Chapter 1: The arrival of Blood Gulch

Open our story with a UNSC ship drifting through the empty void of space with no planets or UNSC space stations anywhere just a UNSC Destroyer class called the " The Free for All."

The ship drifted through space as it holds several hundred UNSC Marins, ODST's and a hand full of Vehicles. They also have a few Spartans within the ship reseting after they escape a Covenant attack on a UNSC planet.

In the cockpit we see the crew on their controls checking on a few systems and making sure things were in order. We see Captain Jackson William looking through a large screen window looking at space and turn to one of his crew near him and asked.

Jackson: Have we got a signal to any UNSC planets yet?

Male crew: No sir, nothing. There isn't a UNSC signal anywhere. Want me to scan the area again?

Jackson: Yes. We gonna get back to UNSC space, where ever we are. Crystal.

Then a blue holograms like A.I appear on the holo table as Jackson turns and walks over to her.

Crystal: Yes Captain William?

Jackson: How is things doing around the ship?

Crystal: Things are working in order Captain. The turrets are online, Oxygen is stable and the shields are 100%.

Jackson: That's good. We need to hold on if the Covenant founds us. We must be on stand by if anything happens.

Male crew 2: Sir I got something.

Jackson: What is it?

Male crew 2: We got a transmission but it's not in UNSC radio.

Jackson: Is it Covenant?

Male Crew 2: You may wanna see this.

Then the  second crew plays the message that is been heard within the cockpit.

???: Hello blue command, come in blue command. This is private Tucker and um.....we need a madic here because....well let's just say the black armor chick you sent kinda died. If you call us back that would be great, Private Tucker out.

The the message ends and the Crew looks at each other with questions including Jackson he doesn't remember a private named Tucker but he asked.

Jackson: Can we track the message?

Male Crew 2: Yes sir.

Jackson: Good jump into slip space Crystal and let's find out that message.

Crystal: As you wish Captain. Do you want me to awake the Spartans?

Jackson: Yes please, I been dieing for a humour on one Spartan.

Crystal: You mean Spartan-453?

Jackson: (smirk) That's right.

Crystal: Aye Sir.

Then the blast shield sealed the windows of the bridge and a large portal appear and the "Free for All" enters slip space to track down that message.


Within a ship we see a lot of cryo chambers where they hold four Spartans as they rest easily for a while. Then a UNSC soldier enters the cryo chamber room and walks over to the controls and then the four Chambers start to open.

The first was Spartan-453's as steam came pouring put as Spartan-453 starts to wake up as we see his armor as he groaned as he step out and said to himself.

Y/n: Damn is it morning time already?

UNSC Soldier: Good morning Spartan, how is you today?

Y/n: Good and I told you to call me Y/n. I know I maybe a supee soldier fighting a alien empire but we're all humans right?

UNSC soldier: Far point.

Y/n: So any news about my brother so far?

UNSC soldier: Sorry sir, nothing.

Y/n: Yep. Just like always.

???: (smirk) Your starting to miss your brother?

Y/n turns to see Spartan-556 also known as Ave as she walks up to Y/n and Y/n takes off his helmet as we see his H/C and E/C as he said to Ave.

Y/n: Yeah kinda sucks to be split up with one of your families.

Ave: (smirk) Yeah but you got to admit. Your proud of brother being this bagasse Spartan who is ranked Master chief.

Y/n: Yep while I'm Ranked lieutenant.

Ave: At least that's something.

Y/n: (smile) True.

???: I really hate these things.

Then Spartan-446 also known as Ashley steps out of the chamber feeling sick and Spartan-889 also known as Sophie walks up and pats Ashley on the back.

Sophie: You ok Ashley?

Ashley: Yeah just those cryo chamber always made me sick all the time.

Sophie: You'll get use to it.

Y/n and Ave walks up to them and Sophie asked.

Sophie: So where do you think we are?

Ave: Don't know but anywhere that doesn't have Covis on our ass.

Sophie: Hope so.

Y/n: Well where ever we are, can't be worse then the Covenant.

Then outside of the ship, we the ship exit out of slip space and arrive at their destination.

Crystal (speakers): Spartan-453, report to the bridge, Captain William would like to see you.

Y/n: (smirk) Cool looks like he needs me. See you girls around.

Ave: (smile) Take care Y/n.

Y/n walks pass them and exit out of the room as Sophie smiles and said.

Sophie: (smile) Y/n is always handsome as usual.

Ave: (smile) Yeo, he sure is.

We see Y/n walking down the halls of the ship still holding his helmet on his waist as he smiles at every soldier and crew walking by him and they smile back and wave at him and some salute to him to show respect towards him.

Everyone in the crew show Y/n respect because he is related one of the most heroic Spartan's humanity could ever have, John-117 the Master Chief. Y/n enter the bridge as Jackson turns and smiles when Y/n walks up to him and asked.

