Chapter 13: The long trails
On top of the canyon of blood gulch we see Simmons working on something on the turrets systems as he was on his knees and working on with the system.
Landon claims up with a ladder and once atop heels Simmons working on with the turrets as he walks over to him and asked.
Landon: What on earth are you doing?
Simmon: Oh I've noticed the target system within your turrets was gliching out so I'm just here to fix that.
Landon: (surprised) Really? I haven't noticed any glitches?
Simmons: I see why when I first look at it but after going down some data work and system check ups, I see it has been glinting out. And here, all fixed give it a try.
Landon: Alright.
Landon grabs a frisbee and throws it into the air. Without a second later the turrets fired at the frisbee and blow it up out of the sky.
Landon: (surprised) Whoa that's fast. Your pretty good with high tech.
Simmons: Thanks it's good to have someone to be impressed of my work.
Landon: Really, what about your team?
Simmons: They never show respect to me. They mostly mock me or just call me a kiss ass.
Landon: You've also been called a kiss ass a lot?
Simmons: Yeah which is annoying and.....wait where you also been called a kiss ass a lot?
Landon: Yep ever since I was a private I've shown extreme loyalty to my commanders and follow their order. My squad call me a kiss ass a lot but they get karma when I got promoted to be Sargent of the ODST of my squad.
Simmons: Seriously?
Landon: That's right. Hey, we both maybe the same since how we have been treated but here's some advice for you. Never let your squad hold you back especially your Sargent. They may look down at you as a kiss ass but soon your life will reward you one day.
Simmons: You think so?
Landon: Trust me Simmons. One day you get the price you deserve like me.
Simmons: Whoa thanks man, I-I don't know what to say.
Landon: Don't worry man we both need to stick together in times like these.
Simmons: Yeah your right.
Simmons and Landon starts to get along as they chatted at the cliffs while we cut to Cali as she is connecting Y/n to see what's happing in their end. When Y/n answer he told her what's happening.
Cali: There is a splinter Covenant faction being made?
Y/n: (come) Yeah apparently this "Angel of the ring" told the about what their doing is all lies and long story short Tuckers sword is this ancient weapon that will reveal to this new great journey.
Cali: Sounds bullshit.
Y/n: (coms) Same but still we are discussing on what to do about this new information. How is things at your end?
Cali: Good turns out that distress signal was actually a false alrem but everyone is alright.
Y/n: (coms) Right. We'll join you after we made on a discussion on what to do with the problem in our end.
Cali: Roger that and Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah?
Cali: Be safe.
Y/n: (smile) We will.
Then Y/n cuts off as Cali sighs to herself before she walks off.
Y/n walks over to Ave, Sophie, Ashley, Tex, Tucker, Caboose and Church as they were gathered around as Andy, Watcher, Crystal and Gary watch and listen in as Y/n asked Tucker.
Y/n: You alright Tucker?
Tucker: Yeah thanks for the help.
Y/n: Hey you were the one that push me off the second floor so I would say that's even.
Tucker: Fine you got a point.
Church: Anyways what should we do?
Caboose: We can go to the beach and have a lots of fun with our new alien friend.
Church: We're not on about that Caboose.
Caboose: But you were thinking about it.
Church: No I wasn't!
Ave: Do you guys think that Elite is telling the truth? Maybe he's just telling us false information so he can lead us to ambush.
Tex: He's not shown to be lying. I know Covenants will believe anything that has to do with their god.
Tucker: God?
Watcher: He means the forerunners.
Tucker: Wait so like you?
Watcher: Yeah like me. But still who ever this "Angel of the ring" is, must be a forerunner or possible something big, I say we go with him and find what ever it is.
Church: Can A.I's count to take a vote because I refuse that.
Watcher: Oh and why?
Church: Because what ever this thing is I'm not gonna take part of and to be honest, I do not wanna working along side an alien that try to eat my body.
Watcher: Oh so your scared of these elites now? Ha! That's pretty funny.
Church: (anger) And why is that?
Watcher: Your a soldier that has faced the Reds for years. You died a few times by either your team or by......your team and you manage to become a ghost and your scared of their kind? Whoa that's pretty very funny.
Church: (anger) Oh fuck you man! Why do you even have him Y/n?
