Chapter 19: A new threat

April 5th 2543. We over look at the colony planet getting attack by Covenant forces ans we see many UNSC ships battling against Covenant ships on the planets atmosphere trying to hold of the Covenant forces as much as they can.


The city of Noctus gets attsck by Covenant forces ane UNSC troops along with a team of Spartans called Fireteam Rainbow is held in the middle of town while Covenant forces fire their weapons at third hold out.

Noami fired her shotgun at one elite that was coming up the ramp and the Elite fell onto the ground while she fires a few more shots at the Covenant troops while Allison fires her SMG at the grunts ans pull back up to the building and said.

Allison: There's too many of them.

Naomi: Yeah, those Covenant fuckers don't know where to quit, do they!

Their team leader named Isla fires a few rounds of her DMR ans take out some of the Covenant troops on the ground while she says to the two girls.

Isla: Hold them off as much yous can! We can't let them take over this part of the city!

They nod and Isla turns to her front ans see a blue ball of engery coming down towards her.

She leaps back and it exploded behind her as she lands hard on the ground. She stood up ans see two Wraiths along with afee ghost firing at their hold out and bring the hell out of them.

Isla: Fuck! There's too many of them. Sadie, Genesis when is our backup arrive?

Genesis: (comms) Backup is on their way! You should see them right now!

Isla looks out and just sees one Pelican flying over head ans fires it's rockets at the Covenant and take some out while it flys pass them and turns around.

Isla: You call that backup?

Genesis: (comms) Yep.

We then cut to the Pelican were we see four familiar Spartans getting their weapons and getting their gear ready.

Sophie: (smile) Ready for this?

Ave: (smirk) I was botn ready to kick some ass!

Ashley: (smirk) Same?

Sophie: What about you, you ready?

A Spartan pulls out a katana and looks at it for a while before he smirks underneath his helmet ans says.

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. I'm ready. Sheila open the hatch.

Sheila: Understood Spartan. Have a nice day out there.

Y/n: (smirk) We will Sheila.

The hatch opens and the four Spartans leap out of the Pelican and crashes onto the ground safely. Covenant troops along with Isla and the rest of her squad and soldiers look down ans see Y/n and his team down there.

Y/n was holding is new weapon that he wants to test it our and know he will.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's do this team!

They all dash towards the Covenant troops and Ave fires her rockets at the two Ghost and blow them up. Sophie fires her battle rifle at them and a grunt try to do a suicide bomb but she grabs the grunt by the hand and tossed the grunt away and the grunt blows up in the air.

Ashley fires her twin SMG's ans take out the jackels and the elites while Y/n slice pass the Covenant troops in quick speed and see a wraith aiming at him.

He smirks and once the wraith fires he leaps up into the air and throw his katana and kills the gunner and lands onto the the wraith.

He pulls out his katana ans turns to the other wraith and start to make fun of it.

Y/n: Hey you! I bet you can't shoot me with yiry friends inside! If not, I guess your a Pussy!

The wraith pilot gets made and turns it where he is standing on. He smirks and the wraith fires but Y/n Active his jetpack and flys up into the air and wraith destroy the other wraith by accident while Y/n lands on top of the wraith and he ask his AI partner named Watcher.

Y/n: You wanna do the honours?

Watcher: Gladly.

Watching hacks into the wraiths systems and it went out of control. Y/n leaps back and the wraith start to move around and fire at everywhere but it blows up by itself.

Y/n stood up and turn to see Covenant troops are on the run. Y/n's team regroup while the UNSC troops cheered their victory. Isla smiles ans glad to see Y/n and his team her that now they have a chance to win.


Sadie: Y/n~!

Sadie hugs Y/n and Y/n hugs her back while the rest of Fireteam Rainbow returns and Isla walks up to Y/n ans his team ans said.

Isla: I can't thank yous a lot of saving our butts back there. Those Covenant troops have us at our throats.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Isla. Glad we made it here on time.

Ave: (smirk) I gonna say it's been a while since we last met Isla.

Sophie: (smile) And we see you have your own team.

Isla: (smile) Yep. We're called Fireteam Rainbow.

Ashley: I can see why.

Genesis: So what brings you here?

