Chapter 25: Welcome to Spartan Utopia
Red Spartan leader: (radio) This is red team leader is everyone imposition?
Second red spartan: (radio) In position sir.
Third red Spartan: (radio) Same sir.
Fourth red Spartan: (radio) In position sir.
Red spartan leader: (radio) Alright. We only have 3 minutes until this whole thing is over. We go in my mark.
We see the base that hold four blues within the woods. They were standing on a large structure with a large hole in the middle that hold something in there that the reds are here to capture.
The blue Spartans were at the top floor and looking around for the reds so they can take them out. One blue spartan looks on through the road and he stare I the distance and see something shinning in the distance.
Blue spartan: Sniper!
Then a sound of sniper rifle ring out and shot the blue spartan and he fell backwards onto the ground and suddenly four red Spartans cameos of the bushes and open fire at the blue Spartans.
Blue spartan leader: Return fire!
The blues return fire that cost the reds to take cover while the blues continue opening fire at their cover. The reds team leader slide his assault rifle on his back and dose hand signals to his team to flank the enemy and they nod.
The two red Spartans dive into the forest while the other two give supporting fire. The blues were distracted to not notice the two red Spartans sneaking into the speak and one of them grab something I the middle of the room.
Flag taken!
Then blues turn to see a quick glimpse on the two reds and one blue chase after them while the other two deal with the other two reds. One red who holds a sniper rifle peeks out and fire a single shot and kill one blue spartan while their blue leader fires a few rounds with his DMR.
Seconds leader two Spartans came out riding a mongoose with one red at the back seat holding the blue flag and race through the road while one blue in his mongoose chase after them.
After a while the two reds arrived at their base ane leap out and one red who was holding the blues flag rushes in while one grabs a rocket launcher and once the blue spartan appear out of he corner he fire a rocket round and it travels towards him.
Blue spartan: Oh son of a-
Then the blue gotten blue up while the red holding the blues flag stabs it onto the hole in the middle of the room and there was a siren blurring out qhidh cost both red Spartans ane blue Spartans to stop whole at the same time their training weapon locked to stop Spartans from continue firing it.
Game over! Red team, wins!
Soon the whole place turn inro blue and everything changed and we see now the location they were in was all a simulation. The doors open and the red and blue Spartans that were killed are alive and came into the training room with Y/n came into view and he said to them.
Y/n: (smile) Nicely done Spartans.
They gathered around and Y/n gose on to say with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) You all did well today. Not only you make a plan and follow it but you executed successfully. I gonna say, I was suspected the blues might win today but guess you reds managed to got the upper hand.
Red Spartan leader: Thank you sir.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's enough capture the flag now. You all are dismissed, take a quick shower you lot.
They give Y/n a salute and they march out while Y/n watch them go. Watcher appear onro Y/n's shoulder and said.
Watcher: And that's 50 bucks, pay up.
Y/n: (chuckle) Alright I'll pay you. Still what are you gonna do with that money?
Watcher: Probably get a new IA chip unit. Kinda want to have bigger space.
Y/n: (smile) We'll see.
Y/n walks out of the training room and walk through the halls until he arrive at a door and he opens it open and step outside.
Welcome to Spartan Utopia, a spartan training facility that holds many Spartan II's and III's to come to either train to be the best or enjoy themselves with the fun activities and all else that Spartans need to feel relaxed.
Within the facility are many stuff you might see like the melee combat court, the shooting rang court, vehicle garage, armory for weapons, and so much more.
Not far from here is another base camp known as Valhalla were both red and blue soldier guard there and if they detect any Covenant ships comi g towards them, then they will alert the base.
We see Y/n walking through the base while new Spartans rush by him and some doing star jumps at one of the courts as he walk pass them all and head into then the target rang and we see Ashley with a few groups of Spartans as Y/n over hear her teaching the new Spartans about weapons.
Ashley: Remember, don't wield a weapon like your unstoppable. You need to stay focused and aim down at your site and once you see the target coming into view, pull the trigger and that target is down. Now grab a weapon ane let's see what you got.
The Spartans each grab a weapon while Ashley walks over to Y/n and Y/n asked.
Y/n: how is things in here?
Ashley: (smile) Pretty good. They are getting better with their aiming. You?
Y/n: Just watch the best team work I've ever seen.
