Challenges -{Terushou}
Honestly, just a lot of soft Terushou because I am content-starved... This involves a small time skip at the end, but it's not a massive one, so don't worry.
Out of everything in his life, Terushima probably loved his grandfather the most. But a very, very close second was his boyfriend.
How could someone not love Daishou? He was hot, pretty and surprisingly easy to fluster. His sense of humour was amazingly cynical and he had once tried to make Terushima adopt every snake in a pet shop, even though he already had two pet snakes.
The third thing that he loved was TikTok 'boyfriend' challenges. He loved to watch them, it was cheap humour and entertainment that he'd regularly scroll through instead of doing his homework. Whether the couple was lesbian, two guys, straight or starred some gender-neutral people, he'd watch it. That was probably what gave him the idea to start trying out these challenges on his lovely boyfriend.
Obviously, he didn't want to do any of the toxic ones - Daishou had short patience with those kinds of things. But wholesome pranks were most likely going to go down fine.
So he started to research all the wholesome pranks he could find. Hugging them until they tell you to let go, getting them to take off your hoodie without saying a word, giving them a random nickname out of nowhere: the list went on and on but he managed to settle it down to just those three for now.
And so Terushima began his quest of TikTok challenges.
Challenge One: Hugging Daishou until he makes you let him go.
Terushima was over at Daishou's' house in Tokyo for the weekend. His parents, surprisingly, trusted Daishou and believed he would be responsible enough to look after him. Probably a big mistake because it was Daishou's' idea to buy ten large cakes from the bakery section of the supermarket, just so they could see how much they could eat in one night.
They were sitting on Daishou's' bedroom floor and three cakes were completely gone with another two half-devoured. Five were left untouched. Terushima couldn't think of a better time to do the challenge.
Subtly, he snuck up until he was sitting right next to his boyfriend, then wrapped his arms tightly around the older boy.
"Well, I guess this is happening now," Joked Daishou, trying to awkwardly change his position so he could hug him back. "Are you tired or something? Did you have a sugar crash?"
"Nah," Terushima said. "I'm not tired and still very much on a sugar high."
Daishou grunted then lied across Terushima's' chest. "I think I've just had a sugar crash, I feel exhausted and it's only eight."
"Aww, poor baby," Terushima laughed.
He felt someone elbow his gut lightly.
"Don't call me that, it makes me sound lame."
Terushima frowned. "You call me that all the time, though."
Daishou glanced up at him with an evil grin. "Oh, I know."
With an offended gasp, Terushima hugged Daishou closer. "Oh, darling, you wound me! Such a fatal, devastating blow, how can I recover?"
"By not being so dramatic," Daishou laughed, rolling over so his head rested in his boyfriend's lap and he was looking up into his face. He stuck out his tongue.
"Damn, you're pretty," Mumbled Terushima with a soft sigh.
"What was that?"
"I said, damn, you're petty," He lied smoothly.
Daishou arched an eyebrow. "And this is supposed to be groundbreaking news?"
Terushima laughed and poked the older boys' sides, with his arms still wrapped around him, quickly making him squirm and yelp in surprise.
"Oi, don't do that, Teru!" Daishou quickly exclaimed, wriggling fiercely. "Get off of me!"7
"As you wish," Terushima said, unwrapping his arms from Daishou and letting him sit up.
His boyfriend pouted. "I hate it when you poke me."
The second-year grinned. "And I love it when I do."
With a roll of his eyes, Daishou curled back up in Terushima's' lap. In a few minutes, his eyes had drifted shut and Terushima was trapped on the floor. To move would mean death because waking a sleeping Daishou was bad news. He just had to hope he wouldn't need to use the bathroom until he woke up...
Challenge One: Complete.
Challenge Two: Trying to get Daishou to take off your hoodie without saying anything.
They were out on a sort-of-a-date at a history museum. It wasn't exactly Terushima's' idea of fun, but Daishou was revising samurai in his history lessons, so he was willing to keep him company as he took notes and wrote down dates into a small notebook that he always seemed to have on him.
Terushima stood a metre off, watching Daishou intently scribble down a shorthanded description about a suit of armour. He wanted to move on already and look at the exhibits from the Second World War and the MacArthur era, but he didn't. Instead, he decided that this would be a great time to try challenge two. He was even wearing a hoodie and everything.
He hopped over to his boyfriend and loudly cleared his throat.
"Hmm?" Daishou turned his head and Terushima stuck his arms. The older boy looked him up and down, confused. "Are you trying to prove that you're not having a stroke or something?"
Terushima smirked and shook his head.
"Okay, then, what do you want?"
"Can't say!" Terushima teased. "You've gotta guess."
Daishou frowned, turning around properly and leaning against the description board. "Alright... Do you want a high-ten?"
Terushima grinned and Daishou hesitantly gave him a high ten. "Wrong guess, love!" He taunted, once Daishou had lowered his hands.
The third-year frowned. "Do you want a hug, then? Do I need to hug you?"
"Wrong again. But I wouldn't mind a hug."
With a frustrated sigh, Daishou crossed his arms and glared thoughtfully. "Look," He huffed eventually. "I don't know what you want me to do. Do you want me to kiss you? Hug you? Take off your hoodie? Tickle you?"
"Ah, you said it!"
His boyfriend frowned. "I'm not tickling you in the middle of a history museum."
"No, no!" Terushima laughed. "The one before that!"
"You want me to take off your hoodie?"
"But it's freezing in here."
Terushima rolled his eyes. "Babe, you're always freezing. Now, are you gonna take off my hoodie or what? My arms are getting sore."
"Ugh, fine," Sighed Daishou, giving up. He walked over and slipped his hands around Terushima's' waist in order to pull off the hoodie. Dragging it over his boyfriend's head, he then handed it to him with a smirk. "Hope you don't expect me to carry it around for you, too."
