cloads and fly towards the base which is right ahead of them.

Gabriel: Looks like everything seems normal.

Grif: Yeah and we might get punished for leaving our posted.

Sarge: Oh come on Grif, how pissed can they be?

Sheila: Missles incoming!

Then missiles came out snd fly towards them which Y/n turn Sheila to dodge the incoming Missiles and then more came out and fly towards them.

Grif: (scared) Ah! There's more!

Y/n: Hang on!

Y/n dodges the missles but see they are tracking missiles as they turn and flies behind them.

Y/n: Fuck why are they attacking us?!

Elijah: Something must be wrong.

Tracker: (radio) Hello old friend.

Y/n: (shocked) Tracker?!

Tracker: (radio) Love your place. Pretty suitable for a military terrorist like us to take over.

Y/n: (anger) You son of a bitch.

Tracker: (radio) Never worry we're taking a good care with it. We see you hell.

It was cut off as Y/n flies Sheila around and try to get rid of the missiles. A few blow up but one was flying close to Sheila and it was gonna blow up when a beam hits the missile that cost it to blow up in the air.

Y/n: What happened?

Sarge: Did that beam saved us?

Mendez: (radio) Fireteam: Spartan Rangers you all alright?

Y/n: Mendez! Thank god to hear your voice sir.

Mendez: (radio) Same here. I'm senting your the coordinates, meet us there.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Y/n flies Sheila to one of the mountains and once close a large door opens and once fully they fly into the hanger bay and waiting them was Mendez and South as once Sheila lands down.

The hatch opens and both Fireteam: Spartan Rangers and Fireteam: Search-Out came out along with Sarge and Grif  and a few UNSC soldiers carrying equipment.

The two teams give Mendez a salute and he salute them back. South walks up to Y/n snd they stare at each other for a while unril South punch him in the stomach which Y/n fell down to his knees.

Y/n: Ow! What was that for?

South: For not calling back.

Y/n: Um yeah there was some problems from our last mission ane we-

But South open Y/n's helmet a little snd kiss him on the lips for a second before she stop and slide his helmet back into place.

Y/n: And that?

South: (smile) For coming back.

Mendez turns to Sarge and Grif and asked.

Mendez: Mind telling me why you are with them?

Grif:......Um can you believe us it was the blues? Hehe.

Mendez: Hmm I'll deal with you two later. Oh yeah Y/n, someone is here to see you.

They turn and they were shocked to see Maine walking up to them wearing new Spartan armor.

Grif: (panic) Oh shit! It's the Meta!

Maine: I'm not the Meta. Not anymore.

Maine walks up to Y/n and reach out a hand which Y/n grabs and they shake on it.

Maine: Thank you. Thank you for freeing me.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Doc: (surprised) Wow I never know his voice would be repaired!

Mendez: Not exactly his voice but it's the best we can do.

Y/n: So what's going on, how is it possible for Tracked ans his team managed to capture our base?

Mendez: Come and I'll tell you. Doc, your needed at the medical bay as the rest of you, get some rest while we tell Y/n the situation.

They nod and walk off while Mendez, Maine, South and Y/n walk in a different way and walk through the halls while Mendez explain.

Mendez: They attack us out of nowhere and they were too many to fight them so we pull back and arrive here. Now they managed to taken out base and it who knows they will do with it.

Y/n: Have you try to contact the UNSC?

Maine: We did but they have been jamming our transmission. They also gotten, Simons, Jin and Ashia.

Y/n: What?! What about Rowen and Donut?

They look at each other before South said.

South: It's best you see it for yourself.

Y/n agrees and head to the control room and once there they pull up footage of Rowen and Donut getting killed.....By Washington. Y/n was shocked to see Washington not only back but joining the enemy, he step back a little and looks down shock and Watcher was the one to asked.

Watcher: Why in the living Fuck is Washington working with them?! He helped us?!

Mendez: I don't know but they have capture Simons, Jin and Ashia and it who knows what they will do with them.

Y/n: We need to rescue them and take back the base. Is there anyway we can rescue them and stage a tack back on the base.

Mendez: We can rescue them but taking back the base will take a lot of work and.....we don't have enough fire power to take it back.

Y/n: So what are you saying?

Mendez: We have to abandoned the base and take it back another time.

Y/n: But we can't! We can't just run away we must fight!

Maine: I know how you are feeling but Tracker and his army as Freelancer equipment and strong army. It be impossible for us to take it back.

Y/n looks down in both anger and frustration until Watcher tells him.

Watcher: They're right. It's best we take it back in another day.

Y/n calms down and looks at them and said.

Y/n: Okay. What's the plan of rescueing Simmons and the rest?

Mendez: We can take the same way we escape with and once there we can sneak out way into the base and find the holding cell where they are at. Once they are rescue you go the same way to came in snd return back here.

Y/n: Cool. Want me to take my squad and we be.

Maine: It's best a small team will be good enough.

Y/n: I see. So I guess I'm with you two then. This will be good.

South: Agree. Let's do this.

Maine: Agree. I'm ready for some action.

Mendez: Good luck you three and return back safe. Once you three return we start an evacuation, I have a feeling Tracker and his army knows our location.


On the bridge within Spartan Utopia we see Tracker, Breaker, Quick-Trigger ans Washington standing around while one Spartan slayer soldiers walks up to tracker and tells him.

