Chapter 23: The fall of Project Freelancer

Director: Dear Chairman: I do not care if we are the break of the extinction by a alien culture who warships these High Tech gods! I do not agree of using children as super soldiers and sent them into battle! Project Freelancer will proof to ONI that we are suitable for the task in hand while Doctor Halsey will deserve a life sentence in jail for her crazy and insane experiments of children we know they are unfit to do in a war like this one!


We see the reds, Blues Ave and Ashley within Sheila and Ave was checking up on the still unconscious Caboose while Y/n and Sophie walks over to them and took off their helmet and Y/n asked.

Y/n: How is he?

Ave: Still out cold. We tried everything but he's not waking up.

Grif: So he's dead?

Ave: Not dead, unconscious but it seems that he's not waking up.

Ashley: Where's South and Washington?

Y/n: Checking what the Meta left behind in the base. Was didn't like South with him but she argued back and now their inside the base right now.

Ave: Man fuck Wash, why dose he always have to treat us like that?

Ashley: I could get along with South but Wash, he hates us.

Grif: Welcome to our world.

Church: You know if it wasn't for you three, we would have capture the Meta.

Sarge: Well excuse me for mistaken yous as traitors. Besides, I think that entrance was pretty well if Grif hadn't crash the Warthog into one or the wings of the windmill.

Grif: Don't blame me! That thing came out ir nowhere!

Simmon: Right just like you said about an Ice cream truck that we somehow crashed and you said "breaks where broken."

Grif: But it was! By away, any left over Ice Cream around here?

Ave: Still there has to be a way to wake up Caboose?

Watcher: Why not church go in there and wake him up.

Church: What?

Watcher: You can take over people's bodies right? Of course you can simply wake someone up if you posses Caboose's body.

Church: (sigh) Fine but the next person who gives unconscious, your going in there.

Watcher: Bad news man, I'm a A.I and not a ghost like you.

Church: I funking hate you.

Watcher: Yep, I hate you too.

Church exit out of his robot body and enter Caboose's body. While they waited Grif looks at Sheila and then said.

Grif: Huh, so I guess Sheila is your ship now?

Y/n: Yep. She been a great help during many battles against the Covenant in different colonies across the galaxy.

Sheila: It was an honour working along side you and your team Y/n.

Ave: So what have yous been after we left Blood Gulch?

Grif: A lot of shit.

Simmon: We may wanna tell you some day but let's just say, Blood Gulch may not still be there.

Ashley: I'm sorry for that.

Sarge: Yeah but we got us some new bases.

Simmon: Yeah and Grif was promoted to be Sargent.

Ave: (shocked) Wait what? You mean Grif?

Simmon: Yeah.

Ave: (shocked) The grif standing with us, in this ship, with us? Promoted to Sargent?

Grif: Oh give me a break.

Y/n: (surprised) Well congrats on your promotion Grif. How dose it feel?

Grif: Same as usual.

Simmon: We were stationed at Rats base until we gotten word that you and your team has gone rouge and we head out to stop yous.

Y/n: Well you've been tricked by the Spartan-Killers.

Grif: Who?

Y/n: Long story but as soon Church gets Caboose woking up, we can-

Then Church exit out of Caboose's body while calling out.

Church: Wait remember of what!? What are you trying to say?!

Ave: (surprised) Wow, you alright Church?

Church: Yeah, just spoke to someone in there.

Y/n: Who?

Sophie: Um guys.

They all turn to see Washington and South there and they were looking at Church in ghost form while everyone rest was silent until Y/n broke the silence and said.

Y/n: South, Wash, let us explain.

Washington: Explain what! We've just come back looking around the base and then we saw Church exiting out of Caboose's body and now we're standing here and see a ghost Church!

South: And here I thought I've seen crazy stuff but I guess that takes the cake.

Church: Alright I guess we should explain. You see, I was killed by "someone" who was driving a tank and kill me with the tanks cannons.

Caboose: (unconscious) Not my fault, Tucker did it.

Church: Shut up.

Sarge: And then we reached an agreement, I build blue over here a new body-

Church: (chuckle) Agreement? More like we kicked your ass.

Y/n: I thought it was an agreement?

Ave: Yeah same here.

Grif: Yeah it was.

Washington: Stop! Forced! Sarge, how did you build him a body?

Sarge: With a robot kit of course. I'd already used our to build our helper lopez.

Simmons: And a mighty fine job you did sir.

Y/n: Oh how is Lopez doing by away?

Simmons: Same old as usual.

