broccoli boi: hiiii everyone sorry i wasn't at school yesterday
insomnia: yes we know, what did that chicken do to you?
broccoli boi: heyy that's not nice :((
18+: i think chicken little has brain washed you Izu
skeleton: he didn't hurt you did he?
broccoli boi: NOOO keigo would never hurt me
insomnia: since when have you been calling him that
cannibalistic fck: do yall really not trust me at all
cannibalistic fck: we had loads of fun didn't we little birdie? i even got a little peck ;)
cannibalistic fck: aren't his ears and tail so cute as well!
ScReAM: wtf did you do to little listener
insomnia: explanation now
skeleton: you did what to MY SON?
GOD: not going to lie I'm rather enjoying this...
broccoli boi: DONT WORRY we had great fun, keigo was really kind UwU
Cannibalistic fck: seeeee no reason to worry ;)
insomnia: I'm gunna kill you
cannibalistic fck: no need to get violentttt :))
18+: my poor innocent bby
broccoli boi: guys no need to worry I'm fine anyways I've gotta get to school see you soon aizowa sensei !
insomnia: sure trouble child
broccoli boi went offline
GOD: rest of you to class as well, no searching for hawks
everyone: fuck
everyone went offline
GOD: like controlling a bunch of kids
GOD went offline
{3rd person POV}
After being on his phone a little, Izuku started to walk to school and made it there thankfully without any interruptions this time.
the green haired teen let out a sigh of relief and made his way to his class, he got there early as usual, but today Aizowa was early which was out of the ordinary behaviour for the sleep deprived hero.
Izuku greeted him sheepishly and went to go sit down at his desk "problem child, what is that around your neck?" Aizowa said sleepily yet his voice also had a hint of curiosity in it.
the greenete got flustered at the question when he remembered his time with Keigo. his head tilted to the side and his ears pricked up with anxiety as he found it hard to respond "w-well when i-i spent t-time with Keigo h-he gave me one of his f-feathers" he eventually responded stuttering terribly while rubbing the back of his neck.
Aizowa noticed the greenete's behaviour and the hint of blush on his skin, his face flashed with jealousy and anger before returning back to his usual emotionless face.
{Izuku POV}
when i walked to class i noticed Aizawa sensei was already sat at his desk writing something, probably marking papers, i shook of the weird aura that Aizowa was giving off and greeted him with a small smile and made it back to my seat.
he eyed me for a couple minuets which made me feel quite uncomfortable, until he spoke ignoring my greeting "problem child, what is that around your neck?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.
instantly i felt my cheeks heat up, and i answered him, simply saying that Keigo had given it to me.
his reaction made me really confused as his eyes filled with lust and anger for a split second before he covered it up with his normal tired gaze.
just as he was about to speak the rest of my class came in, ultimately saving me.
i sighed in relief as a couple of my friends greeted me, while i held the soft feather in my hand calming me down.
~half way through class~
as i was taking notes i felt the crimson feather around my neck moving slightly, i looked down as the feather slipped its self into my shirt and began tracing along my abs.
i didn't know he still had control of his feathers?! i immediately felt my face get really hot and i started pancaking. i quickly asked if i could use the bathroom and i slipped my shirt of in my stall, i examined the feather in curiosity while watching it twitching to get out of my grasp.
hold on... can he feel what happens to the feather as well?
for scientific purposes i licked the feather along the side and it suddenly stopped moving and my phone buzzed in my pocket.
i took out my phone and noticed it was Keigo (private conversation)
Keigo: little birdie... what are you doing to my feather?
izu: SORRY i just was wondering if you could feel what happens to it..
keigo: yes i can, don't be sorry id like it if you did that more often ;)
izu: u-um y-yeah ok ill talk to you later, bye Keigo!
Keigo; bye little birdie
i let out a nervous sigh and slipped the feather around my neck again and walked back to class, what does he mean he likes it? oh well ill just ask him about it when i see him next.
i mean he did kiss me and i kissed him back... does that mean he likes me?
~end of the day~
broccoli boi: hey everyone i was just wondering if anyone would like to come to me and my mums cafe today?! were open for the most of the night because its Friday!
insomnia: I'm already outside
broccoli boi: WHAT i didn't even tell you where it was?!
insomnia: i have my ways
insomnia went offline
cannibalistic fck: sure ill come!
GOD: ill come after finishing some e mails
18+: SURE ill be right there!