Y/n: We are here to helps yous evacuate the civilians get off this planet.

Isla: That's good before we have a massive problem in our hands.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Isla turns to a UNSC Sargent ans nods to him. He press some buttons and a hologram of the city appears in front of them with a view showing the four Covenant aircraft cannons in a circle as Isla explains.

Isla: Those Cannons have been giving us a hard time trying to get the civilian transports off this planet. We try to attack them but there is too many Covenant troops to go pass. We try taking the short route but we lost contact with our scouts 56 hours ago.

Y/n: I see. And that route is the only way to get pass the Covenant army and destroy the aircraft cannons?

Isla: That's right.

Naomi: When me and Genesis scout out that route, we were surprised attack by jackel snipers. It's hard to see where they are.

Y/n: Then we need to take them out first and get to those cannons.

Isla: There is the other three route that gose to each of the cannons but some might be dangerous.

Y/n: Any plans for us Watcher?

Watcher: Well we can take those routes but it's best we have at least one Spartan and two soldiers. They won't suspected a small group to sneak through and destroy the cannons.

Sophie: We may do it at night so we can blend in into the shadows more.

Y/n: Right. Guess we need to find two best soldiers with us and we be all set to go.

They all nod and they all get their gears up and Sophie, Ashley and Ave pick out their soldiers for their mission.

We see Y/n and Isla walk into a UNSC base that is panted red and Isla walks inside.

Y/n looks at the base and it reminds him of the reds and Blues at Blood Gluch and hopes they are alright without him.

Isla: Hey, you alright?

Isla stops to look at Y/n but he nods and catch up with Isla. The two walk through the halls of the base and Y/n asked.

Y/n: So what soldiers I'm I gonna a take for today?

Isla: These two may argue one or another but when they work together, they will sent the Covenant running for their money.

Y/n: I like the sound of that.

Isla: So I heard you found something that impressed the UNSC during your MIA mission. Mind telling me what it was?

Y/n: Sorry Isla but that's Classified.

Isla: Sucks. Still glad to have you back. I may ask for a date after this.

Y/n: (smile) We'll see.

Isla smiles as well and the two enter the garage and walks up to two soldiers just arguing like usual. Once they walk up to them Isla calls out.

Isla: Attention!

Thw two soldiers turn to Isla ans face them while giving a salute to them.

Isla: Felix, Locus, today is your lucky day because your gonna be pard up with a Spartan for this mission.

Felix: What is it you? Because I'm OK with a sexxy girl like you comming with us.

Locus: Quit.

Felix: Oh your just Jealous.

Isla: Enough! This is Spartan-453 also known as Y/n. He'll be assisting yous for this mission so I suspect you treat him as much respect as possible. Got me!

Locus: Yes Ma'am

Felix: Sure, I'm alright with that.

Isla rolled her eyes ans turn to Y/n ans said.

Isla: Be careful snd good luck. We remain here if you needed me or anyone else.

Y/n: Don't worry Isla. We can get the job done.

Isla nods and walks off. Y/n turns to Felix and Locus and said.

Y/n: Nice to meet yous. So what were your arguing about?

Felix: Oh nothing just Locus here was arguing about my knife throwing skills need some work.

Locus: That nearly got us killed.

Felix: Oh relax no one died.

Y/n: Well it won't be a hard mission. We need to take down one of the Covenant aircraft cannons and clear away for Civilian transports to escape the planet.

Felix: Sounds simple enough.

Locus: What about the heavy troops blocking the way?

Y/n: We're using the routes and our route may have jackel snipers. Are one of yous good sharpshooter?

Locus: I am Sir.

Y/n: Great. Get your gears ready boys. We be going out in the dark soon.

The two nod and Y/n turns ans head to the armory. Once there he looks around for a good weapon to use and he picks out a DMR and a Assault rifle out of the shelfs

Watcher: Something tell me I will not like Felix or Locus for this mission or possibly the missions in the future.

Y/n: Have some faith Watcher. I'm sure they be great soldiers ans maybe the best in the future ahead.

Watcher: If you say so.

Y/n leaves the armory and waits into night time comes.

(Night time)

We see Y/n, Felix ans Locus in a warthog with Y/n on the driver seat as he drives through the empty streets while dodging the abandoned cars on the Road.

