Chapter 17: The Battle of Blood Gluch

In the middle of the Canyon we see Tex, Church and Caboose at the Pelican with a UNSC soldier plugging Sheila into the Pelican.

While this is happening Cali and Remington walks over to them and Cali asked.

Cali: What are yous doing?

Church: Well Caboose told us Sheila was about to tell us something about who is O'Malley and since we don't know she is telling the truth or not so we decided to plug her into the Pelican.

Cali: You sure it's safe to plug her into the Pelican?

Tex: The Pelican is slightly damage so even if she try to escape, the thrusters will not work.

Caboose: So what did yous been doing while I nearly gotten the same treatment as Church.

Cali: You don't wanna know.

Male UNSC soldier: Alright yous need to wait until she is fully inside bit it won't take that long.

Church: Right so someone have to be here and ask her who is O'Malley if it isn't her.

Caboose: Oh Oh! I wanna do it!

Remington: I'll help him as well if yous don't mind.

Church: Sure. You know what, I think things are gonna be alright for once.

Then suddenly they felt a rumble like an earthquake as everything around them started to shake.

Cali: What is going on?!

Male UNSC soldier: Look!

The soldier was looking up at the sky and they all look up to see a Covenant ship appear over the Canyon and now hoving over the Canyon as they hear the humming of the engines.

Church: OH COME ON!

Remington: (shocked) This isn't good.

Cali: I agree.

Male UNSC soldier: What should we do?

Cali: Get all UNSC soldiers gear up and ready for battle. If they start to sent down troops then let them at it.

He nods and rushes off to tell all UNSC soldiers to get ready.

Remington: Can we stand a chance?

Cali: Maybe but I hope Y/n and the rest get up here soon otherwise this will be a blood bath for all of us.


Underneath Blood Gluch we see Y/n, Ave, Sophie and Ashley along with the Reds were about to leave until Y/n gotten comm chatter about a Covenant ship hoving over the Canyon.

Y/n: We have a problem.

Grif: Is it a math problem. If it is then fuck off.

Y/n: A Covenant ship just appear over the Canyon and I think their here for the key.

Sarge: (surprised) A Covenant ship hoving over head? Perfect!

Grif: How is that perfect?!

Sarge: This is like a final stand for those aliens. They have long enough and now wanna face with us, man vs Alien.

Ave: This ain't the easy Aliens you are thinking about Sarge, the Covenant are far more worse.

Sophie: Do you think their gonna glass this Canyon?

Y/n: No point. If they do, their just gonna destroy the key to fire this ring.

Watcher: Yeah and even more damage my ring!

Y/n: Still we need to hold them off until UNSC back up arrives.

Sarge: Or we can contect Vic and he might help us.

Ashley: Sarge I don't think it's a-

Sarge: Vic do you read me? Vic we need help.

Vic: (echos) I Read you loud and clear Sarge, so what do you need help?

Ave: You guys hear that?

Sophie: I think that sounds like Vic?

Y/n: dose.

Y/n walks off the follow the echos of Vic until he returns back to the computer console and see no one there so he calls out.

Y/n: Hello? Who's there?

Vic: (computer) Oh shit, I gonna go bye.

Y/n turn to the computer and walks over to it and press on a button.

Y/n: Hello? Dose anyone copy?

Sarge: (radio) Hello this is Sarge, who is this?

Y/n: (surprised) Sarge it's me!

Sarge: (radio) Y/n? How did you get into command's comms?

Y/n: I think this computer must have connection to command.

Watcher: I don't think so.

Y/n was confused until Watcher zap the computer and Vic appears on the screen yelling out.

Vic: Ow, what the heck was- Oh, H-Hey there, hi.

Y/n: (surprised) Vic? AI?

Vic: That is correct nice to meet you can I assist you?

There was a long silence before Y/n got into his own comms ans tell the rest.

Y/n: Yous might head up there and help them, I'm gonna have a little chat, with red command here.

Ave: (comms) Um ok?

Vic was nervous and Y/n asked while he fold his arms to his chest.

