Chapter 21: Meeting old friends

Director: Dear Chairman: I have understood about these rogue of soldiers going around and killing Spartans in order for them to take their revenge upon and UNSC. But Project Freelancer have nothing to do with these group of soldiers or their killings. Besides, I only listed grown soldiers who have highly skills and not simply....children that were either taking by their parents or adopted by the UNSC.


Sophie and Ave were at Sheila and Sophie was outside of the snow battle rifle in hand and keeping watch. While Ave was working on Sheila inside and a black smoke blow up on her helmet that cost her to cough and step outside and took off her helmet and said.

Ave: Jesus Sheila you've gotten more damage then any other Pelican.

Sheila: Agree. It would be nice for once that no Covenant won't target me for once.

Ave: (chuckle) I know that feeling girl.

Sophie: They should be back? Wonder whats taking them so long?

Ave: Who knows. Hey Sheila, do we have a signal?

Sheila: Unfortunately no. It seems that something his jamming our communication.

Ave: Really who?

Sophie: I think I know who.

Ave turn to Sophie and see in the distance something is coming towards them. Ave zoom in through her visor and see what Sophie ment by it.

Ave: Oh crap.


Y/n, Ashley and South were introduced to the triplets which were Agent Ophio, Agent Iowa and Agent Idaho. The other team they were with were Sherry, Derryl and Terrill.

Y/n: So yous have been here for so long?

South: But the Director told us yous three were discharge from Project Freelancer?

Ophio: Yeah that's what you and eveyine else thought.

South: What are you talking about?

Ophio: (anger) Oh don't give us that crap bitch! You and all other agents look down at us from the start and they abandoned us in this snow in the middle of nowhere!

Iowa: Ophio is mad now.

Idaho: Hasn't she always been mad?

South: (anger) Us? We didn't vote on your getting fucking drop off in thsi snowy planet so don't blame us you fucking idiot!

Y/n gets in between them before they start a fight while he said.

Y/n: Enough! Let's hear them out and then we can discuss on what really happen.

South wants to argue but Delta appears in front of her and said.

Delta: I agree with Spartan 453. It is logical to here Agent Ophio out and tell us her side of the story.

South sighs and steps back. Then Ophio start to explain.

Ophio: Well we were asign on a special mission to this planet and at first they didn't give us what our mission was but soon we realised they-

Idaho: Totally abandoned us. It took Ophio a while to accept it and soon she did including all of us.

Iowa: Yeah they didn't like us from the start. They think we were weird, stupid, annoying, pain in the butt, annoying, stupid-

Idaho: Ok I think they get it.

Y/n: Right and you South?

South:.....Well the Director just told us they were discharged from Project Freelancer and that's it.

Watcher: Sounds like this Director guy is a huge dick from the beginning.

Y/n: Agree. Wait, so who are yous then?

They turn to Sherry and the rest ans she explains.

Sherry: Well we're from Charon Industries. Well WERE until they dumb us here and left us.

Ashley: Wait? Yous are from Charon Industries?

Sherry: Yeah that's right, why?

Y/n and Ashley look at each other and turn back to them.

Y/n: That's impossible. Why would Hargrove abandoned three of yous here? After all we were hired to find out about Fireteam Spartan-Killers and Project Freelancer.

South: (shocked) What?! They hired yous?!

Y/n: Well yeah, why?

South: They are terrorist that wanted to ruin Project Freelancer along with the UNSC! They are responsible for the killings of incident people.

Watcher: Now I'm confused now. Project Freelancer is shown to be the bad guys bit Charon Industries is even more bad then Project Freelancer.

Y/n: Hang on a second. Who told you that?

South: The Director himself.

Y/n: And he told you they are terrorist even though if it wasn't for them, the UNSC will use many Colonies within the galaxy?

South was about to say something but she stop herself and now she was confused then everyone else now.

Darryl: So? Now what?

Y/n: Well....judging by what yous are saying I think there is some company battle is going on and I believe the Director is more guilty then Hargrove. We should head back to Sheila and-

Then suddenly a green blast exploded on the bridge and they turn to see two Covenant Bashees fly over the bridge.

Ashley: Shit the Covenant!

Iowa: Wh-Who are they?

Y/n: Aleins you don't wanna make friends.

Watcher: We got buggers above us!

