Looking beyond the rainbow
WARNING: this is a summary of my view on how society regards LGTBI minorities and the problems they face because of prejudices and wrong perceptions. It won't include any graphic descriptions, but since this is an adult and contemporary issue and all I am doing is giving my opinion based on the facts I know, I want none to be offended or confused, so you may consider this as a +13 writing.
And if there is any feeling that this writing does more wrong than right, I will correct or remove it if necessary. I am aware that some LGTBI people, most likely young ones, may read this. I hope this sorts out as I planned!
Some days ago I read news about a public aggression against a transgender person in Madrid. To put it simple, the victim was violently grabbed by a man who insulted her, "accused" her of not being a woman, death threatened her, and damaged the musical equipment she was using. Luckily, this police arrived and arrested the aggressor, and the victim has already denounced the facts and requested a restraining order against him, since this wasn't the first time the author of this transphobic crime bothered her. But we can all agree that this kind of violence based on hatred towards people from the LGTBI minority is anything but new.
Before entering into real analysis, I said honesty, respect and facts would the point of start to any opinion that may be shared on this pages. In order to stay loyal to my own statement, I must begin by saying that, as a child growing up in a Catholic school in the early 2000s, I remember awareness on sexual orientation or identity was not as discussed as it is today. My school, where I stayed from age 5 to age 17, was originally for girls, and when times changed and it became a center for girls and boys alike, a mentality based on gender equality was always a priority inside its boundaries. And as much as I could drop a lot of criticism on my old school (name is Loretto Sisters, by the way), I've got to say this was arguably the best feature its educational plan always had. I mean it, making people understand that men and women deserve the same rights is essential and no joking matter. That been said, this is far from the only relevant concept a child must be raised with today.
Obviously, teachers from my old school didn't live in the Middle Age and wouldn't tell us that homosexuality was something unnatural or sinful, but I don't remember time was ever invested in teaching us how complex some aspects of human nature truly are. When I was a kid I would laugh with inappropriate jokes and would think stuff like "ew, how can a guy want to kiss another guy" or "why would a person want to change his/her sex; can't they just accept themselves the way they are?", and that is wrong in every way and it's my bad, so I won't make excuses or point at other people. If any person from this collective takes some time to read me I feel in the need to share that and apologize.
Sure, as I grew up I learned about the long list of elements that make LGTBI people face so many problems in their lives (still learning actually), but any teacher should bear in mind the fact that children absorb knowledge and ideas far easier and better, like sponges, when they are still very young and beyond the age of 10. And before that, their moldable minds will be under the influence of prejudices, bullying, the media, terrible influences that may be proliferate on the internet, occasional trauma or family issues, and so many other things which could be decisive for the mess of a mind we unavoidably must have as teenagers.
To put it simple, and I think this is more a fact and less an opinion, a generation is marked by far more than just a social political movement or the invention of a website. Parents, teachers, activists, politicians... should be aware at every moment of the importance of their influence and the responsibility that lies on their shoulders. This is true: I am no parent or belong to any of the mentioned professions, but I am pretty conscious on how far a negative way of thinking and a passive attitude towards a problem can affect every field in daylife.
I know this might generate some debate or disagreements, but this is a problem I have observed for many years in many places, including here, in Wattpad, so this is an opinion I need to give: today many people refuse to give Sex Education the importance it actually deserves. It is a bit embarrassing for me to say it, since some people may be reading this and probably holding a chuckle, but it is true. We straight people shall never be able to fully understand how does it feel to be different in this aspect, for the simple fact that we don't belong to this minority, but nobody needs to fully understand a person (nobody actually can, since there are not two identical human beings) to empathize with the feeling of being different and show respect to those who have the same right to be respected by nature.
It is no secret that homophobia, like any feeling based on prejudices, has always existed, and any action or omission taken under this thought is wrong and unjustified in any context. That been said, it is too easy and pointless to judge the morality of people from two thousand years ago. People are naturally afraid from what they can't understand, and sexuality is so complex that even with today's researches and progresses in the matter, there is no way on Earth one day it can be fully explained. And like I said, even with today's mentality, heterosexuals will never be able to understand what it is like to be attracted to a person from their own sex simply because they naturally don't feel that attraction. Formerly, the only consensus about sexual relations was that their main purpose was reproduction, for which a male and a female were required, much like in the animal kingdom, so it was understandably assumed that men were supposed to be attracted by women, and viceversa. That fear of something that might not be so usual and easy to understand, like sexual relations that were useless for reproduction (including masturbation) would therefore be feared and even unfairly rejected. Unfortunately, it would take centuries for civilizations to learn to separate concepts like sexuality, reproduction and love.
