Chapter 11: Andy.....who's Andy?
Within the base we see Y/n, Ave, Sophie and Ashley surrendering the controls within the base as we see many soldiers walking about as they slide Gary into their control pad as a hologram of Gary appear next to Crystal as Gary looks up at the four Spartans.
Ave: It's lucky we didn't leave you there because how we can't trust you.
Ave: You said about the great destroyer is Caboose and you said that he'll destroy this ring along with everyone else, is that right?
Y/n: But Caboose isn't the destroyer of worlds. I don't think he can't even hurt a ladybug if he accidentally kills it.
Y/n: And that weapon is a sword?
Crystal: I've look at many files that Watched give me and it shown no records of thsi great destroyer.
Then Watched appears next to Crystal as he nods.
Watcher: Yeah, I never in my whole life never heard about this great destroyer unless he is lying to us.
Y/n: What about those soldiers before they were infected by the Flood. Where they your creatures or just visitors?
Ashley: We pass.
Watcher: Don't know, wanna hear the joke. Go for it Gary.
Watcher: Who's there?
Gary: RING.
Watcher: Ring who?
Watcher: That's......not that funny.
Crystal: I don't like this A.I.
Watcher: Agree.
Y/n: Maybe Tucker can tell me more about that sword he has. Maybe it holds something important.
Ave: That's maybe a possibility.
Ashley: Yeah maybe it holds ultimate power.
Ave: Ultimate power?
Ashley: Yeah it be cool if that sword holds some kind of power, it be awesome.
Y/n: I wish it has, it make either of us unstoppable and pretty cool.
Ashley: Yeah and maybe make you a more handsome once wielded.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah and cool as well. Gonna find Tucker and see if he can tell us about the sword.
Ave: Right, we stay here and see Gary has even more information.
Y/n slides Watcher out and slide it into his helmet and then walks off. He exit out of the base and see Tucker, Church, Caboose, Tex, Cali and Remington as they were listening to Donut story.
Y/n walks over to them and walks up on them once Donut finish his story.
Y/n: Hey guys, what's up?
Cali: Nothing much, just Donut telling us this school about how he saved Christmas.
Y/n: How was it?
Cali: Too confusing and I wather hope there is not a movie about it.
Y/n: Right. Hey Tucker mind I use your sword for a bit?
Tucker: Why, it's mine.
Y/n: It's just for a second and besides, Gary told us that weapon is used to destroy this ring and everyone else on it.
Tucker: Really? Doesn't look deadly to me?
Church: It's a ancient sword Tucker. They may look deadly but five seconds later, boom. The world is on fire.
Tucker: Still I'm not giving it to you.
Church: Besides your not the only one that wants the sword. Texs has been staireing at it for a while.
Y/n turn sto Tex to see her stareing at Tuckers sword all silent.
Y/n: Tex? You alright?
Tex: Sure why?
Y/n: You're looking at the sword for a long time.
Tex: No I'm not.
Y/n: Your looking at it right now.
Tex: I don't know what your talking about, you must be seeing things.
Y/n: OK?
Watcher: Man, you people are weird.
Church: Say to the A.I who have a flood facility in their own ring.
Watcher: Seriously, your still on with that? I told you it was a simple mistake I did. Besides, how was I suppose to know there was a breach in that facility. If those passed soldiers haven't touch anything, then you'll be safe.
Church: Maybe you shouldn't just teleport me there or just destroy it easily and I would be in there at the first place.
Watcher: Oh don't be a baby Church, your armor or "Body" can stand against a single flood infection form so, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Church: I hate you right now.
Watcher: Same page to you man.
Tucker: Jeez and I hoped we haven't to see two church's in our lifes.
Caboose: That would be awesome if there was two Church's. Double friendships.
Y/n: So Donut, what are the reds are doing?
Donut: Well nothing that sent me here to distract the blues in any way.
Y/n: Oh ok then I'm just wounder........wait what?
We see Sarge, Grif and Simmons as they were near their Warthog as they listened to a message through the radio.
??? (Coms): Dose anyone copy please respond. We need back up. Dose any soldiers hear this message over, please tell us?!
Simmon: It doesn't saw the location or what's going on.
Sarge: Hmmm it's on reds coms. Boys, do you know what this means?
