Chapter 12: An Elite in our base

Cali pulled over the mongoose when they see a Ghost Donut was driving after he stole it from O'Malley/Doc. They were at a cave as they hop off of the bike and walks over to the ghost with weapons in hand and looks at the Ghost.

Cali: Looks like they stop here.

Remington: Any ideas why they left us behind like that?

Cali: No clue but if it is for a stupid reason, I'm gonna kill them.

Remington: Isn't that what they are?

Cali:.....Good point.


Cali and Remington pulled out their weapons when they hear Grif screaming no. They rush out of the cave just to see Grif before they duck down when a sniper fire his heard as they duck down. Down below was Sarge, Donut and Simmons with sniper rifles as they were trying to see who can shoot Grif but nearly shot Cali and Remington.

Simmon: Um Sarge I think we nearly shot Cali and Remington?

Sarge: Don't be nonsense Simmons, there is no way they have followed us after we made our silent escape.

Cali and Remington stands up and looks down at them as Cali looks at them in a angry face which Sarge and the rest were scared.

Cali: (anger) You have five seconds to tell me yous left us and why you try to shoot me and Remington.

Simmon: (scared) W-Wait! We can explain! We discovered a distressed single and we followed it to here. Grif keeps yelling no so we figured we shoot him to get him down.

Cali: Now why would in the world would he scream no for?

Remington: Cali look!

Cali looks around them and they see they are back at Blood Gulch but there was no soldiers around. There was some UNSC equipment and vehicles but no soldiers. Cali and Remington clam down the hill and look around.

Cali: Hello! Hello! Is anyone here! Hello!

Remington: I thought the Sargent told us there will be soldiers here?

Cali: Seem, something doesn't feel right.


Cali: Sarge tell Grif to shut up and get down here.

Sarge: What do you think we're trying to do, but he's not listening.

Cali sighs to herself as she claim up the hill and walks over to Grif.

Grif: Hey what are you doing?! Wow! Son of a bitch!

Then Cali throws Grif off the hill as Grif hit face first onto the ground as Cali dust off her hands before she clam down.

Sarge: Wow, now that's one way to get a soldier to shut up boys.

Cali: Now let's go, there's gonna be someone here that can tell us what's going on.

Sarge: Now hold on. You maybe a badass Sargent within the UNSC but you do not tell me or any of us what to d-

Cali shots Sarge a glare which Sarge stare at her for a bit before he turn to his men.

Sarge: You heard the lady, let's get a move on!

Simmon: Wow, Remind me to never piss her off.

Donut: Your Sargent dose know how to scare people.

Remington: It's kinda what she is. (Nervous chuckle)


We see Y/n, Ave, Ashley, Sophie, Tex and the blues at their second base as we see Y/n and Tucker walks over to the group while Tucker tells Y/n something which he says.

Y/n: Tucker just because you found a ancient and badass sword, that doesn't mean ladies suddenly fall for you.

Tucker: Oh come on man it's an ancient sword which means I'll get all the ladies.

Y/n: When would one man just found something ancient and then not only seconds later, girls suddenly fall for him?

Tucker: Obviously that teenage boy who has a army of sexxy high-school ladies which they are demons and angels.

Y/n: That's form a anime series, not in real life. Besides I think that teenage boy is a enemy of all girls.

Tex: What are yous talking about?

Y/n: Tucker was just saying he get all the ladies if he holds a ancient sword.

Tex: Seriously?

Tucker: Hey if a ancient sword is not enough then I don't know what is.

Caboose: Dose it have cool powers. Can it make you fly?

Ave: it's just a sword Caboose, I don't even think it holds any magical powers or something.

Watcher: Even it has those magical powers I bet it just be useless.

Tucker: Why would the ancient sword with powers be useless?

Watcher: no clue but it be funny if it has.

Ashley: Hey, wherever Church?

Sophie: He's inside the base talking to Gary.

Y/n: He's in there for a while, I wounder he's-

Then Church appears as a ghost in front of the group as he said.

Church: What the hell was that?

Tucker: Yo.

Caboose: Hello Church.

Tex: Huh?

Y/n: Church....what happened to you body?

Church: Whoa only one guy asked about my body but yous be dumb to never realise it.

