Dream a Little Dream

This chapter's song is Dream a Little Dream - Ella Fitzgerald. Also welcome a special guest... and please - forgive my absolutely atrocious German.

Dinner that evening turned into a sort of potluck. It seemed every member of the team was keen to participate - to cook - to offer up a part of themselves in joy. Shelley insisted on making a pie, taking over the baking station in a floury mess. Soon enough, nearly every ass in the room had a floured handprint on it, including Eunice's - much to the young nun's chagrin.

Frank had baked beans in the oven. "Ya can't have a family reunion without baked beans," he reported matter of factly.

"We're all gonna be regretting your baked beans when we have the farts later, old man."

"Dammit, Shelley!" Frank reprimanded. "Farts aren't appropriate for dinner conversation."

"Better than most of her other dinner topics," Eunice offered. She was whipping cream in a copper bowl.

Timothy and Jude were working intently at the stove together, every burner alight with a different pan. Coq-au-vin was a multitasking dish in the highest. Jude swayed and sang along with the stereo. Occasionally, they switched places, moving smoothly as though dancing.

Stars shining bright above you

Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"

Birds singing in the sycamore trees

Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me

While I'm alone and blue as can be

Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear

Still craving your kiss

I'm longing to linger till dawn dear

Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams whatever they be

Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear

Still craving your kiss

I'm longing to linger till dawn dear

Just saying this

Sweet dreams, till sunbeams find you

Gotta keep dreaming leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams whatever they be

You gotta make me a promise, promise to me

You'll dream, dream a little of me

No one spoke of the impending battle. It was avoided in favor of this: this friendship they'd forged in forgiveness. The simple joys they'd cultivated in each other.

"I hope your fart casserole is ready, Frank." Shelley presented her beautifully woven cherry pie. "Because this masterpiece is ready to bake!"

Frank gave the pie a low whistle of appreciation. "That's nice, Shelley. I tell ya what: as soon as the master chefs are done over there, I'll take my beans out."

"I'm on it!" Jude flicked open the stove, swiftly exchanging hot beans for basted pie. "Oh, nice job, Shelley. She's almost too pretty to eat!"

"Yeah, that's what he said!" Shelley laughed, nudging Timothy none too gently. "Right, Tim?"

"See?!" Eunice pointed her whisk accusingly at Shelley. She tisked. "So disgusting."

"Shelley." Timothy produced the match Jude requested. "Paris may not be ready for you."

"Stand back." Jude touched match to copper pan and a brief flash of blue flame engulfed chicken. "Nearly done."

Shelley leaned dreamily on the counter beside him. "You know. I'm just gonna wander around for a while when I get there. Just take in the whole city. Let it kind of swell up inside me like a feeling."

"That's what she said." Eunice murmured.

This brought a hearty laugh from the whole group. "Little sister big britches over here!" Shelley smiled. "What's in store for you, I wonder." She sobered. "These...great things you're chosen for. Are you scared?"

It was the first mention all evening of their futures. Their possibilities. The entire group looked to Eunice, who shrugged. "No. I trust God has a plan for me." She checked the consistency of her cream and went back to whisking. "Just like all of you."

"Well." Frank didn't like discussing the futures. The planner was uncomfortable with uncertainty. "My plan is to set a nice table, eh?" A blink and a Blue Willow setting later, the group was serving dinner.

Chicken, potatoes, beans and bread made way around the table. Plates filled like hearts. Once everyone was settled, they paused. Something was...expected. "Who shall pray?" Timothy asked.

Jude looked around the table. She'd come to love these faces. And now, the faces seemed so solemn. So unsure. Eyes drifted from one to the other, all thinking the same as her, she knew. "Shelley," she snapped. "Say the blessin'." Timothy and Frank shared a small shocked gasp.

"Are you off your nut?" Shelley demanded.

Eunice reached for Shelley's hand, patted it reassuringly. "I'm sure you'll say a lovely blessing, Shelley." But she cut disbelieving eyes at Jude. "Are you crazy?" She mouthed.

