Chapter 27: The supplie cut mission

It was another nice at at Spartan Utopia with UNSC soldiers and Spartans are doing their runs of patrolling the base and making sure things are alright.

We see South walking through the halls within the base as she holds two coffee mugs with her. One for herself and the other for Y/n who might be in his room. Many Spartans came out of their rooms without their armor stratching and yawning before heading to do their jobs.

South arrive at Y/n's room and she slide open the door and step inside and smile a little to see Y/n have his head down on the table and still asleep. He must be pulling up an all nighter as she walks up to him and place his coffee mug beside him while Y/n slapped.

Watcher: Morning South.

Then Watcher appear on a table next to Y/n with Soun smiled and said back.

South: (smile) Morning Watcher. I thought your his alarm clock?

Watcher: Well seems like waking up a spartan is a lot more harde ri though it would be.

South giggles before she hear a yawn from Y/n whjch was a cute one as he sat up ans straight his arms before turning to see South and said while he rub his eyes.

Y/n: (yawn) Morning South. Man...did I fall asleep?

South: (smile) Yeah, here made you some coffee in case you never wake up.

Y/n see the mug and takes it and take a drink of it.

Y/n: (smile) Ahh, that hits the spot. Thanks South. How are Lucy and Charlotte?

South: Their alright, all thanks to you and your team.

Y/n: Well at least they are safe.

South nods with a smile and turn to notice some notes and picks up one and asked.

South: what are these?

Y/n: Reports. These are Reports of the Spartan-Killers activity and what they have been doing during three years. Seems like they are making allies with human terrorist, raid UNSC weapon ships and establishing bases in some colony planets, mostly some that has no life or abandoned colony.

South: So they are alive.

Y/n: Yeah and judging by the files we gave gotten, it turns out their Generals and leaders of the Spartan slayers and they are far more bigger then we thought.

South: What dose UNSc say about this?

Y/n: They say it's serious, including ONI think so as well.

South: Damn. First the Covenant and now the Spartan Slayers. This is getting nuts as we speak.

Y/n: I know but we can sort this out, Spartans never give up.

South: (smile) Hell yeah.

Y/n smiles pack while Watcher received a message through his system and once he read through it he said.

Watcher: Hate to break the chatter but looks like we are needed on a mission.

Y/n: So soon? Well I'll get my squad and we-

Watcher: Actually, they just want me and you on this mission.

Y/n: (surprised) Really, so is this a solo mission?

Watcher: Well we be assisting with a spartan and a few ODST on a mission so we should head there and see what's up.

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n grab Watchers chip and he and South left the room and Y/n turns to South and said.

Y/n: Well, I see you when I get back.

South: (smile) Right. Just be careful out there.

Y/n smiles ans kiss her on the forehead which made her blush a little but smirked.

Y/n: (smile) I'll be back. Check up the reds ans blues at Valhalla while I'm gone.

South: Sure, take care.

Y/n: You too South.

Then he turn and walk off and South gose to a different direction to do her own job while Y/n is off to get his armor on and be off on his mission.

(A while later)

The Pelican drops Y/n off at a UNSC ship that is near an asteroid belt and far from them was a planet. The Pelican enters the hanger bay and sets down and opens the hatch.

Y/n leaps out with his spartan armor on but have his helmet resting on his waist as he looks around until foot steps walks up beside him and a female voice said.

???: Knew I'll see you sooner or later Y/n.

Y/n turn and was surprised to see Cal-141 ane wearing her normal class Spartan armor with her helmet resting on her waist as she smirks at him.

Y/n: (surprised) Cal! You never seem the change, literally.

Cal: (giggle) Thanks but i know you sure did. Congratulations on your take down of Project Freelancer and getting promoted.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, guess you'll be coming with me on this mission?

Cal: (smile) That's right. Hey Watcher, you still there?

Watcher: Yep, nice to see you Cal.

Cal: (smile) Same to you. Follow me and I'll explain the situation.

Y/n: (smile) Lead the way.

The two exit out of the hanger bay and walk through the halls of the ship with some UNSC officers and soldiers giving them a salute to show respect while some were surprised to see two Spartans here.

Cal: We have track down a Covenant Prophet who is in charge of supplie runs to a planet that you saw when you first got here.

Y/n: You mean a green planet where the asteroids are pulling towards?

Cal: That's right. We have been tracking down this Prophet for a while but now we have the opportunity to take him out and the Covenant will lose their supplies and that will make the Covenant to push back and stop from glassing any more worlds.

Y/n: Well looks like all that tracking down paid off.

Cal: Yeah. The UNSC are thinking of sending in a team of Spartans to kill the Prophet but ONI said it is a risk so two Spartans and a some ODST is enough.

Y/n: I guess this is a stealth mission huh?

Cal: Yep.

