Chapter 30: One final push
Within Valhalla we see Spartan slayer soldiers surrounding red base which has only a few Spartans and soldiers that are still fighting while we see Simmons place down the last cargo while the rest get their weapons and gets ready for a battle.
Jin: So even if we win this, what should we do?
Rowen: Once we take them out we move on Spartan Utopia and take it back.
Jin: And that means we have to kill all of them? This is a bad idea.
Simmons: His right, the possibility for us surviving is low.
Rowen: We make it.
Ashia: Even if we die I just wanna know this is an honour serving you all.
Jin: Same. If Mike haven't lock the beers we would have our last drink.
Simmons: Sarge is gonna be pissed when he sees we used all of his weapons.
Lopez: (spanish) He'll deal with it, yo be honest I don't care at all. If I die as a robot then so be it.
Donut: Can we ask them nicely to let us through to our base?
Then there was an explosion outside that shook the base.
Rowen: Dose that answer your question?
Donut: Not really no.
Rowen: (sigh) Lock and load.
Outside we see Spartan slayer soldiers moving up to the base before one gets shot in the head by Rowen which made the rest to take over as the rest appear on top of the base and open fire at them. The Spartan slayer soldiers open fire at them as bullets fly by them which they return fire as their final fight may come soon.
The temple shook once more as we see Y/n enter the planning room with three other Spartans of Fireteam: Search-Out. Dan-B347, Max-770 and Harry-B221.
Y/n: See your team is up and ready for battle.
James: Indeed, they they have a beat in but we always come back up.
Dan: Nice to meet you sir and thanks for the rescue.
Y/n: No problem so what do we have here?
James: Well this is the map of the temple and these X's are the block points that CT block off. He knows aboit this temple more then any of us.
Watcher: Who is that possible? Someone must have given him information.
Y/n: Agree so is there a way outside without being detected?
Max: Well there is one but it's too risky.
Y/n: What is it?
Max: I've managed to open a secret underground path that may lead us outside but it's too risky. We sent do a fre drones and it's like a Maze down there and it's easy to get lost.
Y/n: Maybe we can give it a try. My squad can head down there and check it out. Leave the door open for us if we ever return.
James: Alright. Once you clear out CT's soldiers and Elites we should- What the fuck is that?!
They turn to see a floating metal ball float into the room which they draw their weapons at it.
???: Wow Wow you guys seem aggressive.
Y/n: Wait....Church?!
Watcher: And here I thought it couldn't get any worse.
Then the reds and blues enter the room and Y/n turns and asked.
Y/n: How is Church alive?
Mike: Well it's not actually Church.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Mike: This is Epsilon, the memory and the reason why he sounds ans acts like that is because of Caboose telling stories to him.
Caboose: And Jin said it's a waste of time but I proof him wrong......if I know what that means.
Church: So your this legendary sparten who is the brother of John-117.
Y/n: Um yeah, can't believe Caboose actually got it righ-
Tucker: Wait for it.
Church: And a team leader of a team of super hero that use their strength and abilities to fight monsters and form a large mecha to fight even big monsters.
Y/n:....Um....I give it a kinda.
Grif: So what are you all doing?
James: Well we are planning to head down to the lower floor and-
Grif: Wow wow wow! Lower floor, where all the scary shit is at. Yeah count me out, I'm not going and you can't make me.
James: I wasn't asking to go down.
Grif: Wait really?
Y/n: Yeah my squad can head down there and clear out CT's men and Elites and we see have the upper hand.
Grif: Well at least finally I not gonna risk my life for it.
Y/n: We can leaves Doc to continue healing up the soldiers and head down there now.
James: Right.
Short whike later we see Y/n and his team except for Doc at the location which a soldier opens up the hole and they look down to see it's complete dark down there.
Ave: Yeah that is one dark underground base.
Y/n: Night vision and stay close, don't wanna get separated.
They agree and they throw down a rope and they slide down. Y/n slide down last and he lands onto the metal floor and they aimed their weapons around but no sign of enemy forces.
James: You alright down there?
Y/n: Yeah keep the door open if we return.
James: Right, stay safe and-
Then there was an explosion and James and his men turn to see CT has breached the temples doors.