ScReAM: id love to come little listener!
skeleton: ill be there to keep an eye on you guys around young Midoria
light-a-match: i have patrol so... no
ScReAM: damm someone is a bit a a party pooper!
light-a-match: i will not hesitate to set you on fire
broccoli boi: AAAGH that's amazing the address is ********** see everyone there!
everyone went offline
{Aizowa POV}
I arrived at the cat café almost a second after i received the text that Izuku had invited us. i peered through the window and looked around for little kitten but didn't see him anywhere i just saw a slightly plump green haired lady handing out drinks with different designs made with the troth.
i wonder if the coffee will be up to my expectations?
i put my phone away and entered the cute little café and several cats ran over to me begging for attention, they were adorable so i bent down and began to pet them all gently on the head before making it up to the front desk.
"hi there I'm Mr Aizowa, i think your son has invited me and a couple other teachers" i said in my usual tired tone and the green haired lady looked up at me energetically "oh yes Izuku was telling me about some people coming, follow me ill show you to a table!"
the lady walked showing me to 2 large sofas and a coffee table in the middle. i sat down thanking her and many cats came over rubbing their heads on my feet and jumping on my lap, soon i was swarmed completely with cats.
i smiled softly and started to pet them while waiting for the others to arrive, it was a little weird that i hadn't seen Midoria yet, i shrugged it off coming to the conclusion that he was probably making drinks.
the others started flooding in the café, until only Nezu was left but he was going to be here a little later anyways.
i glared at Hawks and he looked at us all smugly and started a small convo. by the looks of everyone they were wondering where Midoria was as well.
then a small white door opened at the back of the small shop to reveal problem child in a fricken maid outfit. i felt my cheeks flush, and in an attempt to hide it i buried my face into my scarf looking away from the sweet boy.
{hawks POV}
i walked into the adorably small cat café and i see most of the teachers sat on two large sofas swarmed with cats so i make my way there greeting them and sitting down, no one responded besides all might and only shot glares at me.
i realised they were jealous and i smirked and began stroking several cats while talking to all might. i was wondering where little birdie was until he emerged from the back of the room in a maid outfit showing off his feminine curves, the skirt was short and frilled and he had black stocking which reached to his thighs, there was a bow wrapped tightly around his back, and he came towards us with a smile holding a little notepad and pen. his tail swayed behind him excitedly and his ears twitched now and then with anticipation. i also noticed he was wearing the feather i gave to him which made me very happy.
i smiled back at him as we locked eyes and a soft blush dusted his freckled face as he stopped in front of our table. so cute. "I'm so glad you could make it! what can i get for you?" he said while smiling and opening the notepad.
i looked around and waited for someone to order first, everyone was blushing terribly except all might who wore a worried look on his face as he glanced around at everyone, Aizowa and present Mic even had nose bleeds.
i chuckled being the first person to speak "ill have a caramel frap please little birdie" i winked and he looked away clearly blushing more, and wrote down my order quickly. soon after everyone snapped out of their gaze and ordered their drinks.
after about 5 ish minuets little birdie merrily skipped over to us holding out a tray, there were designs on top of the the drinks, and the drinks tasted amazing.
i had a heart on my drink, while Aizowa had a cat there was a music note for mic, lightening bolts for all might and midnight had clouds on her drink.
i thanked little birdie and he blushed before running off and brining a bowl of cookies and setting it on the small coffee table.
just as he was about to walk off when i grabbed him by the tail in a soft but firm hand and pulled him onto my lap, he let out a surprized squeak, and All might gave me a glare which could kill a whole city while the others just stared enviously at the green teen in my lap.
he blushed a dark shade of red while trying to start a normal conversation.
when it got really late everyone was still chatting finally deep into conversation, as the greenete was still seated in my lap, now more relaxed and comfortable.
suddenly he became limp and fell slightly to the side, i caught him with my wing and looked down to notice that he had fell asleep, i brushed his soft hair from his face revealing more of his freckles, as i gazed at his perfectly fitted featured as he peacefully slept in my arms.
the rest noticed this and stared at me sternly, eyes full of jealousy and lust. i shielded the precious boy with my wings, and Izuku's mother came up to the table when she noticed her sleeping son "I'm so sorry would you like me to take him back?" "oh no its ok ill take him back home" she thanked me as i left the small café with the others glares still burning into my back as i softly lifted myself into the sky, making sure not to wake the small boy.
i made my way to his house and opened his bedroom window and landed carefully not making a sound and i placed him onto his bed covering his slim figure with the blanket.
i admired his peacefulness and beauty before placing a quick kiss on his forehead, and went to patrol the dark city.
PLEASEEEEE give me suggestions on more ships otherwise ima keep doing Hawks X deku UwU no regrets
extra long chapter bc i had more time on my hands, just a heads up i wont post on Christmas day but i will do on Christmas eve bc i don't wanna leave yall hanging!!
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