Chapter III

One car ride later...

-Halloween...City- José read while looking up at the sigh. He scratched his head and reported -It says city, but its just a really, really big stor-

-Its big enough to be its own city- Donald added, also starring at the sigh.

-Well city or not, I'm excited- he said. He looked over his shoulder and asked -Aren't you Panchito?-

Panchito was standing behind one of the pillars that held the store. He peeked his head out and nodded.

-Your not scared are you?- Donald snickered.

-¡No tengo miedo!- He shouted. He came out from behind the pillar and puffed out his chest. -I'm a macho man!-

-If your a 'macho man- then go in first- Donald said as he opened the door to the Halloween store. Sounds of maniacal laughing and screams came out from the store. There was no telling what was inside because the doorway was covered by streams of black tarp that flapped slowly with the wind.

Panchito gulped and slowly walked to the door.

-O-Ok...I...I-I'll g-go- he stuttered nervously, shaking more and more as he got closer to the door. He reached the entrance, but stopped in his tracks.

-Your almost there- Donald said, grinning. Hoping that Panchito would get the scare of his life.

-C'mon Panchito. Não há nada a temer- José reassured, extending his hand to the shaken Mexican -If you want, you can hold my hand-

-Y-you Sure?- Panchito blushed a bit.

-Sim. When my nephew's get scarred, they like to hold my hand because it helps them feel protected- he explained. He cleared his throat and glared at Donald -Plus, its not nice to make fun of someone's fears-

Donald rolled his eyes at his remark.

Panchito was thinking of accepting his offer, but since his manliness was at stake, he declined.

-I have to do this- he stated. He took in a deep breath and, once he breathed out, stuck his had in the doorway and gasped.

-Almost there- Donald muttered.

Panchito gulped again. He closed his eyes and rushed into the store. With his eyes still shut, he crouched down, low to the floor, and covered his head with his arms. Ok. On the count of tres, I'm gonna open my eyesHe thought. Uno...Dos...¡Tres! The first thing he saw was a very red, very detailed devil starring right into his eyes. He had a large grin on his face, exposing his pointy, long teeth. Panchito screamed. He fell to his side and pulled down his sombrero to cover his face. At this point he was shaking like a cold puppy.

Donald and José rushed in and found Panchito in his pathetic state. They were approached by the kid who scared their friend half to death.

-What's his problem?- The kid asked as he took off his mask.

-I really don't know- Donald sighed

José confronted the trembling Mexican and tried to calm him down. He kneeled beside him and said.

-Take it easy Panchito. It's just a kid in a mask-

-Yeah- Donald added. The kid gave him the mask and he held it in front of his covered face -Look-

Panchito peeked from under his sombrero and saw the terrifying mask again. And screamed again. He lunged toward José, wrapped his arms around his neck, and wrapped his legs around his waist. Then, he shouted.

-¡El diablo! ¡Mamá tenía razón! ¡El diablo va a llevarme! ¡Dulce Virgen Maria, ayudame!- He buried his face into the Brazilians neck.

-Donald! Put that away!- José demanded

-Fine- Donald said. He tried to give the kid the mask back, but he refused to take it.

-Keep it. I don't want to catch you guy's weirdness- He claimed. -No offense-

But Donald did take offence. He tried to suppress his anger, but it showed in his face.

-What?! If anyone's weird, it's you!-

The kid pointed to each man as he explained their "weirdness".

-He's a grown man, but he's scared of a mask. The guy with green hair kinda looks like a girl. And your hair is white like an old man's, and you dress like my little brother when he's getting his picture taken. That's really weird-

Donald wasn't the type to discipline kids with violence, but doing so came to mind. José sensed Donald's rage and quickly came to the scene before things got ugly.

Eventually, the boy's mom came in the picture and whisked her child out of the store. Only to utter "weirdo's" under her breath.

José proposed an idea. Donald could head on upstairs and browse ahead, while he stayed down to help their friend calm down and expose him to not so scary trinkets. Donald agreed to that idea and headed on up. After taking the elevator ride up, he was greeted by lifelike mechanical zombies, monsters and infamous horror movie villains. And an occasional demon baby. Creeped out, Donald moved onto the not so scary costume department, where he met one of the employee's.

-Hello sir. Need any assistance today?- The employee lady said in a rehearsed way.

Donald never asked for any help from employees. He thought they were really annoying and are just looking to get in peoples business. But today's a different day though.

- You know what? I do- He said-  My bestest friends in the whole universe are celebrating Halloween with me, but they never celebrated it before. The Brazilian seems fine with it, but he's into that voodoo, witchcraft stuff. And the Mexican is being a scaredy cat!-

The girl awed

-Poor him. But I totally get what your going through- She explained that her brother was a big scaredy cat and was able to help him over come his fears by showing him horror movies.

-You think that'll work?- Donald asked.

HTotally! It worked on him. And he can handle anything now- She replied -Where are your friends?-She asked, looking to both of her sides.

-They're ri~- he said continuously as he leaned over the railing. -~ight over there!- He exclaimed, pointing to the empty spot near the door -Wha-Where could they be?!- He shouted frantically as he darted his eyes around the store. He managed to find Panchito near the kids costume section, talking to a little girl. She looked like she was between the age of 5 or 8, wore a fitted, green fairy princess costume and blue, sparkling wings. How and why Panchito's there is a question he can't answer. They look like they're picking out dresses together. He looked around to find his other bestest friend and found him browsing the aisle with witch related ornaments. Picking up different vials and bottles. Donald sighed with relief, thinking that his friends probably went off and started a fire. Again.