But Shelley took in their doubt and disbelief as a challenge. "Fine!" Her jaw tightened determinedly. "Join hands or whatever." They did, somewhat awkwardly. Frank looked very worried and Eunice's eyes were squeezed tightly closed. She might have been wishing for a decent blessing. Shelley cleared her throat, closing her own eyes, but peeked. "Bow your fuckin' heads already!" They bowed. "Okay." She bowed, too. "Dear God. Um. Hey! This is like...my first official prayer so...don't be judgey." Jude bit her lips. Shelley continued. "We're all gathered here to eat and...we're thankful for the food. And um...I guess...we're thankful for each other. Even Tim, who's proving himself to be less and less of a giant douchebag." Timothy sighed heavily. "And we need you to watch over us tonight when we kick Nazi ass. Especially our little sister Eunice. Even though her britches have gotten so big she needs a belt now. And ya know...whatever big plans you have for her better be really nice is all I'm sayin'. Also make sure Frank gets home to his old lady tonight, yeah? And...keep Judy gettin' laid on the regular. It makes her a much more tolerable person." A suffering moan from Jude. "I guess...that's about it. I don't think I need to ask for anything for me since...you brought Jude here to help us. I musta done something to make you think I deserved some kind of salvation. That all of us do. So. Yeah. Thanks for that, too. Oh! Aaaaand protect us from all the no doubt staggering and powerful gas that Frank's fucking beans are bound to produce. Um. Amen?"

Hands were never released more quickly. Sour faces came to terms with the delivery. Eunice smiled. "Amen," she echoed primly.

"Thanks, Shelley." Jude groused.

Timothy may have been fighting a grin. "Let's eat!"

Here, they stood on no ceremony. Tackled their meal with true gusto. "Holy shit, Judy." Shelley moaned. "This chicken is magical."

"Truly." Tim agreed. "As always."

"Thank you." Jude accepted the compliment smoothly. "As are these beans, Frank. You were right."

"Always room fer beans." Frank nodded.

"They really compliment the chicken." Eunice considered. "But. I'm really looking forward to hot pie and sweet cream."

"That's what he said." It slipped from Timothy's lips completely unbidden, stunning the table into silence - then a burst of loud guffaws. "I have no idea why I said that," he confessed, blushing hotly.

"I'm rubbin' off on you, Father!" Shelley winked.

"That's what I said!" Jude shouted, pointing at Shelley. Amidst the laughter - and Timothy's blushing face - the two shared a high five. They ate and ribbed each other. Laughed like family. This group of souls who could not have been more different, made same by circumstance, and saved by friendship.

Shelley's pie was retrieved from the oven with great celebration, and Mary eagerly dipped cream onto every warm slice. Dessert brought even more joviality. Sweets making tongues much sweeter.

"What's gonna happen when I'm lookin' fer a hot game of Monopoly?" Frank asked, elbowing Shelley. "I gotta go ta France and find ya?"

"Guess so, old man." Shelley rested her head on his shoulder. "I'll hand you your ass under the Eiffel Tower! Eunice? Where's that cream? Just hand me the bowl, will ya?"

Eunice rolled her eyes, engaged Shelley in a minor tug of war over the copper bowl. Jude was smiling at the two, Timothy's fingers stroking her elbow, when something caught her attention in the kitchen doorway. She blinked, uncertain. "Pepper?"

All eyes turned to Jude curiously. "On your pie, Judy?" Shelley tisked. "Sounds weird, but whatever." She offered Jude the pepper shaker.

But Jude stood slowly, followed by Timothy. The group followed their surprised gazes. "Pepper!" Eunice breathed.

Pepper smiled and raised a shy hand to the group.

"Oh, that Pepper!" Shelley made to approach the familiar Pinhead, slowed to a halt when a tall form filled the door behind her. "Um..."

"I brought a friend." Pepper glanced back and up at the imposing woman. "She can help you tonight."

Jude was swift around the table, followed by Eunice, their faces curious and slightly stunned. "Who..."

She could only be described as...statuesque. Tall in heels and domineering in a stark white men's suit - cut to fit a fit form. A matching fedora cocked over a head of set, blonde curls. She wore a smirk like armor on a face like Jude's. "Guten abend, liebespaare." Her voice was exotic honey.