Watcher: And I won the bet ane he own me 50 bucks.
Ashley: 50 bucks? What are you gonna do with that money?
Y/n: (smile) That's what I said.
Ashley giggles and soon someone game down and said.
???: Mastee Chief Petty officer Y/n sir.
They turn to see their new team member of Spartan-rangers named Gabriel-B667.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Gabriel. What's happening?
Gabriel: Sir, Elijah-B209 needs your help at the armory. There is.....a little problem with one of the new Spartans.
Y/n: (smile) Poor Elijah, seems like he needs our help again. We'll let's see what's going on.
Gabriel: Understood sir.
Gabriel heads off ane they follow him and while they walk Ashley whispered to Y/n.
Ashley: (whisper) Gabriel is a bit serious as a spartan don't you think?
Y/n: True but he has a strong loyalty towards the UNSC and his job.
Watcher: That's what the spartan III's are. They wanna take revenge on the covenant for taking away their colony and their families. It make sense for the UNSC to adopt them and askgned them within the spartan III program.
Ashley: That's sad.
Y/n: That would explain why Gabriel has a strong loyalty towards the UNSC and those who served him. He wants to thank them for giving him the opportunity he is given yo get revenge on the covenant.
Soon they arrive at the armory where there is a line or Spartans waiting to get their weapon and we see Ave there with another new member of the Spartan-Rangers named Elijah-B209.
Elijah: Okay, remind us again why you need a rocket launcher as your main primary weapon?
In front of the line was a spartan holding a rocket launcher and he said.
Male spartan: Um because I'm the rocket expert?
Elijah: Yeah I get that bit your going to training and you wanna take that as your primary weapon?
Male spartan: Um......yes?
Ave: What's the big deal? Just let him use a rocket launcher, it's not like it's gonna kill anyone.
Elijah: There is rules in this base that we must follow. Like don't use life action weapons in the training court, don't injured a spartan, to team killing, no tea bagging and ESPECIALLY no powerful weapons as a primary weapons in training.
Male spartan:........So is that a yes or.....?
Elijah: No!
Ave: Your not fun.
Y/n: (smile) I see things are doing kinda well.
Elijah: (surprised) Oh Mastee Chief Petty officer Y/n sir!
He try to give him a salute but he slam his hand underneath the table that hurt his hand while Y/n smiles a little and said.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry Elijah, and call me Y/n. No need for the rank.
Elijah: Oh right, sorry.
Gabriel: I too apologise for announcing your rank like that. I should be ashame of how I embarrassed you like that.
Y/n: It's.....Alright as well Gabriel. We are all a team and I show no rudeness towards yous all.
Ave: (smile) Yeah. You two should get along with Y/n more and see he isn't not like other spartan leaders.
Gabriel: I guess so.
Elijah: Same. It's is an extreme honour being a team member with you and you being a brother to John-117.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I get that a lot.
Then Watcher got a message from the blues at Valhalla and said.
Watcher: Oh not again.
Y/n: What is it?
Watcher: Mike needs you at blue base. Apparently the reds are borthing them again.
Y/n: (sigh) oh Sarge, never seen to understand dose he. Well gonna head there and check it out anyways. See you lot around.
Y/n walks off and head to Valhalla while the rest watch him go.
Male spartan: So is that a yes for a rocket launcher?
Elijah: (sigh)
(A while later)
We see Valhalla and two tower like bases each in separate locations. One was red base and their base is behind a nice beach while the blues base is at the other side with a few shade because of the mountains over head.
Coming out of the blue base was Jin-B894 stepping out of the base and looking around for one of their team member.
Jin: Yo Caboose where are you? Caboose!
He search around the base and looking for him. He search inside the base, around the base, outside of the base and the area but no sign of him. He continues calling out to Caboose until their blue leader named Mike-B558 came out ane calls out to Jin.
Mike: Hey what's with the yelling?
Jin walks over to Mike and asked.
Jin: Hey Mike, have you see Caboose everywhere?
Mike: Well now you think about it no.
Jin: Ah shit.
Mike: But I'm sure Caboose is around and probably hanging around with Aisha.
Jin: Speaking of her, why is she always wanna hang out with Caboose?
Mike: Well you know how she is. She's the cheerful one within the group and shown to like Cabooses personality and his stories.