They look up and drones appear over head and fire their weapons at them while they set down onto the ground.

They all take cover and Sherry and her team open fire at them ans so dose Y/n, Ashley and South. They take out a few buggers before they get some cover.

Sheila: (comms) Y/n we have a problem!

Y/n: What's wrong?

Sheila: (comms) The Covenant has captured me, Ave and Sophie and I believe they're taking us to their communication base.

Y/n: Communication base?

Ashley: That explains why we can't reach the UNSC fleet.

Y/n: We get there as soon we take out these Covenant troops over here.

Sheila: (comms) Roger that.

Ophio, Iowa and Idaho opens fire at them and take out the buggers and soon the bridge was clear and no Covenant banshee strike came down at them.

Iowa: Why did they stop attacking us?

Idaho: No clue, maybe they just give up and have some beer?

Darryl: Do Covenant drink beer?

Terrill: Depends on what beer these alien's drink.

Sherry: Will yous shut up. This is bad. We weren't trained to face the Covenant.

Ashley: What were you trained for?

Sherry: Mostly guarding but this is far more different then ours.

Watcher: Still out team has been captured and we need to rescue them.

Y/n: Let's not forget that jammer they have. We need to shut that off as well.

Delta: I suggest we make a plan and tomorrow we strike.

Y/n: Well it's just a Communication base so planning will be easy.

South: Agree so let's start this plan and make our attack tomorrow.

Y/n: Agree. Let's do this.

Ophio watch this and she heard about Spartans before and seeing two for the first time was awesome to her. Then she turn to see Sherry trouble and she was worrying about her a little.


It was night as we see a light within of the left side of the Bridge with Y/n explaining to everyone about the plan.

But Sherry was just looking over in the distance and looking at the full moon above until a voice said.

???: Hey catch.

Sherry turn and she catches a beer bottle that Ophio tossed as she walks up next to Sherry and takes off her helmet and takes a drink.

Sherry dose the same and takes a drink before Ophio asked.

Ophio: You alright?

Sherry: Yeah I just.....I heard about them. The Covenant. How they glass planets, kill our kind and search for ancient artefact left behind by their so called "Gods". It chills me to the bone to face them in real life.

Ophio: I see how you feeling. I was a but nervous when I first saw them in action but also the Spartans as well but I was....interested by them.

Sherry: I see why. They are powerful Spartans that the Covenant call them "Demons". (Chuckle) Good thing we have them.

Ophio: Yeah same.

The two take a drink and Ophio asked.

Ophio: Hey, do you still have that bullet wound I guve you?

Sherry: You mean the bullet wound you shot? Yeah I still do.

Ophio: (smirk) Well at least you given me a reason.

Sherry: (chuckle) Yeah by shooting me in the leg?

Ophio: (smirk) Hey, at least it's not in the foot.

Sherry: (chuckle) I fucking hate you, you know.

Ophio: (chuckle) Yeah, I know and I hate you too.

The two girls look at each other with smirks in their face before they lend in and kissed on the lips. The two have security have feelings between them for a while and they do this more often when ever they aren't fighting.

They kissed for a while until they stop and the two share a giggle before they walk off to listen on to Y/n's plan before they head out tomorrow morning.

(Next day)

Thw team were split into two groups. Team A which were Ashley, Ophio, Iowa and Idaho go to the second communication tower to shut down the jammer and call for help.

While Team B which were Y/n, South, Sherry, Terrill and Darryl head to the first tower to free Ashley, Ave ans Sheila  and escape.

Y/n ans his group were on a cliff and they look over at the Communication base and see Covenant troops securing the base with Ghost and Spectre circles around the base.

Terrill: Gonna say, their base is ten times better then ours.

Darryl: Agree. Any chance they accept us in?

Y/n: Their not fans of humans being in their ranks.

Terrill: That's racist.

Sherry: Both you yous shut up.

South: What do we got?

Y/n: A few troops, Ghost and Spectre's around. We can sneak in if only we have a distraction?

South: Agree but how can we cost an-

Then suddenly there was an explosion in the distance they draws the Covenant troops to that area.

Iowa: (comms) Whoops that was on accident!

Y/n: What happened?

Ashley: (comms) Iowa led out a sneeze and nearby Covenant vehicles just blown up.

Idaho: (comms) And that's why he is called a Vehicle destroyer.

