Chapter 18: Never say goodbye (Lemon)

Blood Gluch is like a warzone with Covenant drop ships coming out of the hanger bay of the ship ans flying down to Blood Gluch to destroy the UNSC forces and take back the key that will active the ring.

We see Soldiers get blown up across cover while UNSC soldiers are pinned down and getting overpowered by the Covenant troops and their wraiths raining hell on them.

One soldiers gets shot multiple times by a needler and gets blown up and fell near a Sargent while a UNSC soldier rush over to him and says.

Male UNSC soldier: These too many of them Sargent! We're not gonna make it!

Male UNSC Sargent: We will soldier, just keep firing and hold your-

Suddenly they heard something that sounded like music. Some Covenant soldiers stop firing and try to figure out what is that music.

Male UNSC Sargent: The hell is that music?

Suddenly the reds riding their warthog fly over into the air over the Covenant troops and land on top of them and killing some.

An elite steps back and looks up to be faced with Sarge sitting on a passenger seat beside Grif holding his shotgun and Sarge pulls the trigger and blow the elites head right off.

Sarge: Yaaaa! Now that's what I call a ridin' Shotgun! Blammo! Haha!

Simmons on the turret fires at the grunts, Jackels and Brutes coming at their way while he says.

Simmons: Excellent shot, and follow-up one-liner, sir.

Sarge: Thank you Simmons.

An elite leaps onto the side of the driver side seat ams active his engrry sword ready to kill Grif but Sarge blast the Elite off the driver side seat and they clear out the Covenant troops while UNSC troops see this in surprise.

Male UNSC soldier: Are they even on our side?

Male UNSC Sargent: Well if their fighting along side us, I sure as hell believe they are. Let's move troops, FOR HUMANITY!

They cheer and leap out of Cover and fire at the Covenant troops with the help of the reds as they take our all Covenant troops and their Wraiths.

We cut to the bridge were we see Yra growling in anger before he turns to leave so he can take care of things himself.

Soon the last of the Covenant troops are taken out and the UNSC soldiers cheer in victory. The Sargent walks up to Sarge while he got out of the warthog.

Male UNSC Sargent: Thanks for the help. We be done for if it wasn't for yous.

Sarge: No sweat it, we did what reds do best.

Male UNSC Sargent: (smirk) I'll bet.

Tex: (comms) This is freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel!

Church: (comms) This is private Church, Broadcasting on an open channel!

Grif: Why are the blues on the radio?

Simmons: Who knows.

Then he open his comms ans said.

Simmons: Hey blues, shut the fuck up! Get off your radio and quit running our batteries down.

Male UNSC Sargent: Whoa, yous must have some weak ass batteries.

Then O'Malley trace the comm and take over Simmons mind and said.

Simmons/O'Malley: no your battery suck. In fact, you suck even more!

Male UNSC Sargent: You alright Simmons?

Grif: Yeah you never act like that.

Sarge: And what's wrong with your voice?

Simmons/O'Malley: Nothing. Why dose something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe somethings wrong with your voice. Ever think about that, cocksucker!

Male UNSC soldier: Sir I don't think this isn't Simmons.

Male UNSC Sargent: I think so.


We see Sophie killing Wyoming while Church trying to get O'Malley away from Tex.

Church: This is Private Church broadcasting on a open channel!

Tex: What are you doing?

Church: Making sure you won't get to O'Malley.

Y/n: Ave, Sophie, Tucker, Remington and Ashley, open your comms now!

Tucker: Fuck that, if I do, he'll get the sword.

Y/n: Good point.

Tex: You too Y/n! The hell!

Y/n: Tex you know slaving an alien race is wrong.  They may have killed millions of humans but-

Tex: But what, the Covenant needs to be stopped. Even by means in slaving them.

Y/n: Don't you understand that we're telling them lies about this fales path. We be Nothing like them.

Tex: Then so be it!

Ave: This isn't right Tex and you know it.

Tex: Yous don't get it. If this is true then we can end the war.

