Hablame De Ti
~~Háblame de ti~~
~~Ojala y me digas que estás disponible solo para mí~~
Katsuki doesn't usually go out on weekdays, especially not for a drink, but he had such a trying morning he was willing to surrender tomorrow to a slight hangover if it meant getting to loosen up tonight. He walks up to the bar and sits down away from others. He is not here to socialize, all he wants to do is drink a bit and watch the news on the television they have posted above the bar.
The other TVs have various types of sports games on, but he wasn't really interested in all that today. The main reason the news broadcast caught his attention more was because, well, they were broadcasting him. He calls over the bartender and asks for whatever beer they have on tap. Once he has his drink, he brings the glass to his lips right when the TV shows him being slammed to the ground by the villain he fought this morning. He flinches almost as if he can feel the pain once again.
"That looks incredibly painful, don't you think? I think it would've gone better for him if he had gone around the villain and attacked from behind. But Dynamite has always been so arrogant, I doubt his pride would've let him do that." came a soft voice from beside him.
Katsuki doesn't enjoy being hounded by fans in public so he wears a hat and mask almost everywhere he goes. He also had a hoodie on with the hood covering his head. This is probably why this stranger felt so comfortable talking trash about him to his face. They don't recognize him.
Because of this, Katsuki made sure not to look directly at the stranger, so as not to spook them or embarrass them.
"His pride is what makes him who he is," Katsuki answers. Katsuki is self-aware, he knows himself very well. Probably too much because his self-awareness also leads to most of his insecurities. But he won't let someone talk him down when they know nothing about him.
The stranger laughs, "I guess you're right. Without his pride, he wouldn't be the great hero he is today. I admire him a lot, despite his horrible fight today."
Katsuki made a face. He wants to defend himself so badly but he can't risk getting recognized. So instead he just grunts his displeasure.
"Hi, by the way. I kind of skipped all the pleasantries." the stranger says. Katsuki's eyes drift towards the stranger and he nearly gasps.
This had to be the most attractive human he has ever laid his eyes upon. He has fluffy green hair under a beret with the brightest green eyes. He's wearing all black and it suits him so well. His hand came up to wipe a stray hair away from his face and it revealed the most adorable freckles. Freckles! He's a sucker for freckles. That alone made Katsuki's knees weak. Suddenly his mind is completely free of the terrible morning he had.
The hair that the stranger had moved out of his face falls upon his cheek again so Katsuki, playfully brings his hand up to move it out of his face and behind his ear. This made the stranger blush beautifully and stutter nervously. It caught him off guard and his reaction made Katsuki want to surprise him again and again.
"My name's Katsuki," he says, offering a soft smile. He doesn't give his last name on purpose. A lot of people know his hero name and most of them know his last name as well but very rarely, unless they are a super fan, do people know his first. This is because he doesn't give his first name out to anyone who knows he's a hero unless he completely trusts them. To strangers he sees outside of his hero suit he'll just give his first name and he can usually get away without being noticed.
He's also still not completely looking at the guy next to him. He keeps his face turned away toward the TV. Thankfully, he is sitting on Katsuki's left and the TV is on his right. He only slightly turned his head earlier when he touched his hair. He hopes he's doing a good job concealing himself.
"Midoriya Izuku."
They smile at each other. Katsuki's mind is too preoccupied with thinking how cute of a name that is to realize how familiar it sounds.
They went silent for a moment. Both of them return their attention to the TV watching as Katsuki's interview with the reporter is shown. Every so often they look at each with their peripheral vision but neither completely turn their heads.
"-He got away from us today, but I trust I will catch this villain and bring him to justice as soon as possible." Katsuki on the TV speaks robotically, concealing how embarrassed he felt. Katsuki groans, taking a drink of his beer, wanting to forget how he messed up today. Thankfully, that was the end of the interview so the news changed to a story about Suneater and Lemillion.
They hosted a charity event this past Saturday. Katsuki was there, not that he socialized with anyone. Eijiro was trying really hard to get Katsuki to make new friends, but the only other person he spoke to that night was Denki and that was only to ask if he wanted anything to drink.
