Chapter VII

José found it extremely difficult to find his lost friend. Its just like what Donald said before, there's nothing. Everything looks endless, blanketed by whiteness. It was freezing cold. For a tropical man whose not to fond of weather below 60 degrees, it was miserably cold. He was reduced to rely on his body heat since his lighter ran out of gas and his cigar died out. If being cold wasn't bad enough for him, he had to relive old memories. Out of the blue, a screen would pop out of nowhere and play a fragment of his memory. The first time really startled him. The first memory he encountered was one when he was a kid and he fell of a tree as he tried to get the soccer ball down and broke his leg trying. Some of the memories were fun ones too. Like how his young self and some of the neighborhood kids would build sandcastles on the beach in Rio or dance with the pretty women at parties. He enjoyed strolling down memory lane for a while. But the last couple ones were memories that he would liked to have forgotten for good. Like him begging for money as a kid by selling gum, only to receive a few cents and disgusted glares or the time he was mugged and beaten by some of those "friends" he used to play with.

He called out to Donald as he wandered around aimlessly, looking for any signs of where he might be. When he looked to his side, he was surprised when he saw a figure in the distance. He focused in on it and deciphered what it was. A boy from the looks of it. He looked like he could be around 5 years old. Give or take. He was dressed like a Victorian peasant. He wore a black hat, black waistcoat and trouser. He was squatting down with his knees to his chest and drawing on the floor with a red crayon. Unlike the folks in the movies that wanted to investigate a mysterious apparition and inevitably ended up dead, José chose the smart way and backed off. He slowly, very cautiously, kept on walking to avoid having any contact with the boy. But when he turned his head forward, the boy was standing in front of him. José jumped with fear and froze in place, staring down at the boy's dull, dark purple eyes.

He gulped and said

-O-Olá- He even waved hello so he didn't look intimidating to the tiny child. -I-I m-m you no harm. I'm h-he to look for my f-fend- José stretched out his arms to show the boy that he wasn't concealing anything. -Look! I have n-nothing!- He quickly pulled them back when the cold air hit him.

The boy cupped his chin with his thumb and index finger and examined the frightened and cold man. He then poked José's thighs repeatedly. A bit irritated, José grabbed his tiny, pale hands and squatted down to his level.

-Sinto muito. But I don't have time to play around- But the boy didn't listen, he head-butted José. -Listen!- He grunted. He felt bad for yelling at the child and took a deep breath to calm himself. -H-Have you seen a guy with white hair around here?& He asked.

The boy nodded his head up and down.

José's face lit up.

-Você tem?! Where?! Show me!- He asked ecstatically. He let go of the boys cold hands. The boy then ran in the direction that the Brazilin had intended to go to earlier, with José following him close behind. For a kid he sure can run, he thought. Luckily for him, the stamina of running kept him warm and rejuvenated. Suddenly, the boy stopped. José took a few moments to catch his breath and asked why the boy stopped. The boy pointed in the distance at a silhouette. José was elated. The silhouette was undoubtedly Donald.

José dashed to his friends side and was shocked to find the state he was in. Donald laid face down and his pale arms and legs were bruised. José fell to his knees and rolled Donald over on his back. His joy soon turned to horror when he saw that Donald had a large, black eye on his left eye, his lips were a light blue color and his face was deathly pale. José moved Donald's white bangs to the side of his face and felt his icy cold forehead.

-It cant be- he muttered with a cracking tone in his voice.

He placed his ear near his blue lips, but couldn't hear him breathing. He then moved his ear down to his chest. But there was no heartbeat. José placed his right palm on top of Donald's left breastbone, placed his other hand on top of his and preformed a few chest compressions. He opened Donald's mouth and gave him two full breaths. He tried again and again, but he eventually collapsed onto Donald's chest when he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He wept and apologized to the body for not reaching him in time. Then, he felt small tugs from his sleeve. He looked up and saw the boy kneeling beside Donald's face.

The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a hand sized, floating, glowing blue orb.

José examined the orb and gasped.

-I know what this is!- He exclaimed as he wiped his tears with his sleeve. -It's an espírito! Is this Donald's espírito?!-

The boy smiled and nodded his head. The boy placed the orb in Donald's mouth and closed it. Both of them watched as the glow from the orb trailed down Donald's throat to his chest, where it began to die off. Donald's diaphragm raised and his bruises vanished. José placed his ear near his mouth and hear him breathing. It was frail, but he was still breathing. And it was enough for José to cry a few tears of joy. Once he pulled away, Donald's eyes shoot open and he sat up, gasping for air.