Watcher: Never knew Prophet's have different jobs.

Cal: Each Prophet are in charge of jobs. The Elites or any high ranking troops are in charge of the military while the Prophets are in charge of most important things.

Y/n: Lucky them.

Soon they arrive at the room and tehy stood at the door and put on their helmets and the doors slide open. They step inside and they see in front of them were four ODST standing there unrik they turn to see them.

The two walk in and they stood up straight and gave them a salute.

Y/n: At ease troops. Nice to meet you all, my name is Y/n-453. Bet you ready know of Cal-141 before I arrive here.

Cortez: Yes sir. Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Mastee Sargent Cortez.

Checkman: Corporal Checkman, nice to meet you sir.

Taylor: Corporal Talor miles.

One ODST which is the little one look at them for a second before sigh ans said.

O'Brien: Private O'brien.

Y/n: Well nice to meet you all. You all know your missions?

Cortez: Yes sir. We are ready to go.

Y/n: Alright then, grab your gear and let's do this.

They nod and gear their gear ready. Y/n head into the armory ane since this is a Stealth/Assassin mission, he take a SMG with a suppressor attached to it, a pistol also a suppressor attached to it and a Sniper rifle.


'brien: Do you even know how to aim a sniper rifle?

Y/n turn to see O'brien who was behind him ane have his arms folded as he waited for an answer.

Y/n: Well yeah, I'm not a bad shot just like a friend I used to know.

O'brien: Well being a sniper used to be my thing and you need to know that I never miss, keep that in mind.

Then he walk off while Y/n was surprised by his attitude but Taylor walks up behind him and said.

Taylor: Don't worry about him sir. He is just mad that he was replaced by Cal-141.

Y/n: It's alright. Now let's get into out drop pods.

They did so and once they were in they exit out and fly their pods within a asteroid belt so the Covenant will think of the falling drop pods as meteor showers.

Y/n was keeping taps to the squad through his computer system within his pod and making sure things are alright. Meanwhile outside one pod which is Checkman was knocked off course by an asteroid and was sent flying into a nearby planet.

Checkman: (radio) Guys, I'm heating up!

Y/n: Just hang on Checkman, we sent you a Pelican to-

But he only hear screams form Checkman before he was cut off.

Watcher: We lost Checkman.

Y/n: Fuck!

Cal: (radio) I know its sad but we have a mission to complete.

Y/n: Right.

Watcher: We're coming up to the planet now.

Their drop pods made contact with the plants atmosphere and the Covenant down at the planet thinks they were meteor showers whidh worked. They made a rough landing and once that Y/n shake his head from the crash and his pod's doors burst out and he stumble out of his pods and stumbled a little.

Y/n: I'm never gonna get use to that!

Watcher: Well too bad because they maybe more mission that might involve dropping in.

Y/n: Nice.

Y/n grabs his SMG suppressor and looks around to see no Covenant troops which is good.

Y/n: Teams report in.

Cal: (radio) I'm here.

Taylor: (radio) Here as well sir.

Cortez: (radio) Me too.

Y/n: Where is O'brien?

Taylor: (radio) I think I spotted him.

Watcher place up O'brien location on Y/n's hud and he follows it but make sure to not draw any attention. After a while he ane the rest arrive to O'brien's location and see his drop pod is pouring out of air ane his pod is sinking into the lake.

Cortez: This can't be good.

Taylor: He'll be dead once he is at the bottom of the water.

Y/n: Not in our watch.

Y/n rush over to O'brien pod and once there he grabs the pod and slowly lift it out of the lake ane he said to O'brien inside.

Y/n: You might need to watch your head for this.

Then he throws the pod out of the lake ane it crash into the surface. Taylor and Cortez were surprised by this while Cal walks over and opens up the pod with her hands and once did, O'brien came out and took off his helmet and caught.

O'brien: What the hell! Are you trying to kill me?!

Y/n: Well, kinda did say watch your head.

Y/n walks over to him and lend out a hand for him but he just stood up and walk off. Y/n watch him go while Cal walls up next to him ane said.

Cal: He's kinda a rude soldier.

Y/n: Well my brother did bear up three ODST in the training court so, I can see there is some rival with Spartans and ODST.

Cal: Guess your right. But still, nice through.

Then she walk off with a smirk behind Y/n's helmet before he catch up with the rest and set up a small camp.


The sun was about to rise up and we see them in between the cracks of the mountain so they won't be spotted by the Covenant. Cal was taking watch point while Y/n forms up the ODST and Watcher appears on his shoulder and opens up a map of the area.

Y/n: There is a Covenant supply factory a few meters. The only way we can reach our point is to get through that factory.

Cortez: There is gonna be a lot of Covenant troops in there.

Y/n: Yeah but they they haven't noticed we are here which is perfect.