Jin: You mean the same stories he share with that machine in the base?
Mike: Yes but what ever it is, I'm sure it ain't dangerous.
Jin: That's what you say about last time. Fee seconds later, there was a fire inside the base.
Mike: Well it's not Caboose's fault.
Jin: Your just saying that because no one didn't get hurt except for Caboose.
Mike: At least Caboose is okay.
Jin: I'm even surprised his armor protect him from the flames. Isn't that an old armor from Project Freelancer?
Mike: I believe so.
Then a mongoose rolls up behind them and they turn to see Y/n leap out of the mangoes and walks over to them.
Mike: (surprised) Sir!
The tow give him a salute while Y/n walks up to them and Y/n said.
Y/n: At ease.
Mike: Never know you'll be here. What bring you here?
Y/n: What do you mean? You called me right?
Mike: No I didn't sir? Actually my comms was missing and the last time I saw it giving it to.........
Mike turn to Jin and Jin looks at them both and sighs and said.
Jin: Fine! I was the one who called.
Mike: The hell?!
Jin: Hey don't yell at me! I can't stand those reds annoying us!
Mike: We been through this. It's best we ignore them.
Jin: How are we gonna ignore many grenade throws that alsmot blow us up!
Y/n: Hold up a minute here. Tell me what are the reds doing so I may sort this out.
Jin: Well wvee since we were assigned here, Sarge and his reds start annoy us and threaten us.
Y/n: Oh I'm sure they aren't threanet you.
Sarge: (distance) Attention blue team!
They turn to see Sarge on top of a small hill in the middle of the canyon as he continues on saying.
Sarge: (distance) This is the red team! We are here to destroy you! You long reign of being the shiniest team around is about to a sudden and cataclysmic end! We will give you a few moments to suck in the horror of this announcement....and then return for your reaction. Be right back!
Then Sarge dissappear from the hill and Jin turn back to Y/n and said.
Jin: Told you.
Y/n: Is it just him or all of them?
Jin: Well just him, I mean Grif and Simmons are cool and all including Donut, Lopez and Rowen.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait Donut is here?
Mike: Yeah. He just appear in red base all of a sudden what we heard.
Y/n: Well where is he?
Mike: I think he might be in the base.
Y/n: Huh....wonder why.
Jin: Oh yeah, have you see Caboose? I've been looking for him ane i can't seem ti find him.
Caboose: You looking for me?
Jin jumps back in a fright and turn to see Caboose along with a female Spartan named Ashia-B223 how giggles to see Jin scared.
Ashia: (giggle) Looks like you just gotten jumped.
Jin: Very funny.
Caboose: What's the joke? Did I say a joke? If it is then ha ha ha, very funny.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Caboose, i see your new team is treading you well.
Caboose: Yeah they are pretty good to me especially Ashia. She give me cookies and and out with me a lot.
Ashia: (giggle) It's no problem Caboose. After all we are best friends.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm happy for that. Well I'm just here to check up with your team and see if you need any help?
Mike: We are fine here, thank you sir.
Jin: Really, what about the reds?
Mike: Look if Y/n trust them, then I will trust them.
Jin: (sigh) Fine.
Mendez: (radio) Spartan-453 do you copy over?
Y/n: This is Spartan-453, what's up Mendez.
Mendez: (radio) We need you and your team in the meeting room immediately.
Y/n: Understood, coming back now.
After that he turn to the blues and said.
Y/n: Seems like it's my time to go. See you lot again.
Mike: Take care sir.
Y/n hops onto the mongoose ane rides off while Mike and the rest watch him go before they do their usual things around blue base.
Y/n enters the meeting room and see Mendez there along with the rest of his team including Sophie and their other new team member named Mia-790.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Mia and Sophie, heard that the UNSC managed to get a group of simulation troopers into the base.
Sophie: Yeah but they all were killed.
Watcher: How did that happen?
Mia: Both teams were turn out to be colour blind and one of their leaders were killed and they try to find a real murder but it turns out all shot the soldier all at the same time ane in the end, killed each other within the locked room.
Y/n: Jesus.
Mia: Yeah and I also turns out their leader have a heart attack and died when the lights went out.
Watcher: So they didn't kill him?
Mendez: Enough talk. We have a problem.
They turn to Mendez and he calls out.
Mendez: South, you may enter.