Spartan demon soldier: Sir we lost signal from Y/n and his ship.

Tracker: They must be hidden inside the mountain. Keep an eye on it ane report back to me.

The soldier nods and walks off and as soon he was gone Washington looks at Tracker and asked.

Washington: Our objective was to capture the Epsilon unit. What if it was on that pelican with them?

Tracker: It can survive an explosion right? So we can find it within the rubble.

Washington: Still was it necessary to fire missiles at them?

Tracker: We needed our revenge on them for taking down Project Freelancer and ruined our lives right?

Washington: I guess so.

Quick-Trigger: You guess so...or not so.

Washington: What is your problem with me? You three break me out of jail right?

Quick-Trigger: True but are you really on our side? What if you back stab us when we at least suspect.

Washington: I won't. Look if you have a problem with me then how about you do me a favor and fuck off.

Quick-Trigger: (anger) Why you little shi-

Tracker: Enough! Both of you! We are all in the same size and know who our enemy is so let's just shut up and work together.

Washington and Quick-Trigger sigh and look away from each other while Breaker chuckles a little before Tracker tells Washington.

Tracker: Wash, check up on the prisoners and see how are they doing.

Washington: Yes sir.

Washington leaves the bridge while Tracker stare oit the veiw of the window and smiles underneath his helmet.


At the holding cell we see Jin, Ashia and Simmons in each of their own cell ad Jin slams his shoulder onto the red enegry Shield to try to escape but it wasn't working and injuring his arm as he yells and slams at it again.

They were stripped from their armor and helmets including their weapons while Ashia sit in the middle of her cell and said.

Ashia: I can't believe Donut and Rowen are dead.

Simmons: Well maybe Donut will be back, who knows he survived many crazy and near death situations.

Ashia: I don't know.

Simmons: Hey, you alright?

Ashia: I'm just.......starting to give up hope now. What if no one is coming to rescue us. What if Mendez and the rest are all dead and we are the only once. What if-

Simmons: Hey Sarge said "Screw the what ifs and don't you dare guve up, if it was someone forvong you to listen children's music." Don't know what that last one ment but he is right on one thing. Never give up and keep on fighting. Besides, your a spartan and Spartans never give up.

Ashia: (smile) Guess your right. Jeez, how can you when it comes to situations like this and lost both of your team?

Simmons: (smile) Hey just something I've learned.

Jin scream in pain as he fell back onto the floor while breathing heavily before a voice or Washington said.

Washington: Whoa, so much for a powerful Spartan.

They see Washington stepping out of the shadow which made Jin pissed as he stood up and calls him.

Jin: (anger) Your a fucking traitor.

Washington: Oh really? I'm a traitor, well according to records I'm not a UNSC soldier.

Simmons: But you helped us! Why would you turn on us and work for them?!

Washington: Because they give me something that you all took down. Project Freelancer was our home, my home but you UNSC Spartans came and destroy it.

Ashia: But you help us taking it down right?

Washington: I did. But I wanna make things right for them.

Jin: (anger) Your gonna pay for this Washington.

Washington: Like to see you try. We know that Y/n and his team arrived back here snd now they are with Mendez and his Spartans within the mountains.

Simmons: (surprised) They are?!

Washington: Indeed but no matter, because once they arrive here and enter our trap.....

He turn and walks away before he stop and turn his head back to them and tells them.

Washington: They won't make it out alive.

Then he disappeared within the darkness while Simmons, Ashia and Jin were worried about this and hope they will make it here soon.


We see Church fly to Valhalla and see it was completely empty except a few dead bodies. One of which was Rowen who Church stop and looks at all the dead bodies and says.

Church: Jeez so many dead bodies. Huh, sucks the to be them.

He was about to fly away when a hand grabs Church which scared the shit out of him and moves the hand away from him and turn to see Rowen slowly standing up and coughing as he stand up fully and looks around.

Church: Shit you scared the living shit out of me?

Rowen sees Church as a floating ball and asked.

Rowen: What the fuck are you?

Church: Wow! You kiss your mother with that?

Rowen: What ever.

Church: Still how are you alive?

Rowen: I try to kill one of them and when I missed I knew they were gonna kill me so I placed armor on armor lock and the bullet nearly killed me but thanks to my armor lock I managed to survive but the impact of those kind of bullets knock me out for a while until I work up here.

Church: And the bullet was.....?

Rowen: In the head.

Church: Damn. Most be a close call.

Rowen: No kidding.

He turn to see Donut among the bodies and rushes Iver to him and check on him.

Church: How is he?

Rowen: Okay but unconscious. That shot on the waist must have passed him out. We need to head to a nearby base to patch him up.

Church: I think i see one ahead.

Rowen: Right. Let's move.

He picks up Donut and take him with Chufch fallowing and soon Rowen takes the unconscious Donut to blue base and Church was about to enter when he stop and suddenly feel like he know this place.

Church: Wait....why I do I feel like...I've seen this place before.

Rowen: Hey you coming floating ball thing?

Church: Hey I have a name you know!

Rowen: Whatever.

Church: Man I hate that guy.

Then Church floats inside as they bunker here for a while until they are ready to rejoin with the other Spartans and wither take back their base or escape the planet and fight for another day.

To be continued................

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