Taylor: Who is gonna take the shot on the Prophet?

Y/n: Cal will be the one to take the shot. We just need to cover her until she gets the shot.

Watcher: Remember, the Prophet ain't here to take a vacation for a few days. This Prophet is here to look over the progress and he will leave. We only have 24 hours until he'll be here.

Taylor: And if we ran out of time?

Watcher: Then say goodbye that chance and the Covenant will glass more worlds if we fire.

O'brien: Right. How can you know she can take the shot?

Y/n: I know her and she know she can do it.

O'brien: Yeah what ever.

Then O'brien walks off once more and Watcher says.

Watcher: Man he is a dick.

Y/n: (smirk) Kinda like someone that is bad at aiming.

Cortez: I guess we need to get moving then?

Y/n: That's right, let's move out!

And so they journey down the mountain and made it to the ground and they make their way through the forest as Morning time came whidh blighting up the woods and making it beautiful to them.

Y/n and Cal were at front while the three ODST were behind ane the two use their comms to talk to each other without the ODST know they were talking.

Cal: So how are things?

Y/n: Pretty good. Leading a squad into many missions and saving lives. The usual, you?

Cal: Same for me. This planet is really beautiful do you think?

Y/n: Sure is. It's lucky that the Covenant didn't glass this place.

Cal: Agree. Maybe we come back next time and explore around a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Sure that sounds be-

Then they heard waht sound like a Covenant Phantom's engines starting in the distance. Val rias his fist to stop the three ODST while they take point. They rush forward and they bend down behind the bushes and they were amazed to see a large but abandoned city like looked japanses like.

The buildings were huge and they were amazed. Y/n took out his sniper rifle ane aim down the scope and look down and see the streets were nothing at first but then he spotted machinery and then Covenant a grunt came out snd look around.

Y/n: Looks like they are just workers.

Cal: You sure?

Y/n: Judging by they have no weapons on them and their armor. Yeah, they are workers.

Watcher: This would be a easy stealth mission.

Cal: Agree but we need to be quiet. Let's split up and take them out.

Y/n: Right.

Once that they split up. Y/n rush along the mountain and sees a building he can jump across and so he did. He leap onto the roof of the building and lands safely and looks at his front to see a jackel sniper.

He hide before the jackel turn to see nothing and turn back ane noticed someone so he aim down his scope of his beam rifle ane see Cal enter a small hut and killing a grunt.

Before a jackel could yell out, Y/n came up behind him, grab him by the mouth ane stab him I the neck and killing him as he pull out a bloody knife and continue on.

The rest take out as much Covenant grunts while Y/n dealt with the Jackel snipers on roofs. We cut to O'brien hug the tree and peek out to see one last Grint appear inro his view ane near a cliff.

He was about to step out when his feet step on a stick that made a sound and the grunt turn and spotted him. No time to assassin him, he aim his SMG suppressor at the grunt and fire at him.

Suddenly a roar from a brute is heard and before the Brute whidh whack him with his gravity hammer a hand grabs the handle ans O'brien turn to see Y/n who says to the brute.

Y/n: (smirk) Hello there ugly. How is your day?

The brute roared once more and swing his hammer that cost Y/n to leap back but O'brien to tumble down a hill while Y/n leaps back and jump back once more when the brute swing his gravity hammer his him.

He lands on his feet and take out his sword from his back and swings it a few times before saying.

Y/n: (smirk) Alright big man. Let's dance!

The brute roars in anger and swi g his gravity hammer at him once more but he blocks it with his sword and he kicks the brute back whidh cost him to stumble back a bit before Y/n rush at him and kicked the Brute once more that cost the two fell off a cliff and splash near a waterfall whisky O'brien who was hanging on a cliff watched until he can't hold it and let go.

O'brien was pulled towards the water fall and was close to it before he grabs something ane holds on while the water hit his helmet while Y/n fights the brute with a gravity hammer.

The two clash and Y/n blows some kicks and punches at the brute before he upwards kick him in the face and he swing his sword and cut his gravity hammer in half. Then he take out a plasma grenade out of the brute belt, active it and stuck it at the brutes chest before he kicks the brute off the waterfall and the brute roared before the plasma grenade blow up and killing the brute while his body disappeared from the steam.

Taylor and Cortez arrive to see what has happened and they see Y/n slide his sword onto his back and walks up to the two before they hear.

O'brien: Hey let me go!

They turn to see Cal carrying O'brien over after she help pulling him up to safely.

O'brien: (anger) I don't need someone to carry me, as go!

Cal: (thought) I wish he'll be a bit nicer to me for just a second.

Y/n kinda laugh a little while Cal puts him down ane walks off. Y/n walks up to him and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Well at least you didn't die.

