Chapter 3: Robot on a run

At the Free for all ship we see Phantom transports flying towards the ship and break through the hanging bay shields and managed to get into the ship as we see dead both UNSC and Covenant soldiers laing all over on the ground as we cut to UNSC soldiers holding the line along with Ave and Sophie with them as they taking out a squad of Covenant troops as Ave takes cover.

Sophie dose the same as plasma bolts fly by them and several UNSC soldiers gets killed as Ave sigh to here while reloading her assault rifle.

Ave: These Covenant shit heads never seem to give up.

Sophie: Still we need to hold the line.

Ave: That maybe true but their flag ship is gonna tear apart this ship. We need to get everyone off this ship.

Sophie: Where's Ashley?

Ave: At the bright with the Captain, what ever they are doing hope it be quick.

Sophie: Still hope Y/n and his squad will be alright down there.

Ave: Me too.

Ave peeks out of cover and fire her assault rilke at them and Sophie joins in as she fires her DMR at them and taking a few out.


We see Ashley at the bright with Jackson as he pulls out Crystal's chip out of the console and turns to Ashley and give Crystal to Ashley.

Jackson: Take good care of her.

Ashley nods and takes it and she shove her into her helmet and once Crystal was inside Ashley's helmet she ask.

Ashley: What about you Captain?

Jackson: I stay here and by yous some time to escape. Yous take what ever men you have and get off their ship.

Ashley: Sir we can't do this without you, we need a leader.

Jackson: You already have. Y/n is at the ring, his high ranking enough to give out orders but at the main time, your in charge.

Ashley: Yes sir, it's a honour working along side you.

Jackson: (smile) Same here.

Then Ashley left with the rest of the crew as Jackson stares out of the window as we see Ashley and the rest enter escape pods and they shot out into space and head down into the planet as Jackie watched.

Elite soldier: Don't move demon.

Jackson turns to see three Elites aiming their plasma rifles at him as he smirks and said.

Jackson: (smirk) So......who's gonna shoot first?


Down at the ring we see Y/n, Cali and Robert return back to Blood Gulch and once there Remington see them and run out and said.

Remington: Y/n, Cali we have a huge problem, the Covenant there, there-

Cali: We know soldier, they attack us when we found that forerunner building while exploring.

Remington: (shocked) Really? Oh no, that means their here.

Robert: Yeah and it appears this planet has a name. It's called Halo.

Remington: Halo? I never heard of that before.

Y/n: Nun of us but this is important to the Covenant and that's why were here so they won't use it.

Remington: Yeah but how?

Cali: That's we're trying to figure out, still report the situation.

Remington: Oh well Frank managed to get the coms online and Church is stuck after Tucker try to update him for some reason.

Y/n: Wait stuck? What do you mean by that?

Remington: Well it's maybe best you'll come with me and see this yourself.

Cali: While yous do that I'll try to contact the Captain and tell him what's happening.

Y/n: Alright.

Cali and Robert enter the blue base while Y/n and Remington head up to the second floor and once there see Tucker bend down to Church's trying to fix him while Caboose is beside them as they walk up to them and ask.

Y/n: So I'm I gonna ask what are yous doing?

Church: What dose it look like we're doing?

Y/n: Trying to fix his nuts because Caboose may have blast it off.

Church: Fuck off!

Tucker: We figured we try to have Church's new body to fix the tank-

Caboose: Um I think you mean Sheila.

Tucker: Right "Sheila" so we can use it against the reds.

Y/n: So how did your tank-

Caboose: Sheila.

Y/n: Oh um "Sheila" gotten blown up?

Tucker: Well let's just say this chick throw a gernade at Tex and blow both her and the tank up.

Y/n: Let me guess, the chick your talking about is the pink armour right?

Tucker: Yep.

Y/n: (thought) Woah they are kinda stupid. But then again it would be funny to see their reaction when it turns out that punk armour guy is a dude.

Church: Well back to the story. There was think beeping thing on my head that is really annoying and when Tuckee pull the wires it stopped but I can't move.

Y/n:......Have you try walking with your hands?


Y/n: (chuckle) I kidding man, I'm kidding. Jeez learn to laugh for once.

Church: Yeah I'll laugh once I get moving.

Y/n: Alright let me see.

Y/n been down to see many wires were pulled and said while looking at them.

