Chapter 20: The beast of Project Freelancer
Hargrove: Dear Director: We have reports of teams of Spartans across of many Colonies have been KIA by a group of soldiers who are cable of killing them. I have hired a team of Spartans to investigate these groups of Spartan killers. We have suspicious that these teams are from your group but we will soon find out soon enough.
We see Y/n and his team within Sheila as they journey through Slipespace to their location. Y/n was in the pilot seat with Watcher appear on the holopad.
While we see Ave, Sophie and Ashley at the back getting their weapons ready while Ave said to break the silence.
Ave: I'm surprised this Pelican has a build in Slipespace drive.
Sophie: Well the Pelican that Kaikaina came on is different to our UNSC Pelican.
Ashley: Yeah but who ever these people are smart of managing to place a Slipespace drive in here.
Sheila: You know I'm here right?
Ashley: Oh, sorry Sheila. We didn't mean it by that.
Sheila: It's alright. I understand your surprise by this. At least we can travel to planet to planet with a working Slipespace drive.
Ave: Yep.
The doors open and Y/n step inside with the rest of his team as he pulls up a hologram of a prison space Station hovving over a planet.
Y/n: Ok Hargrove told us we should interrogate a agent within a UNSC prison space Station.
Ave: (surprised) They managed to capture an agent?
Y/n: Yep and what these files say, she's very aggressive and will beat up anyone who look at her funny.
Ashley: Is she Tex?
Y/n: No, her name is Agent South and she used to have a brother named Agent North.
Ave: Those are weird names?
Y/n: Actually Hargrove told me that Project Freelancer name them due to their countries they live in.
Sophie: That would explain a lot about Tex and Wyoming.
Y/n: Yeah. Yous ready?
Ave: (smirk) Hell yeah, ready as I'll ever be.
Watcher: Remember the fate of all Spartans is resting on our hands. We can't let the Spartans fall during this time so let's get to work.
They all nod with agreement.
Sheila: We're coming up to the space Station right now.
Y/n: Nice, let's do this.
Sheila jump out of slipspace and flys over to a Prison base hoving over a snowy planet.
Sheila docks through the hanger bay and lands inside the station. A chief of the station with two police troops walks up to Sheila and stand there until the hatch came down.
Once that Y/n and his team leap out and walks over to the chief and Y/n and the chief shake hands.
Harry: (smile) Nice to meet you Spartans. My name is Chris Harry, Chris of this prison ship.
Y/n: Nice to meet you Harry. We're here to interrogate Agent South.
Harry: Ah yes. She's kinda hard to speak but will show you to her. Follow me.
The four follows Harry and his two guards out of the hanger bay and walk through the station. They walk pass a window looking very at the snowy planet below when Y/n asked.
Y/n: How did you manage to capture her?
Harry: 6 months ago we discovered her trying to sneak out a Colony planet and even though she put up a good fight she was arrested and taken to here. We were gonna have her transported to another prison space Station but Hargrove told us to hold off until the Spartans arrive to ask her questions. Seems that your the Spartans.
Y/n: Yep, that's right.
Harry: Well I gonna say it is a honour meeting the brother of the master chief here within our station, especially your team. Must be great to be related to a hero.
Y/n: (smile) You know us. We like to save humanity.
Harry: (smile) I agree to that.
They step into a room and walk inside. Through the open glass Y/n ans rest see Agent South sat down with handcuffs on her and was sitting there in silnce still have her armor on.
Ave: She doesn't look friendly.
Ashley: I don't think no one in this prison base is friendly.
Harry: You can go on ahead and try to talk to her. But I can tell she doesn't wanna talk to anyone.
Y/n: No worries Chief. I'm sure she'll start talking, after all I'm very good with interrogation.
Ave, Sophie and Ashley know that's not true but they allow him to try. Y/n open the door into the room and close it behind him. South looks at Y/n for a second before she looks away.
Y/n walks over and sat down on the chair across from her and there was silence in the room until Y/n spoke.
Y/n: So Agent South. Do you...wanna talk?
Y/n see she isn't gonna talk so he took off his helmet and set it on the table and let her see his face.
Y/n: (smile) No need the silence. I'm human, like you.
South take one look at Y/n wity his warm smile and then looks away.
Y/n: (thought) OK this is gonna more harder as I thought.
Y/n: (sigh) Look South. I know you don't wanna talk but we need your help.
Y/n: These teams of soldiers attacked me during a mission and I wanna know that these are from Project Freelancer.