Sarge: Blue team hadn't used theirs for some reason, they even had some extra. We used that for your body...uh, what's her name?

Y/n: You mean Tex?

Sarge: Oh yeah that's right.

Washington: And...not one strike as odd? That you would have a kit to build a robot that looks like a soldier?

Y/n: Well know you tell me that, I guess it is kinda odd they sent some kit to build robots?

Watcher: Maybe they want the reds to build a robot army.

Y/n: Well if they did that then they already did and fail.

South: Have any of yous gone out and check that other base has one?

Simmons: We don't really get out that often.

Y/n: So do you two understand why Church is a ghost?

South: I guess so, but I gonna say it's cool to have a soldier who is a ghost. Maybe he'll be useful.

Washington: Still why didn't you tell me about this?

Y/n: I thought you knew.

Washington: What?! How would I knew that one of the blues soldiers were killed?!

Y/n:......Life monitor's?

Everyone was silent while Washington just facepalm because of that stupid answer.

Watcher: He seems a bit mad.

Y/n: Yep.

Washington: You have to be one of the stupidest Spartan i have ever met.

Grif: What ever, your face is stupid.

Ave: (chuckle) Nice one.

Washington: Look let's stay focused and get ready to leave.

Church: Wait I need to tell you something.

Washington: Oh what is it now?

Church: I have a message from Delta.

Y/n: (surprised) Delta? I thought he was taking?

Church: Yeah but it seems like he can leave messages in soldiers minds but he said "Memory is the key."

Washington: Memory is the key?

Ashley: What dose that mean?

Sheila: I heard something like that before but can't remember where.

Church: Same here but he said Wash will know.

Washington: Yeah I do. There is one thing that remembers everything about everything. IT might help us.

Y/n: What are you saying?

Washington: I'm saying we're going home. We're going to command.

(Some time later)

Sheila exit out of slipespace and flies towards a planet that is homed to Command and all Project Freelancer staff and housed all the A.I's including one that might help and possibly find the Alpha in there as well.

Y/n and Sophie were piloting Sheila while Washington enters the room and says.

Washington: We're closing up to the planet.

Y/n: So how will you know this will work?

Washington: Not only Sheila is a Freelancer A.I but this Pelican too as well. We can enter the base without drawing any attention.

Sophie: So what's the plan here?

Washington: We need to head to the A.I's vaults and take the the A.I we're looking for and find the Alpha.

Y/n: So are you gonna tell us about this Alpha A.I or are we gonna be hiding underneath the bushes.

Washington: (sigh) Fine. The Alpha was the first A.I ever made within Project Freelancer. The director's plan is to find a perfect soldier to be bounded with the Alpha.

Y/n: But....?

Washington: But the plan has changed a bit. Now they are splitting it so more A.I's cane be given to different soldiers. Each A.I has different traits that is suitable in battle. Delta the logic, Theta the trust, Sigma the rage and the Alpha the original.

Sophie: So that's why you don't us to know about it?

Washington: Splitting the A.I's is illegal but like Doctor Halsey, the director has gotten promising to do it and so he done it.

Y/n: Well at least we now know.

They enter the planet atmosphere and fly through the clouds until a radio call from command came through their radio.

Freelancer command: This is a restricted area. Identified yourself at once.

Washington: This is Agent Washington, I'm here to deliver a prisoner for yous. Promising to land?

After a while of silence and waiting nervously, command speak through the radio.

Freelancer command: Confirmed, you are clear to land Agent Washington. Glad to see you.

Washington: Same here. Over and out.

Y/n: Wait what prisoner are you talking about?

Washington: Well least just say, you were right letting South to live. At least she'll be more useful getting in easy.

Y/n and Sophie realised what he ment and hope she won't kick their asses after this. Soon they break through the clouds and see the base down below. It was a large base with a few landing pads and soldiers down at the ground. Sheila hovers over one of the landing pads and slowly lands down and makes a touch down.

Sheila opens the hatch and Washington came out with South in handcuffs attention like a prisoner while the reds and blues exit out follow by Y/n and his team exiting out as well.

South: I hope this is part of your plan Wash.

Washington: If it wasn't then I would have already take you to the troops already.

Watcher: Looks like their not high alert on us. We should enter inside the base before someone will spotted us.

Washington: Right, let's go.

They walk off to find a way inside the base. Soon there was a thud inside Sheila follow by a figure as he deactivate his invisible device to see it's the Meta as he growls while he looks around and then reactive his invisible device and wonder off.


