Why Does She Look Like Mom!
(2 years later. Y/N woke up in his room. He got up from his bed and got ready for the work day.)
Y/N: Huh, same old same old.
???: Son. You woke up finally.
(Y/N looked over to were the voice came from. His father Meliodas was standing there with Hawk.)
Hawk: Come on, get up before your father makes breakfast!
Meliodas: Hey, what's wrong with my food!
Y/N: It's nothing to die over.
Meliodas: Hey!
(Y/N got dressed and than looked down and saw his amulet.)
Meliodas: Hey let's get the tavern opened now. How about it?
(Y/N nodded and grabbed the amulet and put it by his side.)
Y/N: (Smiles) Yeah, let's start today off well dad.
(Meliodas looked at his son. He wanted to tell him about the curse but what if Y/N blamed him for Liz's death. He didn't want that.)
Meliodas: (Thoughts) One day Y/N I will tell you. Maybe after I break the curse then I will have the guts to tell you. But for now your going to have to wait.
(INT. the Boar Hat--- Day--- Latter)
Y/N: Breakfast is done!
Hawk: This is good so Y/n!
Y/N: Everything is good if it's not my dad's cooking.
Hawk: How did you not take after him in cooking?
Y/N: Don't know. I just practiced a lot and had some help along the way that's all.
Meliodas: Thanks for the breakfast Y/N! Now, let's get the Boar Hat open for business!
Y/N: Alright!
(The tavern and a lot of people started to show mostly because of Y/N's cooking. Meliodas is serving beer to people.)
Meliodas: Hear you go up.
Man: (coming in the Boar Hat his hand.) You got room for more.
Meliodas: Wait up.
Man: For such a fellow, he's one hard waiter. (Points to Y/N) He makes work you hard.
Meliodas: Oh, know I'm not the waiter buddy. I'm the owner of this place. (Points to Y/N) That's actually my son.
Man: (Shocked) Your the owner and that's your kid.
Meliodas: (Talking to a group of three) All from the oven it's the Boar Hat Pie that made The Boar Hat famous pie. (Puts a pie down)
Meliodas: My son back there made it. (Waves at Y/N)
Y/N: (See's his father waving, waves back, and than gets back to working.)
Man: It looks great, let's try some pie.
(They all eat the pie and get stars in their eyes. The three begin to scarf down pie in seconds. Meliodas chuckles at this.)
Meliodas: Yeah, the tavern isn't just known for our beer. Room for seconds?
All three: Yes, please!
(Meliodas walks by with more food and beer, but hears some other people talking as does Y/N who is cleaning a table.)
Man #2: Come on those are just made up stories people say to scar their kids into behaving. If you don't do what I tell you one of the seven deadly sins would come for you in blood rusted armor woooo aaaaaa.
(We hear more laughter into the background.)
Meliodas (curiously): The Seven Deadly Sins?
Y/N: Who are they?
Man #3: Man, you mean you never heard of them young tavern owner?
Man #4: Their wanted posters are hanging everywhere like those over there.
Man #4: When was it about ten years ago?
Man #1: Dozens of Holy Knights from all across the land where butcher so fast that they didn't even have time to defend themselves and they say The Seven Deadly Sins were the ones who were responsible for it. From what I heard the way the Holy Knights Grandmaster was murdered it was too gruesome for anyone to look at.
Man #3: They say their captain, Meliodas, is the strongest one of them all, they say he's even brought down entire countries before. It's also rumored that his son is even stronger than he is. That his son took down an entire horde of holy knights with nothing more that a dagger.
Man #1 : They still haven't been caught yet, have they?
Man #2: Yeah, not a single one of them.
Man #4: Some rumor is going around that they've died already, though. But, the son is still kicking.
Man #1: There's no way they're dead.
Man #2 : The Holy Knights wouldn't have just let them go.
Man #4: Yeah, that's true.
Man# 1: Even though the king passed away due to an illness,-
Meliodas: (Puts down some beer) Here you go.