Jude stared unapologetically at this doppelganger, only glancing away to Pepper who was snickering quietly. "Pepper..."

"This is Fraulein Elsa Mars," she explained. Shrugged. "My boss lady."

"Please." Elsa stepped into the kitchen as comfortably as if she owned it. "Forgive this intrusion on your delicious dinner." She stopped near the table, winking at Shelley. "Rude of us, no?"

Shelley was slightly captivated, looking from the stranger to Jude. "Um...want some pie? I made it."

At this, Elsa laughed richly. "I would love some pie, darling!" She caressed Shelley's cheek. "How kind of you to offer." She sat. Completely at home. "Pepper. Come have some pie with your  friends." Her eyes caught Jude's. "I'm certain they have...questions."

Frank leaned rather closely to the encroacher. "Hey, Judy...you got a sister?"

"No." Jude sat, watching Pepper plate the last two slices of pie. Eunice happily dolloped cream on top as if strange twins appeared out of the blue every day. "Who are you?" Jude needed more solid answers. As usual.

"A friend. As Pepper said." Elsa gestured airily. Ate pie. "Mmm. Wunderbar!" She winked at Shelley. "As sweet as your rosie cheeks, liebechin."

"Thanks?" Shelley straddled a chair at the head of the table.

Frank shifted, simply rearranging his studious stare. He tisked. "Judy. You sure you don't got a sister?"

"I'm sure, Frank." Jude insisted firmly. "Why..." She blew air through her lips, too gobsmacked to really formulate questions. "Why are you here?"

"And where are you from?" Timothy added, standing behind Jude.

Elsa licked the back of her fork, leaning toward Pepper. "These are the lovebirds?" She gestured to Jude and Timothy. Pepper nodded. "Hmph. Cut from the same cloth, they are." A deep, throaty chuckle at the couples' discomfited glance. But she capitulated, sighing before her explanation. "I'm from...everywhere, really. Too much travel. But that's show business, eh?" Leisurely, she withdrew a pack of cigarettes from an inside pocket. Lit two at once, and passed one to Jude. The two women's matching eyes narrowed as they smoked. All other eyes rested on them. "As for why I am here..." A graceful shrug. "We have a mutual acquaintance. A shared enemy."

"Arden." Jude said.

"Gruper." Elsa spat. "You know his real name."

"Another one for the Kick Nazi Ass club!" Shelley leaned on the table now, clearly smitten. "I like this."

"I am here as an ambassador to the poor souls you call 'shadows.'" Elsa continued. "Unfortunately, I cannot do to Gruper what I would most like to do to Gruper...but I can at least make your way to him less...challenging."

Jude smiled, flicking ashes onto an empty pie plate. "German." She nodded. "But language isn't the only connection, is it?"

"You were right, Pepper." Elsa patted the pinhead affectionately. "This one is very perceptive."

"I told you!" Pepper enthused happily.

"You did not tell me she was so staggeringly beautiful." A sly grin. "But you are right, schwester. The shadows are Gruper's victims. There were many of them. Yes, liebling?" She addressed Shelley. "Like me and you. Wings clipped."

"He more than clipped my wings," Shelley whispered.

Sympathy softened the performer's features. "It's time for his soul to go where it belongs. And..." A sweeping gesture. "All of you, as well, no?" Nods around the table agreed with the graceful performer. "Well, then." Her gaze leveled at Jude. "What is your plan?"

Jude rehashed. Set out their strategy simply. Elsa listened with raised brows, coming to admire the motley group of vengeful souls. "What a family you've made together." She commented. "Much like my own. Each so different, yet united. Hmph." A smile. "No wonder Pepper has such a soft spot." She stroked Pepper's smiling head, and stamped out her cigarette. "So. Shall we?"

Silence. Glances about. The group stood slowly. Timothy placed hands on Jude's shoulders. "I suppose it's time," she said, smiling a reassuring if faltering smile. "Are we ready?"

"I'm ready." Eunice dusted pie crumbs from her habit. "Shall I make roses?"

"Everywhere, Eunice." Jude stroked her protege's chin. "Do what you do best."