Terushima laughed and took the hoodie, proceeding to tie it around his hips loosely. "Nah, it's fine," He said, running a hand through his now rather messy hair in order to sort it out and keep it swept back.
"Good," Daishou said. "Because I'm going back to revision now I've dealt with your problem."
"Wait, no, baby, I'm bored!"
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"But I love you!"
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I love you," Terushima whined, wrapping his arms around Daishou.
His boyfriend rolled his eyes. "A terrible mistake, really..."
Terushima pouted. "No bad self-talk! You're amazing."
"Do you know what's more amazing than me?" Daishou said, smiling down softly at his boyfriend.
Proudly, Terushima smiled smugly. "What? Is it me?"
"No. It's this description board. You're a lame loser."
Terushima gasped, offended.
Challenge Two: Complete.
Challenge Three: Giving Daishou a random nickname.
It was during the inter-high, and Terushima had invited Daishou to come and watch one of his games with him. Daishou had recently gotten into college and Terushima was now a third year. Johzenji had, as their last manager advised, worked very hard on starting to perfect their crazy moves. Their synchronised attacks were now one of the best in the prefecture and they had done a lot of rehearsing. Terushima had even been practising a jump float serve since he thought they looked cool.
The match was an easy win and Johzenji was already causing a stir amongst spectators. It looked like they'd be a bigger threat this year.
Johzenji were taking a break after that win, watching Karasuno play Date Tech. The match had, unlike theirs, been dragging on for ages. They were in the second set, currently going through a deuce and the score was in favour of Date Tech. It was moderately interesting, but the rallies went on for too long, in Terushima's opinion.
That was when...
"Hey," A voice spoke up from behind him and a pair of cold arms wrapped around his neck. "I finally found you."
"Hey, Daishou!" Beamed Terushima, clasping his boyfriends' hands. "Glad to see you found us."
He knew that his teammates were trying to distract the first years from their captain, but he didn't really care. Leaning back his head, he beamed at his boyfriend. "You've gotten taller since I've last seen you. Does going to college instantly make you six inches taller or something?"
"Nah," Daishou said, climbing over the seats and showing off black, buckled platform shoes. "It's all artificial, I'm afraid."
"That's good," Grinned Terushima. "I need to be able to kiss you somehow."
Daishou rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Oh, you'd find a way."
"Oh, I know, sweet-kidney~, I know."
There was a long moment of silence as Daishou just stared at him.
"I'm sorry, but what the fuck?"
"What's the problem, sweet-kidney?~"
Daishou frowned at him. "Okay, no, seriously, Teru, what the fuck did you just call me?"
"I called you sweet-kidney~, sweet-kidney~. Do you have a problem with it?"
He leaned in closer, fluttering his eyelashes teasingly and Daishou pulled back, looking concerned. "I don't remember if you got hit in the head during that match I watched but I feel like I have to ask if your brain is okay..."
"I'm absolutely fine," Promised Terushima, taking hold of Daishou's' hands and managing to tug the resisting college student closer to him. "Are you?"
"I won't be if you keep calling me that!"
"Call you what, sweet-kidney?~"
Daishou laughed awkwardly, struggling slightly against the captains' grip. "Okay, seriously, Teru, it's a weird-ass nickname. Not even the rooster head's owl friend has such terrible nicknames!"
Terushima pouted, wrapping his arms around Daishou's' waist and keeping him pinned against his chest, not letting go and ignoring the laughter coming from his fellow third-years. "Do you not like my nickname for you, sweet-kidney~?"
"Is this because I don't let you call me baby?" Daishou whined. "Look, I'm sorry, but please, this nickname is kinda revolting. I'll let you call me anything else, just don't call me 'sweet-kidney' or baby, please."
Terushima perked up. "Does that mean you'll let me call you 'snakey-wakey'?"
Daishou groaned. "Can't you call me something normal?"
"It's snakey-wakey or sweet-kidney, baby. Pick one."
He sighed. "Fine... You can call me snakey-wakey, I guess..."
Terushima grinned, then kissed Daishou on the nose. "I love you, snakey-wakey!"
The older boy rolled his eyes. "A horrible decision, really."
"Will you ever just accept my love in a non-pessimistic way?"
"Will you ever just call me a normal nickname that isn't 'baby'?"
Terushima was silent for a moment. "Touche, snakey-wakey, touche."
Daishou groaned. "Oh, god, what have I done?"
"Oi, captain!" Bobata called out with a grin. "Stop trying to fuck your boyfriend and get over here, we're gonna start warming up before our next match!"
"Ugh, fine!" Groaned Terushima, rolling his eyes. He released Daishou from his grip and gently pushed him off his lap. "I'll see you later, Daishou."
He started to walk away when someone grabbed his hand. "Hey, wait!" Daishou called out, standing up.
Terushima blinked up at him, realising how much taller he really was with his platform shoes. Daishou kissed him tenderly on the lips then pulled back with a smile. "For good luck," He whispered softly.
Slowly, the captain stood up a little straighter, smiling widely with pride. "Right!" He beamed. "I'll win this for you, so make sure to watch me!"
"Like I'd be watching anyone else," Daishou smiled, rolling his eyes. "Off you go. I'm going to go and find myself a good seat."
Terushima beamed with delight as his boyfriend started to walk away. He was only moved when Futamata and Bobata had to physically drag him from the spot he was frozen in.
Challenge Three: Complete.
A few years later, both of them had graduated from school altogether and they were living together. That was when Terushima decided it was time for the final test.
Challenge Four: Propose to Daishou Suguru and make him Terushima Suguru.
If you want me to, I can write a part two with the proposal in but I probably won't unless at least one of you ask for it!
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