Y/n: Ok Vic, what is going on here?

Vic: (nervous) I-I-I have no idea what you are talking about?

Y/n: The reds and Blues. Why are they in this ring, why were they told aboit a made up war and how come the UNSC never know about this?

Vic: Um I cannot answer those type of questions.

Y/n: I see. I give you five seconds to tell me or I'll shut you down.

Vic: Y-Your joking right?

Y/n: Wanna try me?

There was a long silence until Vic sigh and said.

Vic: OK! You won, I'll tell you everything.

Y/n: (thought) Bingo.

Vic: The reds and Blues you see are not actually real soldiers, infact the war they go through is all fake. This is a way so Freelancer agents go to and train in combat.

Y/n: So their just dummies in combat?

Vic: If you wanna put I that way yes?

Y/n: Why them?

Vic: Well they are listed as one of the UNSC's worse soldiers before the Covenant war started. The director decided instead of throw unless UNSC soldiers away to be sent home, he decided to roll them into a new unit filled with more unless soldiers and been told aboit this fales war that will face.

Y/n: But why the lie?

Vic: It's so they won't ask questions and besides their dumbasses so they rather not ask questions ans just shoot things.


Vic: Sooooo....I'm I free to go?

Y/n: Not yet.

Vic: Then what else do you want me to do?

He looks up at Vic and then said.

Y/n: I need all the files about other red and blue soldiers across the Galaxy. And I want them now.


We see UNSC warthogs drive by ans getting to their battle station in front of Blue base while we see the blues along with Cali there as they discuss the situation.

Cali: Alright we have a huge Covenant ship above us and we don't know how long until they will rain on us with troops so we need to act fast.

Tucker: What that ship, that looks like a purple dick?

Church: Tucker! Focus!

Tucker: Dude I just saying their huge ship looks like a huge dick to me.

Kaikaina: Yeah I also see that as well. Man I REALLY wanna suck it so badly.

Church: Guys this is serious! We have a Covenant ship above us and not only that, we still need to find O'Malley.

Cali: We're heading over there and see if O'Malley is there. Doc, Kaikaina will take Junior to the caves and hide.

Tucker: What about me?

Tex: Your coming with us. We need more back up while Caboose and Remington are in the Pelican and trying to see what Sheila was about to say.

Church: That's right so we need to get to Red base ans find O'Malley before things will get worse, so let's go Tucker.

Tucker: Just hold on a minute.

Tucker turns to Junior and bend down and said.

Tucker: Well, little dude, I guess there's a time when ever boy becomes a man.

Doc: Tucker he's only three days old.

Tucker: Yeah, they grow up so fast.

Church: Also he's not a boy, he's a grub.

Cali: Actually he is a boy unless you say that as an insult.

Church: Either that works.

Then Tex and Church walks off but Tucker also days to Junior.

Tucker: The point is, you're on your own now, and I don't have time to tell you everything you need to know. So here's a few brief pointers. Invest a real estate, there's no such thing as a permanent record, always eat breakfast, all the girls on the Internet are actually dudes, and you should never, ever buy a extended warranty on anything. Ever!

Cali: (surprised) Whoa Tucker, beside a few things that you said, I'm starting to think your not a bad father after all.

Tucker: Oh, also? Chick's like it when you tell they're pretty, but they also like it when your kind of a dick to'em.

Cali: (sigh) I take it back what I say.

Church: (distance) Tucker, Cali let's go!

Cali starts to catch up to them while Tucker tells Junior.

Tucker: Okey little dude, I gotta go now. Yex needs me, Cali and Church to back her up.

Junior: Bow Chicka Honk Honk!

Doc: (surprised) Huh. I guess you have been teaching him some stuff.

Tucker: Teach? You don't teach that. That's just genetic.

After that Tucker catch up with the rest while Kaikaina, Doc and Junior enter the cave to hide.

Meanwhile we see Yra looking looking at the Canyon and chuckles to see how weak they are and says over the comms.

Yra: It's time to show these humans who we are.

Elite soldier: (comms) Yes ship master.