James: Oh shit! BATTLE STATION! Sorry Y/n but your on your own.
Then James shuts the door on them leaving them dark but they active their night vision on their helmets and Y/n looks back up to the hole to hear screaming and gun fire.
Y/n: Fuck.
Gabriel: We can save them sir, don't worry.
Y/n: Alright. Mia any ideas what this place is?
Mia: Well judging to that I think this might be a Forerunner military base.
They wall over to Mia and they turn to see what looks like Forerunner armor inside of a glass case while they look down to see more of this glass case and even Forerunner weapons that looked like they haven't been used for a very long time.
Ashley: (surprised) Look at all of these weapons.
Elijah: These weapons looked like it's cable to incinerate anything.
Ashley: Can we use them?
Elijah: No. They looked like their engery was drained so no point.
The two catch up with the rest as they walk through the halls of this base while walk pass a few more glass cases of Forerunner armor for soldiers along broken or old Forerunner sentinels that were lying there for many years.
They walk up to a door that can not open because of power so Y/n asked Watcher.
Y/n: Watcher can you get the power online from here?
Watcher: Already on it annnnnnnnndddddd power on!
Then the lights around the halls turn on and the door they are standing opens up and they aim their weapons to see nothing but looked like a planning room. They walk inside and they look around to see status that looked like they were fallen apart but they can tell they were status of Forerunner hero's during their war.
Elijah walks up to the controls and a hologram keyboard lights up and Elijah type something in and a map of the base opens up which they gathered around and Elijah said.
Elijah: There is another exit however we have to go pass the armory in order to get out.
Y/n: Sounds simple, anything else you find in there?
Elijah: Nothing much just some reports of attackes and a message about the rings activation......Oh this one is interesting.
Sophie: What is it?
Elijah: Look at this.
Then Elijah pulls it up and it was a hologram what looked like Reach as Elijah gose on yo say.
Elijah: It looks like Reach has many Forerunner artifacts and one of which is a crashed ship.
Ave: That's underneath Sword base right?
Elijah: Apparently so.
Y/n: Can you Delete it? We can't allow the Covenant to find this.
Elijah: Yep and down. Let's move before CT's men will find us here.
Y/n: Right, let's move squad.
They continue walking through the halls until they reach the armory which they were amazed how many Forerunner weapons where and wonder some might work. But they continue on and tehy finally find their exit and they hop on the lift and once on the lift pulls them up ad the ceiling opens up and blind then with sun light.
Soon they were out and they can see the temple ahead of them and they hear an explosion in the distance and Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Double time, move!
They move as fast as they could and once they slide down the hill they were confused to see CT's men fighting the Elites as the Elites killed some of CT's men whike they quickly dodges to see the reds riding a gauss hod ans chasing another vehicle as James and his team rushes over to them and James said.
James: Thank god you all are here.
Y/n: What the hell just happened?!
James: Well turns out the Elites didn't like the CT did to Epsilon so they betrayed him and now it seems like the Elites are helping us.
Elijah: That's......hard to believe.
Harry: Now CT has Church and they are on that Warthog right now.
Y/n: Well I know how to put a stop of CT.
Y/n rushes over see CT coming around again and he was gonna ram Y/n but Y/n slams his fist and active his armor lock and CT's Warthog slams at him and he was sent flying while the Warthog also flies off as well and it crashed onto the ground with CT lands hard onto the ground.
The reds arrived to see CT down while Y/n disable his armor lock as Grif said.
Grif: Huh I always forget you have that.
CT Glare at them before rushes off.
Y/n: Gtab Epsilon while I get CT.
Sarge: On it!
Y/n: Mia head to Sheila and call for help.
Mia: Right!
Y/n: The rest will help James team and UNSC soldiers to take care of CT's men while I get CT, let's do this spartan!
They split off with the reds get Epsilon whike Mia arrived yo Sheila and try ti turn on her but nothing isn't working.
Mia: Damn! CT must have sabotage her. Fuck.
While the rest of Y/n's team assist James team, the UNSzc soldiers and the Elites as they take down most of CT's men until soke thtow down their weapons and Surrender which means they won the battle.