-W-What happened?! What's going on?!- He asked. He stretched the Brazilians tan cheeks. -José! It that you?!-

-Sim. It's me Donald.- Once Donald let go of his cheeks, José hugged the cold man tightly. He wept, -Graças a Deus! You're alive!-

-Wait... I died?!-

José nodded. He wiped his tears and said.

-You were really cold and you weren't breathing. You were dead-

Donald gulped. -T-That explains a lot. B-But how did I come back?-

José let go of the man and pointed at the kid, who was still squatting down.

-He found your espírito and put it back inside you- he explained.

The boy stood up and poked Donald's left shoulder repeatedly.

-It's O.K menino. Donald's alright-

-Yeah. I'm frozen to the bone, but I'm fine. So you can stop poking me-

And like that, the boy stopped. The boy looked to the left and a horrified expression masked his face. He tugged on José's sleeve like he was eager to leave. When the men looked to see what the boy saw, they were horrified as well. In the distance, they saw a creature with large, black, oval shaped eyes and elongated fangs that couldn't fit in its mouth. Large spikes rowed down its hunched back that came out of its grotesque gray skin that covered its bony body. The creature ran toward them with speed that could easily break the sound barrier. José quickly grabbed Donald by the waist, stood up and flung him on top of his shoulder. He decided that the boy would come with them and carried him underneath his armpit. The Brazilian then ran like he never ran before as he followed the trail of rope that'll hopefully lead them back to their world.

-Hurry!" Donald shouted. "It's getting closer!-

On the other side, Panchito pulled on the rope with all of his might. As he pulled, the gusts of wind blew stronger and stronger and blinding lights shone onto the room, making it difficult for him to pull the rope. Suddenly, the rope broke. Panchito was about to go in the portal when he heard a loud thud downstairs. He dashed out and caught himself on the balcony. He saw José and Donald lying on the floor in front of the T.V, covered in a pink substance. When he came back to the room, he grabbed a stick of T.N.T from his sombrero, lit it and threw it into the portal. He flung Donald's bed, blocking the closet, and hurled his back onto it. He shut his eyes and heard a boom in the distance. The wind slowly died off and light stopped shining from the closet. When he opened his eyes and slid the bed away, Donald's closet was back to normal. The shirts and shoes and other belongings were undisturbed, unlike the room. He hurried out, slid down the railing of the stairs and turned off the T.V before he gave his full attention to the unconscious men on the floor. The room was lit enough by the outside lights so that he can tell who was who.

Panchito kneeled down beside Donald and wiped off some of the residue from his face. He gave him a few chest compressions while he cried out.

-Donald! ¡Despierta! Wake up!-

Donald coughed up some of the pink residue and opened his eyes. He sat up and coughed up some more. Panchito patted his back as Donald remarked on how awful it tasted. Panchito moved on to help José. He wiped the pink residue off José's face and also gave him chest compressions. Jose's eyes opened and he too coughed up some of the substance. He sat up and let out a sigh of relief. Panchito pulled in his friends for a group hug and was nearly in tears.

-¡Gracias dios que están a salvo!- He rejoiced. He kissed their foreheads and was shocked by how cold they were. -You guys are freezing! What happened?!-

-Foi infeliz lá!- José answered. -I was wondering around in the freezing cold!Eu odeio o frio! And there was this really scary monster!- He ranted. -I literally walked down memory lane!- Panchito looked back at Donald in hopes he can help explain the situation, but he gave him the Don't ask me shrug. -And then I ran into this menino.- He gasped. He forgot that he took the kid with him. He looked at his side and saw the boy with his face buried in him and his little hands gripping his shirt. -I ran into this menino and he saved Donald-

Donald asked, -Who is he anyway?-

José shrugged. -Eu não sei? Maybe he got trapped in the T.V?- He nudged the boy and told him that they were back in their world. He looked up at the man with his large violet eyes and released his grip. He stood up and starred at Panchito.

-Pobresito- Panchito said as he wiped off residue from the boy. After he stopped, the boy then poked the side of Panchito's neck. -He's probably traumatized or something. Does he have a name?-

José shrugged again. -He didn't speak at all when I found him. He just poked us.- José asked the boy if he had a name, but he shook his head.