Y/n: (smile) You needed me Cap?

Jackson: (smile) Good to see you awake. Did you sleep well?

Y/n: (smile) Eh it was alright but probably bring a pillow next time so I won't have a headache.

Jackson: (smile) I'll keep a note of that.

Y/n: So what's happening here Cap?

Jackson: It's best you see this for yourself Spartan.

Then the blast shield opens up and Y/n looks out of the window and he was amazed in shock as he was faced with a large ring that is a size of a planet.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit!

Jackson: We reserve a transmission from a unknown person who calls himself Private Tucker and we believe that is what it came from.

Y/n: Is it on UNSC radio?

Jackson: No but he is using military channel but nothing we never seen.

Y/n: Right and that huge ring that support to be worn by a gain for their wedding?

Jackson: Unknown but what ever it is, there is someone in there that is asking for help. I want you to take a hand full of ODST's down there and find that soldier by any needs necessary.

Y/n: ODST's huh? Dose that means I have to use drop pods to enter that....thing?

Jackson: Yes.

Y/n: Crap.

Jackson: (smile) Cheer up Spartan at least you can jump down like a badass.

Y/n: Yeah but I meant by jumping off from a ship and falling down into a planet. That would be soo cool, I bet my brother is gonna do that someday.

Jackson: (smile) Maybe one day. Now get going.

Y/n: (sigh) Yes sir.

Y/n left the bridge and Crystal appear and ask Jackson.

Crystal: He's not like other Spartans I've seen.

Jackson: (smile) That's because Y/n weather to show some humour and make some jokes wather being all serious all the time. Besides I like a humour Spartan on my ship.

Crystal: As you wish Captain.

Jackson: Now let's see what this things is.

Jackson turns to unknown planet wanted to know what it is.


Y/n enter the drop pod room as he enters and see four ODST's troopers, two females and two males as they turn to see Y/n and they Salute to him and Y/n said.

Y/n: At ease troopers. I see yous are ready to head down to this unknown planet.

Cali: Yes sir. My name is Sargent Cali and these are my squad.

Frank: Names Frank, I'm your Marks man.

Robert: Robert, I'm your technical and hacker.

Remington: Remington, I'm the rookie of this squad and it's very nice to meet you. I heard that your related to the Master Chief.

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's right.

Remington: (smile) It's a honour meeting the brother of the greatest Spartan around.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So is your squad ready for the drop?

Cali: Yes sir, so what's the situation.

Y/n: OK here's our mission.

Then Y/n pulls out a hologram of thr ring on the table which shocked them as Y/n explains.

Y/n: We reverse a transmission in that planet or something like that. Our mission is to track down what ever who sent it and establish a base there.

Frank: Do we know it's someone in that planet? What if this is a trap?

Robert: By who the Covenant? I highly think not, this planet is not like human or Covenant technology we've never seen. Who ever made it it's not Covis or by us.

Y/n: Still we need to head down their and find out for sure. Any questions?

Cali: When do we drop?

Y/n: (smile) Right now Sargent.

Then they head to a nearby weapons holder to grab their weapons and reloading them. Y/n walks over and pick himself a battle rilfe and twin SMG's.

He also grab some Frag Grenada's and once that they all enter to their pods and Y/n felt kinda nervous a little but he enters it and his pod closes.

Y/n: (thought) Just breath it in Y/n. It's just like a roller coaster escaped your falling through space and into a unknown Alien planet but it's fine, we all be fin-

Then the his the rest of the pods get shot out towards the planet as Y/n could feel his stomach coming up but he holds it in as they were descended descended down towards the planet.

(At a short while)

We see the pods exit out of the clouds and they head towards the ground. Soon they made a impact as soon the doors burst out wardsa and Cali and her squad exit out. Y/n on the other hand slowly exit out and he feel onto the ground with his face as he groaned.

Robert: You ok Sir?

Y/n: Yeah, Yeah just......need to rest here for a bit.

Frank: I thought all Spartans can handle drop pods.

Y/n stands up and wipes the dust out of his armor and said to Frank.

Y/n: Yeah but I'm kinda different to all Spartans so yeah.

Cali: Looks like we're in a middle of nowhere.

Remington: Do you think this is were the signal is at?

Frank: I'll scout ahead, see what I can see.

Cali: Go for it Trooper.

Frank nods and scouts ahead. Y/n and the rest waited for him and Remington walks up to Y/n and asked.

Remington: So what is your brother like?

Y/n: Oh well picture me but I'm more serious and wants to complete the mission without a joke or a laugh. Plus he likes to have his helmet on for some reason but, who can I have to judge, his armor is kinda badass.

Remington: (smile) I even heard he and his squad was the first once to face the Covenant and shown that they can be defeated.

Y/n: Yep my brother is awesome alright.

