Chapter 28: The missing friend in danger

Within Valhalla and at Blue base, we see Caboose continue in telling his stories to the memory unit in front of him when Ashia came down with a plate of cookies and set them down next to Caboose and asked while he bend down next to him.

Ashia: So how is your story telling with your little friend here?

Caboose: Pretty good, making sure I won't leave out the most details in our adventures.

Ashia: Cool. I gonna say Caboose, your team may have one big adventure unlike the reds, why is that?

Caboose: I have no idea. It seems like everything have to involve around blue team but not red team. Maybe the universe likes blue for some reason and put us on some many adventures.

Ashia: (smile) Maybe so, wish I was on those adventures. It would be fun.

Caboose: Yeah it would. Hey.

Ashia: Yeah?

Caboose: Have you gotten a feeling that someone is standing right behind you ans staring right at you........have you got that feeling Donut?

Then Donut was behind the two and Ashia turn to see him which surprised her but before she could ask, Donut fell onto the floor.

Ashia: Donut!

Ashia ane Caboose rushes over to him while Jin and Mike Casual walk into the base with Mike saying.

Mike: Look it's not like there will be some soldier enter the base, passed out on the floor and tell us something important that sent us on a mission.

Then the two looked over to see Donut unconscious on the floor with Jin says.

Jin: Probably jinx that sir.

Mike sigh and rush over to them and asked.

Mike: What happened?

Ashia: He just passed oit on the floor.

Caboose: Yeah but I think floor ain't that good as a bed. (Whisper) Because I try it and it ain't good for my back.

Donut slowly wake up and was about to say something but Mike bend down to him and said.

Mike: Save your strength Donut, we call in a UNSC medic team to help you.

Donut: No....need to.....sent message.....Tucker...he's.....he's indanger.

Mike: Tucker?

Caboose: Oh he is the Bow Chicka bum-bum and no one liked him.......he was a creep.

Donut: Find

Mike: Donut save your strength, we get you some help.

Donut: Find....sand.....lots and lots of....sand.

Then Donut passed out once more and Mike and the rrst of the blues look at Donut and wonder what dose he mean by all that.

(A while later)

Within Spartan Utopia, we see the blues and reds outside of the medical room and looking through the window to see Donut laying a medical bed ans still unconscious. Soon Y/n and his team enter the room and rushes over to them.

Y/n: What happened, we heard about Donut but what happened?

Sarge: Is it obvious, the blues torment him for information.

Jin: No we did not! He just walk into our base, fell unconscious and told us this guy named Tucker is in danger and we need to find sand.

Sarge: Ah ha! I knew you needed him to gather information!

Jin: Information about what?!

Mike: Enough! Look, Donut came into out base and told us that Tucker is indanger and we need to find sand, lots of sand.

Y/n: Sand?

Ashley: But what dose he mean by that?

Sophie: No clue.

Elijah: So wait, who is Tucker?

Doc: He is one of the blues that try to flirt with any girl.

Ave: Yeah and us girls beat him up for the flirts.

Watcher: Still if Tucker is indanger, where is he?

Mendez: I think I know.

They all turn to see Mendez outside of the door and then he came into the room and explain.

Mendez: Fireteam: Search-Out was assigned on a mission to investigate a Forerunner temple codename "Sandtrap." They were helped by a few other soldiers there, one of them named Tucker. But we lost contact them a few months ago and we have no idea what happened to them.

Gabriel: You think they might be captured by the Covenant sir?

Mendez: It's possible, we were thinking about senting a group of Spartans to investigate the site but since your team is here Y/n, I guess your mission is to find out what happened to them and bring them back.

Y/n: We do that sir.

Mike: Promise to let blue team come with them?

Mendez: Promise denied. Your team has a job to do, let the spartan complete the job.

Mike: But sir-

Mendez: That is an order spartan.

Mike: Y-Yes sir.

Mendez walks off and left the room. Y/n place a hand ont Mike's shoulder and told him.

Y/n: We'll find him, don't worry. Fireteam: Spartan-Rangers, move out.

They leave the room while they pit on their helmets. Y/n puts on his and walks out as well ane left the room.

Grif: (sigh) Thank god we're not going with them.

Jin: You think they find them?

Mike: Let's hope so.


Sheila break through the cloads as she enter the planets atmosphere and she fly over the sands of the desert while we cut to Y/n and his team getting their gear ready in case they have to fight who ever they will meet down there.

Y/n: Mia how long until landing?

Mia: (comms) Very close.

Doc: What is the Spartan slayers are there and took them out and use Tucker just to lower us into a trap?

Ave: (smirk) Then we beat them up.

Gabriel: Watcher do you know Snadtrap since it's a Forerunner temple?