Y/n: Jeuse Tucker how many wires did you pull, it's like some kid came by and use a kids toy scissors and cut them up.

Tucker: I don't know, I just pull until Churchea being in his head stops.

Y/n: Well I'm not a engineer so there is no way I can't fix all that. What about you Remington, know any engineering?

Remington: Sorry but no, I'm only trained to be a medical assistants for my squad.

Y/n: That's alright, well looks like you'll gonna be like this for the rest of your life Church.

Church: Ha Ha very funny.

Caboose: Um Church we have.

Church: Oh my god Caboose! Not only you call my girlfriend a slut, blow me up with a tank, shooting me in the head and you and Tucker paralysed me from the waist down! So it would be very nice of you IF YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP!

Simon: Hey blues we're back with a- what the he'll is going on?!

They turn to see Simons, Doc and Grif in front of their base as they stand up and Church ask.

Church: Hey what's going on?

Y/n: Looks like your reds are back.

Church: What? Why didn't you tell us Caboose.

Remington: He did.

Simon: What the hell are yous doing?

Y/n: Nothing we were just doing something here.

Grif: What is with these guys?

Doc: (whisper) I told you their weird.

Church: What do yous want reds?

Grif: We're here to bring you back your prisoner.

Y/n: Wait seriously? But he a medic right? He can help yous heal in battle right?

Simon: Yeah but now we don't want him so he's yours.

Church: We're not interested returning prisoners so go back to your base and wait for our attack.

Grif: Hey man what's your problem.

Caboose: He's shy!

Church: Shut up. (Turn to the reds) Look we don't want him so what about you beat it.

Grif: Oh really, care to say it to my face!

Y/n: Enough both of yous! Let's all calm down and let's settle this like gentleman alright.

Simon: He's right, we're not here for a fight, we're just here to bring the prisoner back.

Tucker: Yeah well, you agree the offer so he's your problem now.

Grif: Come on man.

Church: Sorry but rules and rules, so fuck off.

Grif: Jeez what's your problem man.

Simon: Did your mother not tell you its rude to turn away form people while they are talking to you?

Church: Look we don't want him so how's about you beat it.

Y/n: Church maybe we should think about this before-

Grif: Fine we leave.

Simon: Don't suspect we bring him back.

Church: Just get out of our sights!

Grif: (whisper) Jeez he is shy.

The three wall off and Simons turn back and said.

Simon: Last call.

Church: Beat it reds.

Hen they walk off as Church sighs and Remington said.

Remington: That was kinda mean.

Church: Look these guys are assholes and I'm not gonna take the risk of bringing another member here.

Y/n: What about us? You let us in right?

Church: Yeah now I'm starting to regret it now.

Y/n: Oh cheer up Church, someday you will have your smiles some day.

Church: I'm starting to hate you now.

Y/n: Yep I now.

Church: Anyways what's happening, did they left let?

Tucker: I don't know, I can't see them that far. Maybe if I have a sniper rilfe.

Y/n: I'm Tucker, look behind you.

Tucker turns to see Caboose with a sniper rifle and aiming at the distance.

Tucker: Mother fucker.

Y/n: (chuckle) Guess Caboose has dips on the rilfe.

Remington: What do you see Caboose?

Caboose: OK OK, the two red guys are leaving. But the purple one........

Caboose (???): I think he's plotting to attack us.

Y/n: Wait you mean Doc? Impossible?

Tucker: Yeah he's a pussy Fish.

Remington: It's pacifist Tucker and why would Doc planing to attack us.

Caboose: I think the reds put some kind of Brain wash to control the purple one to attack us.

Y/n: Caboose that's....kinda crazy.

Caboose then aim it at Y/n head and said.

Caboose: Is it? Or is it so crazy, it's the most crazy perfect idea that you never thought off?

Y/n: I may stick with my point if you mind.

Remington: Y/n has a point. No way Doc would be mind control to turn against us.

Church: Well we keep an eye on him if he tries anything.

Doc: (distance) Hey guys. Do you mind I stay at your place for the time being?

Caboose: That's it! We're all gonna die!

Caboose (???): Starting with you.

Y/n: Sure we can place you a bed and-

Church: Yeah nice try Doc, there is no way you're not gonna trick us with that crap!

Doc: (distance) You sure? I can even help you with your problems. I am trained to help soliders with their stress.