Midoriya says, "He sounds so unlike himself there. He's usually quite boastful, even when things don't go as planned. He must've really had a tough time."
"Maybe. I don't think he sounds any different than normal." Katsuki responds. That was a lie. He heard the change in his voice, but admitting that would be admitting that the fight actually affected him. He is not affected. He just needs to do better next time.
Midoriya shrugs, "He definitely sounds different. I would know." He brings a glass of some fruity drink he had ordered to his mouth. Katsuki's eyes zero in on his lips. How can someone make drinking so majestic looking? This man is not human. No human looks this pretty.
"That so?" Katsuki teases, "And why is that? You know him personally." He knows that Midoriya doesn't but it was fun to see him roll his eyes.
"No, but I guess you can say I'm a hero enthusiast."
"A hero enthusiast?" Katsuki says amused. Midoriya nods once with full confidence. He proceeds to tell him all about the hero history he knows about. Which is a lot. His eyes brighten more and more with every fact he says, starting with slight information on Dynamite and ending with what color lipstick Lizardy prefers. Katsuki teased him about that, saying he must spend a lot of time thinking about her lips if he knows her lipstick color.
It was actually a ploy to see whether Midoriya is into girls and the way he blushed and started stuttering, coming up with any excuse to justify his knowledge Katsuki determined that he was. Well, that's disappointing.
Midoriya stutters, "I just enjoy learning about heroes and their quirks."
"Yes, because her lipstick color is definitely associated with her quirk." Katsuki mocks.
"Well no but it is interesting. I read it in a magazine once. She and Phantom Thief were doing an interview and they asked her that."
Katsuki cringes, "Did they ask for Phantom Thief's lip color too, or was it just another misogynistic question?"
Midoriya sighs, "It was so they did not. But I did some digging and found he uses a coral shade when doing public events."
That causes Katsuki to turn his head toward Midoriya and accusingly ask, "Why would you care about that?"
"It's interesting!"
Katsuki laughs. Shakes his head and waves for the bartender to give him another drink. He sees a rose sitting in a vase on top of the bar as decoration. He expertly, very sneaky-like, grabs it and hands it to Midoriya asking him to tell him more about himself and what he's interested in. Midoriya goes off again, telling him every random thing he could think of. Katsuki revels in it, paying attention to every detail he says, marveling at how cute it was that he got so excited to talk.
He learns that Midoriya is 27, a year younger than Katsuki. He spends most of his time at work, pinning him with the nickname workaholic by his friends. That is something they have in common. Katsuki also is a workaholic. What are the odds they end up next to each other at a bar then? They talk for hours learning every detail they can of each other, and he loves every second of it.
Along the way, the conversation turns to relationships. Katsuki is very interested in this. Although he's sure that Midoriya likes women, he hopes that he likes men as well. Call him crazy, but he's absolutely smitten with him. Katsuki never believed in silly things like love at first sight, but Midoriya here just might change that for him
"I'm single at the moment but I'm not opposed to dating. It's just a little difficult with my busy schedule." Midoriya says. Katsuki nods, he understands that very well. Katsuki hasn't dated since high school.
He and Eijiro had a little fling that lasted all four years but when they graduated and started working towards being heroes, things kind of fell apart and they decided it was best to break up. It wasn't an easy breakup and they didn't talk for a few years, but once they rekindled their friendship, they became closer than ever. Now Eijiro is one of his best friends and he wouldn't change it for the world. They never felt the need to get back together. It was all in the past now. However, that was the first and only relationship he's ever had. Nowadays he sticks to casual sex but not very often. His sex life isn't much to brag about.
He tells Midoriya all this and in response, he gets Midoriya's history with past lovers. Turns out Midoriya is a little minx. He's gone through several lovers, some short summer flings and others long committed relationships that left him hurt.
"I dated this girl back in high school that lasted well into our early twenties. She was so sweet and I was so happy. I think I probably would've married her." he says.
Katsuki frowns, he could practically hear the hurt in Midoriya's voice, "Why didn't you?"
"I was... in denial I guess. I love a lot and I love hard. I have a hard time letting go and even though I was in such a loving relationship I couldn't let go of someone else. Which is also why my next long relationship failed.