Then a hatch opens up within the Covenant ship and Elites with jet packs leap out of the ship and fell through the energy sheild.

Soon they active their jet packs ans safely land on the ground and open fire their plasma rifles at the UNSC soldiers and they open fire back at them and take a few elites out.

Remington was firing her SMG at the elites and getting to cover when needles nearly hit her while Caboose runs up to her and asked.

Caboose: I hear gun fire? Is it 4th of July?

Remington: I wish but no, it's the Covenant.

Caboose: Oh alright because.....I got band from a few party's on that day for bring highly deadly missiles that I thought were fireworks.

Remington: What?

Caboose: It's a long story.

Then the console light up and Sheila said.

Sheila: Hello, and thank you for activating the M808- wait a minute. Where am I?

Remington: Sheila, thank goodness to hear your voice.

Caboose: Yes! And look, we got a new place so you can live in. What fo you think?

Sheila: I like it! It is so rommy and nice unlike that stuffy tank.

Remington: (smile) Never blame you there.

Sheila: I hear gun fire and plasma bolts. Are we under attack?

Remington: Yeah and we might be-

Then the Covenant ship above them fire it's cannons and shattered the energy shield while Remington and Caboose pick out and said.

Remington: In deep...deep trouble.


We see Cali and Tex slowly walking towards Red base while Church and Tucker were on a cliff behind them and giving them cover.

They look up and see the engery shield is destroyed which is bad.

Cali: Fuck.

Tex: Their gonna sent in troops right about now so let's do this quick.

Cali: Right. Still I hope Y/n and the rest get up here on time.

Tex: Yeah, same her-

Then a sniper fire hits Tex in the ass which Tex cried out in pain. Cali was surprised and two turn to see either Tucker or Church fired the shot.

Tex: I'll be right back.

Tex heada back up the cliff while Cali turns to Red base and walks towards it. She aims her shotgun around to see no one around at first.

She lower her shotgun and looks around for any sign for O'Malley. Then he sees something and walks over and picks up what appear to be a dog tag that belong to Landon.

Cali: Landon, fuck, where are you.

Church: I told you Tucker was the one that shit your ass! Not me!

Then the trio walk up and see Cali holding the dog tag as she turns to them and says.

Cali: This is Landons dog tag, something must have happen to him.

Tucker: Then where did he go?

Cali: I don't know, but we're gonna find out what.

Caboose: (radio) Tex! Tex! We know who has been taken over by O'Malley!

Cali: We just need to find the reds ans the rest and stop O'Malley before it's too late. Tex I think we should-

Then Ted points her gun at Cali and says.

Tex: Don't move O'Malley!

Cali: (shocked) What?!


We see the reds, Ave, Sophie and Ashley nearly at the exit but they were waiting for Y/n to come

Sarge: He has been down there for a while.

Simmons: Maybe he is still talking to Vic?

Grif: For what?

Simmons: I don't know, anything.

Ave: Look, there he is!

Then Y/n came out of the tunnel and Sarge walks up and asked.

Sarge: So what were you and Vic were talking about?

Y/n looks at Sarge and can't tell him ot the reds what Vic told him because if so, they will lose their spirit so he said.

Y/n: It's classified.

Sarge: Classified huh, I respect that.

Donut: So now what?

Andy: Oh hey guys!

They turn to see Andy which surprised them.

Y/n: (surprised) Andy? What are you doing here?

Andy: Just enjoying myself with Lopez.

They look up to see Lopez head on a cliff as he says.

Lopez: (Spanish) Sup.

Y/n: Nice to see your alright. How is things at Red base?

Lopez: (spanish) Let's just say Blues are at Red base, aliens are falling down of the sky and we all might be fucked.

Y/n:.......So just the usual. Alright then.

Simmons: So what should we do?

Sarge: We battle the aliens that's what we do. We're the red army, we're ready for this.

Grif: Ready? I didn't sign up to be killed by some bunch of Covenant empire!