Elsa watched curiously as Eunice left the kitchen. They all followed close behind her. Through the common room - through memories of dancing and games and joy in darkness. In Briarcliff's entrance, dim, dark and foreboding, she paused. Her family waited, knowing her power. Eunice's eyes fluttered. She barely closed them now, her calling so strong, so passionate.

Again, the firmament rocked, rustled. Gnarly vines thickened, wooded as they split walls and clung to every corner. Buds broke through every broken pane, every grating , unfurling giant pink blooms. Petals burst and fluttered down, raining peace.

Jude felt an arm curl through her own. Turning, she saw Elsa smiling. "Wunderschönen," she murmured. "Like you, darling." She stroked Jude's jaw.

"Who the hell are you?" Jude whispered.

Elsa chuckled. "Later," she winked. Tossed a handful of pink petals into the air.

Eunice walked past the two women, taking Jude's hand. "Now," she said.

Jude nodded, stepping to the front of the group. "Basement." She gestured. "Let's go." Timothy took step beside her. Frank and Shelley behind. Eunice brought up the rear, occasionally glancing to a bare wall, gracing every surface with foliage.

Elsa lingered behind, watching the group before moving slowly to follow. "Pepper? Your friends are incredibly brave."

Pepper rubbed her head against Elsa's ribs, hugging her waist. "Or incredibly stupid."

Elsa's laugh rang amidst the petals. "Or that, darling. Or that."

Cell doors bulged and pushed open along the corridor, devastated by vining, twining roses. Cots were overturned, mattresses pitched at all angles. Moonlight pierced walls cracked by thick thorny branches. Roses seemed to crumble Briarcliff, determined to pull it to the ground.

Nearing the basement stairs, Jude held out a hand and Timothy wrapped her in his arms. Through the woody vines, shadows slithered. More than they had ever seen, the night darkened corridor had darkened further with their blackness.

"Christ, there are so many of them!" Shelley gasped. "Frank?"

"It's alright, Shelley." Frank's flashlight cut through the black parade, sent the shadow figures swirling, crossing arms across their charred faces. But they still closed in.

Shelley squealed and kicked out when a singed hand brushed her skirt. "Fuck off!" She snapped.

Jude whirled at the curse, protected by Timothy's tense body, and caught Elsa's eyes over Eunice's ducked head. The performer smirked at her, seeming in no hurry to help, but spoke calmly: "Halt, freunde! Wir sind hier, um dich zu befreien!"

The shadows, thick now as thieves closing in on Jude and Timothy's crouched forms, froze, turned to the familiar tongue. Elsa stepped fearlessly amongst them, into the writhing mass of ashy hate. "Lass diese Soldaten in Ruhe." Boldly, she took a shadow's face in her hands, caressing the crisp skin, flaking it lovingly. "Sie sind deine Familie, so wie ich bin. Unser gemeinsamer Feind gehört ihnen. Und sie...habe die Macht, ihn in die Hölle zu bringen.Und euch allen zum Himmel."

The shadows calmed. Retracted. Elsa chuckled as they gathered around her. No threat. She stroked them, gripped hands one by one. Pepper smiled up at her. "Go on." Elsa addressed Jude past the wonderous faces of her compatriots. "They will wait here with me. And then, they will take Gruper with them."

"We'll deliver him." Jude reached across her compatriots. They parted for her arm. "Thank you," she said, voice thick.

Elsa reached, too, took the extended hand. "Auf wiedersehen, Sister. And good luck."

Petals fell as they descended stairs, unencumbered by shadows. A bell light flickered ominously above the metal door below, swinging just slightly as rose branches clutched at it. The door seemed to bulge of its own accord, branches inside pushing against the iron, looking like fingers trying escape. At the third step, the door screeched, opening, and Jude froze. Timothy's fingers curled around her waist. "Here we go," she whispered. "Eunice? Hang back."

Eunice nodded, understanding. Her human shield moved toward the door.

Arden - Gruper - could not have been more oddly intimidating. A lanky skeleton of a man, pale skin stretched taut over unhealthily protruding bones. He looked like one of his victims. Eyes sunk into a gaunt face. But the eyes were black as the shadows, if more empty.

His cracked voice was disused. "What the Hell is happening?" It asked. He shielded his eyes against the swaying light, rose petals dusting his shoulders.