Y/n: Figured he'll be useful and plus he's actually pretty good A.I partner for me.
Sophie: We're losing topic here.
Tex: Sophie is right so what should we do?
They were silent for a minute to think of something then Andy says.
Andy: Why not just take the risk and do it?
They all turn to Andy as Andy says.
Andy: OK how's about this. Not only I'll be a translator to that elite but if this would be a trap I'll be as a bomb. No way they can't risk their whole army get blown up by me so we get the upper hand.
Y/n: Huh....Andy has a point. These splitter Covenant are small so if they try to ambush us, they see Andy and decide to surrender so they won't get blown up.
Ave: That sounds like a good idea.
Sophie: Yeah so who's gonna take part of this journey?
Y/n: I'll take part surely Watcher and I can assist any block ways, right buddy.
Watcher: Hell yeah.
Ave: In that case I'm in. I wanna see how this will play out.
Tucker: Is it ok I'll be out on this?
Tex: Tucker your the only one with the sword, your obviously have to take part.
Tucker: Fine, at least I'll be the only blue going with two badass Spartans.
Ave: Hey Church, mind we bring Caboose along as well.
Church: Sure.
Tucker: You got to be kidding me.
Ave: (smirk) What? Caboose is pretty great to hang around and pretty strong so we needed a extra hand.
Caboose: Yay I'm useful!
Y/n: What about you Tex, your in?
Tex: I sit this one out.
Y/n: Alright.
Sophie: Looks like the rest head back to Blood Gulch and help the situation.
Y/n: Right take care.
Ashley: Same to yous.
Y/n nods as later Y/n walks over to the lote cell and opens it up. The elite looks up at Y/n as the two stare at each other as Y/n says.
Y/n: Your coming with us.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n and Ave packing up the supplies into the troop carry warthog as once that the Elite in cuffs enter the back and following that Tucker and Caboose claim into the back as Ave hop into the passenger side seat while Y/n turns to the Sargent and says.
Y/n: Your in charge of this base Sargent. Keep it safe.
Male UNSC Sargent: Will do sir.
Y/n nods as he walks over to Sophie and Ashley in their other warthog as Y/n says to them.
Y/n: Once yous get to Blood Gulch tell Cali and Remington that I'm gonna be gone for a while.
Sophie: Understood. Stay safe Y/n.
Ashley: Be back soon.
Y/n nods as Sophie starts up the warthog and drives off and dissappear. Y/n turns to Tex and Church as he walls over to them and says.
Y/n: Yous gonna alright being here?
Church: Yeah I'm just gonna stay at this base for a while and then make my way back to Blood Gulch. Hey if either Tucker or Caboose gets hurt just leave them and never look back.
Y/n: Right.
Church walks off as Y/n turns to Tex.
Y/n: Too bad your not gonna join us. It be just like the good old days.
Tex: Yeah but I think I'll stay here and help the troops.
Y/n: Alright, take care and good luck.
Y/n lend out a hand to Tex which Tex shakes it before Y/n walks off and enter the driver side seat. Then he starts off the warthog and then drives off as Tex watch them go.
Male UNSC soldier: Whoa never know you refuse to join up with Y/n.
Tex: Why is that soldier?
Male UNSC soldier: Because usually there should be some ancient artefact or some treasures that the forerunners hide for millions of years.
Tex: That's not there?
Male UNSC Soldier: Kinda. I heard another squad from a colony world discovered this structure which houses a lot of treasures that made them rich if ONI didn't came and take it but still who knows. They may have find something very verbal on their journeys.
Church: Um trooper, you may look beside you.
The trooper turns to see Tex was gone as Church sighs as he knows where Ted might be going.
We see the group passing by a crash site where Ave and the rest been where they were teleported as they drive by as Andy says.
Andy: Alright, This elite has been explained to me we encounter. The legend is pretty old, but the details are pretty clear.
Ave: Like always.
Tucker: Listen dude, I don't care what you say, I'm not killing any monsters.
Y/n: You faced the Covenants and they count as monsters.
Elite: You be monsters yourself demons.
Y/n: What ever you say.
Ave: Still don't tell me your chicken?
Tucker: I'm not Chicken, I'm just.......OK I'm chicken.
Ave: (chuckle) Knew it.
Elite: What are chickens?