Sarge: Yes but you DID sign up to be a soldier. We maybe standing around and done nothing but now this is the opportunity we we are waiting for. It's tike to show those aliens what we are, for the red army!

Y/n smiles underneath his helmet to see Sarge getting his men ready. Soon they agree ane they march out into the battle field while Y/n turns to his team.

Y/n: We head to Red base ans assits the blues.

Ave: Right.

Andy: Hey, mind I come along. I can blow something up!

Y/n: Sure, let's go.

Y/n picks up andy and they head off to Red base to see what the blues are up to.


We see Church, Tucker and Tex have their weapons drawn on Cali as she rise her hands into the air and try to convince them that she's doesn't have O'Malley.

Cali: Listen I don't have O'Malley trust me.

Tex: Stop lying. Caboose told us the one who has O'Malley is a ODST Sargent and that's you.

Cali: But I'm not the only Sargent! There is......wait.....oh shit.

Church: What, your running out of things to say?

Cali: No uou dumbass it's Landon! He might be controlled by O'Malley and might be here!

Tex: Ans why should we trust you?

Cali: Please believe me Tex! I don't have O'Malley on me!

Wyoming: Oh she is so right about that.

They quickly turn to see Wyoming already have his sniper rifle aimed at them while Cali steps back with Church and the rest ans saying.

Cali: See! If I were O'Malley, j would have known Wyoming was behind us!

Church: Alright fine you have your point.

Wyoming: I must say, it seems we have a situation going on here. Covenant is above us, we're trapped, out gunned and no back up. Must be hard for us to survive huh?

Cali slowly active her comms so Remington and Caboose cab hear this conversation and they see they might be in trouble.

Cali: What do you want?

Wyoming: I'm here on an important job  and I can't let yous get in my way.

Cali: What are you talking about?

Wyoming: You see, my job is to take Tuckers Child and he'll help won this war.

Church: By how?

Wyoming: I won't tell yous that, yous are gonna ruin our plans.

Then the tank stroll over in front of red base ans aims it's cannon at Wyoming.

Cali: (smirk) It seems that your plan has already been ruined because, we have a tank.

Wyoming: Oh is that so?

Then the tank aims it's cannon at them and they hear Gary said.


Church: Fuck.

Cali: This can't be good.

Tex: We need a plan.

Cali: I got none. We're pinned.

Tucker: (surprised) The hell? What the hell just happened?!

Church: Um, we got captured. Where were you?

Tucker: (surprised) How, I'm so confused?

Cali: What is wrong with you?

Tucker: Cali, Duck!

Then Tucker tackle her down and beam shot zip pass them which surprises them.

Cali: The hell?!

Church: (surprised) Where did that come from?

Tucker: That happened before.

Church: Before what?

Wyoming: What's going on?


Y/n and his team arrive outside of Red base and see them in trouble while at the same time Caboose appears over the hill and calls out to them.

Caboose: Here I come Church! I am here to safe not worry, your best friend is here to help!

Wyoming: It's the idiot, take him out.

Gary: RIGHT.

Gary slowly aims his cannons at Caboose and Y/n see this and rush over to Caboose to save him.

Tucker: Wait Y/n don't!

Once Gary has a lock on, Y/n pushes Caboose away and was about to active his armor lock but it was too late. The tank fired and boow up Y/n senting him flying and land hard onto the ground.

Ave, Ashley, Sophie and Cali: Y/N!

Ave, Ashley ans Sophie runs over to him and bend down and check to see he is alright.

While thet Tex fired a few shots at Wyoming but he dodges them and fires back as they make a break for it.

Gary fires the cannon at them but misses in every shot. Soon they reach to the three female spartans and Church asked.

Church: How is he?


Church: Well is he alright?

Ave: He's.......gone.

Tears stroll down them while Church and the rest were shocked to see Y/n is dead. Then a sniper fire zip pass them and Ave in a fit of rage aims her DMR at Wyoming and shot him in the head.


Tucker: That happened before. He died trying to save Caboose.

Church: Tucker what the hell are you taloing about, he's dead!