"Hell, indeed," Jude spoke. Anger quivered in her throat. Seeing this man again...stirred a fury.

Perhaps he made her out for the first time. Or perhaps he recognized her voice. "Sister Jude?" He blinked, accustoming to the light. Blew at a rose petal.

"Not anymore, Hans."

Arden chuckled. "Ah, yes. Now I recall. Stripped of that title, weren't you?" He glanced about. "By none other than our Holy Father, here. Hello, Father Howard."

Timothy's nostrils flared. "Arthur. It's time for you to leave this place. To go to your fate."

"Planning to exorcise me, Father? I recall it never working for you before." He gestured. "Or maybe you'll let your ex-nun fight the battle for you. Still warring against the patriarchy, Jude."

"Still looking for a decent haberdasher, Arthur."

"Ouch." He flicked a gaze to the faces behind her. "What a sad lot you've brought to help you today. A slut. A rent-a-cop. And surprise, surprise." The gaze dropped to Timothy's hand, holding Jude's wrist. "How does it feel, Father? Fucking the woman you broke?"

"How dare you!" Timothy stepped forward quickly, covering the bottom two steps in an instant. His hands were hard and powerful against Arden's chest, shoving the doctor backward into his office.

"No!" Jude shouted, grabbing at Timothy. She stumbled on the step, caught by Shelley.

Arthur whirled the priest into his office, easily flinging him across the room. Timothy slammed into the massive desk, turning immediately. "Jude!" He cried.

Arthur whirled just in time to see Jude upon him, hands wrapping his neck. "Go to hell!" She cried.

"Make me!" His fingers, spindly knives, wrapped her throat in return. But Jude refused to give up her grip.

Timothy launched himself again at the mad doctor, swinging a solid blow against the side of his head. "Let her go!"

Arthur barely stumbled, not loosing his grip on Jude, eyes bulging slightly from her determined hold. But the motion upset her grip. Arden shoved her into Timothy, sent the two of them reeling backwards.

A blinding flash of light caught him unawares. He railed, throwing up arms and screaming a furious wail. "Now, Shelley!" Frank cried, keeping his flashlight leveled on the doctor.

The tears on Shelley's face were of rage. She held two scalpels, retrieved from Arden's desk. "Time to clip your wings, motherfucker." With his arms raised, he couldn't defend. Shelley sank the blades deeply into his shoulderblades, dragging them down his back with a shredding ease. Arthur's wail deepened, demonic. His chest swelled as if it might burst before he turned toward the ex-patient, scalpels protruding from his lower back and blood spreading like wings.

"Stupid little slut," he spat. "You can't kill me like a human!"

"Think I don't know that?" Shelley asked, something like pure joy on her face. "I'm just here to help send your soul where it belongs." She punched him squarely mid-face. The punch may have been a weak, mortal one were it not for the fact her hand gripped a massive brass paperweight. A satisfying crack was music to her ears.

Arden staggered backward, falling with a painful groan on the two scalpels still in his back. "Jesus Christ!" He cried.

"He won't help you, Gruper." It was Jude who straddled the Nazi's chest, plastering him back to the floor. The scalpels scraped against concrete sickeningly. "You're praying to the wrong master."

"I'm still my own master, you bitch!" He spat blood into Jude's face and swung hard. But his fist was stopped by another.

"Not true, Arthur." Timothy's grip was surprisingly strong, nearly breaking the skeletal fingers. "You've a new master to meet."

"I'll send all of your damned souls to hell before you'll defeat me!" Arthur laughed darkly. "You'll never know the power I've harnessed." His free hand fired to Jude's head, knocking her nearly senseless. He gripped her hair, pulling her face to his. "Let me demonstrate," he hissed.

Jude shouted at the pain, at the weakness she felt beneath his hand. But he threw her with such ease, taking Timothy's knee out with her limp body. "Jude." Timothy crumpled over his lover, pulling her to him, ready to cover her body with his own as Arthur rose unsteadily.

Frank's foot in Arden's back changed his course of attack. "Sit down, you Nazi piece of shit," Frank murmured. "Yer done here."

