Chapter 26: Simple rescue mission
At Valhalla and behind red base, we see Lopez fixing up the warthog and mongoose on his own until Rowen-B115 exit out of the back with some tools to help Lopez with the Warthog and sat them between them and bend down beside Lopez.
Rowen: Seems like the engines are stable, computer systems are stable as well and it looks like there is some damage like there was a blast right next to it.
Lopez: (spanish) Probably Sarge was trying to fix it earlier but it blow up.
Rowen: Well I told him that I have a look at it but seems like he knows how to fix vehicles.
Lopez: (Spanish) Indeed but like the rest, he is a dumbass.
Rowen: Tell me about it.
Sarge: Grif? Grif!
Then Sarge came of the base and search around for Grif. Sarge calling out of Grif start to annoy Rowen a little until Grif calls out within the base.
Grif: I'm in here!
Sarge: Where?
Grif: In here, in the base!
Sarge: I can't hear you! Get out here!
Grif: Ok. Damn.
Then Grif exit out of the base and Rowen decide to see what's going on so he walks over to Sarge and Grif and once there Sarge asked Grif.
Sarge: Where's Simmons?
Grif: Simmons? If you wanted Simmons, then why didn't you yell like a lunatic for Simmons?
Sarge: Damn it, Grif! I entrusted you with one duty! And that's to know exactly where Simmons is at all times so I can find him!
Rowen: Is that really necessary to have someone untrusted of looking out of another. I know we are a team but this is our base and I think it be a lot more faster just to call out to Simmons other then Grif.
Sarge: But that's what we do. Looking out of each other ane making sure where they are at. Simmons watches Donut, Donut watches me, and Lopez watches Rowen.
Grif: Yeah, who watches me?
Sarge: Nobody. You move Lees than Donut dose. Now where ie Simmons?
Rowen: I think he is at the simulation room and working on some things down there.
Sarge: Excellent work Rowen. I knew you'll be a great soldier within our team.
Rowen: Thanks.
Sarge: Wait, why is Simmons down at the simulation room? What is he doing?
Rowen: Think he is checking up and possibly repairing things down there.
Sarge: I'll go check it out.
Sarge gose into the base to see what is Simmons up to while Rowen and Grif watch him go in and Rowen said to Grif.
Rowen: Your leader is an idiot.
Grif Welcome to my world.
At the other side of the base we see Mike on top of the base looking down at his datapad and doing check list to make sure things are all clear down here. Soon Jin walks up to Mike and asked.
Jin: Hey can we talk about Caboose?
Mike: Look just ask Caboose to give him the rocket and I'm sure he will give it to you.
Jin: It's not that. It's about that machine thing he has down there.
Mike looks away at the datapad and turn to Jin and asked.
Mike: What about it?
Jin: Is it me or do you think that machine has something in it?
Mike: I have no idea what you're talking about?
Jin: Well I walk pass the that machine thing while Caboose and Asisha to get some parts when I say it glow blue, like light blue and i have a feeling that something is in there.
Mike: Hmmm now you think about it, I kinda see that happen a few times.
Jin: Exactly and when I ask Caboose what is it, he said it's his new friend. I don't know by you but I think there an AI in there.
Mike: Well maybe the UNSC give us it so we can try to open it up or something to free this AI.
Jin: And you think telling it stories will work?
Mike: If Caboose thinks it's a good idea then maybe.
Jin: Right. Also, where are they getting these parts. They look Covenant tech what I can see.
Mike: Well there is a crushed Covenant Phantom I the middle of the canyon. According to records, that Phantom holds a Agent named Tex. After the crash this outpost was actually fill with both red and blue troopers that were station here and when they investigate the ship, they were infected by an AI called Omega or O'Malley.
Jin: Jeez that's scary.
Mike: It gets even more scary. The blue who was tge first one get infected by this AI were killed and Red troops head to this base right here to see what happened. They found them all dead and when they return back to red base, Omega start to kill them and he was close until the Meta came ane take the AI and kill all the red soldiers except for one.
Jin: One?
Mike: Yep. Soon after Project Freelancer investigate it and found this one survivor and take him to their base to ask him questions. And that was it.
Jin: Damn that's spooky as hell.
Mike: Yeah it is.
They heard a thud and they turn to see Aisha ane Caboose back with some parts and Aisha accidentally drop some but Caboose helps her while she thanked him.
Jin: Seems like they are back.