O'brien just roll his eyes and stood up and catch up with the rest. Soon they made I back to the abandoned town and they look around at the massive buildings and they were amazed by it.

Taylor: Jesus they are huge.

Cortez: Yeah and they ain't Covenant or humans who made it.

Watcher: Possibly Forerunners that made this city.

Cortez: You think so?

Watcher: I never heard about this place when I was still alive but judging by the tall buildings I think this planet might be build for the rich.

Taylor: Never knew the Forerunners have rich people during that time?

Watcher: Yeah and they were even more of a dicks then the rich people's right now.

Cal: Come on, we should head to out sniper point before we miss out shot.

Y/n: Right, let's move.

They all move out ans Taylor look at O'brien and then said.

Taylor: You could have thank him.

O'brien look at Taylor and he gose on to say.

Taylor: That's twice he saved you. Not only that he is the brother to the John-117. You should treat him with some respect, especially Cal.

O'brien: Sure, what ever.

Taylor leaves him to it while Taylor looks at Y/n and Cal who is taking point as they walk for a few miles until they arrive at their point.

They enter what looked like a temble within a mountain and after walking through a long hallway they arrive at a large room with a large hole that is aiming down at the large Covenant troops in the distances where the Prophet will be taking landing.

They set up their equipment and Y/n and Cal bend down and Cal took out her rifle and aim down and see a line of Covenant troops with spears in hand and waiting for the Prophet to arrive.

Cal: Watcher how long?

Watcher: The asshole should be arriving in

Then a phantom came down in the distance and touched down on a landing pad.

Cal: Perfect.

Y/n: Looks like this is your shot. Take it.

Cal nods and aim down the scope of her rifle ane aims at the Prophet in the head and she have her finger at the trigger. But then she hear something that sounded like a rifle being aimed and behind them was a jackel aiming down it's beam rifle and aims at O'brien from behind.

Cal turns to see this and turn to O'brien and rushes over and pushes O'brien out of the way. Then the jackel fire a shot ane it hits Cal by the shoulder whidh cist her to fell onto the ground and grunted in pain.

They all turn and Y/n quickly kill the jackel but an Elite suddenly appear with his engery sword and charge at them but Y/n took out his sword and blocks a blade strike.

Y/n: O'brien! Take the shot! Do it now!

O'brien was surprised by this and he turn to Cal ans she nods to him. O'brien rushes over and grabs the rifle and aims down at the Prophet ane once he was at his sight he pulls the trigger and fire a single bullet.

The bullet travels through the air and soon the bullet hits the Prophet in the head and killing him. The Elite was now angry by this and pulls out his plasma rifle to kill O'brien but Y/n slice his arm off whidh he cry out in pain before he slice off his head and his body fell onto the ground.

Y/n looks at the Elites body and look back to see that the Prophet is killed as he hear the cries of the Covenant troops in the distance and now knowing that their mission was complete.

(A while later)

We see them on board the ship and the ship was travelling through slip space and heading to drop of Y/n and Cal off to Spartan Utopia.

In the medical room we see Cal laying on bed with her shoulder getting patched up just as Y/n came into the room with his spartan armor and walk up to her.

Y/n: How are you feeling?

Cal: My arm hurts like hell but I'm good. It's lucky it wasn't a gravity hammer that killed me.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah. Just glad your safe.

Cal: (smile) Thanks.

He then look over to her helmet and grabs it and look at it and says.

Cal: You know what.....I think I need a new upgrade to my armor.

Y/n: You sure?

Cal: (smirk) Yeah. I think the greens doesn't suit me. What do you think?

Y/n: (smile) Well no matter what armor you have, I still like it.

Cal smirks at him and lend over and kiss him on the cheek and lend back and smirk once more.

Cal: (smirk) Thanks Y/n, and thanks for helping on the mission. Wish I could see your team.

Y/n: (smile) No problem wnr maybe I could introduce to them once we are there.

Cal: (smile) Can't wait.

Y/n smiles and left the room to let Cal to get some rest. He was about to head to grab his armor when someone call out to himself from behind.

???: Hey Spartan.

Y/n stop ans turn to see O'brien who walks up to him and said.

O'brien: Listen, I'm sorry for disrespecting you and Cal during that mission. I was just....mad that's all that I was replaced by a Spartan.

Y/n: (smile) It's alright O'brien. You just need to learn that we all humans and we need to work together to survive this war. Besides, I think that was a nice shot, you weren't kidding when you say you never missed.

O'brien: (surprised) R-really? Thank you sir.

Y/n: (smile) No problem O'brien, and call me Y/n if you like.

O'brien: (smile) Yeah, sure thing.

Then O'brien give him a salute which Y/n also return back and the two salute to show respect to each other while the ship travels through slipe space and dropping off both Y/n and Cal at Spartan Utopia.

To be continued.............

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