Ophio: (comms) Iowa your a genius!

Iowa: (comms) Thanks........what did I do?

Y/n: Well we get Sophie and the rest while yous do your thing.

Ashley: (comms) On it.

Y/n signals them to move ane they did so. They leap off the cliff and rushes to the second base and enter inside. They aim their weapons around to see no Covenant troops around.

Ave: Y/n!

They turn to see Ave and Sophie behind a huge engery sheild and they rush up and Watcher hacks through the system.

Sophie: (smile) Good to see you. Where's Ashley?

Ave: And who's your new friends?

Y/n: Long story but we explain once we get out of here.

Sherry: (scared) Aaaahhh!

They turn to see Sherry stand in front of an Elite as the elite active his engery sword and swings it back at Sherry.

Terrill: Sherry!

Terrill runs over and pushes her out of the way but the Elite slices Terrill's head off and his helmet fell onto the ground and his body fell onto the ground as well.

Sherry stood up and see Terrill's body and yells out.

Sherry: NO!

The Elite laughs and turns to Sherry and was aboit to stab her but Y/n stabs an Elite in behind and killed the Elite.

Y/n: You alright?

Sherry was help up by Y/n ans she rushes over to Terrill's dead body ans join Darryl as they can't believe they lost Terrill after what they been through.

Ave and Sophie were free and see what have happened.

Ashley: (comms) Y/n i got the jammer shut off and thanks to Delta a beacon is up but I think the Covenant knows we're here.

Then the alarms ring out throughout and base which means it's their team yo leave.

Ave and Sophie grab plasma rifles and pistols and rush out. Y/n rushes over to Sherry and Darryl and said.

Y/n: I'm sorry for your lost. I promise they will pay.

Sherry nods including Darryl and they grab their weapons and rush out leaving Terrill's body as he will rest in peace.

(Moments later)

They exit out and joins up with Ashley and her team near Sheila as they blast away Covenant troops and waiting for UNSC to come overhead them.

Ghost and Spectre's appear ans fire at them which they take cover and South pulls out a plasma grenade that she manage to grab and tossed it over and it stuck onto a ghost and blow up.

Y/n spotted a Jackel sniper aiming at South so he tackle her onto the ground that tha jackel missed.

South: Wow that was close!

Y/n: You alright?

South: Y-Yeah, Thanks I guess.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

South has this same feeling every time Y/n saved her life. They continue to hold their ground until Sheila calls out.

Sheila: Guys I've detected a UNSC ship over head!

Y/n: Let's go people! Move move move!

They each hop into Sheila while they fire at the Covenant troops. Y/n got into the pilot seat ans start it up.

Ophio and Idaho hop in and Iowa was last as he turn and calls out.

Iowa: Wait for me guys! I don't wanna be left behind agai-

Then suddenly a jackel sniper managed to land a hit on Iowa through his helmet which shocked Ophio and Idaho.

Iowa's body fell onto the ship and they drag him in before Sheila close up the hatch snd take off out of the Covenant base.

Inside Ophio was trying to get Iowa to come back and she try her best while tears were dripping down her eyes as she dose CPR on him.

Ophio: (tears) No no no no! Iowa come on, please wake up! Iowa wake up!

South: Ophio! Ophio he's dead! Stop it he's already dead give it a bre-


Ophio try and try but there was no use. She stop and look at his fallen friend and cries while eveyone was silence how they lost two good soldiers by the hands of the Covenant.

Y/n was frustrated by this and wished he could have saved them. Still he flies Sheila out of space and see the UNSC ship in front of him.

He parked Sheila into the hanger bay doors and the UNSC ship jump into hyperspace to get away from the planet before Covenant ships would come.

(A while later)

We see Ophio and Idaho within the break room without their armor on and still sadden by Iowa's death.

Y/n enter the break room he too without his Spartan armor and walks up to their table.

Y/n: Mind if I sit here?

Ophio and Iowa nods and he sat across from them and takes a deep breath before starts off by saying.

Y/n: I'm really am sorry for yous loss. I'm sure Iowa was a very good soldier.

Ophio: He was. He was dumb yeah but nice as well.

Idaho: He was with us until the very end. He was like family to us and seeing him die like that....was heart broken.

Y/n: I......understand your lost and I know how it feels like to lose someone within a mission. I swear his death will not be forgotten.