Mike: Yeah. Hey, get to know Caboose more. Maybe you two will hit it off as friends.
Jin: Yes sir.
Mike nods and turn to walk away but Jin turn and asked Mike.
Jin: Mike!
Mike turn to him and Jin asked.
Jin: Do you think.....the Meta which is in a coma might wake up and cost a rampage and find that machine we have?
Mike: Never worry. I'm sure the UNSC can help him. Besides, I think the Meta is glad to be free from his corrupt AI.
Jon nods and Mike walks off while Jin stand on top of blue base just alone to his thoughts for a second before he heads back inside the base to do some stuff.
Sheila jump out of skipspace and slowly fly towards an I insurrectionist colony planet where Charlotte and Lucy are being hailed captured by the Spartan-Slayers.
Inside we see the team getting ready while Y/n exit out of the cockpit and look at his team and asked.
Y/n: Is everyone ready?
They all nod and Watcher pulls out a hologram of a small island filled with some trees around it and in the middle an abandoned prison base that used as a prison base for Spartans.
Y/n: Alright that prison right there is where Lucy and Charlotte are at and we need to enter here and rescue them. Here is the plan, Ashley, Ave and Elijah will cost enough damage that will cost the troopers to head out and investigate.
Ave: (smirk) That would be fun.
Y/n: Once they are gone me, Sophie and Gabriel will head inside and find Lucy and Charlotte and once that we all meet up at the other side of the island where Mai ane Doc will be with Sheila and we can get out of here.
Watcher: Not only we are saving Lucy and Charlotte but we are we are also looking to see who are the Spartan-Slayer's leaders are. Try to hack into their radios and maybe we can find something interesting. Y/n and the rest will do the same inside the Prison.
Elijah: (smile) That I can do!
Gabriel: What if Lucy and Charlotte are already dead once we get there?
Y/n: I refuse that they are dead. We're saving them no matter what.
Gabriel: Copy.
Sheila: We're near to the planets atmosphere.
Y/n: Gear up team!
They all put their helmets on and Y/n enter back to the cockpit and Sheila broke through the clouds and fly over the ocean and soon he can see the island ahead. Doc came into the cockpit and said to Y/n.
Doc: This will be great being apart of a team.
Y/n: Well I'm glad your one of us Doc. Glad to have a medic on our side.
Doc: Well i won't let you down.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet and soon they arrive at the island without detection ane Sheila opens the hatch and Y/n, Ave, Sophie, Ashley, Gabriel and Elijah exit out and aim their weapons around to check the area for insurrectionist but nothing. Mai and Doc stay within Sheila and be their eyes of the sky as they take off and fly over head.
Mai active the active cloak so they will won't be spotted by the enemies down below while Y/n and his team enter the forest still have their weapons as they stick together and aim around to see they might be ambushed but nothing.
They keep on going until Watcher detect something and calls out to Y/n and the rest.
Watcherz: Stop!
They immediately stop and Watcher shows Y/n through his hud and Y/n can see a mine but not just a mine, an EMP mine and it looked like they place it there to shut down Spartans armor.
Gabriel: (whisper) Seems like all these traps are base on shutting down our armor systems.
Ave: (whisper) Looks like it.
Elijah: (whisper) But how would a group of terrorist have the technology to make such a trap?
Y/n: (whisper) I think I know. Still let's keep going but watch your step.
They all nod and they walk around the EMP mine and keep on going. After a while of moving through the trees and dodging more EMP mines and other traps. They break through the bushes and they Stumbled what appears to a storage station that is filled with weapons, high tech equipment and vehicles.
Then they heard footsteps and they hude behind a few large boxes and Y/n peek out and so dose Gabriel and Elijah and they see black soldiers with red stripes coming down at their armor and their armor looks very similar to Project Freelancer's soldiers but it looks like who ever is in charge stole their armor after the downfall and repaint it.
Elijah: (whisper) Those are Project Freelancer armor?! How did they manage to get it.
Y/n: (whisper) They must have took it after the shot down of Project Freelancer.
Soon two soldiers left leaving one behind as he look down at his datapad. Gabriel sees this and walks towards the soldier before he said while tooking out is combat knife.
Gabriel: This one is mine.
The soldier was busy typing something into his datapad before he was grabbed by the neck and he drop his data pad and try to break through but Gabriel stab him in the back and he struggled a little before he stop moving and Gabriel drop him and he fell onto the ground.