Locus was in the passenger side seat with his sniper rifle in hand while Felix was at gunner looking around in case of an ambush.

Y/n: So where were yous before yous join the UNSC?

Felix: Oh we were Mercenaries who worked with tbe police back in our colony planet. We burst in soke criminal's, take them to the police, get paid and repeat.

Y/n: Sounds interesting.

Felix: Yeah ans we used to have a third member with us named Siris as our third member. He has a family with him so that was nice.

Y/n: Cool. Why did yous decide to join the UNSC?

Locus: We decided to be soldiers I order to not just wanna the money but challenge our skills in the real world. That or take revenge on our colony being glassed by the Covenant. Siris refuse to go with us and decide to stay with his family.

Felix: Yeah and we heard his colony was glassed and.....we don't know what happened to him after that.

Y/n: Well sorry for your lost. Hope he is alright.

Felix: I'm sure he'll be fine. His family though....maybe 50/50.

Y/n continues on driving until thay come upon another UNSC base that Isla mentioned ane see no one around like it's a ghost town.

Y/n slows down the warthog and gosw around a roundabout while Locus scans the buildings and roof tops of any snipers.

Y/n: Anything?

Locus: All clear. For now.

Felix: Yeah I hate when you say that.

Locus: Quite.

Ave: (comms) This is Ave over? How is things with you Y/n?

Y/n: We're arriving at another UNSC base that looks abandoned. Looks like it has been attacked.

Ave (comms) Copy. Sophie and Ashley are having some problems with a few troops of Covenant while me and my squad are having problems with bugs.

Y/n: Drones. Why dose it have to be drones.

Ave: (comms) Tell me aboiy it. Anyways I contact you once were at the aircraft cannons.

Y/n: Copy that. Y/n out.

Locus continues on scanning the buildings until he spotted some movement and says.

Locus: Movement, North-south.

Felix: What is ut?

Locus: I said movement. I didn't say what it is.

Y/n: Well what Isla said I think they must be-

Then a beam of a beam rifle nearly hits the warthog and Y/n pulls the peddle and the warthog gose fast as more beam shots come down.

Felix starts firing at where the shots was at while Locus snipes at the jackel snipers without any problems. Then stepping onto the road was a brute chieftain with his gravity hammer as he roars ans the trio see this.

Felix: Look out!

The brute chieftain slams down his gravity hammer and sent him flying off their Warthogs ans lands hard onto the ground.

Felix ans Locus lands hard onto the ground and they look up and see a warthog about to crush them. They look away but it didn't happen.

They turn and see Y/n lifting the warthog with his bear hands and tossed it away leaving the two surprised to see how strong Spartans are.

Y/n pulls out his assault rifle and fires a few rounds at the chieftain. The bullet bounce off the chieftains armor and the bute charge at them.

Once close he swings his hammer at Y/n but he dodges it and he switches to his katana ans charge at the brute ans start to clash at it.

Locus helps Felix up and a beam nearly hits one of them but Locus turns ans fires a rifle round at a jackel and killed it.

Felix: Nice shot buddy.

Locus grunted a little and they turn and fires a few rounds at the brute chieftain. The brute gets overwhelmed ans turns to them and rush at them.

The brute chieftain was about to land his gravity hammer at them but Y/n leaps over and lands in front of the brute ans swing his katana.

The brute chieftain fell onto the ground while his head rolled onto the ground. Y/n slide his katana to his back and turns to Felix and Locus.

Felix: (surprised) Wow. Remind me not to not challenge you to a sword fight.

Y/n: (smile) Well you know me. I'm now the best swordman within the galaxy.

Felix: Yeah right.

Locus: Seems like they stop firing at us.

Felix: Any reason why?

Locus: Possibly have a new set or orders or thought we are taken out.

Felix: Whoa. So much the might of the Covenant.

Y/n: Yeah same here.

Locus: Still we should keep moving. The more we stay here, the faster they take us out.

Felix: Right. Let's go.

Y/n: Right, besides we're close so let's go.

They head off to complete their mission while within the darkness we see three figures watching them leave before they retreated to thw darkness.


