Childhood friend (Nishinoya x reader)
Requested By: Gokubu
i think i have failed you im sorry
Izumi: yall i just realized i have like 3 Haikyuu stories in my drafts. im excited to write and post them but i have like 5?? other stories too sjsdksksljksdj pls stop me
grab some popcorn because this chapter is a long one.
(D/n) - dog name
Elementary school
"WAHH!" a young Nishinoya was running down the sidewalk while screaming. Screaming from excitement? From happiness? No, it was from fear. A dog was chasing him, more specifically a Shiba Inu puppy.
Nishinoya was walking home from school alone when suddenly a bark was heard. He turned and saw that the a Shiba Inu was running towards him.
Being a small innocent boy, he thought that the dog was angry and wanted to bite him. So what did young Nishinoya do? He ran for his life.
Meanwhile. . .
"(D/n)! (D/n)!" a young (Y/n) was looking for her Shiba Inu puppy that she accidentally let the leash go off. She asked her mother if she could walk the dog to the park. She was allowed to, just on the condition that she comes back before it gets dark.
(Y/n) just continued running straight to where she thinks the dog went.
"WAHHH!" she heard someone scream, followed by a high-pitched bark. "(D/n)!" she exclaimed before running towards where she heard the scream come from.
Reaching her destination, she noticed it was the park she planned to go to. She saw a boy around her age standing on a park bench and her puppy barking up at the boy. Luckily the puppy was too small to "bite" the boy.
She ran towards them before scooping it up into her arms. "I'm sorry about my dog scaring you.. It's not properly tamed yet. We just go it a few days ago. I'm sorry.." (Y/n) said as she bowed to apologise and turned away to go home.
"W-Wait!" Nishinoya called out before (Y/n) could leave. He jumped off the bench. "M-My name is Nishinoya Yuu! W-What's your name?!" he stuttered as couldn't help but feel shy in front of the cute girl in front of him.
"H-Hm? I'm (L/n) (Y/n)! Nice to meet you, Nishinoya-kun!" she said before bowing slightly.
Middle school (1st year)
"(Y/n)!" she heard someone shout down the hallway.
(Y/n) paused talking to her friends and looked back to see Nishinoya running towards them. "Yes, Noya-kun?" she asked.
"Do you wanna eat lunch with me?" he asked with a wide grin. (Y/n) looked at her friends and they said they didn't mind, so she accepted the invite.
They decided to eat at one of the benches available outside of the school building.
"Did you already join a club?" Nishinoya asked before stuffing his face with his food. "Nope, neither of the clubs interest me.." (Y/n) replied before eating her food.
"Join the Volleyball club with me!" Nishinoya exclaimed. " "With you" ? But isn't it a Boys' Volleyball Club? Also, it's been a month since they recruited, are you sure I can still join?" (Y/n) asked.
"You can be our manager! I heard the current manager is looking for someone to be the new manager since they're gonna be graduating this year." Nishinoya explained. (Y/n) was hesitant since she knew nothing about volleyball, but decided to try it out.
After school, Nishinoya brought (dragged) (Y/n) to the Boys' Volleyball Club and introduced her to the current manager. She was delighted that someone came to her instead of her having to search the entire school for someone.
That day is when (Y/n) started to become the new manager of Chidoriyama's Boys' Volleyball Club.
Middle school (3rd year - graduating)
"Do you really have to leave?" Nishinoya asked his long time close friend as she looked down sadly. "Yes.." she said under her breath but was loud enough for Nishinoya to hear.
It was the day that the students were graduating middle school and everyone was talking to each other outside. Nishinoya asked (Y/n) if they wanted to go to the same school, but the latter explained that she was moving to another part of Japan, Tokyo.
"My dad doesn't want to leave us all behind, so my parents decided to move altogether." (Y/n) explained without lifting her gaze off the floor. "I'm sorry, Noya.." she said as tears started to fall from her eyes.
"No, it's fine, it's not your fault." Nishinoya sighed, "Can we at least keep in touch?" he asked.
(Y/n) finally lifted her head up and nodded before crying even more.
Days past and (Y/n) was already residing in Tokyo with her family. She and Nishinoya has been texting almost everyday, just talking about each other's lives and what they miss, well until (Y/n) accidentally broke her phone that is. Don't ask why, it just happened.