Remington: (smile) I kinda like your sense of humour, it's no wonder Sargent Cali has a car-

Cali: (blush) Private Remington, mind your business will you!

Remington: (nervous) Whoops sorry.

Y/n: (thought) What was the thing she was about to say? Probably nothing.

Frank (coms): Sargent do you copy over?

Cali: I'm here trooper, find anything?

Frank (coms): Yeah and you may wanna see this.

Cali: On our way. (Turns off coms) Let's move.

Then they start to wall were Frank went to. They walk for a while until they reach a small Canyon with Frank looking down with his Sniper rifle and turn to see them and stands up.

Cali: Report Trooper.

Frank: I was scouting ahead when I came across this Canyon here. At first it was nothing but then I heard someone talking done their so I look down and....well you better have a look.

They all look down at the Canyon and they were surprised to see two bases within the Canyon. One was blue at the far end and another was red and also was at the other side. The blue one was the one closes to them as Cali said to herself.

Cali: What the hell is this?

Y/n: Must be military base.

Robert: I've seen many bases but this isn't many I've seen.

Remington: Do you think this might be a trap?

Cali: Let's get down there and find out. Everyone have a robe?

Robert: Right here Sargent.

Robert hands Cali the robe which she tied it onto a rock and throw the rest down to a hill. Cail gone down first to check its safe. Once safe she claim down. The rest followed as well and very soon they drop down and draw out their weapons as they look around for ambush but nothing.

Cali: Keep an eye out on anything.

Robert: Looks like it's empty.

Cali: Frank head up on that hill and check it out.

Frank: Yes Ma'am.

Frank runs up a hill nearby and Y/n zooms in on his helmet and spotted a few unknown soldiers all blue talking to a purple soldier in front of them.

Y/n: Looks like this IS a military base.

Cali: Why is that?

Y/n: Couple of soldiers at the blue base.

Cali: I see them.

Remington: Are they friendly or not?

Y/n: I'll go first and if things are safe, you'll come.

Cali: Understood, Frank will have your back.

Y/n: (smirk) Sargent relax, some bullets aren't gonna stop this Spartan. I should be fine.

Cali: Hope so.

Y/n walks up to the base and up to the soldiers who is standing in front of the base. Once there they were business talking to the purple soldier in front of them and hadn't noticed Y/n so Y/n calls out for them.

Y/n: Excuse me are you soldiers of this base?

They all turn to face Y/n and one of the soldiers asked.

???: Who the fuck are you?

Y/n: I'm Spartan-453 and We've received your transmission. You must be private Tucker?

Church: What no, I'm Church. That's Tucker. Wait a minute? You call for back up?!

Tucker: No? I call a medic not this guy.

Chruch: Then who? Wait? Are you from the Reds?

Y/n: Reds? No and who are they?

Tucker: You sure? Your viser is red.

???: Yeah unless it's just ketchup on you. I sometimes do that.

Chruch: Caboose shut it and you, tell me your not a freelancer gonna fucking murder us all. If you are kill Tucker and Caboose first so I can't stand them anymore.

Y/n What no I'm not......what ever these reds are so let's calm down.

???: I'll listen to him, he doesn't look like a freelancer or anything I've never seen.

Y/n: If you want proof, I have a squad of ODST's with me.

He turns and wave Cali, Robert and Remington to come and they came and they stand behind Y/n.

Tucker: Oh shit Church there's girls! We're saved!

Cali: I'm starting to not like that guy.

Tucker: So are yous signal cause if you are, I can show you around if you know what I mean.

Cali points her shotgun at Tucker as she said.

Cali: Best not get near me or my private otherwise this will enter your helmet and into your skull.

Tucker: (scared) OK point taking.

???: Well now yous are checked out, I'll head to Red base and I'll be leaving.

Y/n: So there is Soldiers at the other side of that base we just saw?

???: That's right. I'm ordered to check out both bases to see if I care to some help.

Y/n: You mean someone is in charge here?

Church: Yeah Blue command.

Cali: Blue command?

Caboose: Yeah he is a guy who talks to us, give us supplies and give us a killer freelancer that turns out horrible wrong.

Caboose (???): And I will seek my revenge!

Y/n: Is....your soldier ok?

Tucker: He's been doing that creepy voice and threatened to cut my heart out and give it to chruch for his birthday present.

Remington: Ew.

Church: Yeah and calls himself O'malley but I'll don't give a fuck.

Y/n: Well let's check on Red base and see what's going on.

Church: Well if are best to put away your weapons. Cause when you get near them, there gonna shot it out of yous.

Then suddenly a sniper went by them and Y/n and the rest scramble for cover while Church said.

Church: that. SCATTER!

The blues also take cover as bullets fly by them as Y/n gets to cover with Cali, Chruch, Tucker and the medic while Remington and Robert is with Caboose at another rock near Y/n's.

