"I Found An Old Story!!"
I written this back during my Olden Times Days and was reading it yesterday and went I must share it I was in denial I wrote it o.o
They're all Irish or Scottish names see I was getting into my ancestry at this time being my family come from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and are from a castle in Dumfries full of mystery so this was written...
Victeoiria was walking down the path towards the lake in the woods. She was so lost in her own thoughts she had not realized she collided into anyone til she felt her bottom hit the hard ground. "Oh miss, are you alright?" The stranger asked. "I am fine. I am truly sorry sir I was completely lost in my own thoughts not aware of my surroundings." Victeoiria said to the stranger while taking his hand he held out to help her up. "Quite alright we all let our minds wander from time to time." The stranger explained. "Oh dear I have seem to have stained your uniform Mr.... Muri-ead-hai-gh... Oh yer Irish. Where do ya come from Mr. Murieadhaigh?" Victeoiria asked. "It is alright give me ma something to do today. Aye born and raised in this beautiful country I from Dublin, Lass." The stranger replied. "What brings ya to Castletownroche Mr. Murieadhaigh?" Victeoiria asked the stranger. "Please Miss call me Eadbhard. And me cousins lives in Castletownroche, I came to visit them, by any chance do you know them miss?" Eadbhard asked. "Victeoiria. And I know everyone from here if I don't then my fiancée will. Come now what are their names." Victeoiria answered. "Ah of course yer set to be married a beautiful lass as herself should be. My cousins names are Grainne O' Conaill and Aiofe Conghalie." Eadbhard answered. "Well he does not think so he treats me like a fragile, unintelligent creature, I know his parents are trying to break off the engagement so he can marry his ex. Oh glory be look at me spilling me guts to a stranger." Victeoiria said. "I enjoy a good tale miss, I have my own as well, but another time, now can ya show a stranger some hospitality and help him to his destination." Eadbhard teased. "Victeoiria MacCoinaoith at your service!" Victeoiria said giving Eadbhard a salute. "Alright soldier let us get to out destination looks as if it is about to downpour." Victeoiria grabbed Eadbhard's hand absentmindedly and dragged him in the direction of Castletownroche.
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: Why are you being so damn stubborn can you not see he does not truly love you nor appreciate you! He constantly lies and betrays you with women and yet you still stay by his side, why?
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: A wife is to stick by her husband no matter the circumstances.
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: But you are not his wife you are his fiancée he has not claimed you as his own yet. He will just drain you of your wealth and beauty then leave you with nothing but a broken heart.
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: Never! He loves me for who I am not for my dowry!
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: There see you defend the crook disguised as a common gentleman, open your damn eyes woman before it is too late!
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: Crook if anyone is a crook it is you leading me on making me fall in love with you then the illusion crumbled when I find out you are to be marry and not just to any woman but to my enemy!
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: I told you I had no choice! I was forced to marry her, you think I love hurting you?
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: Yes, I think you do. I think it makes you feel euphoric seeing me broken!
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: No, every time I do anything to harm you it feels as if a knife has been thrusted repeatedly into my heart!
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: Why must you talk nonsense?
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: Tis not nonsense! It is the truth I only ever speak of what I truly feel!
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: Enough of this I am set to marry Aodhan Ceallachain, and you are to marry Orfhlaith Cathasaigh, we do things as according to plan.
Eadbhard Murieadhaigh: But what about this? Us? Are we suppose to just lock it away and pretend as if our feelings were not--- are not real?
Victeoiria MacCoinaoith: I am sorry Eadbhard. I must go.
Eadbhard: So that is it? I am just nothing to you now? I guess the love you spoke of was as much a lie as you swore mine was.
Victeoiria: Don't! Just don't! Sometimes things happen for a reason...
Eadbhard: Tis fate that brought us together why can't you see that?
Victeoiria: And if it was fate then fate shall bring us together again. Goodbye dear Eadbhard.
Eadbhard: I can not let you go like this!
Victeoiria: You must let me go--
Eadbhard: *grabs Victeoiria and kisses her passionately*
Victeoiria: Eadbhard we can no--
Eadbhard: I care not let them see, we are but young lovers just expressing their love out in the open.
Victeoiria struggling to get free from Eadbhard's grasp. Exactly but I care what if our other halves see us like this--
Eadbhard grasps Victeoiria tighter.
Victeoiria stood there still trying to escape Eadbhard's embrace but gave up knowing she couldn't free herself no matter how hard she tried deep down she knew it would always lead back to Eadbhard. She let herself surrender to this infuriating yet intoxicating creature. She began to kiss back just as passionately as he. Eadbhard was the first to end the kiss and rested his forehead against Victeoiria's trying to catch his breath before he spoke again. Victeoiria beat him to it.
Victeoiria: Please do not make me choose between my heart and my duty. I love you but this can not continue we are to live separate lives with different people... it is a tradition we all have followed for centuries without order our society would be uncivilized like the lands we have yet to domesticate. My dear Eadbhard I believe we are kindred spirits and God put us in each other's paths so we may learn to truly love even if only for a short while and I shall cherish our time together til I take my last breath on this Earth.
Eadbhard: As will I. Eadbhard leaned in to give Victeoiria a chaste kiss. I will miss you m'lady.
Victeoiria: And I you my love.
Eadbhard: Until we meet again til then I wish you love, happiness, prosperity and a long life.