About a year after I broke up with her I found someone else. He was quite the catch. I knew him in high school too but it was during our five-year reunion that I reconnected with him. He was an introvert, something I definitely am not so it took me a while to get him out of his shell but once I did he was the most romantic person I had ever met. Lasted about a year and a half before I broke up with him. Other than that, I had a couple of smaller relationships, nothing too serious though."
Katsuki hums. The way Midoriya speaks about his past relationships is very sweet. He speaks with this fondness in his voice that just feels as though he is remembering only good memories.
"So how about now? Does someone have your heart?" Katsuki asks, flirtatiously. He's trying to hint that maybe Katsuki could have a chance at winning his heart. Katsuki isn't truly in love with this man, that would be insane. As of right now, they have only known each other for about five hours but he feels something. He wants to fall in love with Midoriya. Which is crazy because he's never wanted something like that from someone he just met but he feels familiar. His rambling and over excitedness reminds him of home and he can't tell why that is. All he knows is that he wants Midoriya so badly.
Midoriya smiles, "Unfortunately, yes. It took me way too long to realize but my heart had always belonged to him. He just never really looked my way."
Katsuki sulks. That definitely wasn't the response he wanted. "Why don't you just let him know? I doubt anyone can resist you."
Midoriya giggles, "I'm trying to work up the courage. We work in the same building but I don't get to speak to him as much as I used to. We used to be inseparable but time hasn't been kind to our friendship."
"What building do you work at? I'll walk right up in there and smack some sense in him."
Midoriya laughs, putting his hand on Katsuki's shoulder. He leans his head on his hand, very tipsy now, and starts playing with his hair. He is looking directly at Katsuki now but Katsuki still hasn't turned to look at him. Honestly, his neck is beginning to hurt, so he put his arms on the bar and lays his head on it. Still looking away from Midoriya. Midoriya knows a lot about heroes, he'll probably recognize him immediately if he looks at him.
"Won't you look at me already?" he whines. That shouldn't be as cute as it was.
Katsuki who was also extremely tipsy replies, "No. If I do, I'll become filled with want and jealousy of some asshole who doesn't know what he has."
Midoriya swoons, "Huh. That's the first time you've cussed all night."
"What? Do you want me to cuss more? Will that make you like me?" Katsuki jokes.
Katsuki pauses. That shocked him a bit, "Most people are usually turned off by my cussing."
"Yea well, they're idiots."
Katsuki chuckles and turns his attention toward the TV again. It sucks to know someone already has Midoriya's love. He doesn't want to be a brat since Midoriya doesn't owe him his love but it still sucks. He felt like they were really connecting these past few hours, was Midoriya just humoring him?
They were once again silent for a bit, watching some reality show that they have on now that the news was done. Katsuki isn't paying attention, he is just swirling his glass around. His hood had dropped earlier without him noticing. Midoriya brings his hand to Katsuki's nape and starts caressing his hair. He takes a strand and curls it in his finger. Katsuki closes his eyes, letting himself enjoy the feeling.
"Can I talk to you more about Dynamite? He's my favorite hero." Midoriya asks.
Katsuki hums in agreement, exhausted and slightly falling asleep with how calming Midoriya was with his hair.
"I probably know more about him than any other hero." Midoriya chuckles, his voice a bit shaky. He is nervous, Katsuki notes. Has he realized who Katsuki was? "Did you know his parents are fashion designers and when he was younger he used to model for them?"
Katsuki freezes. That was such an obscure fact about him. He doesn't talk to the public about his family anymore, the fans were being too pushy with his mom so now he deters any and all conversation about his parents. This was in his early twenties, you'd have to scour the internet to find information like that. Was Midoriya a stalker?
Midoriya continues, "He used to have a bike that he customized himself. It was orange too. Guess orange was always going to be his hero costume color."
Katsuki sits up, genuinely concerned. That was most definitely not something you'd find on the internet. Midoriya retreats his hand, shyly.
"Please, wait. This is extremely hard for me. I've been waiting years to say this."
Katsuki bites his lip, "You knew who I was from the moment you sat down."