Grif: (sigh) That means there is no way we're not getting out of this war.
Sarge: No. It means the red survive the future and defeated the blues! Finally victory is ours at last! Wait...that means I missed the whole battle, Oh damn it.
Grif: Yeah we surely won the war, that's why they sent a distress signal to us.
Simmon: Not to disrespect to you Sarge but what if it's Y/n's UNSC troops? Maybe they mite be in trouble?
Sarge: That's nonsense, why would a different military wonna use our radio either through they have their own.
Grif: Maybe theirs sucks and use ours cause it may have better signal?
Simmon: How would their radios sucks? Their radios are more stronger then ours.
Grif: Either that or they maybe try to contact us for some help.
Sarge: Simmons can you track their singal?
Simmon: Well sir, I have no idea how far it is alone the direction it takes us.
Sarge: Why not? I thought your were our unofficial science officer?
Simmon: That just means I'm smart, if you want me to multiple two big numbers in my head, that I can do. But I can't measure radio signals with no equipment.
Grif: What is 32 × 56?
Simmon: 31,442.
Sarge: Is that right?
Simmon: Yes.
Male UNSC soldiers: Actually It's 1,792, not 31,442.
They turn to the UNSC soldier as Sarge asked.
Sarge: Really, you sure?
Male UNSC soldier: Yeah, I calculated in my head. Guess someone didn't learn maths.
The UNSC soldier walks off as Grif laughs at the driver side seat as he said to Simmons.
Grif: Oh man (laughter) You just got burned right there Simmons. (Laughter)
Simmon: I'll.......I'll work on the radio here Sir.
Above them we see Y/n and the blues as they look down as the reds listening in to the radio as Tex said.
Tex: Their up to something.
Y/n: Their just listening to the radio.
Tex: Yeah but why didn't they tell us about it? Their plotting something.
Rimington: I don't think their not plotting anything.
Church: Maybe their scheming?
Tex: No, Scheming is different. Their plotting something down there.
Y/n: Tex I think you should relax, after all we're all in the same side.
Tucker: Yeah reds and blues are all the same. It's just something we've been told.
Church: Look I don't know who to believe. We have a group of soldiers, a huge alien over us and all this crazy shit so I don't know who to believe.
Y/n: Maybe I head down there and ask them what's going on?
Tex: I don't think they can't tell you.
Y/n: Why, we're in the same side right? I'm sure they can tell.
Then Caboose pop his head out of the door as he said.
Caboose: There just listening to a distress signal that the reds have gotten and their trying to pin point it's location.
They turn to Caboose with surprises that Caboose knew all that.
Y/n: (surprises) Whoa how did you know that?
Caboose: Oh I didn't. Andy told me.
Y/n: Andy? Who's Andy? Cali do we have a soldier name Andy here?
Cali: I don't think so.
Y/n: So if its not our men then....who the hell is Andy?
(Short while later)
They were in the base as they circle around Andy......which Andy is a bomb. They stare at the bomb for a while as they were confused how this bomb not only spoke but has a name.
Y/n: Um Caboose? Unless if we're high or something on drugs, is this Andy?
Caboose: Yes. He told me about the reds radio signal. Isn't that right Andy?
Y/n: Riiiigghhht?
Watcher: And here I thought my insanity was crazy but your friend here named a bomb Andy and believes he can talk.
Church: Caboose, I don't think a bomb can't talk.
Caboose: (whisper) Why aren't you saying anything. Your embarrassing me with all my friends.
Y/n: Yeah, I'll put this away so it won't get in anyone's way.
Y/n grabs the bomb and picks it up and he can feel how heavy it was as he try to lift it.
Caboose: I'm sure he'll won't like you lifting him like that.
Y/n: Why it's just a bomb. Damn this bomb weigh like a tone.
Andy: Or maybe your just weak and didn't do much exercise.
Y/n: (Shocked) HOLY FUCKING SHI-
Then Y/n let's go that Andy crashes onto Y/n foot with a crack on Y/n's foot as he scream out in pain.
The echoe go through the base and ignore outside were we see O'Malley/ Doc at the beach with a army of Lopez robots as he turns to hear Y/n's cry.