Y/n and the rest walks over to Gabriel and they look around and Y/n said.
Y/n: Seems like this is your stop Gabriel. Good luck, be safe.
Gabriel: We be safe sir. You go and get the two Spartans while we cost hell.
Y/n nods and he, Elijah and Sophie head off to the prison while Gabriel, Ave and Ashley stay behind and plant some explosion onto the supplies to rain hall.
Y/n: Mai what's the situation?
Mai: (comms) I've managed to hack into their comms and it looks like they are ready to execute the two Spartans.
Y/n: Roger that. Doibke time team!
They rush fasted to the prison and soon they immediately stop ane hide behind the bush and see A fee soldiers in front of the entrance patrolling the area while some warthogs drive by and they didn't detect Y/n and his team.
Y/n: (whisper) Gabriel what's your situation?
Gabriel: (radio) About to rain hell in 3......2.......1.
Not seconds later there was an large explosion that bomms the air follow by flames and smoke escaping over the trees and the soldiers see this ans sound the alarm and they sent in a few teams of soldiers to check it out. They march through the trees follow by a few warthogs taking the long way which is the road.
They all haven't noticed Y/n, Elijah and Sophie whidh is perfect. As soon they as the three break out of the bushes and rush inside the building and see a few soldiers and they spotted them and open fire at them.
They arrive at the door and Elijah starts slicing the door while Y/n and Sophie give him covering fire. They take out a few soldiers and Y/n swap his DMR with his grenade launcher and fire a single shot and blow up a warthog and the soldiers near it.
Y/n: (smirk) Boom.
Elijah: I got it!
The doors open and they walk back while shooting down at the enemy soldiers and once inside Elijah shuts the door just in time.
Gabriel: (radio) Sir, we have engaged the enemy troops! What's your situation?
Y/n: Got inside. Lower the enemy soldiers into the woods ane lower them into one of their own traps. They might be fooled to be caught by their own traps.
Gabriel: (radio) Yes sir.
Sophie: Let's hope we're not too late.
Y/n: Same. Elijah, Sophie, you two head to the intelligences room and find some information about their leaders while while go and rescue Lucy and Charlotte.
Sophie: Understood.
Elijah: Be safe sir.
Y/n: (smile) Right.
Sophie and Gabriel head off to find the intelligences room to grab some Intel while Y/n rescue Lucy and Charlotte.
Y/n: Watcher any idea where they might be?
Watcher: Second floor above us, take a left and head to jail cell B3. That's where they might be.
Y/n: Nice one.
Watcher: Thanks, I learn new tricks every day.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet but he need to focus on the mission in hand. He claim up the stairs and he was ambush by some enemy soldier but he took out ho sword and slice them up.
Soon he arrive at the front door of the second floor and he turn his visor to hate vision and see a few soldiers waiting for him at the front of the door.
Y/n: Looks like they are waiting for me.
Watcher: Want me to use that new equipment that Doctor Halsey made for you?
Y/n: Sure, let's give that a try.
Watcher nods and Y/n kicks down the door and enemy soldiers fire tehi guns at him but he deploy an hardlight shield in front of him and the bullet bounce off and hit a few soldiers and some injured.
Once some are out out ammo, Y/n deactivated his Hardlight shield ane rush forward and kick the first soldier and then grabbing the soldiers assault rifle ane snatch it off of his hand and headbutts him and he fell onto the ground.
He then aim his rifle at one that finished reloading but he get gunned down by Y/n as he fire a round at him and he fell onto the ground. Y/n throws away the empty assault rifle and he keeps going and soon he arrive at Cell B3 ane he breaks through the door and the soldiers turn to him and behind them was an energy shield and at the other side was Lucy and Charlotte who look up to see Y/n.
Lucy: (surprised) Y/n!
Charlotte: (smile) Thank god your here.
The enemy soldiers open fire at him but Y/n leaps to the right and lands behind a wall while enemy soldiers open fire at him.
Then Y/n chucks a grenade at the enemy soldiers and they land near them and they start to panic and get ready for the blast. But there was no explosion but they were each get a headset from Y/n and his DMR and soon they were all killed.
Y/n: (chuckle) Guess they don't see the pin is still on.
Watcher: Fucking idiots.
Y/n walks over and slams the butt of his DMR onto the controls and the negry shield shuts down and Lucy and Charlotte exit out. Lucy hugs Y/n and said.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks for the save.