We see the trio on the steps with Y/n in lead as he singles Felix and Locus to stop here and he peek out.

He see a few Covenant troops along with their aircraft cannons towering over them and searching for any ships to shoot down.

Felix: That's....a very huge gun.

Locus: The rest are still active. Why hasn't your team destroy them yet?

Y/n: No clue. Let me contact them.

Then he open up his comms.

Y/n: Ave, Sophie, Ashley do you copy? What's your situation?

Ashley: (comms) I'm sorry Y/n but (plasma fire) we've been jumped by Covenant troops and we (explosion) we can't get through. I'm sorry Y/n.

Y/n: Don't worry. We'll find a way, over and out.

Felix: So I guess mission as failed?

Locus: I hate to say this but, I guess so.

Y/n peeks out to look at the cannon ans have a thought and then ask Watcher.

Y/n: Hey Watcher. Can you hack into the Covenant Aircraft cannons to target at their own?

Watcher: It's a long shot but let's fucking do it.

Y/n nods and he turns to Locus and Felix ans said.

Y/n: Maybe this mission isn't a failure. I have an idea.

The two hear on the plan and once that they start off their plan. Felix tossed two grenades over them ans soon after the grenades exploded sentibg grunts and jackels away.

Y/n: Go!

The trios came out of their cover and take out the Covenant troops. The Covenant was surprised by this ans didn't have much time to get ready before they were taking out by gun fire.

The trio rush to our the controls of the aircraft cannons and Y/n inserted Watcher in and he hacks through the system.

While Felix and Locus take out some the Covenant troops that was coming at them.

An Elite with an engery sword charge at Felix from behind but he pulls out his knife and tossed it at the Elite.

The blade stab into the elites hard and he fell down onto the ground. Felix was surprised by this and he picks up an Energy sword ane active it.

Felix: (smirk) Nice.

He then stab through another Elite and slice up a few Covenant troops with his engery sword. Locus fires his sniper rifle at them and shown to be a great marksman as he managed to take down a few Covenant troops without missing a shot.

Soon Watcher successfully hacks through the aircraft cannons and the Covenant Aircraft cannons turns ans aims at one cannons ans fires a shot.

One cannon was destroyed and soon two more was destroyed and all three aircraft cannons are destroyed.

Felix: Hell yeah! Take that you Covenant scum!

Locus: Ma'am the sky's all clear! You are clear now contact the civilian transport pilits to leave right now!

Isla: (comms) Really?! R-Right. Nice work. I'll do that right away.

Locus hungs up and looks at Y/n and was glad to work with a Spartan. But then he noticed something. He turn to see a figure holding a rocket launcher and aims at Y/n and then fires a rocket at him.

Locus: Incoming!

Locus pulls Y/n back with Y/n managed to pull Watcher just in time before a rocket hits the controls. Locus and Y/n fell onto the ground while Felix rusn up to them and asked.

Felix: What the hell was that?!

The two stood up and Y/n turns yo see a figure leaving the seen.

Locus: Who ever that was fired a rocket at us.

Y/n: I'll go check it out. You two destroy the last cannon and we can go home.

Y/n Active his jetpack and head to thr roof top while Felix and Locus planet explosions around the cannons legs and leave the area. Locus press on the trigger and the explosions blow up and destroy the last cannon.

Y/n lands onto the roof top and see a figure leaving the seen but he fired a DMR round at him to stop him dead at his tracks and said.

Y/n: Don't move jackass!

The figures stood there for a whole until he turns to face Y/n. He was shocked to see that a Spartan was the one that try to kill him, Locus and Felix down there with a rocket Launcher.

Y/n: Who are you? Why did you try to kill me and my troops?

???: Your troops? No. I was trying to kill just you.

Y/n: What? Who are you?

Tracker: My name is Agent Tracker and we're here to kill you.

Y/n: We?

Then another Spartan came out on his right and he turns to see this Spartan.

Then another appear behind him and he turns to see another Spartan stareing him.

Tracker: These are my team. On your right you have Breaker, on your left is Quick-Trigger. We are a teams of agents hired to kill Spartans and your our target.

Y/n: But why? I haven't done anything?

