Capítulo 9

The orange morning sun began to rise. Early birds began to chirp along with semi loud snores that emitted from the sleeping American in his room. Donald didn't have the best posture when it came to sleeping. He slept on his stomach and his knees were to his chest, with his toosh sticking up under the blue blanket. Some of his pearl white hair stuck out in different areas of his head and curled in others. His head rested on his right arm, his forearm stuck up across his forehead and his hand dangled in the air. He drooled from the side of his mouth and snoozed on as he dreamt about eating mountains of candy and other sweets. But his "peaceful" slumber was interrupted by a loud thud. It sounded like the door had been slammed open. His tired eyes shot open, but before he could see what caused that sound, he started jerking up and down the bed. He was able to catch a few glimpses of his two excited Latin friends and their new, excited pal Gabriel jumping up and down at the foot of his bed in their costumes.

-Despierta Donald!- Panchito shouted as he jumped up and down the large bed. He wore a crisp white, puffy sleeved shirt that tightened around his wrists and also cuffed his hands to his knuckles. The long sleeve had a slit sewn loosely together with a black string that exposed his tan chest and defined collar bones. His left eye was covered by a black eye patch, black boots cut right below his knees, red pants and a large silver belt buckle that fastened his red belt that held his guns to his hips. -Donald you have to wake up!- He continued.

His lisp from the day before had gone away as he was in the shower. He was singing Shakera's Hips Don't Lie. After he was done, he turned off the water, grabbed a pale blue towel, rubbed his face and crimson hair until they were significantly drier and wrapped it around his waist. He hadn't noticed until he exited the steamy shower to find Donald holding a video camera. Both he and José, who was also in the bathroom, looked as though they were on the verge of loosing it. Donald had a smug grin on his face and José cupped his mouth, but emitted small laughs that couldn't be held in. Embarrassed out of his mind, he pushed his friends out the already-open door and slammed it behind him. He didn't leave the bathroom until Donald and José apologized and deleted the video from the camera in front of him, after already being uploaded the video on the internet.

-Its Halloween! Its Halloween!- Panchito continued on as he jumped for joy.

-Sim! You need to wake up Donald!- José exclaimed. The left side of his emerald hair was slicked back whereas his bangs on his right side were bouncing up and down as he jumped. His large grin showed his fake, pointy fangs. He wore a black tailcoat, a white vest embodied with black swirls and small bats and black pants. A long black cape, with the inside being dark green, hung from his shoulders and a silver chain that held them across his shoulder.

-Wake up Donald! Wake up!- Gabriel exclaimed with glee along with the excited guys. Since the other day, Gabriel's been able to transition from nods and short answers to talking in sentences. They found that out as they were eating ice cream.

-Stop jumping on my bed!- Donald demanded.

José exclaimed. -We cant help it!- He balled his fists, brought them up just below his lips and squealed with excitement.

-Si! I'm gonna eat so many dulces!- Panchito proclaimed. Once Panchito bent his knees and sprung up, he curved his back and did a back flip in the air. His hat fell off, but landed back on top of his head when he completed his mid air acrobat. Luckily the ceiling was high enough so neither he or José hit their heads on the hard surface.

-But it's not even Halloween yet!- Donald stated.

They guys stopped jumping on the bed. Donald rolled out of bed and landed face down on the wooden floor. Panchito and José jumped off the bed and helped the man onto his feet whereas Gabriel kept jumping. Panchito slapped Donald's back and said.

-Don't be silly mi amigo. Its October 31st, si?-

Donald turned to his left shoulder and looked at the calendar near his clock, which read 5:45. Below the picture of a black kitten in a Jack-O-lantern costume, he scanned the calendar with his sky blue eyes across the blue X's that marked each date that passed except for the last one. October 31st. Donald sighed and placed his hands on their shoulders.

-Sorry to tell you this guys. But Halloween isn't really in the morning. It starts in the night time- Donald yawned into his left fist and rubbed his eyes. He turned them around and started to push them out the door. -So can you guys please leave so I can go back to slee-

Panchito managed to close the door.

-¿¡Que!?- Panchito interrupted, after his face was squished onto the door.

-Isso não faz qualquer sentido! Shouldn't it start in the morning so it lasts all day?- José exclaimed.

Donald shouted back. -How should I know?! I didn't invent Halloween!- Donald looked over the guys and saw that the door was closed, so he stopped pushing them and crossed his arms with annoyance instead.

Donald asked. -Why don't you guys go back to sleep and-

-But were not tired at all Donald!- Panchito said. He put his arm on his chest and said.- Y eso que yo soy mexicano! This is the usual time I wake up!-

Donald balled his fists to his sides and belted. -Well I don't! I wake up at least 5 hours later!-

Panchito pressed his forehead against Donald's and shouted -There's no need to get mad at us Donald!-

Donald barked back as he starred into his amber eyes. -Well I wouldn't be mad if you and José didn't wake me up so violently!-

José couldn't see his friends fighting. He pushed the guys away from each other and exclaimed -Stop shouting you guys! Don't fight in front of Gabriel!-

The three of them looked at Gabriel, who sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at them with his innocent eyes. The two hotheaded men took in a deep breath and relaxed when they breathed out.

As he walked toward the bed, Donald said. -I'm not angry. I just want you two to leave- Donald grabbed Gabriel and threw him under his armpit. -Same goes for you too Gabriel!-

José grabbed the boy and held him up from his armpits. Gabriel looked up at José with his large, purple eyes and asked. -What's the matter? Why are you guys fighting?-

José smiled down at the boy. -Don't worry Gabriel. Não é nada. Donald is just tired that's all-

Panchito explained to the boy, -We were being too loud and woke him up- Panchito put his hand on the door knob and said -We'll leave since we seem to annoy you. We'll stay in the living room and wait until la noche... All by ourselves... Alone... Inexperienced in the ways of this holiday- Panchito was deliberately making Donald feel guilty. It worked.

As Panchito, José and Gabriel began to exit the room, Donald blurted out -Wait- A combination of sleepiness and interrupting a nice dream didn't mix. Donald rubbed his eyes with his thumb on one and other fingers on the other. -Lets do this...- Donald cupped his chin with his hand and started thinking of what to do. -We...Can... Watch a documentary about Halloween- Donald liked that idea. -Yeah. We can do that-

-That sounds great!- Panchito cheered. -That way, we can Trick-Or-Treat properly- He nudged his Brazilian friends shoulder, -Huh José?-

José whispered to Donald. -You want us to watch the documentary so you can fall asleep, sim?-

Donald nodded.

José pinched Donalds pale cheeks for revealing his true intentions.

When José let go, Donald rubbed his pink tinted cheeks and added -And maybe a safety video too- Donald insisted. -I don't want my buddies to have a sugar overdose or get harassed by a tiny ninja- Donald looked down at Gabriel and ruffled his hair. -And I don't want this little guy to get any cavities- He then apologized for his behavior.

-It's O.K. Donald- Gabriel said. He smiled and said -Mom and Dad used to do that a lot before the accident-

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