Man #1: the Holy Knights are doing a pretty good job protecting the kingdom.
Man #4: But these wanted posters are renewed every year.
Man #1: Maybe there's a chance they're still alive.
Man #3: Even if they are, it's a bit of a stretch to say there's a knight in rusty armor wandering around, don't you think?
Man #4: Yeah, you're right. Anyway, this talk of a knight walking around in rusty armor is kinda farfetched. Right?"
(Everyone shrugged them off and continued to what they were doing. Y/N heard some walking towards the Boar Hat.)
Hawk: (Sniffing) "Why do I smell rust?"
Y/N": "I smell that too, but what could it be?"
(Y/N slowly grabbed his amulet slowly, but not taking it out. The door opened to reveal a knight. Everyone started to freak out.)
Civillain: "It's here!!!"
(Everyone ran away and all was left was Y/N, Meliodas, and Hawk. Y/N jumped over the counter.)
Y/N: "Who are you?"
(The knight fell, knocking his helmet. However, a girl was in the suit of armor. Y/N looker at her a bit surprised.)
Hawk: "This kid is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
(Y/N took off her armor and Meliodas carried her bridal style to his room. As the girl laid on the bed Y/N noticed that she looked lot like his mother.)
Y/N: Hey, Dad. Why does she look like mom?
Meliodas: Um, I don't know.
(Y/N knew there was something his dad was not telling him. But he decided to drop it)
Y/N: Okay. I'm going to head back down stairs. This girl is going to need some food. (Heads out)
Meliodas: (Thoughts) I'll tell you someday Y/N.
(Start at 5: 22 and stop at 6:52)
(As they were downstairs they saw Y/N placing a plate down. He than noticed Elizabeth and his father. )
Y/N: Oh, hey you're awake. Well, your food is almost done. Let me just go finish it. (Leaves to finish the food.)
(Elizabeth watched as Y/N left. For some reason she felt a certain attachment with him. Like a mother would for their child.)
Elizabeth: Umm. Who was that by chance?
Meliodas: Oh. That is my son Y/N.
Hawk: Y/N is a good kid. Though he plays alot of pranks on me. But since recently he has been down lately.
Meliodas looked towards Y/N.
(After Y/N finished making the food he gave it to Elizabeth.)
Y/N: Enjoy Miss?
Elizabeth: Elizabeth will be fine.
(Elizabeth took a bite of the food and her eyes widened in pleasure.)
Elizabeth: It's delicious Y/N. (Rubs his head which surprises him)
(Elizabeth then noticed what she was doing.)
Elizabeth: I-i am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!
Y/N: N-no it's fine.
Meliodas: So what were exactly doing walking in that rusted armor any ways?
Y/N: Yeah.
Elizabeth: I'm on a personal quest to find the seven deadly sins and the Hunter.
Hawk (suspicious): Why would you do that; no one has any idea if those guys are even still alive are not, and their serious villains.
(We hear a banging on the door Meliodas, Hawk, Y/N and Elizabeth looks at the door. We angle on four knights outside with swords.)
Alioni: Open up the villagers told us who's in there. We are the beard of the mountain cast serving under the Holy Knights from the foot of the mountain; wondering rust knight member of the seven deadly sins come out and do so peacefully.
Meliodas: What's the matter with everyone today?
Y/N: (Shrugs)
Princess Elizabeth: Holy Knights
Knight 1 (curious): I don't think their coming out.
Knight 2: This is kind of strange when did someone put a tavern up on the top of this hill.
Knight 3: You know now that you mention it I don't even remember seeing this place a few days ago.
Alioni: On your guard because where about to go up against a holy Knight who went up against the king ten years ago.
Knight 1: Come on theirs nothing to worry about.
Alioni I'm share he's old by now.
Knight 2: That's right he's no match for fighters like us who were trained by sir Triggo and zel themselves.
Alioni: I told you don't underestimate them when the uprising happened in Liones dozens of holy nights where butchered in an instant.
Knight 1: About that.
Alioni: What is it?