Y/n: Their animals that we eat.
Elite: Right.
Tucker: How can yous understand this elite? All I hear is Blar Blar.
Elite: (anger) We don't sound like that you disgusting shisno.
Tucker: See there it is again.
Y/n: As soon you get your own sparten armor, you can completely understand what they are saying.
Tucker: When that happens.
Elite: Stop the vehicle
Y/n stops the jeep as Y/n, Tucker and the Elite hop out as they sneak up at the edge as the Elite says.
Elite: The angel of the ring told us that thing area holds a beast that we must destroy
Ave: hey this place is the same place where we were teleported.
Caboose: Really? I don't see tha- oh wait I do! This is where I miss Church.
Elite: You teal human, get ready.
Tucker: What he's saying?
Y/n: He's saying teal which is you.
Tucker: I'm not teal I'm aqua.
Y/n: Wait really, your aqua?
Tucker: Yeah what did you think I'm teal?
Y/n: W-Well.....Yeah I thought you were always teal.
Tucker: Nite to self: Ask what colour of armor I am wearing.
Elite: Go!
The Elite, Tucker and Y/n leap out and land on the ground as Y/n aim his Saw at the beast and sees........a boned up head of a animal as Y/n lower his saw and asked.
Y/n: Um.....where is this beast exactly?
Elite: You already killed it?!
Y/n: What that animal?
Elite: Yes?!
Tucker: Now what is he saying?
Y/n: He's surprised and asked us we already kill the beast.
Tucker: What you mean that animal is a beast?
Elite:...........(sigh) Let's just get back to the vehicle.
Then the Elite walks up the hill and so dose Tucker however Y/n find this odd about these trails and wounder if this is for real or not.
But he walks back to the warthog and he drives off. After a while of driving they arrive at a swamp like forest were they park the warthog and set up camp.
After a while it got night time as we see them gathered around as Ave hands Y/n a can of beer as Y/n took off his helmet and drink it. Ave dose the same as she took off her helmet and sat down next to Y/n.
The elite was next to them just to be sure he won't escape as Y/n see Caboose and Tucker still wearing their helmets and asked.
Y/n: Why are yous still wearing your helmets?
Tucker: I don't know guess we never take off our helmets.
Ave: That's pretty weird.
Y/n: It's nice to take off your helmets most of the time. It let's your skin be teavh by the wind.
Tucker: Alright I guess it can't help.
Caboose: Yes this is gonna be great.
Tucker and Caboose took off their helmets and set them down as their faces are revealed to the two Spartans. Tucker has black skin with brown hair while Caboose has pretty light skin with yellow hair as Y/n asked Tucker.
Y/n: (surprised) Whao I never know you where Black.
Tucker: Yeah is there a problem?
Y/n: (panic) Oh nonononono I was just surprised because your voice was a can I put this um........white?
Tucker: So you think just because I have a whit guys voice I'm assuming to be white.
Y/n: (panic) I wanna take back what I said.
Tucker: Right.
Ave: (chuckle) This is great, soldiers surrendering the camp fire and having some laughs and arguments.
Caboose: (smile) Yes this is just like my summer camp I've been to.....before it was burned down because I press the big red button on the oven.
Elite: You humans are weird.
Andy: Tell me about it.
Watcher So what should we do?
Y/n: Well let's get to know each other more. Ave you wanna start?
Ave: Sure. I was born at a colony world called Reach and was pit into the Spartans program and soon became a Spartan. I took on many missions and met up with Y/n and the rest before we came to here.
Tucker: What is Reach?
Ave: It's a UNSC military base that housed many UNSC ships and fleets and it's the home base to all Spartans.
Caboose: Oh Oh can I say my story?
Ave: Sure say away.
Caboose: OK my name is Caboose and I was sighed to be a good soldier and I've been one of the best soldiers around. I fix many tanks, blow up other tanks, blow up enemies with a tank and even blowing up the biggest party within my team ever.....with a tank. And that's how I came here and meet all my new friends.
They were silent after Caboose story as Y/n nods and says.
Y/n: Ok, thanks Caboose. Tucker your go.
Tucker: Sweet my turn. So I join as a soldier couple years back because on eof my friends told me that I could get more girls if I join the UNSC. So I said " Heck yeah let's go!" Long story short I got 400 rejections, 700 punishments by female soldiers or commanders, 50 slaps and that's how I ended up here at Blood Gulch.