Since then, they haven't been in contact. All Nishinoya knew was that (Y/n) was going to a school called Nekoma, and (Y/n) knew that Nishinoya was going to a school called Karasuno.
Highschool (2nd year - Nekoma)
"About our destined opponent, Karasuno. Do they have a female manager or not?" Yamamoto asked Inuoka and Shibayama as they were sitting on their futons. "I bet a yakisoba bread that they don't."
"What? I'd prefer that they did, so my bet is that they do." Inuoka said. "Me too." Shibayama agreed.
"Jackasses. We already have cute one, what makes you think that they would too?" Yamamoto retorted as he pointed at them accusingly.
"What if their manager was prettier? I won't ever forgive them! I never will!" he said with crocodile tears running down his face as he went up to the window and opened it.
"And if that's the case, you'd better watch out. Karasuno!" he shouted. Kuroo snapped, "Shut up Yamamoto!"
"Hey, Kenma. What do you think?" the ace asked their genius setter. Kenma looked at him for a couple of seconds before answering, "I don't care either way."
Yamamoto scoffed at the setter's usual answer. "But.. I'm kind of looking forward to it. Our match against Karasuno." Kenma added, which caused Yamamoto to shout in disbelief.
Suddenly the door opened with a slam. A girl with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes with the Nekoma tracksuit on was there.
"Yamoto, you seem full of energy tonight. Do you want to practice even more for today?" she asked menacingly.
"S-Sorry.." Yamamoto apologized since he knew what would happen if you disobey Nekoma's manager.
==N E X T D A Y==
Nekoma and Karasuno met up at the front of the gym. They both lined up and faced each other. I was facing their manager and man, was she beautiful.
The team greeted each other briefly before heading inside the gym.
"Nice to meet you! I'm (L/n) (Y/n), their manager." I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Shimizu Kiyoko, I am the manager as well." we shook hands before heading inside the gym while the teams was still introducing each other.
I heard Yamamoto exclaim. The boy in front of him, who had a shaved head, did similar, if not exact, actions as him as they look flustered while looking our way.
I noticed that the other guy was looking at me, so I nodded at him as a greeting and gave him a smile.
I showed Kiyoko the water fountains and we filled their bottles up before heading back to the gym and to our respective teams.
"We're like the blood in our veins. We must flow without stopping. Keep the oxygen moving and your mind working. Let's do this!" the Nekoma team did their usual cheer before heading onto court.
They lined up at the ends of the court. "We now begin the practice match of Nekoma High School versus Karasuno High School."
I looked at our opponents and saw a familiar face. 'Is that.. ! So I was right! It is him!'
"Kenma, nice serve!"
I was observing as the ball was received by Karasuno and was passed to their setter, who then set it to No. 10 who was already in the air when I directed my gaze to him.
Before I knew it, the ball was spiked onto our side. "What the heck was that? He wasn't watching the toss." Coach Nekomata said.
The match went on until Karasuno was leading by 3 points, when Coach called a time out. "This is ridiculous." I heard him say as the team gathered around him. I joined too in case I have to jot down some notes and to give out the water bottles.
"Their libero and spikers are good. The most ridiculous of all is that setter. He's a monster. He tosses with incredible speed to the highest spiking point. His control is as if he's threading a needle."
"So he's a genius. We can't help that. But, a genius in their midst doesn't guarantee their victory." Coach Nekomata commented.
"If Shoyo is the heart of their offense.. all we need to do is stop Shoyo." Kenma said. "Shoyo?" Yamamoto asked.
"Their No.10, Hinata Shoyo." I explained as I looked through the notes I took about their team the day before, which wasn't a lot considering they were "fallen crows".
"That No. 9 and No.10 are, in a manner of speaking.. an oni (troll/ogre) and his iron club. For starters, we steal the oni's iron club." the Coach Nekomata said.
"Also, their libero, Nishinoya Yuu." I said as the team directed their attention to me. "He received an award for his exceptional performance as a libero in middle school. I've seen him play before. He's quite good, but then again, I haven't seen him play since middle school." I said and the whistle blew to signal the end of time out.
The match went on and we were slowly catching up. "He's not good with people, so he's concerned about what other's think. Hence he's good at observing people." Coach Nekomata said referring to Kenma.
"He comes up with good theories, like he would know where the person is going to go." I commented as I scribbled some things on my notebook as I sat between Coach Nekomata and Shibayama.