O'Malley: Wow. That sounded like someone have a extreme pain.
Doc: That sounded like Y/n, I think he might be hurt.
O'Malley: Oh well. Lopez is my army done?
Lopez: (spanish) Why are you asking me? I have no body you idiot.
O'Malley: Excellent. Now let my rain of revenge. Lopez active it.
Lopez: (spanish) Ok.
Lopez turns on his robot army as they have their heads lift up as O'Malley looks at them all as he pulls out his rocket launcher and said.
O'Malley: Now.....let's the battle begin.
Ave, Sophie and Ashley burst into the base after hearing Y/n cry as they rush in as they draw out their weapons and Ave asked.
Ave: Y/n what happened. We heard your cry, what's the-
But they lower their weapons to see Y/n laying on the ground as Rimington was patching his foot while the rest turns to Andy which was the bomb.
Sophie: What happened?
Rimington: Well Caboose told us that Andy told them about the reds distress singal and show us Andy, which he is a bomb. Y/n picks it up in order to put it safe but when he talked, he drop it and Andy landed onto his foot.
Ave, Ashley and Sophie:...........
Ashley: Um can you go back to the all "Bomb can talk" thing?
Sophie: That's doesn't make any sense.
Andy: Oh so a alien war doesn't make sense to you huh?
The girls were surprises as they walk over to everyone else. Y/n slowly stands up as Rimington helps him over to the rest as Watcher appears on Y/n's shoulder and said.
Watcher: Ok, I'm maybe a ancient A.I that lives in a ring that will destroy the universe......but a talking new to me.
Andy: What? Never seen a bomb talk before? You think your better then me just because your ancient.
Church: OK just calm down there.
Andy: (angry) Don't tell me to calm down, I am calm!
Ashley: That doesn't sound calm to me.
Y/n: Tex how did you made a bomb that can talk?
Tex: I didn't. I just scrap some parts form a crashed ship.
Sophie: What crash ship was it?
Tex: No clue but there was a name of it. I think it's called "The Free for all."
Y/n: (shocked) The Free for All?!
Tex: yeah why?
Y/n: That's our ship. That's how we gotten here.
Tex: Oh.....guess that make sense.
Ave: You must have found some kind a A.I chip somehow very and plug it into a bomb.
Ashley: That's doesn't seem physical possible.
Cali: There is Sheila which she is a tank, so I see that's possible.
Rimington: Yeah I agree on Cali for that.
Ashley: Fairt point.
Church: Hey Caboose, tell Andy to calm down or he'll havea melt down.
Caboose: Ok Andy, we're not here to hurt you or anything else. We're all friends here.
Andy: Yeah right.
Caboose: Cheer up Andy. Think of something happy. Wha makes you happy?
Andy: Being in a huge fire ball of a explosion that shakes the ground below me.
Y/n: (whisper) Less happy thoughts caboose.
Caboose: Think of calming thoughts uhh let's count backwards from ten! Ten, Nine, Eight, sev-
Cali: No! I mean, no that's alright Caboose thanks for the help. Let's use take care of this.
Caboose: Oh ok glad I could help.
Y/n: So what are we gonna do?
Tex: We gonna calm him down or he'll explose and kills us all.
Y/n: How?
We see Grif walking through the base as he was ordered by Sarge to distract the blues so they can make their way to the singal they have gotten.
Male UNSC Sargent: Ah Private Grif, good to see you.
Grif turns as a Sargent walks over to him as Grif sighs and said.
Grif: Hey, do you want something?
Male UNSC Sargent: Just here to report the scouting mission around he area to the Spartans.
Grif: Why do you take orders to these guys? Their just soldiers in fancy suits and equipment.
Male UNSC Sargent: Their the last line of defence against extinction from the Covenant.
Grif: How many are there?
Male UNSC Sargent: A lot but we're lucky we have four, otherwise we be fucked huh.
Grif: Yeah sure, whatever. I'm just here to distract the blues and be our way.
Male UNSC Sargent: Ok, you do your own thing.
The two wlak through the halls until they arrive where the Spartans were at as the Sargent hose on to say.
Male UNSC Sargent: Spartans, scout team came back with mission-
But he look up only for Grif and the Sargent to see they place around candles everywhere as they were around the bomb as they said calm and slow voices.