He place down a holopad and a hologram lights up and shoe Agent Tracker, Breaker and Quick-Trigger which got South attention as she stare at then for a while and then asked.
South: Where did you get them?
Y/n: Like is said. They attack me during a mission and I want to know who they are and are they from Project Freelancer or not.
Then South start to whisper to herself which confused Y/n a little and it looks like she caved in and look at Y/n and said.
South: Look I'm not gonna say anything.....but he will.
Y/n: He? Who is?
Then a green glow appear on a table an a small green AI appear on the table ans he looks up at Y/n sns said.
???: Hello Spartan. It is nice to meet you.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow, you have an AI?
Watcher appears on the table ans looks at the Green AI and then asked.
Watcher: Huh I never know Agent have AI's with them?
Delta: Correct. My name is Delta. It is nice to meet you Watcher and Y/n-453.
Y/n: (surprised) How did you know who we are?
Delta: We have seen file's of your combat and it interests me to see that your related to a hero John-117.
Y/n: Well it's nice that you know. So can you tell us about these group of Spartans that almost kill me?
Delta: Of course. They are called "Fireteam: Spartan-Killers." They are made bt Project Freelancer to kill rouge Spartans for the UNSC or ONI. Unfortunately it seems that now their gone rouge themselves along with Project Freelancer.
Y/n: So Project Freelancer are responsible for it then.
Delta: Correct. Do you like to know who they are?
Y/n: Sure.
Delta pulls out Agent Trackers file's ans explains.
Delta: The first is their leader Agent Tracker Aka Joe-779. He was a brilliant with planning out attacks and shown to be a great hunter when it comes to target missions. However, when 300 Spartans were sent out to get slaughtered by the Covenant. He realised that Spartans are for slaves by corrupt government and decided to go rouge. Soon the Director found him and listened him to be one of his first Spartans within Project Freelancer.
Y/n: I know that feelings when I heard over 300 Spartans die. Still he should know it's not their fault for doing that.
Delta: Still he believes its logic to go rouge in order to proof that he is no slave.
Then Delta shows Breaker including his file's next to Tracker.
Delta: This is Agent Breaker aka William-379. He already been shown to be very aggressive and have anger issues when it comes to orders. One night, he decided to kill some Covenant troops by himself but that leaves the base being destroyed. His commanders were frustrated by this and Break snaped and kill his commanders and everyone in the base.
Y/n: So he was a psychopath even before he join Project Freelancer?
Delta: Correct.
Then Quick-Trigger is shown with his file's also showns as well.
Delta: And finally, Agent Quick-Trigger aka Coal-909. He used to have a sister named Daisy-023 and they shown ti care one of another even if they were Spartans. But on one mission Daisy-023 was killed by the Covenant and Quick-Trigger was too late to save her. He was sadden by her death and realised that the UNSC doesn't care about Spartans just as long they do their job. So he abandoned the UNSC and soon was joined by Project Freelancer.
Y/n: Jesus.
Delta: And here's all the Spartans that try to kill you. I hope this is enough.
Y/n: Yeah this is enough. Thank you Delta.
Delta nods but before he leave Y/n asked them.
Y/n: So how come your not with Project Freelancer? What happened that cost you to go rouge and dissappear?
South and Delta were silent for a minute until South sighs ans said.
South: We were.....running.
Y/n: Running? From who, Project Freelancer?
South: Yeah but nit just them. Him.
Y/n: And who is this "him?"
South: He's-
Then alarms start to go off around the station. Harry enter the room and Y/n turns to him and asked.
Y/n: What's going on?
Harry: Someone has broke through the defences ans slaughtering everyone in here.
Y/n: Who the Covenant?
Harry: No something else.
South: (scared) Oh no. It's him!
Then there was a thud followed by gun fire and screams.
South: You got to get me out of here!
Y/n: Why?
South: Because if not! Then he will get Delta!
Harry: Do you know something about this?
South: No! For fuck sakes he's gonna kill us all if we don't get out of here.
The two look at South for a while until Y/n grabs her by the shoulder and said.
Y/n: We're not leaving you here. Common, let's get out of here.
South can't help but blush a little when he said that. But South nods and they exit out of the interrogation room and head off through the halls.
Screams and gunfire is heard at the other side of the door as we see Ave, Sophie ans Ashley along with Police troops stand facing the door ans drawing their weapons at it.
Y/n, South ane Harry came out of the corner and join up with them as Y/n pulls out his assault rifle while Harry pulls out is battle rifle.
Y/n: What do we got there?
Ave: It seems that there's one guy behind that door.