Watcher: I bet you fell on some steps.

Church: Shut up.

Watcher: Oh don't be a baby, I'm sure your body was already useless anyways.

Chruch: (sigh) I hate you so much.

Ave: So what happened to your body Church?

Church: Well I was there talking to Gary inside the base as he was repeating this word "The great destroyer is here, the end is near".

Ave: That doesn't sound good.

Church: Then he stopped all of a sudden and said a knock knock joke and that's when I hear this growl behind me. When I turn around I was attacked.

Y/n: So what was it that attack you?

Church: Ummm it was this.....Big thing.

Y/n: Big thing?

Watcher: I bet it was a cat.

Church: How can it be a cat here in this ring?

Watcher: No clue but I would laugh if you were jumped scared by a cat.

Church: Shut up.

Tucker: (laughter) Some monster scared the crap out of Church! HA Ha!

Tex: He didn't scare the crap out of him. He scared the soul out of him.

Y/n: (chuckle) Now that's even more funner now I think about it.

Ashley: (chuckle) Yeah agree.

Church: Hey can we go back to the topic in hand! What ever this thing is, it's probably eating my body right now.

Y/n: Ok, Ok hold your soul there Church we can handle this big thing of yours.

Tucker: Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

Sophie: Really Tucker?

Ave: Come on.

Tucker: Somebody call for a really hairly plumber. Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

Watcher: Dude shut up.

Tucker: I came here to lay some pipe. Bow Chicka Bow wow!

Ashley: Tucker I swear to god.

Tucker: So I hear you got sisters. Bow Chicka- were twins- Wow Wo-

Then Ashley hits Tucker with the back of the head with the back fo her assault rifle as Tucker fell onto the ground as Ashley said.

Ashley: Ok now let's get this big thing of yours.

Tucker: Bow Chicka Ow Ow.

After Tucker stops with his "Bow Chicka Bow wow" thing. They get their gear up as they now stand at the base as the Sargent and the rest of the UNSC soldiers walks up to them as the Sargent said.

Male UNSC Sargent: Is there anything we can do?

Y/n: Guard the area, maybe what ever this big thing is, is not alone. We handle on what ever is in our base.

Male UNSC Sargent: Yes sir.

The Sargent along with his troops spread out to looking around the area for more as Y/n and the rest stand in front of the base as Y/n asked them.

Y/n: Ready for this?

Tex: Ready as always been.

Tucker: Same.

Y/n: Alright, let's go.

Y/n, Ave, Ashley and Sophie walks towards the base ready to face this big thing. Then they stop and turn around to see Tex, Church, Tucker and Caboose just standing there not moving.

Watcher: Oh great, here we go again.

Y/n: What's the hold up?

Church: Oh sorry. we go.

But they were not moving as they stand there in silence as Y/n and the rest sigh.

Tucker: Um we're still not moving.

Caboose: Is talking counts as moving?

Watcher: Whoa, their scary cats.

Tex: You know what, screw you guys.

Then Tex steps forward and said.

Tex: I'll go first while yous three cover my back.

Tucker: (mutter) Bow Chicka Bow Wow.

Tex: Never mind, Tucker gone first.

Tucker: Worth it.

They clam up a hill into the base as Y/n gose first and aim his shotgun around to see no one. He wave his hands to everyone else and they follow up. Ave and Ashley were behind while Y/n and Sophie were in front as Tucker, Tex and Church were at the middle.

Y/n: Dose anyone see anything?

Ashley: Nope, clear here.

Ave: Same here.

Sophie: Nothing yet.

Y/n: Alright, Ave, Ashley head down and see Crystal, Andy and Gary are alright. Sophie check that corner and see if anyone is there.

Ashley and Ave went down the steps to check on Crystal, Andy and Gary while Sophie hug the wall and quick exit oit as she aims her DMR at the corner to see nothing.

Sophie lowe her DMR just a bit as she turns to Y/n which Y/n nods. Sophie nods back and head off to search the second floor not knowing she went pass an Elite duck down on the staircase as the elite peeks out to see Sophie dissappear in the corner.

Y/n: Church see your body?

Church: Yeah I see it.