Y/n: OK, your laying on a fluffy cloud. Your alone escape to your thoughts alone. Now....think of something relaxing like a calm music or a nice peaceful landscape.
Tex: Breath in to your noise (breath in) and out to the mouth (breaths out). Again, Breath into your noise (breath in) and out from the mouth.
Cali: Rimington find anymore candles?
Rimington: (coms) I'm looking for them for them now Cali.
The Sargent and Grif just stand there and watch this gossip on as the two look at each other and back to them. They slowly walk back into the halls and leave them to their
Within the Flag ship of the Covenant, we see Yra at the bridge as his crew is monitoring the ring and it seems quite as they type into their hologram keypads as they worked. Yra was sat on his chair looking at the ring and hopes it gets repaired soon.
One Eilte crew's computers were beeping as he checks it and see a ship his coming to their flag ship.
Elite crew: Ship master, we have a ship coming towards us?
Yra: What ship is it?
Elite crew: Scanning it now.
Yra stood up and walks over to the elite as he scans the ship. After a while the ship is revealed to be their own as it over shown its badly damaged like it was attacked.
Yra: Have you made contact from that drop ship?
Elite Crew: Not yet Ship master. Want me to identify the ship for you?
Yra: Let me do it.
The Elite nods as Yra lend over and press a button to contact the drop ship.
Yra: This is ship master Yra, state your identity and yoru reasoning coming here?
There was no response as Yra tries it again and again but there was no response.
Yra: Open the hanger Bay and order all troops to get ready. We might have company.
The elie nods as he contact every Covenant in the ship while Yra exit out of the bridge.
Soon he arrived at the hanger bay as he see the drop ship docking as Covenant troops surrounds the drop ship and aim their plasma weapons at it.
Yra: Open your doors now, that is a order.
Yra get ready his engery sword as his troops were ready on what ever comes out. The doors open as they were ready for a fight, but a badly injured Elite step out of the drop ship badly hurt and coughing out blood.
Elite commander: Ship.....master.
The Elite commander fell onto the floor as Yra rushes over and been down to his dieing commander as he asked.
Yra: What did the demon done to you?
Elite Commander: N-No. It's not (coughing) the demons. We.....we were betrayed by our own troops.
Yra: (shocked) What?!
Elite Commander: We-We have reserved a transmission from a unknown location so we sent in a few (coughing) A few scout to investigate. When they didn't return we sent a rescue team and they never came. I was about to sent more until......until they came back but.......when we let them in......they.......they attack us, slaughtering us like animals, saying that the Prophets have lied to us and a New Great Journey will lead us
Then the elite commander died as he took his last breath. Yra can't believe half of his troops down at the ring dare to betray the Covenant like that. The rest of the Covenant troops were shocked as Yra now realise he now has to deal another problem, which is destroy the heretics for their betrayal against the Covenant.
We see Y/n and the rest are now calm including Andy as Church takes a breather and said.
Church: Alright, we're all calm. We are relaxed and none of us is not gonna get mad.
Caboose: See Andy, is it nice to be calm for a moment.
Andy: Yeah I guess so. Hey, are you talking about me?
Church: What, no. I'm not talking about you.
Andy: You sure?
Church: Yeah I'm sure. I'm actually talking about Tex.
Tex: Excuse me?
Church: Yeah, Tex always get mad all the time and sometimes a bitch. Is that right Tex?
Tex: (whisper) Church, the hell are you doing?
Church: (whisper) Hey, wanna get blown up, play along.
Andy: I don't know.
Tex: Yeah I'm always angry a lot.
Church: And what happens when you get mad Tex?
Tex: I'll may accidentally kill someone near me including others who annoy me. So I need to be calm all the times.
Caboose: Tell him about the moodiness. And he crankiness.
Tucker: Also mention how you like to punch people in the head while their asleep.
Caboose: That was you?! I thought the tooth fairy was mad at me.
Andy: Wow, she's sounds like a real handful.
Y/n: I wather not say that right in front of her.
Tex: (anger) Alright listen here you little news firecracker.
Cali: Tex take it easy, calm. You can beat your ex-boyfriend after we're calm.