Disrespect towards LGTBI people is particularly reprehensible today because it parts from both ignorance and hatred. Homophobic and transphobic people refuse to assume the fact that these people aren't sick or acting against nature; in fact, they are exactly as nature made them. I remember when a Spanish romance movie between two gypsy girls was released and I read an interview where a person said "oh, not homophic... but if God made the woman for the man, then a relationship between a man and a woman is what is normal, right?". False, and also idiotic: whatever your beliefs are, if they are used to excuse discrimination they are not acceptable, and that's not religion to blame. By the way, that myth about Christian dogma being homophobic, and supporting other kind of discriminations... I may have to refute that in future writing, but for now I'll stick to what we are discussing. Nature makes men and women so human beings, like any animal species, can procreate, but here we are taking about reproduction, not sexual orientation, let alone love. If happiness is all about living the way you are and doing what you feel like doing as long as you don't hurt anyone, and these people who are born this way hurt nobody can be happy and help other people be happy... how can that be considered sinful? And if we are talking about love, which may be an even more complicated subject (for another chapter if you want) that must be studied separately from the lastly mentioned ones , and the most globally accepted affirmation about it is that love is never inmoral, where is the evil in falling for a person from your own genre? And if someone tries to give you that trans people are against the law of God or something like that, because He can't make mistakes when He creates humans... tell that person that maybe God wants everyone to be equally happy by accepting themselves in their own diversity and complexity, and that complexity He provided humans with includes sexual identity. Faith may move mountains, but if only God has power over human nature, and some people are born different in that way, it may be because He wants and loves these people that way. So maybe it is that supposedly holy person who is actually saying that the Lord is mistaken.
Please, don't make the mistake of thinking that this kind of ignorance has all its roots on the influence of fanatical manipulation of dogmas from thousands of years to this date. Let's not forget that until 1990, homosexuality remained listed as a disease inside the "International Classification of Diseases" by the World Health Organization. Hell, in the US of the 70s there was even a spread myth about VIH being started with homosexual people when a high percentage of this disease was detected on gay men, when the truth was simply that an insane number of those people who celebrated the sexual liberation of that age were infected due to unprotected relations. Again, Sex Ed may play an irreplaceable role here, because this heavily proved that prophylactics were meant to protect people against more than just pregnancy. It's all about learning from zero knowledge, because none is born with the knowledge, and mistakes from former generations must be remembered by the new ones, so they aren't made again, and education is the only way.
As for hatred, there is not much to be said than you can't learn on your own by rereading History. When have actions motivated by hatred have brought something good?
There is also some inverse negative effect, at least in my opinion. I feel like some politicians or activists who claim to support these minorities are actually using them to earn votes and attention, which is almost as bad as violence and insults. And meanwhile, I don't see that attacks against them are reduced. On the other hand, I don't know about you, but it really gets on my nerves when a person says out loud something like "oh my!! Did you know I have a new friend... and he's GAY!?" as if LGTBI were some sort of pet or cult members. As much as that person claims to love these people, he/she is actually remarking the difference between gay and non-gay people, making it deeper when by now it's shouldn't be deeper than the difference between right handed and left handed people in the eyes of society. All these people want is being treated with respect and equality; they are perfectly able to have a peaceful and productive life and need no preferential treatment.
Naturally, even inside minorities, there can be bad people too, but this is because they are as humans as the next person, like we stated. In other words, if you really respect this minority as they deserve, just treat them natural. They are completely normal, to the point most of the time you wouldn't even tell you are there is this difference that can't harm you at all. There is much more to a person's sexual orientation or identity to define his/her way of being, and that person shall most likely be delighted to share the best of his/her, and this is something, I repeat, that must be taught from school (gradually and reasonably, it's not like you can introduce children to some concepts too soon). I have no formation in psychology or teaching, so I can't tell how exactly it should be done, but it is a reality that a generation can't be educated the same way the former was for a society that may no longer exist. And as a recent adult in such society, I should do my best to cooperate in that direction, even if all I can do now is writing an essay of less than 3000 words for my small audience.
And this would be all for the first night at Honest Fiction's Pub, where you can have all the food and drinks emojis can offer, for a reasonable price in hugs! Tips in the shape of votes and comments are accepted, as well as suggestions for future chapters!
I decided not to make it too long, since this is a controversial and complex subject I just talked about, and I am not sure on how you people will react...😟😟😟
I might make it a bit longer these days since I feel like I could say more, but this is basically the view I wanted to share before you fell asleep over the fictional bar😴😴😴🍸🍸🍸.
Anyway, I hope I can read your opinions on this! After all, it's real life stuff what shall be discussed in this pub.
The other members of the Wattpad Police Force can ask me to write about any particular act here in Wattpad if it can help the good users of the platform.
Link: (https://www.dandc.eu/en/article/world-health-organization)
Well, it's time to close, Watties! I hope the service and company found in this pub have lived up to your expectations! Come back soon!! 🤠🤠🤠
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