Tucker looks around as Y/n stand sup and walks up to see Tuckers body there. Tucker looks in front as he quickly see something and looks back and see an elite.

Elite: Demons.

Tucker: There is it!

Church: Open fire!

Then Church, Tex and Tucker open fire at everywhere which the Elite takes cover as Y/n was caught by surprise as he suddenly slip onto the edge and fell onto the ground and lands hard onto the ground onto his back.

Ave: Y/n!

Ashley: Shit!

Sophie see this and runs down while Tucker, Tex and Church ran out of their as they run pass Caboose as he asked.

Caboose: Did we win?

Tucker: Yeah this is a victory lab.

Y/n slowly stands up as Sophie, Ave and Ashley runs up and helps Y/n up while Andy laughs as Y/n stands up straight.

Watcher: So much for some help.

Ashley: You ok?

Y/n: Yeah I'm good, bets this is not gonna be the first time I'm gonna fall off something higher then that.

Andy: (laughter) Oh man, that was the most funniest thing I have ever seen in my whole life.

Y/n: That fact I fell of form a high place or Church and the rest run off?

Andy: Don't know, maybe both.

Crystal appears on the control console.

Crystal: Your a bit rude.

Andy: hey, live in the life baby.

Crystal rolled her eyes as suddenly there was a huge thud behind them as Y/n, Ave, Ashley and Sophie turn and aim their weapons at an elite. The elite active his engery sword as he growls at them.

Ave: (surprised) An elite?

Sophie: Has the Covenant sent in a task team to take us out.

Ashley: Wait something isn't right about this one. His armor looks different like he is in a different faction.

Y/n: Your right, what's going on here?

The Elite roars and charge at them as he swing his engery sword at them. They dodge the elite attack and open fire at him. The Elite Enegry shield blocks the bullets as the Elite roars more and swing his engery sword at Ashley and Ave.

The two dodges as Sophie fired her battle rifle at the elites legs but the engery shield was blocking it as the elite turns to her and swing his energy sword at her. Sophie dodges it as she leap back while firing her battle rifle.

The Elite roars once more before Y/n runs up and tackle the elite as the two fell onto the ground. Y/n punches the Elote in the face which breaks the Elites shield off as the Elite roars at Y/n in rage and throws Y/n away.

Y/n slams onto the wall and fell onto the ground as the Elite stands up and walks over to Y/n as he swing his engery sword back as he try to kill Y/n.

The elite pulls it down but Y/n managed to grabs the Elote arms as he can feel the heat of the energy sword nearly at his helmet.

Ave, Sophie and Ashley surrended the Elite as they aim their guns at him.

Y/n: Take the shot. Can't hold him long.

Elite: Yous will die you filthy Shisno's!

Ashley: That's new.

Ave: Taking the shot.

Ave fired her Assault rifle as it hits the Elite in the waist as he roars in pain and stumbled back. Y/n stands up and upper punches the Elite in the chin.

The elite fell onto the ground unconscious as they gather up with the Elite. Ashley pulls out her Megmun and aims it at the Elite but Y/n said.

Y/n: Don't kill it. We need inform on why he is here and if he is alone.

Ashley: (smirk) What ever you say handsome.

Ave: Still why is there only one Elite here? Where is his squad?

Sophie: Maybe he's scouting this area for us.

Watcher: Well let's interrogate this Elite and find out why he is here.

Y/n: Agree, let's put him into our interrogation room for info.


We see Cali and Remington slowly enter Red Base with their SMG with suppressors on as they slowly walk up to the middle of the bass to see no one here escape for some equipment around and computers.

Cali: No one is here.

Remington: I don't like this.

Cali: Same here.

Cali walks up to one of the computers and turn it on and type something in it and then said.

Cali: Seems like they were the once that sent the distress signal before they were cut off.

Remington: How did that happen?

Cali: No clue, bit we gonna look around before we-

Then they heard something around the corner as they aim their SMG's at that corner. They hear footsteps coming towards them as they ready for what is coming for them.

Soon Donut came out of the corner which Cali and Reading lower their SMG's as Donut said.

Donut: Man what a mess. Sarge is nit gonna be happy when he sees all this.

Cali: Damn it Donut, you nearly scared us a bit.