Watcher: Barely. What I remember, it used to be another research lab unril I was abandoned when the rings activation. It was left abandoned ever since.

Elijah: Let's just hope this ain't a trap.

Y/n: Cross my heart and hope so Elijah. Still, won't be fun if it wasn't a trap.

Mia: (comms) Reaching to the location now.

Sheila flies towards a large temple that is surrounded by sand and soon Sheila lands the Pelican at the landing pad and after that the hatch opens and Y/n and his team walk out.

They step into the landing pad and looked around to see nothing, no UNSC soldiers, no search scientist or anyone. They think this might be a trap when suddenly they see an UNSC elephant slowly turing around the corner and moves towards them as they watch as it parks right in front of them.

Ashley: I guess UNSC soldiers are here.

Ave: Not to sure about it.

Then the hatch doors from behind gently came down and once completely down, someone step out of the Elephant and walks over to him. It was a soldier wearing unknown brown soldier armor with a helmet that looked like a EOD Spartan helmet once he got close to them.

???: Ah, Spartans. Didn't know you will show up.

Y/n: Who are you?

CT: Call me CT, I'm researching this temple by orders from my higher up.

Doc: So they ain't UNSC researchers?

Gabriel: Something isn't right.

Y/n: We were wondering of a group of Spartans that were assigned here. Do you know Fireteam: Search-Out?

CT: Oh well there was an massive attack by the Covenant and the Covenant wipe out a whole team and after the battle we buried them to honor their sacrifice.

Y/n: Can we see the body?

CT: Oh no you can't, the problem is we don't know where the body is now. We forgot to set up a grave stone and now we don't know where they are at now.

Y/n: Right.

Then two Elites walks up to them and they quickly aim their weapons at them but CT wave his arms.

CT: Wowowowo! Stand down, these guys are good.

Sophie: Good? You said that Covenant attack this research site?

CT: Yes but the big reason why is because of these Elites! You see, couple a months ago there was this large ship that crashed near us and there were a few Elites. At first we wanna kill them but they told us that they are no longer working for the Covenant and what's to search their own destiny on their own. Since we are searching the Forerunner temple, we decided to work together.

They wasn't sure by this but Y/n was the first to lower his gun and soon the rest follow as well.

Doc: Well that's a relief.

Y/n: Show us around first.

CT: Gladly. Hop on board and I'll show you around.

They all hop into the Elephant with CT on the controls and he drive around the site and explaining more information to them while Y/n looks around and see a few soldiers wearing unknown armor and Elites as well.

Watcher: I know you gonna say.

Y/n: That something isn't right?

Watcher: Well that you will say "I have a bad feeling about this" like all characters in star wars but that works to.

Y/n: This doesn't make sense. Who are these people and why are they here?

Watcher: Let me hack through their system and try to find any information about them.

Y/n: Right.

Meanwhile we see Ashley and Gabriel with CT and they gone pass a large door and Ashley asked.

Ashley: Have you try to open that door?

CT: No that door is lock in tight. We tried everything we could to open it but no such luck.

Gabriel: I see.

CT:......I can probably tell there is something on your mind.

Gabriel: Yes. First of: You and your men's armor, it's unknown to UNSC and your driving a UNSC vehicle. Secondly: You said there was just Spartans that were killed right? Where is the other scientist and personal?

CT: Some where killed and some are injured. Look you don't have to be suspicious on me, I'm good, we're all good.

Gabriel: Right.

Then a beep is heard on the controls and CT sighs and types on it.

CT: Crap. Looks like someone is trespassing the site.

Ashley: Who?

CT: One way to find out.

He stops the Elephant and Y/n and his team walk out of the Elephant and look up at the hill and they could her explosions. Then suddenly a Warthog throw over head ane Y/n and the rest rush for cover and the Warthog crash at the site or the Elephant.

They all turn and landing out of the damaged Warthog was Grif.

Y/n: (shocked) Grif?!

Grif: the room spinning or what?

Then Sarge and Mike came out of the Warthog with Sarge saying.

Sarge: Well so much for our Warthog, it's like it suddenly blow up.

Mike: That's because it did blow up!

Sarge: Shut it blue.

Y/n: What on earth are you three doing here!?

Mike: Well four actually sir, wait, where is he?

Grif: Do you guys think he might be dead.

Sarge: I believe so Grif. But that is part of the reds. Killing the blues is our business....and today, business is good!

Grif: But we didn't kill him! he step on a mine and blue up.

Mike: Maybe you shouldn't have have Caboose step out of the Warthog and use him to detect a mine. Man Ashia is gonna be upset when she finds out about this.

While they talked CT walks over to the trio and calls out.

CT: The hell is wrong with you three! You nearly got yourselves killed!