We see Y/n and the rest enter a small bunker like base and Ave shuts the door behind them and lock it. Washington unhandcuff's South and after that they gathered around with Washington tells them.

Washington: Okay, we gotten in but we're not done yet so not celebrating.

Grif: Ah shit and I was about to pull the the confetti.

Washington: It won't be long until they found out something is odd so we need to move fast. Church, Y/n you two are with me. The rest of yous stay here and cost any damage.

Sarge: On it.

Y/n: You sure the vault is here?

Washington: I'm positive it's here. Let's get a move on.

Church: Right. Good luck you guys, we be back.

Washington, Y/n and Church head off while the rest stay behind and waited for them to be back. Ashley see a computer right in fro today here so she walks over and turns it on.

Grif: What are you doing?

Ashley: Accusing the files and possibly post some evidence to Hargrove so he can give it to the UNSC.

South: Can you really trust him?

Ave: Well you want the Director to pay right? Why not posted his important information to the enemy he hates?

South:.......Yeah I take that back, do what you have to do.

Ashley opens up the files and was surprised to find tone and tone of evidence to expose Project Freelancer and their corruption as she read through the files.

Ashley: (surprised) Look at all of this. Starting a riot, bombing an entire city, making deals with the Jackel pirates and many more criminal acts that sure bring down Project Freelancer once and for all.

Simmons: (surprised) Really that's crazy.

Caboose: They are really not nice people.

Grif: Never knew they be that evil.

Ashley: Yeah but I'm sending all this to Hargrove right now!

One click of the button and all the evidence is sent to Hargrove so Hargrove can tell the UNSC about this and sent a small invasion force to their location to arrest them.


Another Freelancer Pelican makes it's landing onto the landing pad and the hatch opens up and coming out of it was Tracker and his team coming out and were met by a Freelancer officer as he give them a salute.

Freelancer officer: Welcome to our base Spartan-Killers. May I help you with anything?

Tracker: Load us with some of your equipment and ammo so we can get back to our primary mission.

Freelancer Officer: Yes sir.

Freelancer soldier: We have a problem!

Then a Freelancer soldier rushes over to them and then explains.

Freelancer soldier: We just gotten word that someone linked all the information to the UNSC and their now shutting down all Freelancer bases and some are coming here!

Freelancer Officer: (shocked) What?! How did this happen?

Tracker looks around and noticed another Pelican ship at the other side of the base that looks familiar. He takes Quick-Triggers DMR and look through the scope and have a closer look to see it's Y/n's ship and he moved his scope to the bases windows and just see Ave at the window before moving away.

Tracker smirks to himself before he hands the DMR back to Quick-Trigger and turn to the officer.

Tracker: Put this base into lock down and get ready for an massive attack. And sent troops over to that base with weapons at the ready.

Freelancer officer: Yes sir.

He rushes off while he wave his squad to follow and they head off know knowing Y/n and his friends are here.


Y/n, Church and Washington walks slowly through the halls until Y/n pulls out a fist when they were about to turn a corner and peek out his head to see two soldiers protecting the vault.

Y/n: (whisper) Watch this.

He turn invisible and sneak towards the two soldiers and get in between them and appears between them which surprised them.

Freelancer Soldier: (shocked) What the-

Then Y/n grab both of their heads and slams their heads each other and knocking them out as they fell onto the floor. Washington and Church walks up to him while he opens the door and they head inside.

They look around and see many shelfs of different A.I's fragments everywhere that they kept over the years.

Y/n: (shocked) Wow!

Watcher: Seems like they like some forerunner decorations around here.

Washington: Let look around and find it.

They nod and they look around. Y/n and Watcher can't help but be amazed by all of this but at the same time felt bad for the Alpha. If the Alpha have been splitting Fragments then who knows how much it hurts to do that.

Washington: (distance) Guys I found it!

Church and Y/n rush over to Washington kneeling down and turing to them and said.

Washington: In here, this is it.

Church: Cool, let's get it out and-

Suddenly a flash of energy hits Church and he step back in pain.

Church: Ow what the fuck!

Washington: You okay?

Church: Yeah just what was that?

Y/n: No clue but let's pull it out.

Y/n grabs the object and pulls it out and it was a Covenant like device that is glowing blue which means something is in there.

Watcher: So this is it. This is the Alpha.

Washington: No.

Y/n: what?

Washington: This is Epsilon, the memory.

Y/n: And Epsilon will help us find the Alpha?

Washington: Yes but there is no point.

Y/n: What?

Watcher: I thought our mission is to find the Alpha. If that's Epsilon then where is the Alpha?