Y/n: Yeah, just as long we're calm and happy with no attacks, no explosions, no stress, no angry or sadness. There everything is alright.
Then there was a rocket explosion outside of the base as their hear O'Malley laughter as blue beams flys back behind them. A UNSC soldier run into the room and said.
Male UNSC soldier: Spartans, we may have a problem.
Y/n:.......Why dose everything I say "Everything is alright" and right after that, things aren't ok.
Ave: Lets see what's going on.
They all rush out while Tex and Tucker head to the second to get into battle station as they rush outside and meet up with soldiers as they just standing around as Y/n runs over and asked.
Y/n: what are yous doing? Aren't we under attack?
Male UNSC Sargent: Yes but poorly.
Y/n was confused as they turn to see a line up of bots as each fire a plasma shot as they just said "charge" or "fire" in a low voice. The plasma shots were easy to avoid as troops just move out of the way from the shots.
Y/n: This......this is the most poorly attack all times.
Male UNSC Sargent: Agree.
Ashley: Should back?
Sophie: Is there a point? I mean, no one isn't dieing.
Church: Yeah who ever made those bots are stupid as a rock.
Then they hear O'Malley's laughter above a building beside his robot army as he spoke in Spanish given by Lopez.
O'Malley: (spanish) Hey everyone! I am purple Jerk. And I love drink motor oil.
Everyone stare at O'Malley as his bots also turn and stare up at him as they find that weird.
O'Malley: That's pretty long don't you think?
Lopez: (spanish) It's a very poetic language.
O'Malley: (spanish) My butt is very big. And I like to rub my butt. And I like to sniff my own huttb and kiss my own butt.
A few UNSC soldiers who understand spanish laughs as a few who doesn't understand Spanish asked what did he say. They told them and they were laughing as even four Spartans can't help but laugh a little.
Cali shakes her head until she turn and notice the reds were gone and asked.
Cali: Where is the reds?
Y/n and the Spartans turn to see their warthog was gone as they look around until Rimington see Donut took O'Malley's Ghost and drive off.
Rimington: There's Donut!
Cali: Where is he going?
Y/n: No clue but go after them. Maybe they can tell us what's up.
Cali: Right, come on Rimington, I needed you.
Rimington: Right.
They run up to a Mongoose and Cali got into a driver seat while Rimington was at the back. They drive off through the bots and through the gates as they follow Donut to find the reds.
Ave: So what about them?
Y/n: Don't know, should we blow them up?
Church: Yeah I think so, hey you guys got a rocket launcher.
Y/n: Yeah no way we're not giving you a rocket Launcher.
Watcher: Yeah, can't have you blow up yourself or anyone else.
Church: Oh shut up you stupid mother fuc-
Then there was a an explosion as they turn back and see the bots get stuck by plasma grenade and get blown up as they step back.
Y/n: The hell, how throw a plasma grenade?
Male UNSC Sargent: No one sir.
Y/n: Then who?
They hear O'Malley's cries as Y/n and Sophie get their weapons ready as they rushes over to where teh scream was at and once there, O'Malley and along with Lopez was gone.
Y/n: The hell, where did he go?
Sophie: Did Tex deal with them?
Y/n: Maybe. Actually where is she?
Tex: Right behind you.
The two jump forward in a fright as they turn to see Tex as Tex turn to the destroy bots and said in surprises.
Tex: (surprises) Wow nice work on taking care the bots you two.
Y/n: Us? I thought you did it?
Tex: Me? I was trying to active Tuckers sword.
Y/n: What? If it isn't you then who- wait, how did you get Tuckers sword?
Tex: I have my ways.
Y/n: OK?
Church over hears this as he has a thought a runs back to the base. Once there he hears Gary repeatedly saying.
Crystal Gary, calm down please!
Church rusn up to the control as he asked.
Church: How long has he been going on?
Crystal: Evee since the plasma explosions started. He just can't stop saying.
Church: OK, OK, OK, Gary stop! If Tex, Tucker or Caboose isn't the destroyer then who is?
Then Gary gose silent for a bit as they waited for him to say something.
Church: Gary?
Crystal: Um.....Church.
Behind Church was an Elite as he active his engery sword as he growls at Church from behind as Church says.
Church: Who's there?
To be continued...........
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