Chapter Seven: Zoroth's Decision

"I am sick, I must die;

Lord, have mercy on us!"

-Thomas Nashe, "Adieu"


Soundtrack of the chapter: Flight of the Silverbird by Two Steps From Hell

Media: Jasper Silverbird


Chapter Seven: Zoroth's Decision

"Just drink it, Cady," Zoroth said, watching Cady fling the contents of her medicine out of the window. "It won't hurt to try."

"No," Cady said. "I cannot risk it. What if the potion forces you out from the shadows? It is a potion for Oracles."

Cady's voice was weak and laced with pain. The fever had aggravated over the days and she refused to drink any of the potions Jo had fed her. Zoroth had to admit, Jo wasn't the brightest girl. She actually believed that Cady would take her medicine without supervision. Smart.

Zoroth raked a hand through his hair in frustration. Cady was so obstinate. If Zoroth attempted to force her, Cady's agonistic display of refusal was scary. He tried the other night, and the results were rather terrifying.

"For me Cady, drink it for me," he pleaded. "Please don't allow yourself to hurt anymore. Please."

Cady dropped the empty bowl on the table with a clatter.

"I told you, it's not worth the risk."

Zoroth felt his temper rise. Why was Cady so hard to reason to? Some part of him was laced with guilt. The guilt cut into him like a million blades, digging deeper as Cady's health deteriorated. The reason his Ascendant fell ill was because of him. She used all her energy into shaping his shadow to hers, to prevent their secret from spilling out. It was all his fault.

"Zoroth?" Cady's voice pierced through his self-fury. "Earth to Zoroth."

Zoroth lifted his head and took in the gaunt face of his Ascendant. She used to be so full of life, so cheerful. But ever since she entered the Hall of Spirits, she fell silent. She no longer teased him. She was even rejecting one rejects food. It was as if the Hall of Spirits was an ominous chasm, sapping the energy out of his beloved Ascendant. His fist scrunched up his sides. He must find a way to ease Cady's pain. He must.

"Come here, Cady," he said. Cady crawled up the trunk in front of the window where Zoroth sat. Zoroth wrapped his arms around Cady and both sat in silence, observing the serene skies.

Cady's head was warm against Zoroth's chest. Zoroth closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet, grape scent. He wished he could hold her forever, locked in an eternal embrace. He thought of how he first met her in a small cave and he left his spirits lift.

That little Walker had eaten all his food, messed up his cave, and still had the nerve to argue with him. All his life, no one had ever dared defy him, for he was the son of Aragor, one of the majestic Great Decanates. With one swipe of his hand, he could send heads flying over walls. Everyone feared him...all but Cady.

Cady shifted in his arms until she was facing him. "What are you thinking about?"

"Just reminiscing the good ol' times." He grinned.

"What are you, an old man?" Cady poked him in the chest, hard.

Zoroth returned the favor by flicking her on the forehead. "If I'm old, then you're a doddering hag."

"What are you trying to imply-" Cady broke off coughing. She shuddered violently before falling limp. Her flaming locks jerked free from the loose braid and tumbled down her thin shoulders. Cady reminded Zoroth of an angel from old Esvaniran tales; an angel plunging from the Celestial Kingdoms and into the Underlands, her beautiful face sunken and clothes charred as they burned with eternal flames.

He pressed Cady closer to him and felt her shiver. He sighed. The only reason Cady was suffering was because of him. She used up her energy to force-shape his shadow. The transformation hurt him, but it hurt Cady even more.

If you leave, she won't be hurt anymore. A little voice snagged at the back of his head. You are the cause of her pain.

Zoroth snubbed the voice.

Break the bond, and she will be saved. Break the bond, and the Oracles will never suspect anything. Break the bond, and she will never be hurt again.

You and I know very well what will happen if the bond is severed by force. He snarled back.

Ah. The voice hid a hint of smugness. You will die. But your Ascendant lives, without pain, and without fear.

Who would want to live a life where they can never be completed? If I break the bond on purpose, she loses her powers, forever. She will never be a true Walker, or an Oracle. Is that what you want? Is that what I want?

Zoroth didn't realize that he was clutching Cady so hard, she was whimpering from pain. He released her at once, horrified.

"Cady, I'm so sorry." He gently brushed a lock of hair that was stuck to her cheek aside. Her skin was burning under his fingers. He wished he could do something, anything to stop Cady from being tortured by the sickness anymore.

Cady didn't reply. Instead, she closed her eyes.

Maybe the little voice was right. He was the reason Cady fell ill. Maybe Cady wouldn't suffer anymore if he broke the bond. Zoroth would readily give up his life for his Ascendant anytime, for she was the reason he was still breathing, the reason his heart beat. He made up his mind.

"Hey, Cady," he whispered into her ear. "Wanna go out for some fresh air?"

Cady managed a weak smile. "Yeah. This place is suffocating me."

"Hold on tight."

With that, he lifted Cady to the air and spiraled out of the window.

The night air was cool on his face. The breeze was welcoming. It stroked his wings as he spread them wide open. Zoroth inhaled the salty scent of the sea, the wet tinge of the Darkling Woods ahead. For the first time in weeks, he could be himself.

An exhilarated hoot escaped him as he did a cartwheel. Cady's laughter echoed with his, chiming like the stars. She had her arms spread out, running them through the swirling mists.

Cady was so happy, lost in the joy of nature, she didn't notice that Zoroth had slipped a Celestial Blade into the folds of his breeches when he soared out of the window. Part of Zoroth was glad that she was oblivious to what he was intending to do when they land, for he knew Cady too well. She would commit suicide first before Zoroth could kill himself.