Donut: Sorry about that girls. I was doing Donut suspension mode and see your friends made some upgrades to our base.

Cali: Looks like it but they are gone all of a sudden. It's like they just left everything and left.

Donut: Spooky. Anyways I'm gonna go check on everyone else and see if Simmons still talks about that imagination tank.

Cali: Ok, we come out as soon as we are......wait......Imagination tank?

Donut: Yeah, Simmons said there was a tank strolling behind Sarge while he was doing his speech. He tried to tell us about it but we think he mite be acting a bit crazy.

Cali and Remington turns to each other and then all three exit out of Red base and walk up to Sarge as they see Grif along with a wrench and a skull as Cali asked.

Cali: Sarge what the hell is this?

Sarge: Well since Simmons is going nuts about an imagination tank, I have no choice but to discharge him for a while until he gets better. At the mean time, we're trying to see who will be our new second in command of red base.

Cali: Is that really necessary to do that to Simmons. Who ever was in that Tank my explain why this place is empty.

Sarge: No way. We can't have one of our troops having this imagination in the military.

Remington: So why is a wrench and a skull here?

Sarge: These will be taking part of who will be second commander. The others are Grif and Donut.

Donut: Yeah I'm gonna win this!

Grif: This sucks.

Cali: (sigh) This is idiotic. Come on Remington let's check up on Simmon.

Remington: Right behind you.

They walk off leaving the recs idiot things as they walk up to Simmons in a circle dirt as Cali asked.

Cali: How you doing Simmon?

Simmon: Terrible, I was doing well and when that tank strolling by, all things came crashing down.

Remington: Well you don't have to be sad about it Simmons. We believe you.

Simmon: Thanks. Still I blame all this to that imagination tank.

Sheila: You sure about that?

They turn to see Sheila which surprises them to see her again.

Cali: (surprises) Sheila, is that you?!

Sheila: Hey girls. Long time no seek. How is you been.

Cali: Very good, see your doing well as well.

Remington: Sorry we abandon you like that. Hope you forgive us.

Sheila: It's alright besides your troops were very kind to me while yous were away.

Cali: Speaking of them, where are they?

Sheila: At blue base, follow me.

They follow Sheila as they arrive at Blue base as they see soldiers their with vehicles parked at the back and soldiers walking apart.

Simmons, Cali and Remington were surprised by all this. Then an ODST with red armor with a symbol of a lion on top of his helmet came out of the base and see them.

Landon: I see yous have returned. The names Sargent Landon, I'm in charge on UNSC Blood Gluch base 1.

Cali: Nice to see yous are alright. Why is there no one in red base and where is everyone else?

Landon: Funny story about red base. You see, one of our troops discovered many rat like creatures strolling around Red Base and they are shown to be poisonous. So we use bas to try to get ride of them.

Remington: But what about that distress singal? We got a distress singal back in our second base.

Landon: Ooooohhhhh that. Well you see, one of our troops enter the base by mistake and breath in the gas that cost him to have hallucinations and he must of seen something that sent in a distress signal.

Simmon: Whoa so all this time it was a false alarm.

Landon: Yep, sorry about that you three. We didn't know that trooper sent a distress singa until one of our crew find out about that later on.

Cali: It's ok Sargent, accidents happens.

Landon: As about the rest of the soldiers you asked earlier, their out scouting and ma,in sure no Covenant is in the area.

Cali: Well that's an relief.

Remington: Hey should tell Sarge and the rest about the gasp in their base?

Landon: Don't worry. The gasp would wear off for a minute now.

Cali: At least that's good. It's also lucky we were wearing our helmets in red base.

Landon: Yeah glad for that.

Simmon: So what did yous did to both bases?

Landon: Let me show you around.

Landon lead them to blue base as they see many soldiers around while with a control console with a map of the area around the canyon.

Simmons was surprises about the technology they have and so many equipment they have and how clean they were. Cali looks down to see another floor at the bottom were she see two warthogs getting some repairs.

Cali: Yous made a second floor?

Landon: Indeed. The second floor is for our vehicle repairs and weapons storage.

Remington: This place is wonderful.

Simmon: You can say that again.

Cali: What about defenses for Covenant attack?