Knight 1: I have to wonder if things weren't exaggerated a little bit.
Alioni: And what are you trying to say?
Knight 2: Well people say that a holy knight is as powerful as a Hundred ordinary solders so dozens of them butchered.
Alioni: I saw their bodies with my own eyes.
Knight 1: Everybody calm down for now just stand back Alioni, I think we can handle one old man; hey get out hear!
Meliodas (opens the door with Y/N by his side): Yea what's up?
Alioni: (Points to Y/N) You must be the owner of this place.
Meliodas: (Points to himself) Well I'm the owner of this place.
Y/N: I'm his son.
Knights: WHAT!?
Alioni: The wondering rust knight's here send him out.
Y/N: Alright, right better come out.
(Angle on hawk as he comes out with mini rusty armor on.)
Hawk: Ha he ha who is calling for me I'm sir Hawk the rusty knight.
Knight 1: So, this pig is one of the seven deadly sins.
Alioni: Well of course not.
Hawk: How about a little respect I'm the leader of the order of scraps Disposal.
Alioni: There is no such order.
Meliodas: If this pigs what you're after you can grill him if you want.
Y/N: I can help if you want.
Hawk: Give it a rest will ya!
Alioni: (Grabbing Meliodas by the collar.)You got some nerve making fun of knights like this.
Knight 4 (pointing at Elizabeth.): Alioni look a girl ran out the back!
Alioni: (Drops Meliodas.) What? We have to inform sir Triggo and Zel she must be the wandering rust knight. (All of them shout.)
Knights: Get her! (The knights run after her.)
Knight 1: Hold it right there!
(Princess Elizabeth is running trying to escape jumping over tree ends and heading towards the end of the forest.)
Alioni: I can't let a member of the seven deadly sins escape I've gotta capture her if I can manage that I finally be made into an apprentices Holy Knight. (Hawk is attacking.) What's going on? What's happening?
Knight 1: The pig is attacking
(Hawk Head butts the other knights and then starts Heading towards Alioni.)
Alioni: Oh no! Go Away! Go away! Now you leave me alone! (Alioni almost falls of a cliff.) Where's the girl? (Hawk then Head butts him then he falls off the cliff.)
Hawk: No offense, Mr. Want a be, but I just earned trice as much food tonight.
Elizabeth (getting groped by Meliodas again.): I don't know how I can ever thank you for saving me not once but two --- times (Meliodas as he nods.)
Hawk: I'm telling you lady just feel free to hall off and punch him.
Y/N: Allow me. (Punches Meliodas giving him a bruise on his face)
(INT Outside--- Moments Later--- Day)
Meliodas: So, why are you looking for the seven deadly sins and hunter anyway?
Y/N: Are you a fan or something?
Elizabeth: I want to ask them to help me stop the Holy Knights.
Hawk: Are you serious why in the world would you do that? The Holy Knights are the kings men--- their the Knights that protect Liones real heroes.
Elizabeth: But, what if they were the ones who were trying to start a war in our country? The other day except for the king himself the entire royal family was arrested and is being held by the Holy Knights.
Y/N: So, does that mean the king isn't sick in bed.
Elizabeth: That's just a the Holy are using. I don't know what they can by the to war. But now they are the of the kingdom. They are men ever they can get them for war you look soon will all the way out hear.
Hawk: That's not good.
Y/N: No kidding.
Meliodas: Yea tuff hun.
Hawk: Wow you don't have any at all do ya.
Meliodas: So, how does this tie in with the sins again?
Princess Elizabeth: If there's even a of Hope the Holy from this, I know they're the only ones who can.
Just here your to find even when you know what kind of they are.
Princess Elizabeth : (A Flashback is of the sins in armor with Y/N by their.) The Sins the most vile of the ever made up of each with the mark of a beast and the hunter is the son of their leader which makes him even more dangerous; ten years ago when they were suspected of over throwing the kingdom the knights of the realm lunched a full force attack scattering them to the four winds.