Grif: Do you mind? We're having a moment of silence. Show some respect.

CT: What?

Y/n: (thought) Who else but the reds and blues.

Sarge: Dear lord, we thank you for taking another blue back yo heaven today. Or, rather, not heaven. Whatever fiery pit you send blues to, so they can suffer an eternity. You couldn't taken Grif. But you didn't. Again. Not sure why, it would've been easy! Those mines things are everywhere! But I guess you know what your doing.

Then they hear what sounded like Caboose screaming and Mike looks up and said.

Mike: Oh fuc-

Then Caboose lands on top of Mike after he was thrown up into the sky by the mines and fell down and lands on top of Mike.

Caboose: Wow. Now that was a big explosion.

Mike: Caboose. Get. Off. Of. Me.

Grif: Blue guy is back.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess Heaven give Caboose a second chance.

Caboose: I was really high.

Mike: Please get off me!

Caboose dose so ane Mike stood up slowly and walks over to them while Sarge said.

Sarge: And now you brought him back. And Grif still alive. I hate to criticised but you could've just had him land pn Grif ane squash him. But I give you a point on squashing on their blue leader. Just a note. You can take it or leave it. Like I said, not really my place to criticise. Okay, the end, amen.

CT: What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Y/n: (smirk) You'll get used to it and to be honest, it's kinda funny.

Elijah: Now we got all that sorted, mind telling us why you four are here?

Mike: To due all respect, I'm refusing to leave Tucker indanger even if I don't know him that well.

Caboose: He is the women creeper.

Mike: I know your team can find him an dthe Spartans but you needed help, that's why we're here to help you.

Elijah: You know you'll be punished for disobeying orders.

Mike: Don't worry, the rest of our team is back at our base and Donut is all better now so they will be fine.

Elijah: What do you think about this Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Hey, if they wanna help us, I have no problem with it. Besides, I can take all the blame so you four won't be in trouble.

Mike: Thank you sir.

CT: So now there is more of you? Great, that is just great.

Ave: What's your problem?

CT: It's nothing. I just wasn't suspected more will come and never know these guys are looking for.......wait.....what was this guys name again?

Mike: Tucker.

CT: (surprised) Your friend is Tucker?!

Mike: Yeah. You know where he is?

CT: Um no, n-no I haven't sorry. Hey, I gonna go now. Fill free to explore around if you like, I'm gonan do something right now.

He walks backwards before he turns and runs off leaving them confused and even more suspicious now.

Gabriel: I don't like this one bit.

Y/n: Same. Search around and find anything that can tell us where is Search-Out and Tucker as well.

Gabriel nods and walks off including the rest as they looking around for anything that will lead to them on what happened to Fireteam: Search-Out and Tucker.


We see Simmons and Ashia at Blue base as they were cleaning the base outside while we see Jin ane Donut inside the base. Donut looks around the mess and said.

Donut: Boy what a huge mess.

Jin: Yeah. This is all Cabooses tools.

Donut: What was he working on?

Jin: Don't know, don't care. Gonna get a Broom, you started cleaning while I'm gone.

Donut: You got it!

Jin left the room while Donut Start to clean the inside base. Then a mysterious person came out behind Donut and walks over to him. Donut stood up and turn and gotten startled to see a spartan.

Donut: Wow! You scared me a little there. Never know you'll be here (sigh). So, what's your name?

Then we see it's not a friendly Spartan but a member of the Spartan-Killers named Breaker who looks at him which Donut said.

Donsut: Strong a slint type huh? That's cool. Don't mind me. I'm just keeping the base a little tidy.

Breaker looks around as if he was looking for something but he doesn't see it.

Donut: You have cool armor. Seen many Spartans but yours might be great but losing up the dark will you?

Breaker nods to him while Donut turn and continues cleaning. Breaker sees a pistol and he grabs it and aims it at Donut and smirks underneath his helmet. Then he pulled the trigger and fire a shot but Donut ducks down just in time.

This suspicious Breaker as Donut turn to him and friendly said.

Donut: Oh don't worry about that. I've checked the weapons in this base and it's working perfectly.

Breaker decided to slash at him with his brute shot as Donut turn to a large box and try to lift it but it was too heavy.

Donut: Man that box is heavy. Wonder I can find something to lift that.

He walks a few steps away just as Breaker missed his swing and hits the box that moved which made Donut turn and said.

Donut: (surprised) Whoa thanks a lot. You are pretty string.

Jin: Hey Donut git the broom.

Donut: That's great! Hey guess what, we have a new Spartan here.

Jin: New Spartan?

Jin comes around thr corner and asked Donut before turing to see Breaker.

Jin: What do you mean, command didn't say we have a new-OH FUCK!