Tucker: Yeah but when ever one of yous shot Wyoming, time somehow gets-

Then everything was reset and gone back to the moment where Tucker and the rest are captured.

Tex: We need a plan.

Cali: I got none.

Tucker: So we're pinned.

Wyoming: Wait? So...your not gonna ask about anything else?

Tucker: No idea what your talking about?

Wyoming: Hmmm.


Wyoming: Agree. Oh that reminds me.

He turn and fired a round of his sniper rifle that killed the Jackel sniper ams said.

Wyoming: Those jackel snipers are really are annoying sometimes. Wish they should-

Then Tucker stab his sword through Wyoming's chest which Tucker says.

Tucker: They were gone, like you.

Then he pulls out his sword and Wyoming fell onto the ground dead.


Then Caboose appear over the hill ans saying.

Caboose: Here I come Church! I am here to safe not worry, your best friend is here to help!

Tucker sees Y/n running towards him ti save him but he grabs Wyoming's rifles ans fire a few rounds at the two.

Tucker: You two get the fuck out of here!

They dodge the shots and they run back. Y/n runs back to Ave, Sophie and Ashley and they asked.

Ashley: What was that all about?

Y/n: I have no clue but.....I have some Deja Vu about me running over there.

Watcher: Yeah same.

They turn to see Gary open fire at Tucker and the rest so they decide to give time coving fire and fire at Gary.

Gary turn his cannon and aims it at them.

Ave: Fuck.

Then a overcharged plasma bolt hits the tank and shuts it down. They turn to see Remington holding and Plasma pistol and turns to then.

Remington: (smirk) Hey.

Y/n: Nice shot.

Remember: (smile) Thanks. (giggle)

Y/n runs over to the tank and take out Gary off the tank and has it on his hand.

Y/n: Now let's go and-

Then they see Tucker, Tex, Church and Cali running away and what chasing them army of Wyoming's firing at them. Ave and the rest run over and see this happen.

Sophie: Um what is happening here?

Ashley: I have no idea.

Y/n: Weird or not, we need to help them. Let's move!

They all rush over to assist and Remington looks at the tank and have an idea.

Meanwhile we see an army of Wyoming's got Church send the rest pinned down while Tex fires and kills a fee Wyoming's.

Y/n ans his team arrive and they open fire at the Wyoming's ans take out some. Suddenly plasma bolts fly by them and turn to see Covenant troops coming their way.

They duck down and fire back at them.

Y/n: Shit, we're pinned down!

Ashley: We need heavy support.

Ave: How we don't have something to blast them?

Then suddenly an explosion sent the Covenant troops flying along with the Wyomings ans they turn yo see the tank rolled up to them.

They thought it might be an enemy but the hatch opens ans Remington came our ans said.

Remington: Looks like that's twice I saved yous.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah nice work Remington.

She blushes with a giggle and once that was done, the four rush over to Church and the rest ans see one Wyoming is still alive.

Church: Ok Wyoming, what fo you wnat with Tuckers kid.

Tucker: He already told me. He's gonna use him to tell the Covenant this fales lie so they can slave them all and end the war.

Tex: (shocked) What?

Y/n: It's true and it's sick.

Wyoming: N-No. That's our job. To win the war if any needs necessary.

Y/n: By slaving a whole army fo Covenant troops? I know they have glass many planets but that's ten times wrong!

Wyoming: We have no choice. Either use that or let them continue glassing every planet so humanity will fall.

Church: Well now your plan has failed. Now we just need to find O'Malley and Tex will be gladly doing that.

Wyoming: (chuckle) That's when your wrong. Know she knows out plan  not only will she not stop us; our dear Tex is going to help us.

Y/n: That's when your wrong. The Covenant may have glass many planets but we know that slavery is wrong, right Tex.


Church: Tex?

Tex: No he's right.

Then she open her comms and calls out to O'Malley.

Tex: This is freelancer Tex, broadcasting on a open channel.

Y/n: (shocked) Tex! What the hell are you doing?!

Tex: You want me O'Malley? Come ans get me.

To be continued..................

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