Ave: I can understand why.
Y/n: Hey Elite could you tell us more about yourself?
The elite grolws as he turns and looks away.
Y/n: Right guess it's my turn.
Andy: What about me?
Ave: We technically know about you.
Andy: Oh really what is it?
Ave: You were created by Tex as a bomb and you love to blow things up.
Andy: Oh.......tell us about yourself Y/n.
Y/n: Well I was born in a colony planet called Readniess with my brother John. We were both taking to be Spartans and after a lot of training we pass and we became Spartans.
Tucker: That's cool. What about John?
Y/n: Oh John actually make himself as a legend within the UNSC and to many colony worlds.
Tucker: How so?
Y/n: It's a long story but let's just say...he was one of the youngest Spartans to be ranks Chief petty officer and known as The Master Chief.
Tucker: (surprised) Wow.
Caboose: So he cooks delicious foods?
Ave: He's not called Master chef. He's called the Master Chief. The one that has faced the Covenant for the first time and proved that the Covenant can be defeated and give humanity a chance to fight back.
Caboose: Whoa.....I wanna be his friend.
Tucker: Yeah and your related to him?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I'm sometimes jealous but at the same time I'm proud for him. He shows all of us that we can fight back against the Covenant and show us that hope is key to winning the war.
Tucker and Caboose were amazed knowing about John as Watcher spotted something walking through the jungle as he finds it suspicious.
We see Y/n and Ave take a wounder through the woods until they stop by a forerunner structure which looks pretty old like many structures.
Y/n: Geez if I see another ancient forerunner structure, it be to soon.
Ave: Yeah I don't blame you.
Y/n touches at the walls of the structure as he feels how old it is and says to Ave.
Y/n I wounder how much money dose these ancient forerunners cost to make these things. Too bad I left my helmet back at the camp so Watcher can tell me but what do you think Av-
He turns to Ave only for Ave to lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips. Y/n was surprised as his cheeks blushes bright red as Ave have her eyes closed as she kisses Y/n on the lips.
She then pulled away as she smirks in a sexxy way as Y/n looks at her still blushing from that surprised kiss.
Y/n: (blush) A-A-Ave?
Ave: (smirk) You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that. I gonna say, it was wonderful and I like it.
Y/n blushes even more as Ave pinned Y/n onto the wall as she wrap her arms around Y/n as she gives Y/n a sexxy stare as she lick her lips and says.
Ave: (smirk) Your just so hot and cute I can't help but wanna love you even more. I know you have fun with two female ODST but I'm not mad since they have their go.'s my turn.
Y/n: (blush) Ave I-
Then Ave kissed Y/n once more as she lend out a few mowns as she kisses Y/n harder then ever. Y/n can't help but kiss her back as he wrap his arms around her as Ave enjoys it as they make out as Y/n lend back onto the wall as they make out.
Y/n: Oh Ave~
Ave: (Giggle) Your have such great lips handsome~
They continue making out as we then cut to Tucker as he was sleeping on the floor as he suddenly weaks up and stood up as he looks around to see no one.
Tucker: Hello? Is anyone here? Where did yous go? Is this some kind a joke?
Then a dark figure appears behind Tucker as this person snakes towards Tucker from behind. Just as this person was gonna to attack Watcher yells out.
Watcher: Now!
The Elite launch out and attack the dark figure as Watcher yells stops Y/n and Ave making out as they hear something going on and they race back to see what's going on.
Once there he see the Elite beaten up something as Y/n asked.
Y/n: What's going on?
Tucker: I have no idea.
Then Caboose appear behind a tree as he asked.
Caboose: Did yous get it?
Andy: Caboose you were suppose to help.
Caboose: I was helping watch.
Andy: What if something had happened?
Caboose: I'm sure i would've seen it.
Watcher: Yeah there was something following us so I told this to Andy and the Elite and we have a plan to ambush it.
Tucker: And that plan is to use me as a bait?
Watcher: Well yeah because you have a ancient sword. What other bait would we use?
Tucker: Probably anything besides me.
Tex: Get off of me!
Then Tex pushes the Elite off as Y/n and the rest were surprises as Y/n asked.