Washington: You don't seem to get it do you?

Y/n: Get what Wash, tell us!

Washington: Many years ago, there was a up rising within Project Freelancer and that Agent try to free the Alpha but failed. After that they decided to hide the Alpha somewhere else, somewhere that no one will not find.

Church: But where?! Should we be there then here!

Washington: Think about this Church. Why did you know about agent Tex and the A.I's, why do you trust Delta more, how come you didn't get possessed by Omega when he took over your body? It proofs one thing....Church....your not a ghost......your an A.I...your are the Alpha.

Y/n and Watcher was shocked by this and there was a moment of silence until Church says.

Church: Bullshit!

Washington: (surprised) I was suspecting something else?

Church: There is no way I'm a A.I.

Y/n: Washington is right. Look i have this theory to Rimington and Cali years back and it seems like my theory was right.

Church: I still don't believe it.

Watcher: So what now?

Washington: We need to get the two out of here before any soldiers noticed something off.

Then alarms start to go off in the room their in and Watcher said.

Watcher: I think they might know.

(A while later)

Y/n, Washington and Church return back to the rest and they see Ave, Sophie and Ashley at the blown up door and open firing at the soldiers whiketge reds and blues are there and they noticed that South isn't there with them.

Washington: What happened here?

Ave: They know we were here and blow open the door.

Y/n: What about South?

Ashley: She took off and we think she took Sheila.

Washington: Fuck! I knew we can't trust her.

Y/n: Don't jump into conclusions, she might help us.

Grif: Or abandon us and stole Sheila.

Simmons: So got what you need?

Y/n: You could say something like that.

Caboose: Why happened? Did the blue screen of death appear, it happens a lot for me.

Church: We found Epsilon but Washington tells me then I'm a A.I.

Ave, Sophie and Ashley:........Make sense.

Church: Really?!

Ave: Well Yeah, no wonder you know much about Project Freelancer's A.I's and Tex.

Church: Unbelievable.

Ashley: So now what? If South took our only way out then we might be stuck here.

Washington: Follow me.

They follow Washington and soon they arrive at the garage where the Warthogs arre being g stored. Ave, Sophie and Ashley hop into the one Warthog, Sarge, Simmons and Girf hop into the gauss Warthog and Caboose and Y/n to the last Warthog. Y/n takes the body of Church and puts it into the passenger side seat while he gets onto the turret.

Ashley: What about you Wash?

Washington: Yous go. We have a feeling going that the Meta might be here so I'm heading down to the lower of the base and active the E.M.P to destroy all the A.I once and for all.

Y/n: You sure by this Wash?

Washington: I know it's best. Yous get going while we head there before the Meta will, now ho.

The garage doors open and they race out of there. Once they were gone Washington walks off and gose deeper into the base until he reach a large room with forerunner like decorations around him and there was a large blue eye staring at him as he walks Iver to the computer to the controls.

Once there he type into the codes until it flash green. Before he could press a button to active the E.M.P a gun shot his heard and Washington felt a sharp pain on his wasit and fell onto one knee and turn to see Tracker with his pistol in hand as he and his team enter the room while looking at Washington.

Tracker: Your an disappointment and a shame to even be apart of Project Freelancer. You know what you just did.

Washington: No idea but I can tell they might have something to do with it.

Tracker: Indeed. Now the UNSC will shut everything we built for down because you let them in.

Washington: (chuckle) Say to the person who let rogue Spartan-Killers into Project Freelancer in the first place.

Tracker aim his pistol to kill him but then Church or the Alpha appears beside Washington and looks at them and said.

Alpha: Hi there.

Tracker: (shocked) The Alpha?!

Quick-Trigger: Thought it was a myth.

Breaker: Looks small.

Alpha: What ever you say, no one messes with my assholes.

Washington: You know Church....when the EMP detonates-

Alpha: When it detonate I'll be fine because....I'm a mother funking ghost.

Then the Alpha hops into Breaker and he took over his body and picks up Tracker and throws him across the room. Quick-Trigger was about to shoot at him but Breaker slaps Quick-Trigger and sent him flying.

Washington grunted in pain and slowly stand up while Tracker aim his pistol behind him and said.

Tracker: Don't do this, if you do this then we will kill you.

Washington: (smirk) Good luck with that.

Washington presses the button and their was a flash of light and all the A.I fragments, the equipment and vehicles of Project Freelancer is shut down and destroyed for good.

(Warthog run theme start)

Y/n and the rest leap up the hill and made a crash to the ground as Freelancer Soldiers open fire at them and trying to stop them but they get gunned down by their turrets and race through trying to escape the EMP rang.

