Chapter V

It was around 8pm when the boys huddled together near the front of the long, light blue sofa. Spread on the sofa was an array of classic horror movies. VHS' ranging from The Night of the Living Dead to Psycho to the notorious, The Exorcist. They guys dressed out of their clothes to their pajamas. Donald wore an oversized, dark blue t-shirt with white shorts. José wore a black long sleeve and green, plaid pants. And Panchito wore a black tank top with a red pj jacket and black sweat pants. The boys were deciding which movie to het traumatized by.

-This filme looks good- José commented as he picked up a VHS. -The Thing... Sounds mysterious-

-¡Espera!- Panchito blurted out, also holding a VHS. -I heard this movie was really good. Mi tío and a couple of his friends went to go see this movie and they got so scared that they had to go to the hospital- The VHS he held was The Exorcist.

Donald proposed an idea.

-I say we should watch the not-so-scary movie first and the scariest last- He picked up a VHS -Let's watch Carrie. I heard it's kinda slow at first, but it gets more suspenseful in the end-

The Latin men nodded and stacked the tapes on top of the player. Donald inserted the tape and went to go get the refreshments while José & Panchito set up the space. As the commercials played, Donald popped the popcorn while humming Bad Romance, the song that's been stuck in his head for a while. José and Panchito sprawled two blankets onto the wooden floor. A think one for cushion and a soft one for comfort. They then wrapped themselves with a large, thick blanket to keep themselves warm. (Really. Its to keep themselves safe from monsters. Universal rule.) When Donald came back with the popcorn and iced tea, he seated himself in the middle of the guys and placed the bowl of popcorn in an empty space between his crisscrossed legs and placed the beverages on the sofa. They ate some of the popcorn before stopping when the movie started.

The guys took the beginning quite well. They got creeped out when a couple times, like when Carrie got her first period and when the lady's boyfriend killed the pig. Other than that, things were going pretty good. But towards the end, the guys were squeezing each others arms with suspense as Carrie walked to the stage. Panchito shook Donald ferociously, but the American was too fixated on the suspense to care. Then when Carrie killed her classmates, Donald and Panchito held on to each other, hoping that the movie would end soon. José on the other hand, wasn't really frightened as the trembling duo next to him. He started dozing off but shot back up when his friends screamed as Carrie killed her mom. As the credits rolled, José reached for the remote and ejected the movie. The static light from the t.v filled their side of the room and the white noise gave off an eerie vibe. Donald, whos head was buried in the trembling Panchito's chest, peeked out and saw that the movie had ended. He let out a sigh of relief and nudged the Mexican, who too sighed upon the sight of the movie ending.

-Now that, is a scary movie- Donald stated.

-Sí. I'll have to go back to church when I go back to Mexico- Panchito remarked.

-What'd you think of the movie José?- Donald asked.

They turned to him, who starred back with eyes that said, Really? This filme was scaryHe raised his right hand and did the so-so gesture.

-It was O.K. But the movie wasn't assustado- He rested his elbow on his knee and rested his cheek on his hand.

-Not even the part where she did the creepy stare before she killed everyone?- Donald asked.


-Or the part where she went to El Inferno?- Panchito added.

-Nem sequer vacilou- he stated. He took a swig of his beverage. While he did, Donald whispered something to the redhead. After a few short whispers to each other, they took in a deep breath and shouted -BOO!- Startling the Brazilian. He spat out some of his drink and some spilled onto his shirt. Panchito and Donald chuckled at the outcome.

-Haha. Muito engraçado- he commented sarcastically as he got up. -I'll be back in a jiffy- He walked up the shadow engulfed stairs and entered the pitch black bathroom. He patted the wall and flicked the light switch up, revealing the baby blue and white colored room. He took off his shirt and, with a damp hand towel, washed the tea smelling, sticky stain away. He twisted the shirt dry and placed it on the lid of the toilet behind him. He then washed his light tan face and green bangs. While he dried his face with the dark blue towel that hung from the rack, José felt a cold sensation run up his back. Startled, he looked up at the mirror and saw a disembodied skull floating above the toilet. He starred into it's pitch black, empty eyes that cried tears of what looked like blood. He quickly looked over his shoulder, but the apparition was gone, leaving behind fading mist. He tried to catch his breath and noticed that he's started to see his breath. Shocked, cold and fearful, he grabbed his black long-sleeve and fumbled to put it on. When he did, he reached for the doorknob, but it wouldn't open.

-Donald! Panchito!- He cried out as he pounded on the door. -Ajude-me! Help!- He placed his ear onto the door to hear them come up. But he heard nothing. He slammed his left side onto the door to bust it open, but the efforts were futile. As he stepped back to prepare another time, but a strong force pushed his body face down onto the tiled floor. The powerful force rolled his body onto his back and pinned his hands above his head. It then slowly rolled up his black shirt. -W-What are you doing?!- He shouted fearfully. The shirt rolled all the way up to his chest and ghostly hands began to touch his tan waist and chest. -Stop!- He barked as he tried to escape from its grasp. However, the entity didn't stop. Instead, it's wondering hands moved downer and slowly tried to pull down his pants. -Stop!- He tried again. "Eu ordeno que você pare!" After he spoke, the weight lifted from his hands and he was able to push himself to the door. He grabbed the doorknob and pulled himself up. He opened the door, slammed it behind him and ran to the staircase.