Victeoiria: And to you may you find true love again and may she bring you as much that it feels as if you are living in Heaven on Earth.
Eadbhard kissed Victeoiria once more then they parted ways in opposite directions.
Six Years Later
Saoirse: Mum, where are we going?
Victeoiria: Dear I have told you before we are going to your aunt and uncle's house for a holiday.
Saoirse: Oh yeah I can't wait to see cousin Fiona, Oilbhe, and Mariead.
Victeoiria: You are going to love Baile Chaisleán an Róistigh my little lamb its much different than Rochester.
Saoirse: I wish Magnus could come with us, Nollaig wouldn't be the same without him.
Victeoiria: I know my dear but he has family of his own back in England we can't be selfish its Nollaig the season to give instead of take.
Saoirse; I know but I miss him.
Victeoiria: As do I my little lamb as do I.
Coachman: Baile Chaisleán an Róistigh (Castletownroche) ma'am. Another coach will be here shortly to take you on your way.
Victeoiria: Thank you kindly sir.
Saoirse: Jumps out of the carriage and runs off looking for a bench to sit on.
Victeoiria: Saoirse don't run off!
Saoirse: To into her thoughts she winds up bumping into a stranger.
Stranger: Woah lass what's your hurry?
Saoirse: I'm sorry, I was looking for the benches.
Stranger: Tis dangerous for a child to be traveling alone.
Saoirse: I know it is that's why I'm traveling with me mum.
Stranger: Your ma, well let's find her. So what brings you to Ireland little lass?
Saoirse: I'm not supposed to talk to people I don't know.
Stranger: Ay very wise. Alright I'll introduce myself I am Eadbhard.
Saoirse: I'm Saoirse.
Eadbhard: Please to meet you lass so what brings you to Ireland I can tell by your accent you aren't from around here.
Saoirse: me and me mum are here to see family in Castletownroche.
Eadbhard: I have family up there too. I love the sunsets disappearing behind the hills.
Saoirse: Me too I think of it as a poem: The sun has set its time to sleep the moon is up its the hours to dream for once night is gone the spell which once bound us is broke and we awaken.
Eadbhard: That's beautiful. You know you remind me of someon---
Victeoiria: Saoirse how many times have I told you not to run off!?
Saoirse: I'm sorry mum I was just talking to--
Victeoiria: Eadbhard...
Eadbhard: Hello Victeoiria.
Saoirse: You know him mum?
Victeoiria: Long ago he was a friend of mine before I married Aodhan.
Saoirse: Mr. Eadbhard you should come with us to Gardensden Manor.
Victeoiria: Saoirse, I am sure Eadbhard has plans for Nollaig.
Eadbhard: Actually I'm here to see family as well.
Victeoiria: So you are also staying at Gardensden?
Eadbhard: I am.
Saoirse: Yay! He can come with us.
Coachman: All aboard for Baile Chaisleán an Róistigh (Castletownroche)!
Saoirse, Eadbhard, and Victeoiria board the carriage to Baile Chaisleán an Róistigh (Castletownroche).
Victeoiria: So where is Orfhlaith?
Eadbhard: Probably on her way here with Oisin.
Victeoiria: I'm sorry.
Eadbhard: shrugs. I'm happy for them, to be honest I never loved her.
Victeoiria: Really?
Eadbhard: Yeah, What about you where's Aodhan?
Victeoiria: Left me when Saoirse was two to marry Guinevere.
Eadbhard: I'm sorry.
Vivteoiria: Don't be. I'm happy I have my little lamb and Magnus loves her like she were his own.
Eadbhard: Magnus?
Victeoiria: My fiancée.
Eadbhard: And where is he?
Victeoiria: Back in England with his family.
Eadbhard: How does Saoirse feel about her father leaving you?
Victeoiria: She doesn't like him. He took one look at her and said she is not mine, and left.
Eadbhard: So who is Saoirse's da, then? Meet some lad in London? You can tell she is of an Englishman by her accent.
Victeoiria: Nope she is full Irish I assure you, Eadbhard.
Eadbhard: huh, wonder who he is?
Victeoiria: I have not a clue who could have fathered such a beautiful lamb.
Eadbhard: Oh enough with charade any one with sight can tell who that child's father is. Her eyes give her away for they are my own looking back at me. Why did you not tell me?
Victeoiria: What was I supposed to say oh we are getting married to separate people and by the way I'm having your child!?
Eadbhard: I would have called off my engagement!
Victeoiria: It would not have mattered I was due to be married the next day!
Eadbhard: So you just ran away!?
Victeoiria: I didn't want to I was forced to! I wanted to stay I was so happy ready to tell you and then I find out your engaged, how do you think I felt!?
Eadbhard: So that day I found you in tears was because you were gonna tell me? Oh I am such a damn fool. Victeoiria I am sorry.
Victeoiria: As am I but we can not change the past we must look and move forward to the future.
Eadbhard: You are right. A daughter, I have a daughter. So how old is Saoirse?
Victeoiria: Yes you do and she is intelligent and very poetic. She just turned 6 a few weeks ago.
Eadbhard: Six. She's growing up so fast. And I know I heard her recite one about the sunset.
Victeoiria: Oh I love that one. Well its getting late we mind as well head back and greet the others.
Victeoiria and Eadbhard head towards Gardensden.
~ 💘
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