Y/n: Tex? What are you doing here?
Tucker: I bet she's here to steal the sword.
Tex: Actually I'm here for the treasure.
Y/n: Treasure?
Tex: Yeah wounder there should be a reward at the end of the journey right?
Andy: There is no reward or treasure. The only reward is the sword.
Tex: Oh.......then yeah I am here to steal the sword.
Ave: Too bad you can't use it. Tucker is the only one to use it.
Tex: What if I kill him.
Ave:........That may work.
Tucker: Hey!
Ave: We're just messing, are we.
Tex: You could say that.
Y/n: Tex we need Tucker to stop on what ever this thing is a so we need Tucker alive or less harmed.
Tucker: Less harmed?
Tex: Fine but after this I would take the sword.
Y/n: Deal.
Elite: Let's go. We're gonna waste time.
Y/n: Alright let's go.
They all hop into the warthog after they pack up there camp equipment and drive off.
(Next day)
After a while or driving they stop by a hill as Y/n, Ave and Ted hop out as they walk up to a cliff and see something ahead of them.
Watcher: No fucking way.
Y/n: Watcher. What are we looking at here.
Watcher: Well welcome to the Library ladies th gentlemen.
Then we then have a look over of the forerunner Library which is huge then ever before.
Tucker: Now that's what I think all Library should look like.
Caboose: Is this where all the books come from?
Watcher: The Library holds many information about the forerunners and also holds something in it that we must take.
Y/n: What is it?
Watcher: It's a key that will active this ring. Let's chance out plans and enter the library and get it.
Elite: NO!
They turn as the Elite leaps off and walks over to them and says.
Elite: That is not our mission! We must complete the trails in order to succeed our goals.
Ave: Hey We're here to stop what ever your splitter faction is doing and make sure this won't threaten us.
Elite: So you lied to me! I'll have your heads for this!
Ave: Try your best.
Tex: That's enough. Look what about we split up into teams. Me, Tucker, Andy and Caboose go with the Elite while you, Watcher and Ave head into the library and find what ever it is.
Y/n: You sure you can handle this?
Tex: Sure, what's the worst can it go wrong.
Y/n: Alright. Good luck an stake care.
Tex nods as they split up into teams as Y/n, Ave and Watcher head to the library while Tex and the rest go with the elite to complete the trail.
They soon arrive at the bitten where they see Covenant troops guardian at a base as they see a few elite, grunts, jackels and even two hunters outside of the gates.
Caboose: That is a really really big alien. And a really big cannon.
Tex: Looks like we need to take them out unless their your friends?
Elite: There not.
Tex: Andy?
Andy: He says their ain't his friends.
Tex: Right. Killing time then.
Tucker: Can you even handle these Covenant on your own?
Tex: Watch me.
Then Tex turns invisible as she sneak her way into the base. A lone grunt was yawning as he straches his butt as Tex walks up to the grunt and snap his neck. Once the grunt was killed she drags it away and starts to kill more Covenant soldiers as they get killed in silence as Tucker, Caboose and Andy watched.
Then the Elite slide in something and walks over to Tucker and eject something into Tucker which Tucker feels it as he yells out.
Tucker: Ow what the helk was-
Then Tucker slips and fell off a cliff as he lands hard onto the ground. Tucker slowly stands up as he turns and see two hunters staring at him as Tucker says.
Tucker: hey nice meet yous. Say yous look strong to get a few girls or.....girl warms so what about I'll be your wing man and-
But the hunters first their cannons at Tucker as Tucker start to run around dodging the shots as Tex looks out and see it happening.
Tex: Damn it Tucker.
Tex leap off and grabs the back of the hunter as the hunter stumbled around and trying to get Tex off of it. Ted holds on as she pulls a pin out for her garnade and places it into the hunters warms and leap out.
After the second hunter was killed the other roared in rage and charge at Tex and swing it's large shields at her but Tex dodges it.
While Tucker takes cover behind a small structure with a hologram keypad as the Elite came up carrying Andy as he says.
Elite: Use the key!
Tucker: What?
Andy: He said use the key.
Tucker: I don't have a key. All I have is a sword.
Andy: The sword is a key.
Tucker: Wait it is?
Tucker active his sword and swipe it through the holopad as the gate at the Covenant base starts to open.