Church: Beats it Doc! And tell your little friends that their plan has failed.

Doc face defeat and walks off. Y/n see this and gone after him and calls out to him at the field.

Y/n: Yo Doc wait up!

Doc stops and Y/n catches up to him and Doc said.

Doc: Man I never know Church will he shy about himself.

Y/n: Oh it's kinda a long story but sorry about that. They thought you were brain washed by the reds.

Doc: What? They just left me in the middle of nowhere after that Warthog rampage.

Y/n: Warthog rampage?

Doc: It's a long story.

Y/n: Right but if you need a place to stay there is a cave over there, it's not much but we bring you some food and supplies so you can call for pick up.

Doc: Cool thanks Y/n, here I thought everyone in this Canyon are just jerks but you're alright.

Y/n: Thanks Doc.

Dod turns to walk off but Y/n thinks about something and calls out to him once more.

Y/n: Wait I want to know something?

Doc: Um sure what is it?

Y/n: Who's the blues leader? What's his name?

Doc: Oh their commander is Vick, he controls blues coms and keeping taps on them with supplies and anmo.

Y/n: Anyway I contact this "Vick" Guy?

Doc: Use the Blue base coms, those may call him. Anyways see you around.

Then Dod walks back while Y/n watch him go before he walks back to blue base.


We see drop pods landed on the ring and they made crash landed on a forest. They all exit out of the pods and they all regroup with the rest as they set up camp.

We see Sophie and Ave at the hologram table trying to call out to Y/n but there was no answer. Crystal appear on the table and said.

Crystal: The Covenant must be jamming our communication's.

Ave: We gonna try Crystal.

Crystal: I try my best.

Sophie: I'm worried for Y/n and the rest. Do you think they will know.

Ave: Don't think that Sophie, we gonna try contacting Y/n and his squad. Crystal is there anyway to find Y/n and his squad?

Crystal: I could track down their pods, that way we may find their pods and lead us to him and his squad.

Ave: Alright, load the location to my helmet when you track their pods.

Crystal nods and Ave puts on her helmet and exit out of the tent followed by Sophie who ask.

Sophie: Where are you going?

Ave: I'm gonna find Y/n and his squad. If these Covenant wanna face with my handsome man well they are gonna get it.

Ace walks up to a Warthog and gets onto the driver side seat followed by two soldiers one in the passenger side and other on the turret.

Sophie: I wanna go as well.

Ave: No. You needed her in case the Covenant find this camp. I promise I'll be back with Y/n and the rest.

Sophie: Alright, good luck.

Ave: Same to you.

She then ride off as Sophie watch her leave as she wishes that Y/n and the rest will be fine.


At the holding cell in the Covenant flag ship, we see Yra enter the holding cell and walk up a cell which Jackson was in it as he looks up at Yra through the engery shield.

Yra turn to his guard which the elite nods and shut down the shield of Jackson's cell as Yra enters his cell and said.

Yra: You know why I'm here demon.

Jackson: (smirk) Is it about that large ring in front of us? I can tell why.

Yra grabs Jackson by the shirt and slam him onto the wall as he growls and said.

Yra: Smirk as you want demon but this will be the death of you if you won't tell me why you are here?

Jackson: (chuckle) Why, worry that we make a huge mess or take all the glory towards your gods?

Yra get mad and throws Jackson to the other side on the wall and Jackson hits it and fell onto the ground which he chuckled and slowly stands up and wipe a bit of blood on his face and turn to Yra.

Jackson: (smirk) Your maybe strong but I have a stronger mind so no way you can't get any info from me. I wather die then heading anything to you.

Yra stare into Jackson's eyes and then Yra active his engery sword and walks over to Jackson and said while holding the sword in front of Jackson to try to scare him but clearly it's not.

Yra: You may have bravery demon but your bravery will not last. Soon we will find out why your here and we will get it out.

Jackson: Do your worse.

Yra growls once more and he was thinking of killing him here and right now but then Elite soldier appear in front of the cell and said.

Elite soldier: Ship master. Jusa and his squad have made a base and is waiting for you to speak to them.

Yra turns to the soldier and back to Jackson and deactivate his engery sword and waks out of his cell and the engery shield turns back on while Jackson stare at Yra walking away and exit out of the holding cell.