Watcher: Guys the EMP bomb has been activated and its coming towards us!

Sarge: Go Go Go!

Grif: Let's get the fuck out of here!

Y/n: Right, full throttle Caboose!

Caboose's did so and they go max speed while trying to escape the EMP's rang. Suddenly they see a road block of Freelancer soldiers and tanks ready to fire at them.

Simmons: Oh shit look out!

They thought they not gonna make it but suddenly missiles came down and blow up the road block and they race through. Sheila fly over them which breath a sigh of relief.

Y/n: Thanks for the help Sheila.

Sheila: (comms) I'm not the one who is piloting.

Y/n: Then who?

South: (cooms) Hey guys.

Y/n: (surprised) South?!

Ave: I thought you abandoned us?

South: (comms) I did but decided to come back and help yous. You the only people that still trust me and I wanna make thi go right so I'm here to help.

Y/n: Thanks South, I knew you'll do the right thing.

South: (comms) Thanks but yous need to keep moving before yous get hit by the EMP.

Y/n: Right we are-

Then suddenly a slam from another Warthog hits Y/n and Caboose's Warthog and they see he Meta there as he aim his brute shot at Caboose but Y/n leaps over and kicks the Meta and try to punch him again but he grab his fist and push him back. He stumbled back and he nearly fell off the Warthog.

The Meta sets the Warthog to auto drive and stood up and grabs Y/n by the neck and lift him up into the air. Y/n was trying to breath and looks down at the Meta and said.

Y/n: I know your in there Maine! I know your not doing this, please fight it! Fight it Maine, Fight it!

Then the Meta let's go and grab his head while screaming in pain before he remove his helmet that fell off the Warthog and he grab the back of his head and try to pull Sigma and the rest of the A.I's out of his mind.

Sigma: (shocked) What? What are you doing! Stop this Maine!

Then Main pulls out the chip out of the back of his head as blood pours out of the back of his head and then he look at the A.I chip and chuck it away before he fell unconscious.

Y/n: Maine!

He checks Maine to see he is alive and decided to take him with them. He lift up Maine and leap back to Caboose's Warthog and set Maine down while he gets back to his gunner as the empty Warthog hose into a different direction and slams into a wall.

Then suddenly both the reds and Ashley, Ave and Sophie's warthogs get hit by the EMP and their vehicles stop.

Y/n: No!

Sarge: It's alright keep going!

Simmons: Get them out of here!

Ashley: We catch up!

Y/n nods and they burst through the gate and ahead of them was a cliff and they were going fast.

Y/n: Hold it.....hold it........

Caboose's keeps driving and soon they go off the cliff just as Sheila arrives and opens the hatch in front of them.

Y/n: NOW!

He picks up both Caboose and the Unconscious Maine and chucks them into Sheila and they landed safely. He then picks up the Epsilon unit and  the body of Church and he leap himself over and he was in mid air.

Then he throws the two into it and he lands body first onto the landing ramp but starting to slide out of the Pelican.

Y/n: Oh fuck!

He was about to fall to his death when two hands grabs Y/n and he looks up to see South and she puls Y/n back in and South calls out to Sheila.

South: Get us out of here!

(Warthog run ends)

Sheila fly off and they escape the E.M.P rang just in time. Y/n stood up and breaths in a sigh of relief and looks at South and said.

Y/n: just saved my life.

South: Hey figure I return the favour.

Y/n took off his helmet and smiles and so dose South and then UNSC Pelicans fly by and they make landing onto the base and UNSC troops were easy to arrest the Freelancer Soldiers there and rescue the reds and Y/n's team down there while Y/n, Caboose and South sees all this happen.

South: So I guess this is it huh?

Y/n: Seems like it. Looks like you've gotten your revenge on the director.

South: Yeah.

She took off her helmet and turn to the unconscious Maine and asked.

South: So what should we do with him?

Y/n: The medics will get him healed up and hopefully he'll be better.

South: Hope so. Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah sou-

Then she lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips which surprised him as he blushes while South have been waiting for this for a very long time as she gently wrap her arms around Y/n neck and then Y/n wrap his arms around hers and he kiss her back as well.

Caboose: Well.....I knew this will happen.

Sheila flies off heading back to the UNSC ships outside of the planet while UNSC troops down below take away all that Project Freelancer has owned and take the soldiers and those who are working there away to prison for crimes against the UNSC.

The day that Project Freelancer has fallen for good.

To be continued...............

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