Tucker: Holy shit, this is a key!
Then the gate opens to reveal a banshee as the Elite calls out.
Elite: Yes! There's it is!
He then drops Andy and runs towards the banshee.
Andy: hey what, where are you going?
Elite: So long shisno's!
Then he hops into the banshee and flys off just as Tex managed to kill the hunter and see the banshee taking off.
Tex: What the hell is he doing?
Andy: I don't know. He was saying there it is! There it is!
Tex: I thought you told me there isn't a reward?
Andy: I didn't know! Don't blame me!
Tucker and Caboose runs over to Tex as Tucker asked.
Tucker: The hell is going on?
Tex: No idea but that elite better land that banshee right now.
Tucker: Right but you gonna know that this sword is actually a key.
Tex: (surprised) What?! Andy!
Andy: Hey don't blame me! That's what he told me!
Tex: Well that elite better land that banshee or I'll-
Then suddenly a rocket went over them and hits the banshee as the banshee crashes down with a fire ball of explosion.
Andy: You sure you what him to land? Because he kinda already did.
???: Ah Tex.
They all look up and see Wyoming holding a rocket launcher.
Tex: (Surprised) Wyoming?!
Tucker: How on earth did you surprised that nuclear blast?
Wyoming: Let's just say you'd aren't the only one that can teleport different places through this ring.
Tex: (anger) Well that banshee you blow up was mine.
Wyoming: And yet it's no more.
Tex: (anger) Your gonna pay for that.
Wyoming: I would like to see you try Agent Tex. Take care.
Then Wyoming walks off with Tex going after him leaving Tucker, Caboose and Andy alone as Tucker says.
Tucker: Bet Y/n, Ave and Watcher have some luck the us.
We see the two Spartans within the library as they move through the halls with weapons drawn as they look around for anything that Watcher is looking for.
Soon they enter through a hall and reach at the middle were they see something hoving in mide air as Y/n and Avewalks up yo the edge and looks down only ti see blackness down at the bottom.
Ave: That's a long drop.
Y/n: Yeah. Tell us, what is this place?
Watcher: Thsi holds one of the most important keys of all time. With it, you can activate the ring and wipe everything across the universe.
Y/n: And this hoving thing is the key?
Watcher: Yep, hold up and I'll do something quickly.
After a while the Watcher was done as a blue nearer field opens up as covers the hole as Y/n walks over to it and walks over to the key.
Y/n reach over and pulls out the key and looks at it.
Watcher: With that key, the power or destroying the universe is at your hands.
Y/n: Well let's head back before we-
Ave: Y/n!
Y/n draw out his shotgun and turns and he aims it at Yra as he holds Ave as a hostage as he pulls out his energy blade at her neck as Yra growls and says.
Yra: Hand over the key now!
Yra tugs Ave as she struggled while Y/n has his first German on the trigger as Ave says.
Ave: Take.....the shot.
Yra: Hand over the key now or this demon will die!
Y/n: (whisper) Watcher got any ideas?
Watcher: Have one but give me a second.
Then more Covenant troops deactivate their captive camoz and aim their plasma guns at Y/n as Yra says.
Yra: Your surrounded demon, there is no way you can't win.
Y/n: We'll see about that.
Then suddenly a beam hits one of the Covenant elites as they all look up and see sentinels appear and fire their beams at the Covenant. The Covenant open fires at them while some where taking out as Yra also gets hit by the beam in the back.
Yra was forced to let Ave go as Ave catches her and once that they made their escape.
Yra: Don't let them escape!
Some Covenant troops open fire at them but Ave and Y/n fire their DMR and Saws at them and taking them out. Soon they exit out and Watcher closes the door as they breath a sigh of relief.
Ave: That was close.
Y/n: Yeah your telling me. Thanks Watcher.
Watcher: No problem man, glad I can help.
Y/n: Well we have a key that will active this ring. Let's head back to Blood Gulch and lock this up.
Ave: Yeah for once I'm tired of this journey, I just wanna go home.
Y/n: (chuckle) Then let's call in a Pelican and head home.
Ave nods with a smile underneath her helmet as the two head out of the Library to regroup of Tucker, caboose and Andy as they call in a Pelican and fly off back to Blood gulch to relax.
To be continued.......
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