Then South came into the room and she wear a new armor with black with purple stripes similar to her old one as she came into the room.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow South nice armor.
South: (smirk) Thanks. Figured I needed an upgrade.
Ashley: I thought you'll be with Charlotte and Lucy during a mission?
South: We were but then we were ambushed.
Gabriel: By what, the Covenant?
South: No. Insurrectionist.
The were surprised and Mendez gose on to explain.
Mendez: These terrorist are a new kind of terrorist, they call themselves "The Spartans slayers" their goal is to trap Spartans and either capture them or kill them on sight. South, Charlotte and Lucy were sent on a simple investigation but they were ambushed by these terrorist.
South: Charlotte and Lucy order me to call for help ane I first i wanan stay and fight but they're order me to do it and I just contact a Pelican and escape. Damn I shouldn't stay there a fight along side them.
Y/n: Don't beat yourself up South. We'll get them back, that's a promise.
South: Your right.
Mendez: Still this is the first news we've ever have about these terrorist. If they have the capability to capture or kill Spartans then this would be a problem.
Y/n: So I guess we are gonna go there a rescue them?
Mendez: That's right but also finding out as much information about them and who is their leaders.
Elijah: Leaders sir?
Mendez: That's right Spartan. Apparently there is three Generals leading this new terrorist organisation and i want your team to find out who they are and deliver this information to the UNSC. Is that Understood.
Y/n: Sir you can count on us.
Mendez: Good. Also, there is a new team member waiting for you at the hanger Bay. I think you all may know him.
They were all confused but they decided to find out and they make their way out of the room and head to the hanger bay.
We see Y/n and his team walking through the halls heading to the hanger bay and during this walk Y/n was concerned on the three general leaders of the Spartan Slayers might be.
Gabriel: You okay sir?
Y/n: I'm good I'm just worried that these three Generals for the spartan slayers are "them."
Elijah: Who?
Ashley: Spartan-Killers. They used to be special ops Spartans working for Project Freelancer until the down fall of Project Freelancer.
Ave: (smirk) But they haven't been heard off for 3 years. They might be dead already.
Y/n: I'm not too sure Ave. It's unknown where they might are and maybe they might build a new army to challenge the UNSC.
Gabriel: No matter what they are, we can handle them.
Y/n: Yeah but still, I have a bad feeling if it were true.
The doors in front of them open and they step into a large hanger bay and in front of them standing near Sheila was Doc who turn and see them.
Doc: Hey guys! Long time no seek.
Y/n, Ave, Sophie and Ashley were surprised and they walk over to Doc and Y/n asked.
Y/n: (surprised) Hey Doc, what brings you here?
Doc: Well I'm your new team member. I'm your medic to the group.
Y/n: (surprised) You are?!
Gabriel: You know him sir?
Sophie: Doc is a cheif medic and help us during the battle of bete halo.
Doc: That's right. After Project Freelancer was shut down, the UNSC look through to my files and see I've gotten along with the UNSC and the Spartans. So they decided to give me hard medical training and soon I was assigned to my team qhidh is you.
Y/n: (surprised) That's amazing Doc. Welcome to Fireteam: Spartan-Rangers!
Watcher: It's nice having you in the team.
Doc: (smile) Thanks. So what's our first mission for today?
Y/n: Just a simple rescue mission that's all.
Doc: Cool.
Sheila: Let's get geared up for today's mission.
Y/n: (smile) Right you are, Spartan-Rangers, gear up!
They head to the nearest armory and they pick out the weapons they needed for this mission. Y/n grabs his classic sword and he pulls out a DMR and grenade lanucher.
Once everyone were geared up and their helmets on they all heaf back to Sheila and she opens the hatch door for them ane they claim on inside. Y/n heads to the pilot seat while the rest sat down as the hatch closes up behind them.
Y/n awakens the thrusters and he takes Sheila up into the air and slowly turn to the exit and he flies out of the hanger and into the sky and exit out of Earth's atmosphere and foy through space.
Y/n: Got the coordination at the ready Sheila?
Sheila: Of course Y/n. Ready in your mark.
Y/n: Then let's go then.
Sheila: Firing up space drive.
Then a slip space portal opens up in front of them ane they go through and once through the slip space portal closes and they were off on their simple mission to rescue the two female Spartans as a team.
To be continued..........
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