Y/n: And what will happen after that? You think O'Malley will just gonan leave after your plan is done? He'll build an army that is far worse then the Covenant!

Tex: I guess we have to fund out.

Y/n: This isn't you Tex, your better then  this.

Tex: I know. But i thought your the same as well.

Y/n and Tex glare at each other then he heard a familiar voise through his radio.

Landon: (comms) Y/n do you read me? This is Landon, do you copy?

Y/n: (surprised) Landon, what happened to you?

Landon: (comms) O'Malley took over my body and left me on the cave. Luckily Doc, Kaikaina and Junior were there ans healed me up. O'Malley is gone Y/n, he's somewhere and I don't know where.

Them Y/n ans the rest rise their weapons at Tex and Tex aim her weapon at them.

Church: Tex? Is he in there?

Tex: No. Is he in either of yous?

Ave: Bellshit, your lying you son of a bitch.

Y/n: Tex. I'm giving you one chance to turn off your radio and stand down.

Tex: I rather stay away if I were you Spartan.

Y/n was stuned a little when she said that. Tex may not be Allison but he knows that Allison would never enslave the whole Covenant and knows it's not right.

Male UNSC Sargent: (comms) Spartans, we need yous donw here now. One of the reds is acting a bit weird. Speaking in a deep voise and acting a bit scary. Request some back up over.

They all hear that and Ted kicks Y/n back and he stumbled back towards Church and Ave. Tex makes a run for it.

Church: Stop her!

Tucker, Sophie and Ashley open fire at her but she dodges their bullets. Soon yhey chase after her until they noticed a Covenant Phantom landing near near red base and the doors open and Yra step into the Canyon with two honour guards and he active his engery sword.

Tucker: Oh shit.

Y/n: Ave, Tucker, Sophie distract tge Covenant. Ashley and Church, yous are with me. We need to stok Tex before it's to late.

They nod and they slit up. Yra sees them in the distance and points at them and Covenant troops charge towards them.

Y/n, Church and Ashley came out of the hills and runs over to the reds and once there Y/n said.

Y/n: Sarge I think one of your team is infected with O'Malley.

Sarge: Infected? Initiate emergency plan delta, men!

Then he turns ans walks Grif by the back of the head with his shot gun.

Grif: Ow! What the fuck!

Ashley: No I think he's in Simmons.

Y/n Yeah ans also, how is that planet delta?

Donut: That's how all our emergency plans begins.

Ashley: By......beating up Grif?

Donut: Yep.

Church: Wait, Where's Simmons?

Simmons/O'Malley: Up here suckers.

They look up to see Simmons on the turret and aiming it at them.

Y/n: Simmons I know your in there! Fight it!

Sarge: Simmons, get off that turret right now!

Simmons/O'Malley: No!

Sarge: What did you say to me?

Simmons/O'Malley: I said NO, hahaha haha!

Y/n: Watcher is there anything you can do?

Watcher: There is one. I can trap O'Malley into a deta chip. That way, he won't infected anyone around here.

Y/n: But?

Watcher: Which means I need ti get close to him to do that.

Y/n: Well that sounds harder since he is on the turret so how are we-

Then suddenly Tex came up behind Simmons and grab him and throw him onto the ground and beat him up.

Y/n: Huh, guess that kinda work.

Watcher: If she's not on our side.

Caboose: (comms) Church? Are we still talking on the radio?

Then O'Malley switches to Caboose ans says.

Caboose/O'Malley: Hahahahahahaha- cause I'd love to talk on the radio. What? What am I doing in this idiots body?

Tex sees this ans turns into the ghost and enters Caboose mind.

Church: (sigh) Crap. Looks like I'm going in there again.

Y/n: Right. Sarge I want you do me a favour. If we fail to capture O'Malley, I want you to disable either the Pelican or anything that can get her off this ring.

Sarge: Right.

Then there was an explosion in the distance and Y/n ans Ashley rush over and once there they see Ave, Sophie and Tucker having a hard time dealing with Yra and his honour guards.

Tucker stumble backwards but Y/n caught him and Tucker said.