While he was standing at the top of the staircase, he was contemplating whether or not what he saw was a figment of his imagination or not. He slapped his face a couple times before walking down cautiously, using the rail to keep him from falling down the stairs if a certain entity were to push him.

-Didn't you guys hear me screaming?! I could have been moribundo!- José exclaimed at his friends as he pulled down his shirt.

The only thing he heard was the static emitting from the t.v.

-Donald...Panchito...- He called out. Worried, he slowly walked toward the sofa and looked over it, seeing a gruesome scene. Panchito was laid face down in a pool of blood with his arms resting by his sides and his body was highlighted by the t.v light. José looked over to Donald. He was sitting up with his back to the sofa. His head dangled on his right shoulder as blood dripped onto the floor.

José rubbed his eyes to see if his vision was tricking him again. But it wasn't. He walked toward Panchito's body and kneeled down beside him. He nudged his shoulders while saying.

-O.K. You got me. You can wake up now- However, there was no response from the Mexican. His voice began to crack when he called out to Donald, but also got no response. -C'mon guys! This isn't funny!- He shouted on the verge of tears. José stood back up and stepped back a bit. He looked at his bloodied hand and muttered, -Meu Deus- Shaken and sorrowful, José put the back of his hand onto his forehead and fainted overdramatically, landing on his back.

After a few moments, the supposedly dead Panchito sat up and questioned.

-Do you think we went too far, Donald?-

Donald wiped some blood from his forehead with the back of his hand and replied

-Nah. I've seen worser prank reactions than this-

While José was washing upstairs, Donald and Panchito covered themselves with the fake blood they got at the store to get a good scare from their friend.

-Plus, we managed to scare him. Right?-

-Si- Panchito giggled. He tried to wipe some of the red residue from the side of his lip, but it only spread more across his cheek. -Eres un genio! A genius mi amigo!-

-Thanks- Donald said as he got up. He helped Panchito up and added -Can you bring me a glass of cold water?-

Panchito nodded and retrieved the water in a tall glass. He handed the glass to Donald, who then threw the icy water at the unconscious Brazilian. José quickly sat up and coughed out some water. Both Donald and Panchito kneeled beside the confused man and explained the whole situation.

-You guys are telling me that I fainted because I thought my melhor amigo's were dead, but actually, you were pretending?- José summed up in an irritated tone.

-Pretty much-


José sighed and chuckled. -I admit, you got me good-

-We did, huh- Donald giggled.

-Sim. Especially with the crânio in the bathroom. That was really scary- He remarked.

-Crânio?- The boys simultaneously repeated.

-Yeah. Crânio? The skull?- José restated.

-What skull? There was no skull- Donald stated.

-Yes there was. It was touching me and everything- José explained.

Donald rubbed José's back as he said.

-I've lived here for many years. I'm pretty sure I would know if my house was haunted or not. Besides, you probably just imagined that-

-Mas era tão real- José muttered as he remembered the cold hands that violated his stomach.

-Disculpe guys, but can I use the shower?- Panchito asked as he held his head. -I think the fake sangre is making me feel dizzy-

Donald took a whiff of his shirt and gaged- I think I will too. I'll go after you-

Panchito's amber eyes trailed up the ominous staircase that led to the dark, void that led to the bathroom.

-H-How about you go up first?- Panchito insisted nervously.

Donald looked up and was also fearful of going up.

-H-How a-about we shower together?-

Panchito pondered that idea, but asked. -Can we fit?-

Donald sighed -No. What do we do?-

José snickered -Amigos. I have an idea-

Outside the Donald residence...

-J-José... I-I c-cant take it a-anymore- the damp and shirt free Donald stated as he chatted his teeth.

-M-Me neither- Panchito added as he rubbed his bare, trembling shoulders.

-A couple more sprays and you'll be limpo- José reassured.

He pointed the hose at the shirtless Panchito and, like the squirt gun games at the carnival, sprayed him. When José stopped, the autumn cold covered Panchito and he went back to trying to keep himself warm. Donald cleaned his stained white hair as José sprayed him with the cold water. When José ceased fire, the wet men huddled together for warmth while José dug in his hat and pulled out a pearl white dryer from the hat. José gave them their damp shirts, grabbed the men and tossed them in the dryer. He turned a few of the nozzles and pushed the large start button. He pulled out a cigar from his sleeve, lit it and chilled out for a couple minutes.


José opened the dryer and pulled out his clothed friends. Not only did they smell like flowers, but their hair looked like dandelions! José couldn't help but laugh, but the boys were to distracted by how good they smell to care.

Donald proclaimed. -Ok guys. Let's go back inside before we loose our toasty heat and finish the movies!-

They all hurried back inside. José and Panchito sat on the cleaned floor with a new, warmer blanket as Donald inserted a new movie. He sat in the middle and pressed play.

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