
Hadith & Quotes: Part 6

Hasbunallahu wa ne'amal wakeel

"Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of affairs."

71. Never laugh at the mistakes of others. Perhaps Allah will FORGIVE them for their IGNORANCE but PUNISH you for your ARROGANCE.

72. Tawbah ( sincere repentance) is a u-turn.  

You make a u-turn when your going in the wrong direction. So when you find yourself going in a direction other than towards Allah, make tawbah. Make a u-turn.

73. Allah does better for us than we can ever wish for ourselves. So think positive and place your deepest trust and hopes in Allah.

74. Just as the most beautiful rainbows are born from rain, the most beautiful lessons are born from pain.

75. There is no better friend than a friend who reminds you to pray, reminds you of Allah and increases your imaan.

76. If you have time to worry you have time to pray.

77. When i pretend to be strong, no one sees my hidden tears except Allah. 

When am sad and need a shoulder to cry on, no one supports me but Allah. 

Pleasing a human is very difficult, pleasing Allah is the easiest. 

People sometimes punish me for the mistakes i have not done, Allah ignores and excuses the ones i did. 

This is Allah, the Greatest, the most Almighty, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful and all Praises belong to Him.

78 Do not hurt your spouse by making promises you could not fulfill later, but surely have raised his/her hopes on you and ended up with a brokem heart. So why dont you enjoy your present moment that Allah blessed you two with? 

Remember Allah doesnt like those who do not keep their Promises.

79. Be a servant of Allah and not of ur Nafs (desires)

80. The Prophet pbuh has said, "Love for your brother that what you love for yourself."

81. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an [Surah Isra (17:37)]

"Do not walk proudly on the earth, your feet cannot cleave the earth nor are you as tall as the mountains."

Saying of Hazrat Ali (One of the Muslim Caliphs and son in law of the Prophet, as well as the first BOY to accept Islam)

"Put aside your pride. Set down your arrogance. And remember your grave."

82. Kindness is an act of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.

83. Happy Moments- Praise Allah

Difficult Moments- Seek Allah

Quite Moments- Worship Allah

Painful Moments- Trust Allah

Moment by Moment- Thank Allah

84. Umar ibn Khattab has said, "Do not be fooled by one who recites the Quran, for his recitation is but speech. Instead look at those who act according to it."

85. Whatever you do, make sure your words are true.

Honesty is the best, because life is a test.

Even if it hurt so much you want to cry, for a heart of a Muslim does not lie.

86. [ Muslim, Bukhari]

The Prophet pbuh once asked his companions, " Tell me if there was a river at the door step of one of you and you washed in it five times a day would any of your dirt remain?" When the Prophet received the reply that none of it would remain he then said, "That is like the five times Salaah with which Allah wipes out (minor) sins."

87. Quran is like a friend. More time you spend with it, more it will enlighten you with its secret.

88. [Sahih Al Bukhari: book 70 hadith 575] 

The Prophet Mohammad pbuh said," none of you should wish for death because of a calamity befalling him, but if he has to wish for death, he should say, " O Allah keep me alive as long as life is better for me and let me die if death is better for me."

89. Leave your future in Allahs hand and live your present happily and positively for the sake of Allah.

90. Umar ibn al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah’s decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from it you cannot flee.”

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