Tucker: Man this elite is a lot more harder then the last one.

Y/n: It's probably because he is a general.

Tucker: Make sense.

Yra: Spartan!

They turn yo see Yra staring at him. Y/n step forward ans Yra tosses him a deactivate engery sword which Y/n catches ans looks at him for a second.

Y/n: You wanna have a sword fight?

Y/n: Let's have a sword fight!

Yra ans Y/n slowly circle around with their engery swords at the ready. After while they swing their engeey swords back and charge at each other and they clash at each other while Tucker ans the rest watched.

Tucker: Dude I seen many things but this.......this is the best.

Ave: (smirk) That's Y/n for you.

Cali and Remington runs up ans see this going on as Y/n blocks a slash from Yra's blade before Y/n kicks Yra back and swings his blade at him but he stumbled backwards and then he roared and launch at him.

Y/n swing his engeey sword back and rush at Yra ans the two swing their blade at each other and they stop.

They were back to back with their engery swords humming as they stood up straight looking fine at first.


Then alien blood poured out of the elites stomach and Yra fell onto the ground dead. His engery guards were aboit to kill Y/n but Cali and Remington fire their shots at them and killing them.

Y/n deactivate the engery sword ans tossed it onto the ground while Ave walks over to him.

Ave: (smirk) Nice work Handsome.

Y/n: Thanks. Now that's out of the way, we should-

Sarge/O'Malley: (comms) Mwahahahah! Yarr, eat lead, world. Drop and give me infinity!

Y/n: Let's go!

They rush back and see the reds ans blues together and just see Doc get infected by O'Malley before Tex knock Doc and O'Malley took over Church.

Y/n: Church!

Church: Huh....I don't feel anything for some reason.

Watcher: How is that possible?

Y/n: No clue but we should-

Then Tex knocks Church and in O'Malley's Last attempt to take over the galaxy. He enter Y/n's mind and Y/n start to scream in pain while he fell to his knees ans cry out in pain.

Ave: No!

Ave, Sophie ans Ashley try to help him but Y/n/O'Malley push them all away but Y/n still fight for his body as he still scream out in pain.


Y/n/O'Malley: Your body? This is my body now Spartan!


Remington: We gonan do something!

Cali: But how?

Y/n was about to lose this fight until his viser turn orange which shocked them for a minute.

Y/n/O'Malley: (shocked) What the? What's going on? I'm not doing this!

Y/n/Watcher: Get out of his mind you fucker!

Y/n/O'Malley: (shocked) What?! B-But how?


The two AI's fight ans soon a deta chip containing O'Malley was injected out of Y/n's helmet and on to the floor.

Y/n fell onto the ground and they all breath a sigh of relief. Y/n see the deta chip in front of him and craws over to get it.

He was about to grab it until Tex kicks Y/n away and grabs the deta chip off the ground and insert it into her helmet.

Tex: Sorry Y/n.


Then O'Malley was inside of Ted and she looks down at Y/n and said in a deep voice.

Tex/O'Malley: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in....Spartan.

Then Tex/O'Malley runs off while he picks up the helmet of Wyoming and two Ex-Covenant troops along with Junior was on board Yra Phantom as Tex/O'Malley gets on and said.

Tex/O'Malley: Get us out of here.

Two Ex-Covenant troops enter the Phantom and once the Phantom close the doors I lifted off the ground and fly up into the sky.

Both reds ans Blues try to shoot it down but no such luck.

Church: Fuck! We gonna stood her right now!

Sarge: Luckily we picked a right ship to destroy it.

Church: (shock) Destroy it?

Sarge: Andy are you there?

We then cut to the Phantom and we see Andy hidden within the ship as he says over the comms.

Andy: (comms) Yeah and I'm ready to blow things up!

Sarge: Alright time to do what you you beat.....blow up.

Andy: (comms) You got it!

Church: Y/n said to disable the ships! Not Destroy it!

Sarge: Oh well score one for the red team.