Meliodas: Well, if you believe the rumors they each died a long time ago
Princess Elizabeth: Such amazing people wouldn't possibly let themselves get killed!
Y/N: Hmmm, but they are all criminals aren't they?
Princess Elizabeth: (Says strongly.) The Holy Knights are the ones starting the suffering of the people right now. A long time ago when I was five or six years old my father would tell me stories about them that when I learned that they were the strongest Knights---
(Suddenly out of nowhere the ground began to shake and then the cliff that the four of them were standing on gave away and fell with them on it.)
Hawk: (Shouts) Give me a break!
Sir Triggo: Oopsy – We forgot whether to find out if they were the ones named in the report conclusion, two individual of unknown origin dead, what do you think men does that sound about right.
Zel: Well, it's too late now.
Knight 1: But, sirs, Alioni is still under the cliff.
Sir Triggo: Well then simply put four fatalities in the report.
Knight 2: But, you can't sir Triggo, that's too low even for you.
Sir Triggo/Zel: How about seven fatalities instead.
Knight 1: (Trembling.) You don't need to do that for give us
(Meliodas jumps and lands on the top of the cliff then drops Elizabeth and Hawk while Y/N does the same with Aloni.)
Knight 1:(Excited.) Look its Alioni.
Sir Triggo: You their how dare you survive without our say so, I shell not revise my death tally conclusion.
Hawk:(Shouts) Who asked you to anyway?
Meliodas: Hey you awake?
Princess Elizabeth: Oh,- yes.
Y/N: When we signal to you run into the forest got it.
Princess Elizabeth: Yea, alright.
Sir Triggo: Tell me which one of them do you believe to be a member of the seven deadly sins neither resembles anything to the wanted posters (he looks at Elizabeth's earring) --- ah ha fate is smiling upon me to day. The crystal in that earring you're wearing is a member of the royal family; which mean conclusion you are Princess Elizabeth.
Meliodas: Hold on you're a princess?
Y/N: Huh, why am I not surprised?
Hawk: Wait! Are you really Princess Elizabeth? You're the third princess in the royal family.
Zel: A decree has been issued from the capital to determine your whereabouts. The order was to capture you alive and in healthy condition but if you lost your life in an unfortunate accident---
Meliodas (pointing to the forest.): Go! Go--- Go now!
Princess Elizabeth (running.): I can't afford to give up yet.
Sir Triggo: --- Conclusion accidental death.
(Sir Triggo and Zel, launches their swords at the woods; the trees cut in half, Meliodas then grabs Elizabeth and then dodges the blast. Trees start to fly, Elizabeth opens her eyes as she see's Meliodas on top of her with Y/N next to him standing up.)
Meliodas (looking at her from the top.): Hi there (now looking at hawk.) You alright hawk you seem okay.
Hawk (shaking): Seriously I'm shave pork on a skillet (now running.) mooomy! Oh Moooomy!
Sir Triggo: (confused.): Pig. No matter.
(Princess Elizabeth gets up than starts walking at Sir Triggo and Zel.)
Meliodas: Elizabeth, hey what are you doing?
Princess Elizabeth: There's no escape.
Y/N: Right hang on. You just said you couldn't afford to be caught or to give up.
Princess Elizabeth: Maybe if I surrender myself peacefully he'll agree to take me back with him and your lives can be spared.
(Sir Triggo hits his sword again and air comes out at Elizabeth then Meliodas grabs Elizabeth and dodges the attack.)
Princess Elizabeth: Please try to get away while you still can.
Meliodas: I think he wants neither one of us to get out of here alive.
Princess Elizabeth: (Crying) Why! I was so happy when I met you two. I set out searching for the seven deadly sins all alone, it was hard traveling by myself it was hard and I felt so scared. Walking around in that rusty armor hoping nobody would recognize me, but there wasn't anybody I could turn to for help. Now you and your son show such kindness to someone you haven't even met before I don't want to see either of you hurt; that's why I don't want to involve you with my problems anymore, not when I don't even know your name.