But the battle ain't over where we see Y/n running along the top of the temple until he gets to edge and looks around.
Y/n: Where did he go?
CT: Freeze!
We see CT behind Y/n pointing a pistol at him as Y/n turns to him as CT walks towards him whike saying.
CT: I shouldn't have killed you and your pathetic friends the second I met eyes with you.
Y/n: Why are you doing this?
CT: Why? It's my job. Someone is paying me a lot of money to find what ever they want and now once I take care of you, I'll bring it to him.
Y/n: But who hired you?
CT: Sorry, can't give out information like that.
CT stills aim his pistol at Y/n and was about to pull the trigger but Y/n rush over and moves his pistol away which made CT fire a shot and the two struggled as Y/n elbowed CT at the stomach but CT was stronger and throws Y/n to the ground but Y/n pulls out his Assault rifle and open fire at CT but he dodges it and fire his pistol and that shot novk Y/n's rifle off of him and CT rush at him and swings a kick at him but Y/n grab his feet and then he lift him up and throws him onto the ground.
CTX's helmeg breaks as he kicks Y/n back and he takes off his helmet revealing his face to Y/n and then launch the him and throw punches at Y/n while Y/n blocks them and kicks CT on the waist a fre times and one kicks sent CT flying and he crashed onto the ground.
Y/n take out his pistol and aims it at CT while he walks towards him while he said.
Y/n: Dead or alive you'll coming wish me.
Then once close CT slams down a device onto his chest and it froze his armor in place as CT laughs while standing up.
CT: Okay I have to tell you a truth a little, I fid contact Tracker and his men but only for supplies and their equipment. Heck, how do you think we beat those Spartans so easily. But I gonna admit, even though you say to yourself that your this powerful super soldiers that has no weakness. Well......I think we know that last part ain't true.
CT chuckles while he takes Y/n's pistol and aims it at his head.
CT: (smirk) Any last words Spartan?
Y/n: (smirk) Hey....have you ever met our other friend.
CT: Other friend?
Y/n: (smirk) You may not know him you Prey for him.
Then Church appear behind Y/n as CT turns to him.
Church: Yo.
CT: What the heck is that thing?
Then Church's eye lights up red as CT step back a little and said.
CT: Oh son of a Bi-
Then a red beam fired that gose through CT's chest. CT looks down at his chest before dropping the pistol and fell onto the ground dead.
Church: I am not a thing! My name is Leonard Church, and you will fear my laser face!
Y/n: Laser face? Really, is that the best you can do?
Watcher: Weak.
Church: Oh shut up men, it's not like you can do it better.
Ave: Y/n!
Ave and the rest rush over and once there they rip the device off of Y/n's chest and he can move and said.
Y/n: Thanks, bet I never have to experience that device again.
Gabriel: You may have jinx that sir.
Church: Hey how about you thank the guy that saved you.
Y/n: Yes I was getting to you Church, thank you and good to have you back.
Church: Well I don't know much but sure, good to be back.
The reds and blues arrived to them and so dose Mia as she has some bad news.
Mia: CT sabotage Sheila and I will take us a while to get off world and back to base.
Caboose: Oh no, Sheila! Can you fix her?
Mia: I would but like is said, it will take a while.
Grif: Well as long we have no other problems, I think we be fine.
Mike: Um guys, With about those guys?
They look down from the edge to see the Elites looking up at them.
Ave: They don't show hostility to any of us.
Gabriel: We can't trust them, we should kill them.
Y/n: No, we're not like the Covenant or any terrorist.
Gabriel: Then what do you suggest we do?
Tucker: Well apparently they worship Church since he is Forerunner tech and you know how the Covenant are.
Y/n looks at Church and to the Elites and has an idea. Soon we see them as Church talks to the Elites as Church tells them.
Church: Alright, as your new god aka your awesome god, you'll be kind to the humans. I know they smell and suck but we must work together in order to survive. So no fighting, no biting and no rapping.....Well actually I may not know some of female or male but still the rules complies. Do we have a deal?