While Andy was counting down Y/n try to contact Tex and was about to say something until Tex said before Andy reach one.

Tex: (comms) Goodbye Y/n.

Y/n: Tex.

Then the Phantom jump into slipspace as everyone see it is gone. Soon there was an explosion within space meaning Andy have destroy the Phantom.

Church: Tex.

Sarge: Boom! That's how it's done!

Simmons: Nice work Sarge!

Grif: Gonna admit, that was cool.

UNSC captain: (radios) This is the UNSC "Irons fist" we have gotten your beaking and arriving right now.

They all look up and see four UNSC ships exit out of slipspace and UNSC soldiers cheer that they are gonan be saved.

Cali ans Remington hug each other while cheering with the rest ans Ave place hands on Sophie and Ashley as they smiled. Landon also smiled as well while Y/n stood up and see Church walking away, now knowing that trolly is....gone.

(A while later)

Many UNSC Pelicans ans drop ships land onto Blood Gluch ans senting down troops to assist them of moving the equipment into the Pelican so they can take Y/n ans the rest home.

We see Church standing in front if Tex grave stone in silnce wanting ti be aline with his thoughts. When someone walk up behind him and asked.

???: Mind I join you?

Church turn to see Y/n wearing his UNSC shirt and treasure with nor Spartan armor on him.

Church: sure I don't mind.

Y/n nods and walks up next to Church and look at Tex grave ans they were silent for a while until Y/n said.

Y/n: She was a good soldier. I fought along side her until her death happen. She.....might not have been the real Allison but.....she was still a good soldier.

Church: Yeah.....I know.

Y/n: So......what are you going to do now? The UNSC is here can join us if you like?

Church: To be honest. I hate this place, I really do. I hate everyone here as well. But.......I don't think I or they aren't that ready to face the Covenant you know. We.....may not know why are we here or what is our purpose that might be. But....I rather stay here with the rest and do what we usually do. Stand around.....and talk.

Y/n smiles at Church and place a hand on his shoulder and said.

Y/n: (smile) It's been an honour fighting along side you Church.

Church smiles underneath his helmet as well ane says with a nod.

Church: (smile) You too.

Thw two smiled until Y/n turns and leave but then Church calls out to him.

Church: Hey.

Y/n stop ans turn back to him ans Church says.

Church: Like Tex or.....Allison said. Never say Goodbye.

Y/n smiles and nods before he enters blue base to start packing.

Y/n open his door and see it was dark as he step inside and look around.

Y/n: (thought) I'm really gonna miss this place.

He close the door behind and he start packing. He then can't help but feel like something is with him but he thought it was nothing until he felt a hand wrap around Y/n's waist and feet two breast press against his back that surprised him.

???: Hello there Y/n~.

Y/n turns to see Kaikaina just wearing her bra ans underwear as he turns to her and asked.

Y/n: (little blush) Wh-What are you doing here?

Kaikaina: (giggle) I know your gonna leave so I want to do it with you before you leave.

Y/n: (little blush) Wait wha-

Then she lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips and stick her tongue in there ans make some sexxy moans as she dose it.

Y/n can feel her lips were soft before Kaikaina pulled Y/n into the back and the two make out on the bed.

(Lemon start)

Kaikaina jently stroke Y/n leg as they make out which turns him on while Y/n wraps his arms around Kaikaina and she can feel his warm hands and this make her hotter even more.

The two make out as they tongues play around inside until they stop ans Kaikaina crawl down to his treasure ans took that off ans his underwear off ans start to suck his dick which lead our a small moan from Y/n as he grab hold on the bed.

Y/n: (moan) Holy shit Kaikaina your moans is just so warm!

Kaikaina continues ducking his dick even more and faster while Y/n feel his dick is going to explod with Cum.

Y/n: (moan) There is the cums Kaikaina! Shit shit shit shit!

Then Cum exploded onto Kaikaina mouth ans milk enter her mouth. She stick her mouth out of his dick and crawled over to Y/n and give him a sexxy look and said.

Kaikaina: (smitk) I've sucked many men or women but yours was delicious.