We then see him at the bright with Jusa on a hologram and Yra said.

Yra: Report on the base you have made.

Jusa (hologram): The location have some humans that is stationed but their defence were weak and we destroy them with no casualties.

Yra: Excellent work Jusa, what  is the location is our new base?

Jusa (hologram): What I believe it's called Sidewinder and this place holds more information about our gods shipmates.

Yra: I see, a wait of my arrival Jusa, and tell your men that as well.

Jusa (hologram): It shall be done shipmaster.


We see the blues, Y/n ane Frank as Frank bedn down and try to fix Church but he said while standing up.

Frank: Sorry man, I may have fix TV's but that is just ridiculous.

Church: Great this is just great, how the hell I'm I gonna get my legs fixed guys.

Caboose: Well what about we call someone who can fix you?

Church: Good idea but the only two that can is Lopaz and my dead girlfriend.

Caboose: Hmm calling her maybe difficult.

Tucker: Yeah I can tell dead people don't like to answer calls while they slept.

Frank: Well since your a ghost, how about you jump out of this Lopaz body and we ask him to fix himself and the tank and then you'll jump back to his body and we're all done.

Church: Thats.........Thats.......That's actually not a bad idea.

Tucker: Huh I come we never think about that.

Church: Alright wish me luck guys.

Church shakes around before he was out and the rest turn to each other as Tucker said

Tucker: That's actually I good idea Frank.

Frank: Really? I was just kidding about the all jumping out body thing cause how you two said Church is a ghost.

Caboose: Oh no he is a ghost.


While they talk Lopez looks to see they were distracted and turn and run off as Church appear as a ghost and Frank and Y/n were shocked by this.

Frank: (shocked) Holy shit! Your a ghost!

Y/n: (shocked) Yeah like wtf?

Church: Well save all the shock once I get my bod- wait? Where's my body go?

Tucker: What are you talking about, your body can't-

Then they turn and see Lopez running off which surprised them.

Frank: I guess maybe those wires may have not be responsible for Church not moving huh?

Y/n: Yeah.

Caboose (???): This one is mine!

Caboose fire shots with his sniper rifle but Y/n snatch it off while saying.

Y/n: Hold your fire man! Jeez never know you act like that.

Church: Great just fucking great!

Cali: We hear gun fire, what's going on?

Cali and Remington walk up to the second floor and Y/n explained.

Y/n: Looks like we have a bot on the run.

Remington: I thought his legs can't move?

Y/n: We think so but it appears they do now.

Church: Let's go after him. Tucker let's use a teleporter to cut him.

Tucker: There is no way I'm not going there again.

Church: Fine I'llwait for ya once your not scared. Y/n, Frank you'll with me?

Y/n: Sure.

Frank: Let's go bot hunting.

Church nods and they enter the teleporter as Tucker said.

Tucker: There is no way I'm not gonna get my amour coveed with black stuff.

Cali: Well Church said he can cut him off by the portal.

Tucker: Well he didn't think of this.

Then Tucker throw a grenade at the portal and leap off the base and heads off.

Cali: If he hurts Y/n, I'm gonna kill him.

Remington: I stay here with Robert.

Cali: Do that, Caboose let's go.

Caboose: Right.


We see Lopez running off when Y/n, Church and Frank appear out of the portal and aim their guns at him.

Church: Hold it tin can.

Lopez stop and then a grenade landed between them as Y/n, Frank and Lopaz look down.

Lopez (spanish): Grenade!

Frank: Oh shit!

Lopez runs off while Y/n and Frank get down and the grenade exploded and after the explosion Y/n and Frank stands up and ask Church.

Y/n: Church you alright?

Church: (coughing) Yeah I'm fine. What the hell was that?

Frank: Maybe one of your team mate may try to blow us up.

Church: For god sakes, if it was Caboose I'm gonna be pissed.

Y/n: Well at least we're fine and that's important.

Frank: Come on, we gonna catch up to that bot.

Y/n: Right.

Y/n and Frank chase after him while Church was about to follow when he spotted the reds Warthog driving to their location.

Church: Uh oh.


Y/n and Frank catches up with Lopaz that was blocked by Cali, Tucker and Caboose as Lopez was speaking Spanish and Frank ask.

Frank: Um dose any of us understand him?

Tucker: Not me.