Ophio: Agree. Thank you for comfort us.

Y/n: No problem.

Y/n stands up and he was about to leave when Ophio asked.

Ophio: Y/n?

He turn to them and Ophio said.

Ophio: If you ever see the Director. Make him pay for abandoned us like that and cost Iowa's death.

Y/n nods and he left the room. He turn and South was there without any armor on her but still have Delta with her.

South: So your team are really gonna going after the Director?

Y/n: Yeah. If the Spartan-Killers are from Project Freelancer then he need to pay for his crimes. Don't try to stop us sou-

South: I'm in.

Y/n:.......I'm sorry what?

South: I said I'm in. I wanna help yous hunt down the Director and his crimes.

Y/n: (surprised) That's it? You want to help us find the Director and your not even gonna stop us?

South: Don't give me wrong, the Director is a huge dick and I wanna punch the living hell out of him so badly for not given me an AI. So I'm gonna help you.

Delta: And I will assist as well.

Y/n: Alright. Oh by away, I also heard you have a brother named North. What happened to him?

South: Oh.....he....sacrifice himself for me when the Meta found us.

Y/n: Damn. I'm sorry for that.

South: (little blush) Don't worry about it. He was....a great brother.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.

UNSC Ship AI: Y/n and his team, report to the hanger bay for your drop.

Y/n: Looks like we've here.

South: Yeah. What about them?

Y/n: Don't know but let's leave them alone and gone our own.

South: Right, let's go.

They head to the armory to get into their armor and once that they head to the hanger bay and meet up with Y/n's team and fky out of Sheila and head into another Colony planet that holds information that they needed.


They get out of the sea and moved up to shore and walks up a small hill as they head to a small UNSC base that was abandoned for some time but they head they have someone that might know information about Project Freelancer and so that's why they are here.

They look around for anyone but unfortunately no sign of anyone.

Ave: Where is eveyone?

Sophie: It seems empty?

Ashley: There is no way, someone should be here.

Y/n: Watcher got anything?

Watcher: Let's see......OK there is no life form so yeah this place is......wait....hang on there.

Y/n: What is it?

Watcher: I've decided three life forms approaching us. They arriving slowly for some reason but why-?

South: It's a trap!

Then a rocket fired at them bit South active a bubble sheild around them and the there was save from the blast. Then Tracker, Breaker and Quick-Trigger appear from the smoke as they walks over to them with Tracker said.

Tracker: Well Well Well. Look who we found.

Y/n: Tracker. How did you find us?

Tracker: They don't call me Tracker for nothing. Now how's about you shut down that shield and let us kill you.

South: Fuck you!

Breaker: (anger) Fuck you too bitch!

Tracker: Settle down Breaker.

Y/n: Look I know who yous are and what your doing is treason!

Quick-Trigger: Treason? They are the once that should be treason for ruining our lives.

Sophie: What do you mean?

Tracker: The UNSC are corrupt and just using us Spartans as meat shield in battle in order for them to win. They are the traitors, not us!

Y/n: Then why killing Spartans huh? Why?!

Tracker: We're giving them freedom. They have suffered long enough and we are giving them freedom by ending their life. Were doing them a favour.

Ave: I call that murder because yous are psychopaths!

Tracker: Call us all you want but what werw doing is right. As for you....your gonna join them in hell.

They draw their weapons at them and was about to fire but suddenly explosion sent them back and they turn to see the Meta.

He reload his brute shot and fires another round at them. The Spartan-Killers open fire at them but the Meta just walks towards them which they step back.

Breaker rush at him and clash blades with his own brute shot and the two fought before the Meta slams Breaker onto the ground and stab him onto the back which he yells out in pain.

He pushes the Meta off and walks back with Tracker see there is no way they can't win so he calls out a retired.

Tracker: Pull out! Pull out!

They pull back and they disappear and the Meta now draw his attention to Y/n and the rest and fired his brute shot at them which damage the sheild.

South: Delta how long?

Delta: You only have 30 seconds before the sheilds will be down.

Ave: What should we do?

Y/n: We fight, that's what we do.

Ashley: But we can't beat him.

Y/n: Doesn't matter, I won't let any of us get hurt. We gonna fight no matter what.