The Elites talk to each other trying to discuss things until one which is the leader walks up to Y/n and lend out a hand to Y/n for a sign fo peace. Y/n takes the Elites hand and shakes on it. The Elites cheered while rasing their weapons while Y/n and the rest were happy to see them as now allies now and they thinks things are turing up alright for them.
We see Tracker, Breaker and their army at Spartan Utopia and see the flames around them as Tracker smirks to himself as he looks around and said.
Tracker: (smirk) This feeling feels wonderful. Look around us Breaker, their base is destroyed, they are on the run and now....we took over it.
Breaker: Unlikely we didn't capture some otherwise I would be happy for that.
Quick-Trigger: Tracker.
They turn to see Tracker along with Simmons, Donut, Lopez, Rowen, Jin and Ashia enter the base and the four were forced to their knees while lind up as Quick-Trigger walks over and said.
Quick-Trigger: They pull up a good fight but we managed to get the upper hand and capture them.
Tracker: Good.
Tracker walks over to them and looks at them and said.
Tracker: Has any of you know where is the memory unit is?
Jin: We're not telling you traitor!
Tracker: Traitor? Look around you, you've all being control by those who turn is all into machines that are sent to battle just so to die! I'm standing up against that, now you will tell me where it is.
Tracker pulls out his pistol and aims ut at Jin's head while he said.
Tracker: Or I'll kill you.
???: Hold it right there!
Tracker and the rest turn and they see Washington walking up to them which surprised Simmons.
Simmons: It's Washington!
Jin: Well just in time.
Washington walks up to Tracker as Tracker aims his pistol at Washington. The two stare at each other and then Tracker turns his pistol around and Washington takes it.
Tracker: You always find ways to stop our fun huh Wash?
Washington: Remember our mission. We need to capture that memory unit but we need to ask questions first.
Tracker: Right.
Simmons: Wait whatever going on? Why aren't you two fighting?
Tracker: Oh I forgot to introduce you all to our fourth member. Meet Washington our new member of Fireteam: Spartan-Killers.
Simmons and the rest were shocked by this as Washington looks at them and he aims his pistol at them and said.
Washington: Now where is the memory unit.
Simmons: No. No this can't be true. You helped us!
Washington: That was then, this is now.
Lopez: (Spanish) And you say he is your friend?
Simmons: But Y/n trusted you!
Washington was silent while Rowen in his final attempt pulls out a knife out of his back and cuts off the rope and then throws the knife at Washington but Washington dodges it and fires a shot at Rowen through the head.
He stumble back and the he fell back and died right in front of them.
Donut: OMG! He killed Rowen!
Then Washington turn and fire a shot at Donut through the chest which Simmons asked.
Simmons: Donut?
Donut: Hey....I think he shot me as...Well.
Then he fell onto the ground as Simmons calls out to him.
Simmons: Donut no! Come Donut talk to me! Donut!
Washington lower his pistol while Tracker his men to take them away while Washington looks down and then we get a flash back to see Washington on a Pelcan and being rescued by Tracker and his team as Quick-Trigger said.
Quick-Trigger: This is a waste of time. Why do we have to break him out.
Tracker: He's smart and knows about A.I's then any of us. Plus he knows where the memory unit is.
Quick-Trigger: Even so, what's gonna make you think he just betray us or trick us. He's with the UNSC anyway.
Then they hear a chuckle and they turn to Washington who was chuckle as he looks up at them and said.
Washington: As far I remember I've been shot, stab in the back, left for dead, lied to and being a fool to myself. And now, I have a way out of all of this and you three helped me. What in the hell makes you all think I'm gonna stab you and join those pathetic Spartans and including Y/n.
Tracker smirks to himself and the Pelcan lands and the hatch door opens and they step out and they see a large armor of Spartan slayer soldiers along with stolen both Freelancer and UNSC vehicles while a few ships they also stole as Tracker place a hand on Washingtons back whike they look at this and said.
Tracker: We are making a difference to the galaxy. We are gonna show the galaxy who are the real monsters are.....and your gonna help us.
He land out a hand to Washington to join. Washington looks at it and then nods and takes Trackers hand and shakes it.
Washington: Yeah.....we're gonna make a difference to the galaxy and destroy the Spartans, ONI and the UNSC....Once and for all.
To be continued................
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