- twentyfour

liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 18.254 others

itsindra This album though. A masterpiece😯😍

tagged: glassanimals


pierregasly aah yess! their music is so good

user1 This girl is an absolute legend

user2 If this is your music taste, than praise the lord

pierregasly will i be meeting you on track as well by the way?
itsindra Of course we'll meet. You are my
    favorite frenchie
user3 ahw she really did her f1 studies and
    knows the drivers' nationalities
estebanocon Oii
grosjeanromain Ouch
itsindra Omg sorry I didn't remember you were
     French too
pierregasly no no, you can't take it back now
user3 i'll take my words back now🤭✌🏼
itsindra @estebanocon @grosjeanromain
     @pierregasly I'll meet up with all three of you
     because you are all cool frenchies, okay?

user4 So you feel good about yourself not posting anything about thanking Lando for some good ass days but go post something about music instead. Ungrateful little twat
user5 who the fuck hurt you to be such a mean
user6 she doesn't owe us any post
user7 She literally posted about them being
    together for the last couple days. Isn't that
    enough prove for you to show she was grateful?
user4 @user7 She is just a big attention seeker
    trying to get his money when they get together
    and leave him afterwards. All she does is post
    about Lando
user7 Darling, you got to make your mind up.
    Do you want her give us content about them being
    together or not?
user7 With that, since when is she not allowed to
     post about her interests in music. She is not an
     obsessed person who can only post about a guy
     she met. They were together these days, so her
     content for these days were pictures of what they
     did. Now they're on my own again so they don't
     have content together anymore.

- landonorris has reported user4 for bullying or harassment -
- landonorris has blocked user4 -

- isahernaez has blocked user4 -

- flonorris1 has reported user4 for bullying or harassment -
- flonorris1 has blocked user4 -

itsindra Okay so I wasn't going to reply to these messages at all, but I sadly feel the need to explain myself to you all.    The last couple of days have been absolutely amazing and I am so grateful for having such a good new friend in my life.    None of you have the right to tell me what to or what not to post on MY instagram account.    If you don't like me, leave my page, I'm fine with you not liking everyone. But if you are a fan of Lando's and you are not happy for him in the things he is happy to do, you cannot call yourself a fan.     Please reconsider your words before you throw them on the internet.

- comments are now disabled on this post -


user4 wants to send you a dm

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flonorris1 wants to send you a dm

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Hi Indra

I am so sorry for what is
happening to you right
now. I don't know how
Lando is atm but I know
he feels bad as well

I think you are a lovely
girl who is absolutely
grateful for everything
she gets reached in life

See, I don't talk with
Lando as much as before,
but I know when there is
a person who makes him
happy. And that's you

Hey Flo, thank you so
much for checking up
on me, I really appreciate
that. I'm alright though,
these comments can just
get a little much sometimes

You know, I can take a lot
but sometimes people need
to be put in their place

Also, I am indeed grateful
for everything and everyone
I have in my life, including
Lando and the opportunity
to have met him and have
such a great time with him.
I am happy to hear that I am
making him happy, as he is
doing the same for me :)

I really hope to be meeting
you one day Indra. I might
join the German GP so I
might see you there, I'll let
you know

We will definitely meet
someday. Good luck with
your showjumping and
everything and thanks
again for being an
amazing person.

I'll dm you my number
for easier contact in the

- itsindra started following flonorris1 -

- itsindra started following flo_norris_showjumping -

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