Y/n: One guy? Sounds simple.
South: Are you a fucking idiot! He's strong as all of yous and he's gonna kill us all if we don't move!
Harry: Listen lady we can handle one signal soldier so how's about you step back while we do our jobs.
South: He's not just a soldier! He's-
Then a loud sound is heard and they turn to see a dent through a metal wall. Then another dent, another, another, another. Then more debts appear as who ever is at the other side is punching through it.
Everyone gets ready for this soldier to break through. Soon it stops but the one punch from the other side sent the door flying and crashes onto the ground and skidded towards Y/n and the rest ans stop right at the Officers foot.
(Scary theme start)
Growls is heard at the other side of the open door and a dark figure step through the open door while Y/n ane everyone else gets ready.
South steps back in fear while Y/n asked South.
Y/n: know this guy?
South: (scared) H-He's no guy no more.
Y/n: What?
South: (scared) He's a monster. A thing that drives to collect all AI's from Project Freelancer. He is........
Then smoke start to clear out as Y/n turns back and see what this soldier that has been slaughtering all Police officers in person.
South: (scared) The Meta.
Everyone except Y/n ans his team feel scared by the Meta ans his growls however Harry stay calm and calls out.
Harry: You stand back if I were you! One fales move and we take you out!
The Meta tilled his head a bit like a creature ans spotted South and growls before he takes one step.
Harry: Open fire!
Then everyone open fire at the Meta and bullets shot through the Meta as they continue on firing at him. After a few rounds of fire Harry rise up his fist to stop firing and they all did.
The Meta have bullet holes on his chest but they suddenly start to heal and thw wounds are gone as The Meta growls once more.
Harry: (shocked) What in sam hell's!
South: We gonna go now!
Y/n: Alright. Let's go! Fall back!
Harry and the rest nod and they all fall back while some holg off the Meta. The Meta took out his brute shot and fires a singal round and blows up the police officers.
Y/n and thw rest race through the station while one by one police officers get killed by the Meta with his brute shot. South was way behind and so when she turn, she sees the Meta rushing up to her and he rise his blade at her about to kill her.
But there was a clash and South open her eyes to see that Y/n blocks The Meta attack with his sword.
The two clash blades at each other before Y/n stab his sword through the Meta's chest and he steps back while he pull back his sword.
Then the stab wpund start to heal ans the Meta growls once more.
Y/n: How tough is this guy!
South: Just run!
Y/n follow South and they return back to the hanger bay and Harry Close off the door while Y/n leaps onto Sheila and calls out to her.
Y/n: Sheila fire up the engines! We gonna get out of here!
Sheila: Understood Y/n. Firing up all engines.
South: (surprised) FILSS? Is that you?
Harry: Here he comes!
They all turn to see the Meta breaking through the door. Ave, Sophie and Ashley leap inside. Y/n hang at the hatch and calls out to Harry.
Y/n: Harry! Get on board!
Harry: I'm sorry Spartan. I can't allow him to track yous down. You go without us, we hold him off.
Y/n: Don't be an idiot Harry! You can come with us!
Harry: No way Spartans. If I wanna die in this space Station then so be it.
The Meta burest through the door and step into the hanger bay. Two police officers open fire at the Meta but the Meta charge at them and slice them up with his blade.
A round of a battle rifle hits the Meta on the shoulder and he turns to see Harry while he tells Y/n.
Harry: Go now! Spartans! Get out of here now!
Y/n doesn't wanna leave him but he has no choice. He close the hatch snd Harry fire a fee rounds from his battle rifle until his rifle was sliced off and he was grabbed by the neck before the Meta turn and see Sheila take off and fly through the hanger bay doors ans escape.
Harry: (smirk) Now what? Got no ship to chase after them with what?
Meta: (anger growl)
He snaps Harry's neck snd he fell onto the ground and turn to see Sheila fly away while we quickly see small Ai's around him before they vanished out of sight.
Scary theme ends)
Within of Sheila we see Y/n sat down with the rest sns trying to process on what they just encounter.
Ave: Who or what the hell was that?!
South: That was Agent Maine. Until....he became the Meta.
Ashley: And you know him how?
South: He used to be our team member within Project Freelancer until one mission he gotten his throat shot and later on gotten his AI named Sigma. Now he hunts down any Agents who had AI's.
Y/n: Why?
Delta: Because his AI have one goal.To achieve Meta stability.
Then Delta appears to everyone which surprised Ave, Sophie and Ashley.
Y/n: Meta Stability? What the heck is that?