Caboose: Nope.

Cali: Not me.

Y/n: I can, it's like my several languages and Spanish is one of them.

Frank: Well what is he saying?

Y/n: He's saying about Reds will be victory and blues will die or something like that.

Tucker: Woah and here Church think we talk a lot. This thing doesn't shut up.

Y/n: I know Lopaz maybe a machine but try to treat him a little of respect.

Tucker: Still maybe we can mute him once we get back in base.

Caboose: Um guys, we have a problem.

Caboose points and they turn to see Sarge on the Warthog while simon's on the turret.

Frank: Oh shit.

Tucker: OK. We're just walking back slowly.

Frank: Fuck that shit! Running time!

Frank and Caboose start to run off while Tucker said.

Tucker: Slowly! I said slowly!

Tucker, Y/n and Cali followed as well while Lopez said to them.

Lopez (spanish): That's right, run off you fifthly blues, reds have won once again!

Simon: There one right there Sarge.

Sarge: I see him.

Lopez (spanish): Wait what?

Y/n turns back and see the reds are gonna ram Lopez so he run back while Cali stop and see him running back and call out to him.

Cali: Y/n wait!

Y/n gets in front fo Lopez and the Warthog was quickly gonna ram them both. Y/n makes a fist and rais his fist into the and slams it onto the ground just as the Warthog was near his helmet, he activated his armor lock that cost the Warthog to crash into Y/n's amor lock and it exploded into pieces.

The Warthog along with Simons and Srage thrown over Y/n and Lopez and they crash onto the ground while the Warthog flips around before stops and lands onto the ground with flames bursting out.

Y/n deactivate his armor lock and stood up and turn to see Srage and Simon unconscious while the Warthog was completely destroyed.

Lopez (spanish): You saved my life?

Y/n: Yeah. I mean, bots have a right to enjoy life right?

Lopez (spanish): You understand me?

Y/n: Yep, it's part of my several languages but besides that, mind you help us with the tank?

Lopez (spanish): They try to kill me. After everything I did to them. I fix things, I made things, I even kick Grifs butt a few times for Sarge. I have lost my purpose in life.

Y/n: Ssssssoooooo is that a yes or a no?

Lopez (Spanish) I am homeless.

Y/n: I can tell yes.

(Short while later)

We see Lopez with the tank along with the rest as Caboose jumps around exactly as he said.

Caboose: Hurry, Hurry! I wanna say hey to Sheila after being gone for so long.

Caboose (???): And kills everyone here.

Tucker: You mean the reds?

Caboose: Of course.

Caboose (???): For starters.

Cali: Still I don't find it's right to trick Lopaz to fix the tank and then you taking over his body.

Church: Well I refuse being a ghost forever so is he doesn't like that, then tough luck.

Then Sheila turns on and spoke.

Sheila: Hello, and thank you activating the M808V main battle tank.

Frank: (surprised) Wait? A tank can talk?!

Remington: (surprised) Woah I never knew.

Sheila: Oh I didn't suspect company here. Well I thank yous for fixing me while I was down.

Y/n: Actually Lopez fix you.

Sheila: Oh I never know we have another robot here.

Then the two stare at each other with love in the air which kinda odd to the guys.

Tucker: Um what's happening here?

Church: I think Lopaz may have a heart twist towards Sheila.

Caboose: I don't like this.

Sheila: Hello, my name is Sheila. What's your name?

Lopez (spanish) Lopez.

Sheila: Lopez, that is a lovely name to a strong bot.

Remington: Aww that's so cute.

Cali: I got to admit, it is kinda cute.

Tucker: Yeah but it's kinda weird so Church will you?

Church: Right.

Church hops back into Lopez body as Lopez shakes for a bit before stopping.

Y/n: Church? You alright?

Then Church appear beside Y/n and said.

Church: The hell, that wasn't me?

Y/n: Really? Then what-

Lopez (???): Well......

They all turn to Lopez and she turns back to them and said.

Lopez (Tex): Buenos Dias, Cockbites. Guess who's back?

Y/n eyes widen in shock as he lower his rilfe and the two stare at each other and Y/n ask.

Y/n: (shock) Allison? Is that you?

Lopez (Tex): Hey Y/n, it's been a while hasn't it?

Tucker and Church:.........Wait? You two know her?!

To be continued..................

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