Y/n: (panting) It's probably because I am a Spartan.

Kaikaina: (smirk) Maybe sexxy bit what dose a Spartan can do?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe this.

Then he kiss Kaikaina on the lips once more and they fell off the bed and onto  floor ane they rolled around on the floor while they make out. Kaikaina decided to take off her underwear ane said to Y/n.

Kaikaina: (smirk) I'm all yours Spartan. What about you stick that sword of yours into this hole.

Y/n: (smirk) Yes Ma'am.

Then he stick his dick into Kaikaina Vagina and start to thrust it in and our which made Kaikaina horny then ever before as they have sex on the floor.

Kaikaina: (moaning) Whoa you are the best at this! Do it faster and REALLY harder!

Y/n was also horny as well and dose I faster and harder which lead out a few cries form Kaikaina and Y/n and soon the two cry out in pleasure and they were panting as they were catching their breath.

Soon Y/n pulls out his dick and fell onto the floor beside Kaikaina as they were panting and feel very tired because of it.

(Lemon ends)

The two were laying on the floor half naked and looking at the ceiling as Kaikaina turns to Y/n and said.

Kaikaina: I'm really gonna miss you when your gone.

Y/n: I sure will come and visit. Or I'll call yous through chat.

Kaikaina: (smirk) Maybe we have some "fun" like this if you ever decide to come.

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe but gonna miss yous all

Kaikaina: (giggle) Same here handsome.

The two lend in and kiss before they stood up and Y/n gets changed and get packing to leave.


We see some UNSC soldiers leaving to head back to UNSC space while some stay behind to keep an eye on the key and the ring.

We see Remington, Cali ans Caboose hugging while Caboose crying to see them go and Sarge give the UNSC a salute and they give him the same.

We see Y/n wearing his Spartan armor along with his team talking to Landon and Y/n asked.

Y/n: So your gonna be staying here as well.

Landon: Yes sir. There is more information about this ring that we might not know of. As soon my new team od ODST arrives, we start exploring.

Y/n: (smile) Alright. Take care Landon.

Landon: (smile) You too Y/n.

The two shake hands and then Y/n, Ave, Sophie and Ashley enter the Pelican which is now Sheila as she decided to go with Y/n ans rest and be their primary ship.

Y/n enter the cockpit and slide Watcher into the holo-pad and he appears on it.

Y/n: Ready?

Watcher looks out of the window to look at the ring one final time brogue he says to Y/n.

Watcher: Let's go.

Y/n: (smile) Right. Take off.

Sheila: Glady.

Then Sheila close the hanger doors and they take off into the air including the rest of the UNSC Pelicans. Landon along with the Reds and Blues look up to see them leaving the Canyon and enter space.

Soon they enter the four UNSC ships ans once they were docked in we see the captain there ans he turn to his crew.

Male UNSC ship captain: Take us home.

The crew press some buttons and the open a slipspace and they enter through slipspace and soon the slipspace portal closes and soon they will return home.....back to UNSC space.

(Unknown area)

We see a balck armor soldier walking through the halls of a unknown mighty base ans soon reach a door. The doors slide open and the black soldier walks towards a man standing facing away from him.

He was looking at footage on what happened to Blood Gluch before the Black soldier walks up to him ans asked.

???: Do you want me Director?

The director turns to the Black soldier ans said.

Director: Indeed Agent Tracker. I have revive word that a serten Spartan that I been waiting for all my life has finally appear.

Tracker: Ans what Spartan is that sir?

The Director and Tracker turn and Director press a button a button and images of Y/n appears in front of them while the Director said.

Director: All my life, i wanted to seak revenge on one Spartan for taking everything from's time.

He turns to Tracker and told him.

Director: I want you snd yoru squad to track down Y/n-453 and kill him. vengeance will be fulfill.

Tracker: Sir........

Then we see the black soldiers armor ans helmet but this is not just a soldier....he has skills of a freelancer......and the strength of a Spartan.

Tracker: Considered done.

To be continued...........

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