"I knew you were coming. Been trying to find a place where I can talk to you alone."
Katsuki flinches. Shit, he was followed by some stalker and is now thinking of some way he can exit swiftly without the stalker noticing. If the stalker follows him out who knows what they'd do, some fans can be very dangerous. And despite how creepy this got, he didn't want to hurt Midoriya.
Midoriya clears his throat, "Dynamite used to read a lot of romance novels. I don't know if he still does but I remember he would hide them under his pillows whenever I'd enter his dorm. He was so embarrassed about it, even though I always knew and thought it was endearing."
Katsuki's face turns puzzled. What exactly did that mean? He tries to turn to look at Midoriya but Midoriya is quick and holds him in place. Damn, he is strong. Not what Katsuki was expecting.
"Hold on. This is easier with you turning away. Fuck, I feel like a teenager awkwardly confessing to his crush. I'm a grown man for fuck's sake."
Midoriya sounds weird when he curses. Maybe it's because all night he seemed so proper, that it catches Katsuki off guard. It was honestly kind of hot and Katsuki guarantees that the alcohol is getting to his brain because sober him would not be focusing on that.
"Did you know that Dynamite gives everyone close to him a nickname? There's Shitty Hair, Pikachu, and Raccoon Eyes. He doesn't really call them that anymore but every so often I'll hear him say it and it reminds me of when we were younger."
Katsuki opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. He'll just let Midoriya finish.
"I'm hoping that's the reason he didn't recognize my name. I'm hoping he didn't completely forget about me when I feel electricity run through me whenever I catch a glimpse of him at the office. Please, tell me it's just because you never called me by my name. Scratch that, you did once. When you apologized to me."
Midoriya is clinging to his arms with his head pressing against his back. Katsuki's eyes go wide. He suddenly is transported back to his teen years, standing before a disheveled-looking Deku crying in front of his high school class because he felt like the worst person in the world. Apologizing, yet feeling like nothing could redeem him from what he had done to his best friend.
"Did you know that the last time I had a full conversation with Dynamite, I was 24 and it was after I had just gotten together with Shoto, and I didn't tell him? I told myself it was because it wasn't coming up in conversation but deep down I knew it was because I didn't want him to know I was taken. I got into a fight with Ochako about that. I'm pretty sure she knew I was in love with you. She hated my relationship with Shoto. She didn't want me to hurt him the way I did her."
Reaching for his glass again, Katsuki downs the beer and waves to the bartender for another refill. The bartender eyes him, wondering if he should cut him off but he had been here for a while and wasn't drinking too heavily so he complied. Katsuki sits back down and faces the bar, side-eyeing the man next to him. How'd he miss it? Looking at him now, it's so obvious.
Working at the office, Izuku is hard to ignore. They don't work on the same floor anymore, they haven't in years. And they don't get paired up to go on missions like they used to either.
Around their mid-twenties, they've both decided to focus on rising the ranks. Once upon a time, they had wanted to form a hero duo but that never happened. It was Katsuki's fault really, he had decided it was inappropriate of him to want to pair up with Izuku when he was dating Todoroki. Thinking about it now, it was a stupid thought. They were coworkers, why would it be inappropriate? But Katsuki had found out through Mina that they started dating and it made him uncomfortable. He went out for drinks that night and decided he was going to focus on his career. Following that he focused on climbing the ranks, as a solo hero. Izuku did too but because Katsuki was being distant all of the sudden.
Soon enough, they became strangers. Just noticing each other as they passed by. They got transferred to different floors and started working different shifts, and different missions. And then suddenly it wasn't "Dynamite and Deku" anymore it was "Dynamite" and "Deku". Two separate people, not a single duo.
That didn't stop Katsuki from silently watching him though. It doesn't happen often, maybe once every few months, but whenever Izuku happens to be in the same room, Katsuki becomes hyper-aware of him. Watching him like a creep, noticing how much older he looks from the previous time he's seen him. Every time Katsuki tells himself to go talk to him, and every time Katsuki doesn't listen.