Then he draw out his sword and gets to a battle stand. His team join in and South was surprised that Spartans will do anything to keep on fighting even if all odds are against them.

Delta: 10 seconds.

Y/n: Ready!

The Meta keeps firing and they were waiting for a fight. Then the sheild disappeared but suddenly a grenade was grown at the Meta and blow up.

Y/n: What the heck?

???: There they are!

They turn to see three mongoose drive up and one of them crash onto the tree while the other leap out ans fire his battle rifle at the Meta.

Y/n and the rest rush for cover and they duck behind a wall and Ave asked.

Ave: Who are they?

Y/n: Don't know, didn't have a clear look.

Ashley: Well are they on our side?

When South was about to join in, a round of bullets hit her and she fell onto the ground.

South: Son of a bitch!

Ave: Maybe not.

Y/n drags South to cover and use a Regeneration field to heal South.

Y/n: You alright?

South: Fine but that jackass shot me!

Y/n: Just hold on and I'll-

Watcher: Guys they stop firing and three life forms are walking towards us.

Ashley: This ain't good.

Ave: Court it be this Spartan-Killers coming back to finish us?

Sophie: They left so who ever they are must be more dangerous.

Y/n: Then let's face the music.

The four leap out of cover and aim their weapons on them. But then Y/n lower his gun and bit and calls out.

Y/n: Church, Caboose?

Then we see Church and Caboose there aiming their weapons at them but lower them down when they see it's them.

Church: Y/n, Ashley, Ave and Sophie?

Watcher: And me, hey.

Caboose: (surprised) Oh my god! It's the Spartan rangers! Our old friends, how long has it been?!

Y/n: (chuckle) Too long.

Caboose: really, how long has it been what we first met?

???: Well I see you know these type of soldiers.

They turn to see a black with yellow strip soldier that they know haven't met.

Y/n: And you are?

Washington: My name is Agent Washington and I see you here with Agent South.

Y/n: Yeah we are- Oh shit I forgot!

Y/n rushes back and helps South up. She looks up to see Washington and sighs.

South: Oh hi Wash, how is you?

Washington: Normal, it's luckily i wasn't killed by you.

Y/n: Wait what's going on here? What do you mean?

Washington: I don't need to explain things to a Spartan like you. Can one of yous get Delta for me?

Church: Um I don't think I can-

Caboose: I'll do it.

Caboose walks over to South and Delta transferd into Caboose now.

Ave: Wait what's going on here?

Washington: Like I said. I don't need to explain to Spartans like yous.

Ave: Bullshit! Tell us why you ment by that and what are yous doing here!

Washington: Well if yous must know. During a mission with me and South, we try to escape from the Meta when South decide to shot me in the back so she can make her escape with Delta.

Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?!

Delta: It's true. I didn't want to tell yous this but it's true. She also did the same to her brother Agent South as the way to escape from the Meta.

Y/n ans his team were shocked by this ans slowly turn to South while South looks away and felt kinda a shame a bit.

Washington: Whoa....wanna great sport.

Delta: It is highly probable that she will turn on us again when the time is right. In her current physical state, she will only hamper our progress.

Y/n: What are you saying?

Delta: That we do not allow her to hamper our progress.

Washington: Ok.

Washington pulls out his pistol and aims it at South's head.

South: (chuckle) Oh come on Wash. What are you gonan do? Sh-


South thought that was it for here when she shut her eyes and heard the gunfire. But she realised she is still alive and open her eyes and she was in shock.

Y/n have pulled away Washington pistol just in time and the bullet missed her and hit a wall beside her.

Washington: What are you doing?!

Y/n snatch Washington pistol snd tossed it away before saying.

Y/n: I will not let anyone else die on my watch.

Washington: She will back stab you, how can you trust he-

Y/n: Because I saved her multiple times Wash! True she may have lied but under my watch, we don't kill each other.

Washington was frustrated by these Spartans getting in his way so he sighs. Y/n turns to South and said.

Y/n: Common. There has to be some medical supplies in the base.

South: (little blush) O-Ok.

The two walk off while Church and the rest watch them enter the base with Church said.

Church: Seems like he hasn't change.

Ave: (smirk) Yep. He's a same old and sexxy Y/n alright.

Caboose: I'm glad we are ruined after so long. Best friends forever!

Church: Oh shut up Caboose.

To be continued..........

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