Shelley stepped behind Frank, brandishing a bone saw. "Look what I found," she chirped. "I can't wait to try it out."

Arthur rose to his feet, crouched like a caged animal. "You're all so sadly deluded." He spun on Timothy and Jude. "All sweetness and light, eh, Father?" Timothy cradled Jude to his chest. "You know what she was, right? Did the demon tell you that when it took your precious virginity? When it took hers?" It wasn't Jude he referred to. Timothy knew that. "You let it have her. The most perfect creature that ever existed. You gave her to it because you were too much of a coward to save her. Too weak! So weak you had to kill her!" Frank raised his flashlight. Shelley raised her saw. He whirled back toward them. "Fools! You can't destroy me! Don't you understand that? We're already doomed!"


Such a meek voice. Melodic. The bloody, broken man turned toward it. Moved onto his knees. He blinked blood from his eyes, disbelieving. "Little Sister?"

Eunice knelt beside Timothy and Jude first, checking her friends. Seeing Jude coming around, she smiled at Arden. "Yes, Arthur. You didn't forget me, did you?"

"Of course not." Some sick worship passed through his cloudy, black eyes. He scrambled toward the little nun, clutching at the hem of her habit.

Shelley and Frank tensed, ready to attack, but Eunice froze them with a raised hand. "You were a very bad man, Arthur."

"I loved you!" He wept. "You were everything that was good. Everything that was pure! You could have saved my damned soul!"

"No, I couldn't, Arthur." Eunice cupped his chin, blood sticky on her delicate fingers. "You never let me in. Never asked forgiveness. Never ceased torturing innocent souls around you.You were evil! You never changed."

"I wanted to!" Desperately, he climbed her, using her habit as a grip. "But - but you changed!"

Eunice grinned. It was an odd expression on her consistently peaceful face. "I was possessed, Arthur. What was your excuse?"

"Save me now!" He held her head in his hands.

Jude rose at the sight, steadying against Timothy. "Eunice," she breathed. A warning.

But Eunice ignored the warning. "I'll save you, Arthur." She took his hands in hers, folded them as if in prayer, and kissed them. "You just have to come with me, now."

"Where?" He asked, eyes taking in her compatriots closing in on him.

"It doesn't matter." Eunice tugged gently at his hands. "It's me, Arthur. Just...come."

As if hypnotized, he stepped - slowly - toward her. Let her lead him to the office door. To the bottom step. To the second step. Up.

Jude, Timothy, Shelley and Frank closed ranks behind him, ready to prevent him fleeing back to the office. Ready to push him into the arms of the shadows.

Arthur followed Eunice to the top step. He stared captivated into her eyes. Roses dropped and wilted as he passed them, shrivelling on their vines. And then, he saw the shadows.

Or did he feel them? Their vengeance closing in like a flood, ready to smother him. Realizing he'd been tricked, he rage wailed again. Spinning Eunice around on the steps. "No!" He cried. "Not you!" And whether he spoke to Eunice or the shadows, no one would know. He sent the young nun crashing down the stairs into the arms of her friends while the arms of his victims began to swallow him up.

Jude caught hold of Mary, holding her tightly. "Eunice..." she whispered. She was weak from the fight, lightheaded and hurting.

"Jude." Eunice's fingers stroked her face. "You were wonderful."

Arden's screams comprised the soundtrack to their victory. Eyes and mouths wide, they watched him crumple beneath a mass of charred arms, never able to free himself from their black grasp. They seemed to sink as one mass into the floor of Briarcliff. And as they sunk, revealed behind the mass - Elsa Mars and Pepper smiled on.

Fingers slipped into Gruper's mouth, making his last cries into gurgles. Jude watched his head disappear in black. She felt Timothy's arms surround her. And perhaps Shelley's and Frank's arms as well. She felt Eunice's fingers still stroking her face. She heard screams fade into a tinny, distant purr. Her vision blurred. Fingers gripped Timothy's shirt as she slid down his body.

"Jude!" She vaguely heard him calling her name. Vaguely felt him gripping her arms. But she was slipping still. "Jude!"

"I...I love you..."

Her voice melted into the sound of her blood pumping in her veins, filling her head. Soon all was black as the shadows...

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