Delta: Meta Stability is how AI's can be considered to be Human without going into rampancy. In other words, they be far more seater and powerful then any other AI.
Ave: So his AI wants to achieve this in order to be human snd the Meta is in on it?
Delta: I believe so. In order to do that Sigma needs to gather all the AI who are fragment by the Alpha.
Y/n: Who?
Delta: The Alpha is-
South: Delta power off.
Delta: Of course.
Delta turns off and they all turn to South and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Why can't you let him talk?
South: Because I don't fully trust yous.
Watcher: Hey, he saved you from the Meta.
South: That's not enough. I'm nit gonna give you anything information no matter what.
Y/n doesn't know what to say about that. He wants to know more but he thinks he needs to earn her trust before she can give them anymore information.
Sheila: Y/n we may have a problem?
Y/n: What is it Sheila?
Sheila: My fual is running low. I can't Slipespace jump back to the UNSC fleet.
Ave: That can't be good.
Ashley: Is there anyway we can do?
Sheila: We can set down on that snowy planet near us. We can try contact the UNSC fleet and they will pick us up.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan. Set us down on the Planet Sheila.
Sheila: Roger that.
Sheila turns the ship ans they enter the planets atmosphere and break through the clouds.
Sheila sat down onto the snow snd everyone pull out some equipment ans supplies they needed in order to survive the snowy planet.
Y/n and Ashley return after trying to gang contect to the fleet but no such luck.
Y/n: Can't get a signal.
Ave: That's weird.
Sophie: Maybe we're far off of the UNSC fleet.
Y/n: Maybe. But just in case, we gonna explore around and maybe find something.
Sophie: Right.
Ave: Be safe.
South: Let me come with you.
They turn to South for a whole until South sighs ans explains.
South: Look we gonna work together if we ever gonna get out of here and escape from The Meta. I'm maybe your best bet so let me come with you.
Y/n looks at Ashley ans Ashley looks at him as while and they nod. Y/n walks up to South, grab her cuffs and took them off.
He then pulls out his magnum and hand it to South.
Y/n: Here, this will keep you safe.
South takes it and looks at it for a bit before saying.
South: Thanks, I guess.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Let's go.
South can't help but feel her heart skip a beat a little. But she shakes it off and gosee with Y/n and Ashley as they explore around the planet while Ave and Sophie stay with Sheila in hopes rescue will come.
The trio walk through the snow searching for anything that they can contect the UNSC by any means.
After a while off walking they stop by a cliff and they look up to see what appears to be a Forerunner bridge that looked to be attached after all these years.
Ashley: Looks like this planet may have some Forerunner stuff here.
South: The what now?
Ashley: It's kinda a weird story but we'll explain when ever we have time.
Y/n: Is that a sign?
They turn to see a sign that said "This way to Bridge" with a arrow pointing at thr Bridge.
Watcher: Looks like we're not the only once here.
Y/n: Agree. Someone might be here.
Ashley pulls out her sniper rifle ans zoom I on the bridge but can't see anything.
Ashley: Can't see anything up there. Either someone left or killed.
Y/n: Well let's lock and load.
They lock and load and they move up the path and claim towards the bridge. Once there they go through the entrance which they fail to notice a small beam that turns red when their feets go through.
The trio move up to the first floor of the bridge and stand at the middle and aim their weapons around before they see no one around.
Y/n: Clear.
South: Clear.
Ashley: Clear.
Watcher: Odd. Seems like no one is home.
South: Maybe but let's stay focused. We might be in a ambus-
???: Spider!
Then bullets fly by them ane they take cover while bullets fly by them.
Ashley: Shit this was a ambush!
Y/n: Yeah but that's bullets fire. Not plasma fire!
Ashley: Then who the hell is shooting at us!
Then three weapons were pointed at them and they turn to see three black armor ODST with red stripes on them as they have their weapons drawn on them.
???: Alright punks. You gonna stay there ans tell us why yous here.
Y/n and the rest pull out their guns at them as well before three more troopers came around the corner and point their weapons at them as well.
Watcher: Yep. We might be in trouble.
Y/n: Yeah I think so.
Then South turns to the three blue soldiers and lower her pistol and asked in surprise.
South: (surprised) Ohio, Idaho and Iowa? that you?
The three of them lower their guns and one named Ohio said in surprise.
Ohio: (surprised) Agent South?
South and the three blue soldiers stare at each other in surprise while Y/n, Ashley and Watcher wanna know how dose South know these group of soldiers.
Iowa: Well.....this is....slightly awkward.
Idaho: Agree.
To be continued.........
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