Donald blurted out -Wait. I'm not getting a good vibe from that boy-

José gasped. -How can you say that! He saved your life!

-Think about it guys!- He used his fingers to count his reasons and said -You found him alone in that godforsaken void of nothing. He's dressed like my great-great granddad. Not to mention he poked us for no reason. And he somehow brought me back to life! Isn't that kinda weird to you guys?!-

José sighed and placed his hand on the questioning mans shoulder.

-Donald. You're talking to a guy who knows about black magic and the sobrenatural. He's fine. Look at him- He said, pointing to the two out poking each other. -What could he possibly do?-

Donald crossed his arms and sulked.

C'mon Donald. No seas un gruñón- Panchito commented. He called it quits with the poking battle and tickled him so he could stop. The boy laughed a bit and ran off to sit in José's lap.

-We should give him a name. Don't you think?- The Brazilian asked.

-That's a great idea! What should we name him?-

-Nothing- Donald recommended.

-No bueno. That's not a good name for him. How about Tulio?- The boy nodded his head. -No? How about Adrian? Daniel? Edgar? Hector?-The boy kept on shaking his head with displeasure.

-Let me try. How about Davi? Lucas? Nathanial? Serafino?- Still, the boy didn't find any of the names to his liking.

Donald gave in and helped the guys out.

-Well since were picking names for it, how about Gabriel?-

The boy seemed pleased with that name. He smiled and shook his head.

-That's a good one- Panchito commented.

Donald's grumpiness changed to happiness. He was proud of giving the kid a name he actually liked.

-Of course it is. I recommended that name- he boasted.

-Alright. Your name is Gabriel- he said as he pointed at the boy.

The boy pointed at himself.

-G...Gabriel- he said in a smooth, innocent tone. The guys were shocked. They thought that the mysterious boy was mute, but he finally said something.

-Sim. You're Gabriel- He pointed to Donald as he said. -That man over there with the white hair is Donald Duck. He's-

-The most amazing, bravest, charismatic, handsomest man you'll ever know!-

-And he can be the meanest too- he whispered to the child. He giggled to himself as the kid starred at him like he didn't understand what he was doing. José pointed to Panchito and continued on. -That guy over there with the red hair is Panchito Pistolas. He's a really cool guy to be around. He's brave, strong, kind, gentle and happy-go-lucky. He can draw bonito fotos and-

-¡Basta ya José! You're making me blush- he said as he covered his blushing face.

-But its true! No need to get shy about it- He pointed to himself and said. -And I'm José Carioca. I'm-

-A lazy, womanizing smoker- Donald added bluntly.

Those words pierced through José's heart, in a bad way.

-I-is that what y-you really think of me Donald?- He cried. The boy gave Donald a cold glare, to whom didn't really care.

-¡Eso es malo Donald! He's not just about women and cigars!- Panchito defended.

-C'mon Panchito. I was kidding- Donald confessed. -José's a really cool guy.-

-Sí. He's kind, loving, inteligente, forgiving, and very fun. And he sings like an angel!-

-Now you're making me blush!-

The boy pointed at each of the men as he repeated.

-Donald... Panchito... José- The guys clapped for the boy like if he were taking his first steps.

-That's great and all, but can we wash up now?- Donald nagged. -I'm really cold and there's sludge in placed that there shouldn't be-

-Sim. We will, but can you do me a favor?- José asked as pulled out two earmuffs from his sleeve. -Espere um momento. Watch over Gabriel for a bit. Me and Panchito have something to finish-

Donald grunted.

-Fine. I'm too tired and cold to care anymore- José put the muffs on the guys and sat Gabriel down on Donald's lap. He and Panchito walked to the T.V. Panchito ejected the VHS and placed it onto of the T.V. He carried one end and Panchito carried the other out of the door. Panchito came back inside, grabbed his pistols and José's mallet and walked back out.

As Gabriel played the slime, Donald could hear the muffled sounds of something banging into glass and gunshots being fired. A couple moments passed and the Latin men came back. José removed their earmuffs with a smile on his face and said. -O.K. Now we can clean up-

Donald realized a funky taste in his mouth. He coughed a couple times into his fist and asked.

-Can you bring me some water though? My mouth tastes like pink slime and smoke-

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