Tracker: Of course you have. Our boss really hates you and what's you dead. is the time.

Breaker laughs ans pulls out his brute shot and fires a shot at him. Y/n Active his armor lock and blocks that attack. He deactivate his armor lock and aim his DMR but it was shot out of his hand at Quick-Trigger incredible speed.

Then Tracker rush at Y/n and land a few punches ans kicks at Y/n in some speeds like time on him is slowing down.

Y/n try to block or dodge the blows before he was kick back and he crash onto the edge of the building.

Breaker: Have a nice fall!

Then Breaker fires a brute shot round and Y/n Active his engeey shield ti block it but impact sent him flying off the building and he was falling down to the ground.

Felix ane Locus watched him fall before Y/n Active his jetpack and lands safly down. Once on his ground he look up and see the trio of unknown Spartan dissappear of the roof.

Felix and Locus runs over to him and asked.

Felix: Who were they?

Locus: They look like Spartans?

Y/n: Yeah and it seems that someone hired them to go after me.

Felix: Well that's nuts. Who would want to kill you? I mean, aren't you the brother of the legendary Spartan John-117?

Y/n: Yeah but we shall worry about that next time.

The two nods as the sun shines for a new day while shuttles fly over head with Civilians on board as Y/n, Locus ans Felix have done their jobs well and there mission was an success.

(Long while later)

We see Y/n ans his team within Sheila as Sheila flys back to their new UNSC ship with their new Captain on board.

Sheila enters the hanger bay and once she landed Y/n ans his team exit out and they walk through the halls of the ship. They were greeted by the crew ans some UNSC soldiers along the way.

After a while they arrive at their rooms and sat down on their beds and took off their helmets.

Once that Ave sighs and asked Y/n.

Ave: So these groups of Spartans attack you, Locus and Felix?

Y/n: That's right. They were wearing all black and it seems like their targeting me.

Sophie: Why would a team of Spartans try to kill you?

Y/n: No idea but something tells me things will get even more crazy.

???: Indeed it shall Spartan.

They all turn to see a man wearing a suit and tie with no hair steps into their rooms and looks at them.

Y/n: And you are?

Ashley: (surprised) He's Malcolm Hargrove. He is the CEO of Charon industries and support the weapons needed to win the Covenant war.

Hargrove: Indeed Spartan-446. I have come here because I have heard that you encounter a group of Spartans that attacked you.

Y/n: Indeed sir.

Hargrove: You see Spartan. Those group of Spartans are not just Spartans. Their one of the deadlines Spartans we have ever faced before. They are responsible of killing some of the Spartan II's and III's. Fortunately we keep this secret from the public and some UNSC soldiers so their won't be a panic.

Y/n: (shocked) That's terrible!

Hargrove: Indeed. ONI agents have gone investigating these murders and we have concluded that a company called Project Freelancer is responsible for these acts or murders.

Ave: Project Freelancer sir?

Hargrove: Unlike the Spartans like yous. They are soldiers that trained to handle AI's and sent out on missions to capture information or destroy any rebel activity. Unfortunately there was a rebellion that cost their ship "The Mother of in tent" to crash and all their agents either gone rouge or killed.

Y/n: Any proof about Project Freelancers crimes?

Hargrove: Unfortunately no but that's what I came here for. Since I have gotten files about a unknown training outpost and your encounter with one or the agent on that ring. I have a special mission for yous. Your mission is to find hard evidence of Project Freelancer corruption and take these evidence to us and so we can arrest the Director ans shut down Project Freelancer for good.

Y/n: And if we do this? Will these Spartans won't harm anymore Spartans?

Hargrove: Yes. So, is that a deal?

The four look at each other and they know other Spartans will die and the fate of humanity including the Spartans are now in their hands. So they stood up, put on there helmets and face Hargrove ans said.

Y/n: We're in sir. When will we leave?

Hargrove: Right now Spartan. I wish yous.....good luck.

Hargrove then turns and leaves. He walk through the halls when he walk pass Locus and Felix walking pass him without them knowing.

Hargrove turns to watch them walk away as he have a smirk on his face before he turns back around and continues on walking through the halls as now the fate of all Spartans including humanity is now resting on Y/n and his team.

To be continued..............

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