Cali: Frank who's shooting at us!

Frank looks through his sniper rifle and was confused to see who is shooting was another group of soldiers with red armor. Well one was the rest were wearing Orange, Maroon and Pink.

Frank (coms): Ma'am there is soldiers shooting at you.

Cali: What?!

Y/n Why are they shooting at us?

Church: Because that is war.

Y/n: War?

Church: OK Tucker you go with Doc and help out Caboose and Y/n's squad.

Tucker: There is no way I'm going out there.

Chruch: Tucker we have no time for this, we gonna give you some covering fire.

Tucker: Covering fire? Unless you gonna build a huge wall here to Caboose. You need a better plan.

Cali: Oh for fuck sakes.

Frank (coms) Got clear shot on them. Promise to shoot?

Y/n: Negative hold your fire until we find out what's going on.

Frank (coms) Copy that.

Church: Damn it. Ok Doc go head their and help Caboose.

???: My name isn't Doc, it's DuFresne.

Y/n: DuFresne? That's kinda a weird name to call you?

Church: Yeah for now on, your name is Doc.

???: I'm kinda uncomfortable of that name. I'm not a doctor I'm a medic.

Tucker: What's the difference?

???: Well  doctor helps people while a medic helps them while dieing.

Tucker: Mental note: Don't ever get shot.

Y/n: I think Doc is a good nickname for you. It's good to have nicknames during battle. Cali what's your nickname?

Dali: Devil's mama.

Y/n: That's a badass name.

Dali: (little blush) Thanks.

Church: It settled then, your name is now Doc.

Doc: Alright but I don't think it won't fit.

Tucker: Trust us, it will fit.

Church: Now head over there and assist Caboose and Y/n's squad.

Doc: I'm not allowed to get involved in battle situations.

Church: Oh come on.

Doc: Besides I can only go there unless someone is hurt.

Church: Hurt huh?

Church slowly aim his magnum at Caboose's foot and takes a shot.

Caboose (distance) Ow!

Robert: (distance) Wow friendly fire!

Church: Well looks like Caboose is injured. Best you head their and help him.

Doc: You know, you could have just asked nicely.

But Doc heads over there and Church and Tucker takes cover and Y/n asked.

Y/n: So mind telling us what's going on?

Tucker: So you literally don't know about this war huh?

Y/n: And what war are you talking about?

Church: OK I'll put yous up into speed. We are fighting those reds over there and our objective is to kill them all and win the war.

Cali: Wait so those reds are you enemies?

Y/n: That's kinda weird.

Tucker: Hey at least we're doing something and now we have a few girls here we can-

Cali points her shotgun at Tucker again.

Cali: Don't you even think about it.

Tucker nervously moves away a little and Church was impressed by turns back to Y/n and explains.

Church: So yeah thats all you need to know so far.

Y/n: Right and has any of yous ever got a heads up on those reds?

Church: Not a chance, heck theye even stole our flag one time that cost me my life.

Y/n: Woah that's unlikely.

Church: I know, this sucks.

Y/n: Yeah.........wait what do you mean cost your life?

Cali: Guys they stop fireing.

Then they realised the reds have stopped fireing and they peek out and see they have stopped fireing.

Tucker: Looks like they stopped.

Chruch: Yeah wonder why.

Then a red soldier steps forward and calls out to them.

???: Hey blues, we give yous a change to surrender.

Church: Surrender?

Y/n: This gonna be good.


Back on the "The Free for All" Jackson was with Ave, Sophie and Ashley at the bridge as they were waiting for Y/n to call but it didn't happen for a while.

Ashley: Y/n hasn't called back. I'm kinda worried.

Sophie: Do you think he might be introuble?

Jackson: If he is we must sent back up and find him. Get your gears up, you'll be landing about a-

Male crew: Sir we have a slip space appear within our radar!

Jackson: Is it UNSC?

Male Crew: No I think it's-

Then suddenly the ship shake violently as if something hit them and sirens filled the ship and everyone mend their battle stations.

Jackson: Crystal what hit us!

Crystal: A plasma shot hit he shop Captain. I think they found us.

Ave and the rest of the Spartans look at each other in shocked and Aston Jackson as he runs over to the window and looks and see a small Covenant Fleet in their right and fireing their cannons at them.

Jackson: This isn't good. (Turns yo his crew) All cannons open fire, get all troopers ready for combat and update me if Y/n and his squad contact us and tell them Covis are gonna knock on their door!

The crew scramble to their stations and Jackson turns to the Spartans and said to them.

Jackson: Yous do the same. Get into gear and defend this ship if the Covenant decides to board.

Ave: (smirk) You got it sir.

The Spartans heads out while Jackson turns back to the Covenant Fleet and hopes that Y/n can contact them soon.

To be continued.........

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