Izuku faces the bar as well, "Did you know that Dynamite gave Pro Hero Deku his hero name? A symbol of how Dynamite will forever be engraved in Deku's history. Everyone will remember Dynamite's nickname for him but I doubt after our deaths anyone would know that Deku had his own nickname for him. Kacchan. It was actually because when they were toddlers Midoriya Izuku didn't know how to pronounce Katsuki." Izuku laughs at that.
Katsuki looks down at his drink and shakes his head in amusement. He smiles brightly, finally turning to face Izuku head-on. The first time he did all night. Izuku looks at him, as well.
"Did you know that Midoriya Izuku has been in love with Bakugo Katsuki nearly all his life? But when I wanted to tell you, you had already gotten together with Kirishima. I guess I just built it in my head that you were never going to want me. So I brushed it off as a silly crush and then a few months later Ochako asked me out.
It wasn't a silly crush though because even now I am so overwhelmed with how much I need you. And if that's insane given that we aren't even friends anymore, so be it. I wanted to finally tell you so that I can move on. If you think I'm crazy just tell me and we'll part our separate ways. I just really needed to tell you."
Katsuki stares at him, "Actually I did know most of those things. You may call yourself a hero enthusiast but no one knows more about Dynamite than I do. That last fact though, I didn't know. Mainly before that wasn't about Dynamite, that was more about Pro Hero Deku."
Izuku shrugs, "Fair enough."
"That being said, I think the biggest fact about Dynamite is how fucking stupid he is." Midoriya snorts and Katsuki continues, making sure to talk with his hands and make a big show about it, "I mean seriously how dumb can he be to not recognize one of the most important people in his life? You'd have to be the dumbest person alive to mistake these freckles for anyone else's that Midoriya Izuku's"
"To be fair," Izuku says, "You never actually looked at my face the entire time."
"True. But thinking back to all the things we spoke about. It's so obvious. What other moron has watched the All Might documentary 456 times in one year and also has a collection of T-shirts that have T-shirt written on them in every language? You're literally the only dumbass in the entire world who'd do that."
Izuku raises his finger to protest but drops it and concedes, "Yea I guess, kind of dumb that you didn't get it sooner."
Katsuki smiles and brings his hand up to cup Izuku's cheek, "So amazing to get to know you through the eyes of a stranger today. I fell in love with every little detail about you."
Izuku's eyes start to water slightly, "Really?"
"I knew there was something about you that made me feel at home."
Izuku licks his lips causing Katsuki's eyes to dart down watching his tongue intensely before it goes back into hiding. Katsuki pulls Izuku in, closes his eyes, and kisses him. Slow, sensual is the kiss. It speeds a tiny bit as Katsuki uses his tongue to explore every inch of Izuku's mouth, while Izuku chases him with his tongue.
It is blissful, in every meaning of the word. Katsuki's obsessed, wondering if he could capture this moment and frame it on his forehead just so he can live it out every day. The feeling travels down to his toes and up to his head until it consumes his whole and all he can think about is Izuku. Izuku's hands. Izuku's hair, Izuku's freckles, Izuku's lips.
Katsuki's hat bumps Izuku's forehead causing them to pull away. They just gaze at each other fondly. Silently, taking each other in.
Izuku breaks the silence by jokingly saying, "But seriously that fight this morning was so bad."
Katsuki's face drops, shoving his hand into Izuku's face telling him to shut up.
"Aren't you supposed to be Number Two in the rankings? How'd you let him get away that easily? No wonder you can't overtake Pro Hero Deku." Izuku mocks.
Katsuki's eyes harden, "I will become Number One. Just wait."
Izuku yawns, "What a bore. Been there, done that."
Katsuki grabs him by the neck pulling him in, shaking him aggressively enough that it would catch him off guard but gentle enough that it won't hurt him. He starts to playfully hit him over and over again while Izuku laughs. Izuku pleads for Katsuki to let him go and he does after a few more seconds. Izuku pulls back with a toothy grin and shakes his curls out of his face. Katsuki takes the beret and sets it nicely on Izuku's hair again. He's so gentle that Izuku wants to pull Katsuki in for another kiss but controls himself.
"So," Katsuki starts, "this guy that your heart belongs to?"
"It's you. It's always been you. I will only ever be for you."
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