-Are those your Latin friends?- She asked as she leaned over the rail. She smiled and said -They're both really handsome-

-I guess. But I'm more good looking- he boasted as he slicked his hair back. Only to fall back in its original place.

The employee looked at Donald with a confused face.

-Wait. I thought you guys were just friends?-

Donald placed his elbow on the rail, made a fist and put it under his chin, the signature thinker pose. He then thought about that question. He and his friends have been thought a lot. A Lot. They laughed together, cooked together, got wasted together, burned down a building together, got in trouble together and almost died together.

-I guess we've reached that point where were more than friends- he answered- I mean, we've slept together and stuff like that. You know?- He added, recalling the time where they all had to share a bed together because it was the only bed available at the time.

The employee blushed- S-S-Slept together?-

Donald giggled

-Yeah. It was a pain in the butt at first, but it felt kinda nice afterward- Donald grew concerned when the lady's face turned as red as Panchito's hair. -Are you O.K?- He asked.

-Y-Yeah. Its just k-kinda wierd for me to be given this type of information- she stated -I-Its kinda out of the blue- She smile and added -But I'm happy for you guys-

-Hmm. What do you call it when your friends, but more than friends?- Donald asked.

-F-Friends with benefits- she replied.

Donald scratched his head and said.

-Huh. Never heard of that before. Then I guess we're friends with benefits- Donald stated -Anyway, I want to make this holiday memorable for them, you know, since its their first time and all-

The lady tapper her chin with her index finger, thinking of a solution for his problem. She snapper her fingers and said

-I think I can assist you with your situation. Wait right here- And like that, she dashed past the vast array of serial killer costumes and fake, blood seared knives.

Donald patiently waited a couple minutes, twirling the ends of his pearly white hair. Eventually, the employee came back, panting after a mad dash, and brought a large, black bag. She handed the bag to Donald.

-What's in it?- Donald asked. He tried to peek inside the bag, but the employee stopped him.

-Don't look!- She shouted.

-Why not?- Donald asked.

-Don't you want to be surprised with your friends when you find out what's in the bag?- She stated -This will help you. Trust me- she added, giving a reassuring smile.

Donald shrugged a eh, what could possibly go wrong shrug. They headed over to the cob webbed covered cash register, with multi-colored plastic spiders. Donald paid for the mysterious contents, with a discount, tipped his hat to the employee, and headed down the elevator. When he got down stairs, his jaw dropped. He could not, could not, believe what he just saw. Panchito, the manly, macho man he claimed to be, was dressed in a pink, princess ball gown, which somewhat resembled Aurora's from Sleeping beauty, and wore a small, silver tiara replaced his sombrero.

Earlier, Panchito and José were both greeted by the little girl that Donald saw him talking to later on. She helped calm down Panchito by telling him to conquer his fears and the redhead was moved by her touching speech. Seeing that Panchito didn't need his assistance, José tried to go and regroup with Donald, but the temptation of magical potions and pictures of women wearing sexy witch costumes tempted him to take another trip. Later on, the girl insisted that Panchito wear a dress so they could match, but he refused that offer. But the girl started to tear up and eventually Panchito gave in and wore the dress.

Donald tried to not laugh at his friend, but it didn't work out. After taking a few pictures of Princess Panchito, Donald called for José, who rushed in onto the scene. The two men ended up bursting into laughter.

-What's so funny?!- Panchito barked with his embarrassed, red face.

José wiped a tear from the side of his eye and said

-It's just that you look so bonito in pink-

Donald clutched his stomach as he continued to laugh.

-Yeah. The color compliments your muscles- he added.

Panchito was about to teach the men a lesson or two about laughing at your friend, but the girl tugged on his dress.

-Who are they?- The girl asked, scratching her head with her silver, b-dazzled, plastic star wand. -Are those your princes?-

Panchito stuttered

-Uhh... Hmmm...K-Kinda-

-Kinda?- She questioned, tilting her head a bit to the side.

-S-Si. They can be princes- sometimes, but- he glanced over to his friends, who are basically rolling on the floor laughing, -they can be evil witches sometimes-

-Oh~- She giggled -And remember- she stated, grabbing his left hand with her tiny hands -ghosts and monsters are not. They're just in our imagination-

Panchito giggled.

-Gracias. I'll remember it princesa- he said, then gave a charming smile.

They said their goodbye with a curtsey. The girl dashed off to her mother, who was browsing the vampire makeup.

Donald and José mimicked their curtsey to each other, jokingly, and laughed more, slapping their knees and holding their sides. Panchito quickly stripped down to his Mexican flag boxers and put on, one leg at a time, his red skinny jeans and waist-cut jacket, forgetting to put on his black shirt. He grabbed his giggly friends from the back of their collar's and dragged them toward the door, receiving stared along the way from employees and customers.

-W-Were leaving already?- Donald said, still kinda giggly -It's not even midnight yet-

-Haha. Esto es muy gracioso, Panchito- remarked sarcastically. Panchito rolled his eyes at that comment and continued on until he reached the door they entered from.

José was able to free himself from Panchito's grip. Like a doorman of some fancy hotel, he held the door open for Panchito and said

-Your chariot awaits, princesa- He then giggled along with Donald.

Panchito grabbed the jokester from his arm and headed out the door.

As they exited the building of the store, the lady that Donald talked to earlier shouted from the 2nd floor -Have a Happy Halloween!-

Happy Indipendence Day Mexico.

Thanks forma reading

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