"But that alone is not the strength of our team." he added.
==T I M E S K I P==
The match ended with Nekoma winning 2-0. I went up to the team and passed them their bottles and towels while congratulating them.
While we were talking among each other, someone from Karasuno shouted "One more!"
"One more! Let's do it!" he said. It was No. 10, Hinata Shoyo.
"Yeah. I'd like that." Coach Nekomata said."That's what a practice match is for, so we can do it "once more" ."
That lead to them training for 4 more sets before all of them were exhausted at this point, except for Hinata since he still asked for more.
"Huddle!" the two teams then gathered in front of each other's coaches for their feedbacks.
"His granddad and I are old acquaintances. We did a lot of practice matches together. They were good matches, every time." Coach Nekomata said. "However.." he then explained that Coach Ukai retired and it was hard to find a good rival since then.
"Old Man Ukai made a comeback, but collapsed soon thereafter.. I was afraid Karasuno would be done for after that. But frankly, your abilities exceeded my expectations. Especially No.9 and No.10's quicks on offense. You guys are pretty much unstoppable."
"And you two on the left, you're both powerful weapons. Practice maintaining connection."
"As a team, you're rough-hewn and lack training, but you have overwhelming potential. The more you train, the stronger you'll become. You guys make me happy." Coach Nekomata said before looking at our team, who was looking back at him. "We finally have a good rival again. Let's meet again at nationals. In front of a huge audience, in an arena swirling with emotions, in that shining, glistening, enormous gymnasium."
"The Battle at the Garbage Dump. Let's have the best match ever."
"All right. Let's start cleaning up." Coach Naoi called out.
"Yo!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see Karasuno's libero looking at me. "What's your name?" he asked.
"W-Wha- Noya-san! So brave!" Karasuno's No.5 (Tanaka) commented.
I smiled. "(L/n) (Y/n). Nice to meet you again, Noya-kun." I said.
A big smile grew on his face. "So it is you, (Y/n)!" he said before basically sprinting towards me and hugged me tightly. How did I fall from his tackle? I do not know too.
"Why did you stop messaging me?! Did I do something wrong?? I'm sorry if I ever made you mad!" he started spewing out words without stopping.
"N-Noya-kun.. calm down.."
Soon he managed to calm down and I explained that my phone broke and I couldn't retrieve any data from it, so that's why I haven't been contacting him. He was relieved that I wasn't actually angry at him and that was why I stopped talking to him.
We then exchanged numbers again before he left to compliment Yaku about his skills.
==T I M E S K I P==
We were in the front of gym again. I was waiting for the team so that we could home together like usual, but it seemed that they still want to talk to each other.
Yamamoto and Karasuno's No.5, who I now know as Tanaka, were crying as they bid farewell to each other.
"What's with them?" Kenma asked. "Dunno. It's quite unusual." Kuroo replied before Daichi, the captain, went up to him and (aggresively) shook hands.
"We won't lose next time." They said to each other.
In the distance I could see Coach Ukai and Coach Naoi doing the same time, but more threatening.
Since we were still waiting for each other, I decided to talk to Kiyoko for a bit. We ended up exchanging numbers and she said that if I ever needed some manager advice, or some advice in general, I could ask her, and vice versa.
Nishinoya then came up to me and we started talking about what we missed out since our last message. Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end.
"Well then, let's go back home." Coach Ukai said as Karasuno and Nekoma went separate ways while saying goodbye one more time.
"(Y/n)!" I turned around, "I hope we see each other soon!" Nishinoya shouted.
I stared before smiling, "Mm! Text me the details!"
== E X T R A ==
"Was that your boyfriend, (Y/n)?" Kuroo teased as we were waiting for the team to exit the convenience store.
"H-Huh?! N-No, he's not!" I stuttered and turned away when I felt my face heat up.
"What? (Y/n)-senpai has a boyfriend?" Inuoka said while exiting the store and taking a bite of his yakisoba bread.
"No! I don't!" I shouted, getting more embarrassed.
"Whaaaatt?? Our manager has a boyfriend??" Yamamoto cried when he too exited the store. This ended up the whole team asking me too due to his loud voice.
"I give up."
on a side note, I love Inuoka because he is adorable.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ time to read some Inuoka oneshots
Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※
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