Y/n: (smile) No problem, besides I can't let you two die after you teach me sword to sword combat.
Charlotte: (smile) Still thanks for rescuing us.
Lucy: What about South? Is she alright?
Y/n: She's good. She's back at Spartan Utopia and if it wasn't for her, you two might be impossible to find.
Lucy: (smile) Guess we own her a thanks once we get back.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
Sophie: (radio) Y/n what's the situation?
Y/n: Got Lucy and Charlotte, what about your end?
Elijah: (radio) Manage to grab some Intel but the Intel we have is very important.
Y/n: Right. All teams we are leaving. Head to the drop zone that Mai, Doc and Sheila will be at. You hear me Mai?
Mai: (radio) Copy that.
Lucy and Charlotte grab some of the enemy soldiers weapons and once that Charlotte turn to Y/n and said.
Charlotte: Ready for this?
Y/n: (smirk) You kidding? I was born ready.
Charlotte: (smile) I bet. Show me what you got from us.
Y/n: nods and swap his DMR with hi sword and all three rush out and Y/n slice the first soldier that was about to breach and another on his left while Charlotte and Lucy fire their weapons at the soldiers at their right and take them out.
Once that they keep moving and they claim down the steps whole some soldiers try to stop them but Y/n slice one up while Lucy take out another one above ane they keep moving.
Soon they met up with Sophie and Elijah who have the Intel and they breach out of the building and see all soldiers were everywhere so they rush out and a few spotted them that cost the others to turn to see them ane open fire at them. Bullets fly by them and they managed to break through the trees and race through the forest to make it to the drop point.
They were careful with any traps but Lucy step on one ane a couple of electricity zaps her armor ane shuts it down.
Lucy: Damn it!
Y/n and the rest turn to see her as her body fell onto the ground and she looks move her body because her armor is shut down. Y/n and Elijah rush back and pick her up by the arms ane carry her through the forest while Sophie and Charlotte give them cover as they fire their weapons at the enemy soldiers and soon they break through the forest wne see the rest taking fire and waiting for Y/n and the rest.
Y/n rush forward ane load Lucy in and Charlotte hop in ane Y/n join in and open fire at the enemy soldiers.
Gabriel: Just in time sir.
Y/n: Let's get out of here.
One by one they leap onto Sheila and after all were in Sheila shuts the door just as more enemy troops break through the forest wne open fire at them. Sheila starts up the engines and floats in mid air for a minute before he takes off to the air and they made their escape.
The enemy soldiers watch their escape and the commander there turn to one soldier and said.
Male commander: Contact our leaders and that the two Spartans have escape but tell him "he" was here.
The soldier nods and rush off while the rest return back to base to repair on the damaged of their base.
They all return to Spartan Utopia and Sheila lands at the hanger and waiting them was Medez and two UNSC soldiers as Sheila opens the hatch and Y/n ans his team came out along with Charlotte and Lucy and they walk up to Mendez and they give him a salute.
Mendez: Excellent work Spartan-Rangers. You did a good job rescuing two Spartans without any casualties.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks you sir.
Mendez: And the intelligence?
Elijah: Right here sir.
Elijah walks forward and hands Mendez the data chip.
Mendez: Excellent work. We have a look at this and at the mean time. You all get some rest. You deserve it.
They give Mendez a salute one last time before Mendez left. Soon South rushes over and sees Lucy and Charlotte alive and rush over and hugs them both.
South: (smile) I'm so glad you two are alright, I thought I would never see you two girls again.
Charlotte: (smile) But we're back.
Lucy: (smile) Because Spartans never die!
South: (smile) Yeah.
The three girls giggled and Soutb turns to Y/n and and his team and she said.
South: (smile) Thanks for saving my good friends. I don't know what I will do if they were killed.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry South. When trouble calls, Spartan-Rangers will be there.
South: (smile) Yeah but thanks again.
South lend over and kiss Y/n on the check before she and the two left as they chatted to each other while Y/n watch them go with a smile on his face. Doc walks up to him and asked.
Doc: I thought she was this angry and really mean person?
Y/n: (smile) That's Agent South, but now.....she's just South.
Doc smiles and they all leap including Y/n to get some break but Y/n was concerned about who is leading the Spartan-Slayers ane hopes it's not Tracker and his team that are leading him but it might be true.
To be continued.............
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