He drops the broom and rushes out of the base which made Donut confused while Breaker walks out of the base and calls up Tracker.

Breaker: Search inside the base. No sigh of the memory unit. It might be in Spartan Utopia.

Tracker: (comms) Copy, senting troops to invade the base while we look around at Valhalla more.

Breaker: What if he is lying?

Tracker: (comms) Never worry. Even if he is lying, we can destroy the Spartans once and for all.

Then Breakee looms up to see Pelicans flying over head ane the invasion has begun.


We see South with Mendez within the control room and they have lost contact the reds and blues at Valhalla and Mendez try his best to contact them but no such luck.

Mendez: What's happening over there?

South: I don't like this one bit sir.

Mendez: Same. South head to Valhalla and-

Suddenly there was an explosion follow by a shake ans soon alarms start to go off around the base. Two UNSC soldiers rush into the room and calls out


Mendez: (shocked) What!

South: By who?

UNSC soldier: Spartan slayers, they are here.

There was another explosion but this time it was coming from the gate.

UNSC officer: Sir the base gates has been breached! Enemy soldiers has enter the base!

Mendez: Damn it! All Spartans and UNSC personnel, get ready for battle!

They nod and rush out while Mendez turn stop South.

Mendez: Get your gear ready South. I'll see I call the UNSC and tell them what's happening.

South: Yes sir.

South rushes out while Mendez try yo gain contact from the UNSC for some back up.

Meanwhile we see South exit outside and see Spartan slayer soldiers march into the base and open fire at them. Spartans and UNSC Soldiers take cover ane return fire at them.

South sees all Spartans taking part and sees Charlotte and Lucy take cover so she rushes over to them and hide behind Cover with them.

South: Nice to see you two are still alive.

Charlotte: (smirk) Same to you as well.

Lucy: How did they breach through our defences?

South: No clue but more importantly, how did they find this place?

Charlotte: No clue but let's take them out first.

South nods and picks up a battle rifle ane fire at the Spartan slayer soldiers and take a few out. The rest of the Spartans think they can handle this but then an explosion blows up a few UNSC soldiers and Spartans sky high.

They turn back to see two Scopion tanks scrolling into the base and firing their cannons at them and blow up a few Spartans and UNSC soldiers.

A fee try to fall back but the enemy soldiers throw something at them and once landed a bolt of electricity stunned them ane took down their shield which guve the Spartan slayer soldiers to gunned them down and they fell onto the floor.

Lucy: What type of grenades are those!

Charlotte: No clue but it's best to not to get caught by them.

South: Right.

More or these new type grenades where thrown ane some Spartans where caught by them and where quickly taking out. Some Spartans realise there is too many of them and they start to fall back.

Lucy: We need to fall back now!

The two nod and they race to the door to escape. The tanks start to fire at them and blow up some Spartans and UNSC soldiers around ane then an explosion cist Lucy ti be sent flying and land hard onto the floor and break her leg.

South turns to see her injured and rushes Iver to her while Charlotte turns to her and calls out.

Charlotte: Lucy, South!

South fire her battle rifle at the enemy soldiers until she reach to Lucy and pick up her and carry her towards the door. Suddenly a blue fired and an explosion sent the two flying and they land hard onto the floor.

Charlotte: NO!

Charlotte was about to rush over to save them bit two Spartans stop her and she try to break from them and try to save them. South slowly Sat's up and looks over to see the Spartan slayers soldiers slowly walks towards her and Lucy with weapons drawn at them.

South thinks this was it for them and looks at Lucy and smirks to herself before she said.

South: (smirk) Guess this is it girl. Can't wait for you to meet my brother and can't wait to apologise to him and hope....he'll forgive me.

Before the soldiers could kill them, they heard something above them and looks up and something was falling down towards the base. The soldiers rushes out of the way and it crashed onto the base. Dust fills the air and South wonders what that was and she sees what looked like a signal ODST drop pod.

South: One drop pod?

The other Spartan slayers soldiers aim their weapons at the pod when steam start to come out and suddenly it burst open and the hatch lands near the soldiers. The enemy soldiers look up and they see one Spartan claiming out of the pod and once completely out, South and the rest of the Spartans where shocked to see who it was.

South: (thought) The Meta?!

The other Spartans and UNSC soldiers where worried and thinking they might be in trouble. But it looks like he isn't their enemy, rather he is the Spartan slayers enemy.

Spartan slayer soldier: Oh no! It's him! It's the Meta!

He then punch his hand and crackle his knuckles and then he spoke whidh shocks South and what he said shocks her ane the rest.

Maine: No. I am no longer the Meta. I am Maine, I am a UNSC Spartan and I am here to redeem my past actions, protecting this base and stopping you all from killing any more Spartans for good.

To be continued............

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