(A flash back is shown about a lady who's dying, Meliodas smiles.)
Meliodas: Meliodas, if you really want to know.
(Elizabeth's eyes widen then the name on the wanted poster pops up showing Meliodas's whole name then shows Meliodas's wanted picture.)
Princess Elizabeth: I don't believe it, you can't be, how can you--- you're (Gasp) than that means (Turns to Y/N) Your?!
Y/N: (Smiles while pulling out his amulet)
(Alioni gets up with the other four knights surrounding him.)
Alioni: You Idiots we don't get him angry at us or the whole kingdom will fall when they saved me from the cliff that's when I saw it they're the real thing, the most dangerous one of them all the symbols right there on his shoulder it's right there and I saw the amulet.
Zel: Meliodas, but that's impossible! You are just a brat!
Y/N: (Walking forward) Dad, let me take care of this prick.
Meliodas: Knock him dead son.
Zel: Ha! You think you can stand up to me!!
Y/N: No.............I know I can. For the doom of the Demon king, Eclipse is mine to command! (Dons his armor)
Zel: You're the-
(Y/N rushes at Zel)
Y/N: That's right I am the Hunter! Y/N
(Moments Later)
Meliodas: Well, Elizabeth I guess this means you've found your first sin, so lessen as for as the six others go, I've got some business to discuss, so I've started looking for them myself, I've been using the tavern as a way to gather information, but if I had a pretty girl to pull in a larger crowd I bet we will see a lot of info coming our way. How about it, coming with us?
Y/N: (Thoughts) I have to tell him.
Princess Elizabeth: (With tears coming down her face) Yes.
(The Four knights are surrounding Sir Triggo and Zel who fell down with him.)
Knight 3: Sir Triggo and Zel Hang in there.
(Sir Triggo is struggling to get up along with Zel.)
Sir Triggo: Requests reinforcements from the capital tell them all this is a matter of upmost in portents.
(A pig then falls on Sir Triggo, Zel, and the rest of the Knights )
Hawk: Perfect timing isn't it guys.
(Meliodas grabs the rope ladder.)
Meliodas: Hey, wait to go Hawk's mom.
Hawk: Wait I'm the one who brought her.
Meliodas: All right then lets head out for the next time all right Hawk's mom up to you now.
Princess Elizabeth: (Thinking) Was our meeting the work of chance or providence and what awaited us, despair or hope that was how the adventure for Sir Meliodas, Y/N and me, as we started our search for the seven deadly sins.
(In the Boar Y/N is packing up his stuff and than he walks down to the bar where his dad, Elizabeth, and Hawk greet him.)
Meliodas: Hey, Y/N (Notices his stuff) What....are you-
Y/N: Dad, It's time I tell you......I'm leaving.
Meliodas: What...what do you mean?
Y/N: I'm mean that I've spent my entire life with you and it every moment has been amazing. But, it's time I have my own journey. Please don't try to stop me.
Meliodas: (Looks down and tears drop) I won't because I knew this day was going to come soon. Just promise me one thing......(Looks down with tears falling) that we'll see each other again,
Y/N: (Hugs his father who hugs back) I promise.
(Elizabeth looks at Y/N and Meliodas with some tears spilling as well. Y/N walks out of the boar hat and was about to jump off Hawk's mom.)
Elizabeth: (Running to him) Wait, Y/N!
Y/N: (Turns around) Yes, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I just wanted to give you something for the journey. (Pulls out necklace)
Elizabeth: My father gave me this and told that as long I wear it I will always fine my way home. (Puts it around Y/N's neck) Now, I'm giving this to you.
Y/N: Why?
Elizabeth: I can't explain it, but I just feel like I need to. (Puts hand on face) Stay safe. (Takes hand away quickly) I'm sorry.
Y/N: (Chuckles) It's okay. See ya! (Leaps off Hawk's mom)
(Meliodas looks at the whole scene with a smile on his face. Y/n is seen on a mountain looking at the sunset.)
Y/N: Looks like my adventure starts now.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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