Landon: Look at this console.

They turn to the console as Landon type in a few buttons a different dorm like enegry shield appears over the canyon as Landon said.

Landon: This enegry shield can stand against wave after wave of Covenant bombers. Anti air craft turrets there to blow any Covenant Banshees out for the sky and minefields surrounding the canyon for ground vehicles and Covenant troops. No Covenant is not gonna pet pass us.

Cali: Hope so Sargent. Just hope Y/n and the rest are doing alright at their end.

Simmon: I'm sure their fine.


We seen an beat up Elite in the interrogation room as Y/n looks at the Elite through the glass as Church in his body and Tex walks over to Y/n and Church said.

Church: Whoa you did a good job taking that thing out.

Y/n: Yeah and thanks for your help. Yous did a good job running off while we take care a singal Elite.

Church: Hey Fuck you man, that Elite was touvh alright.

Y/n: Right, moving on.

Tex: Have you found any info about this Elite?

Y/n: Nothing, he's not talking.

Church: Damn he must be one loyal Elite.

Y/n: That's what their kind is about. Loyalty. They will never give up any info even it kills them.

Church: Well fuck.

Tex: What about I come with you and we interrogate him together.

Y/n: You sure? Can you understand their language perfectly?

Tex: Come on Y/n, we face these kinds during the war before my death. I'm sure I can understand their language.

Y/n: Alright here we go.

Y/n and Tex enter the room as an Elite looks at them and then gone on to say.

Elite: I will never say anything! You Shisno will not get anything out of me!

The two were silent as Y/n was waiting for Tex to respond but Tex turns to Y/n and said.

Tex: Yeah I can't understand this Elites Language.

Y/n: Right. Anyways, why are you here?

Elite: I'll never talk.

Tex: What did he say?

Y/n: He won't say.

Tex: Well what about I make him say it.

Elite: Ha! Do your best you Shisno human. I'll never talk.

Tex and Y/n look at each other and then back to the Elite. Moments later Church only hear the screams of pain by the Elite as he peek into the window and see what they were doing to the Elite and moves away form the window.

The Elite lands his head onto the table as he Coagh out blood as Tex crackle her knuckles while Y/n slams his hand onto the table and asked.

Y/n: So....are you gonna tell us now? Or would I allow Tex to beat the living day lights out of you again?

The Elite looks at Tex as she give the Elite a glare as the Elite has no choice and spills it in.

Elite: Ok. I'm with a splinter faction that betrayed Yra and the Covenant as we were told of a false lie by the Prophets and told us a new Great journey.

Tex: The new Great Journey?

Elite: That's right. This being calls himself " The Ring Angel" and he told us that the journey that we were following was a lie and we were going in a wrong path. He told us the new great journey and told us we needed a key to unlock this new great journey. I was among a few to search for this key.

Y/n: This key?

Watcher: He must be talking about the activation index. That's how they will fire this ring.

Elite: No! This key is very ancient and can take us to our true great journey.

Y/n: OK and what Key would that be. What dose it look like?

Elite: I will never tell!

Tex crackle her knuckles once more showing the Elite she will beat her up more. The Elite see this and says.

Elite: The key is a ancient sword that is made by our gods for years. With this key, it will reveal our path to this new great journey.

Y/n: (thought) Wait, Ancient sword? Oh crap.

Then the door open as Tucker came into the room and asked.

Tucker: Wow, when did we have this room? Is this some kind a sex room or what?

The Elite see the ancient sword on Tuckera waist as he stands up and roars out.

Elite: The key!

He then launches at Tucker and tackle him to the ground and start to beat him as Tucker screams out in pain.

Tucker: Ow Ow Ow Ow! Stop that, hey! Ow! What the hell did I do to you!? Ow ow!


Tucker: I don't even know what that mean! Ow Ow Ow!

Watcher: Men that Elite is laying out at him.

Y/n: Yeah........hey should him?

Tex: Eh my arm is a bit tired from all the beaten. Besides, I'm sure Tucker will be alright.

Y/n: Guess so.

Tucker: Ow Ow ow ow! Why dose this always happen to me! Ow Ow Ow! Not in the face! Ow!

To be continued...........

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