With a practiced sweep of his massive wings, Zoroth slowed down and landed on a lush patch of grass in the Darkling Woods. He was pleased with his landing, no bumps and soundless. Folding back his wings, he surveyed the woods.

The forest was contorted with deformed trees-trees poisoned with dark magic as a result of the Great War. Branches stuck out like thorns in all directions, their leaves glittering under the silvery moon. The wet earth squelched under Zoroth's feet. Although the forest resembled a grotesque beast, it was alive with beautiful Moonflowers.

Nostalgia wrapped around Zoroth as he picked a silver flower and crumpled its soft petals. The Moonflower faded into dust and fluttered away.

Soon, he will turn into dust and ashes, just like the withered flower.

"What is this place?" Cady asked, roving her eyes across the canopy of trees.

"It's the Darkling Woods," Zoroth answered. "It used to be a favorite meeting place for Oracles and Walkers. But now the Oracles have annexed it into their lands."

Cady turned around, her face glowing. "Let's come here more often, it's so...peaceful."

Zoroth forced a smile. "I'm so sorry, Cady."

Her eyes widened at his words. "Why are you--"

She never finished her sentence, for Zoroth sent a hard blow at her head. There was a sickening crack and Cady crumpled, her eyes rolling back.

Zoroth caught her as she fell. Carrying her in one arm, he smoothed a patch of grass, clearing it from broken twigs and stones. With care, he laid her done on the clearing. She could be sleeping. Her eyes were closed, and her long lashes shadows against her cheeks. Her flaming hair was wild, sprawling all over the place. Zoroth threaded his fingers through hers, feeling them for the last time. His other hand explored her face, feeling the smoothness of her skin, her silky hair. She would forever be is Ascendant, his one and only goddess.

Giving her one last kiss on the forehead, Zoroth stood back. With one fluid motion, he removed the Celestial Blade from his robes. The vermilion tip exploded into blinding rays of light, shining as bright as the sun.

Goodbye, Cady. Live well.

He aimed the blade at his heart. Biting back a scream, he brought the blade down with all his might.

Before the blade could pierce him, a dart came soaring through the air with startling accuracy. The weapon knocked the blade from Zoroth's hand. It clattered the ground, useless.

Zoroth sprang into action, his wings unfolding themselves. He felt a sudden burst of pain as his canines slid from their sheaths and pieced his bottom lip.

No one could knock a weapon from his hand, not even his siblings. Under normal circumstances, he should be able to sense the attacker's presence. He was trained to smell blood even from the furthest distance. But somehow, the person managed to evade his sharp senses. He must be really skilled, to disarm him in secret.

"Show yourself," he growled, readying his claws.

A shadow emerged from the thicket of trees. Zoroth narrowed his eyes at the stranger.

"That wasn't a very smart move," the shadow tutted, walking into the light. "Suicide won't solve anything, Decanate."

A young man came into view. His sharp face emanated an aura of confidence, along with a hint of cocky laziness. His sturdy shoulders complimented his tall and slender figure. Dark curls waved in the gentle breeze, which came to rest on his shoulders. His eyes were swirling pits of darkness, as black as the night.

"Who are you?" Zoroth snarled. "What are you doing here?"

The young man laughed-a sweet, lilting sound that echoed through the night.

"I could ask you the same question, Decanate. These are Oracle lands. I am starting to think you're really suicidal."

"Stop changing the subject," Zoroth said, getting annoyed at the boy's attitude. "I asked you a question first."

"The name is Jasper Silverbird, Oracle of the Darkling Woods. Been living here since young," he answered cheerily. "You should be ashamed of yourself, preying on young girls in the middle of the night. What impropriety."

Zoroth sucked in a deep breath of air, trying his very best not to pounce on the boy and punch the daylights out of him. "What are you trying to suggest, Silverbird?"

The young man-Jasper approached him with quick strides. He started circling Cady, his dark eyes searching.

"Pretty lass you have here, Decanate. Or should I say, Consort?"

Zoroth felt all his blood drain from his face. "What?"

Jasper gestured at Cady. "This girl here is your Ascendant. It has been sixteen years since I've seen a Walker. What a coincidence."

Zoroth flexed his claws. He must kill this silly boy on the spot. Who knew if he was a spy for the Hall of Spirits? Plus, it would be a pleasure to wipe that stupid smile off his handsome face.

"Relax." Jasper raised his hands in surrender. "I've already seen you both playing tag in the sky. It's beyond obvious, you two are bonded."

"More than enough reasons to kill you then." Zoroth lunged at Jasper, claws extended.

Jasper's next move was so swift, it was a complete blur. A flash of gold shot out from his sleeve and raked across Zoroth's hand. Pain exploded where the object sliced through his flesh and he saw red.

That bloody--

"Listen to what I have to say, Decanate," Jasper said. The golden object flipped through the air before it came zooming back to him. With on practiced sweep of his hand, Jasper plucked it from the air and began toying with it. Zoroth frowned. It was a card, a perfect cut from gilded gold. Zoroth had heard tales about such a weapon, a weapon wielded only by a powerful Oracle bloodline-The Gilded Tarot. Could this boy be--

"Stop dreaming. Did you hear me?" Jasper's voice cut through Zoroth's thoughts.

Zoroth bared his teeth in response.

"I said, I know a way to help you and your Ascendant."



I've been anticipating this chapter forever! Here we have Jasper, the mysterious Oracle. Do you like him? :D And are you mad at Zoroth for trying to kill himself? As usual, don't forget to vote and drop me your thoughts!



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