Chapter Two
Chapter Two
I was going to shit swords if I didn't find my notebook. Like, right now.
My heart hammered as I tore every last thing from my black Under Armour backpack. I'd already tossed my entire locker to the floor, too, looking for it.
I'd been in fifth period, Computer Coding, and I'd grabbed—
"Oh shit!" I'd run into McKenna Storm before my class. Our bags dumped out. "Son of a mother—"
"Dude!" Kyle Walker rammed into me and I spun around.
The star running back looked down at me, his eyes wide. "Redecorating?" He gestured to the mess I'd made on the floor.
"Shut up." I started gathering all my crap and throwing it into my locker. I needed to get that notebook. What if she opened it? What if she realized it was mine?
She couldn't—it didn't have my name on it. Only my Scribbles username. Shit. That thing had my Kingdom of Swords stuff in it. At this moment I was cursing myself for not using a Google Doc or something, but I'd gotten hacked once and couldn't chance anyone ever finding out I was WriteEmHard on Scribbles.
Writing fantasy romance novels. My friends, especially my football teammates, would give me so much shit. Seriously, they'd never let me live it down.
So it was old school notebooks and index cards. I never should have brought my stuff to school. I wanted to work on a scene today during study hall, but... Shit! I needed to get that thing back.
"...right?" Kyle flicked my ear.
"Dude!" I shoved him off.
Kyle shook out his messy blond hair and tied it back into a man bun like he always did. I swear to God a girl swooned behind him. He actually could be the cover model of a book with his ice-blue eyes, perfect face, perfect hair. Get it together, Rovers—stop scoping your friend as a potential cover model.
What was wrong with me? Must be all the stock photos I was scrolling through last night with another Scribbles author. They'd needed major help designing a new cover for one of their stories, which meant finding the perfect model.
"I'm late." I plowed by him.
"So are you coming?"
"Yeah, sure," I said, hustling down the hallway. I had no idea what I'd just agreed to, but whatever.
If I remembered correctly, McKenna's locker was one hall down and to the left, only a few away from Kyle's, and he'd just headed off in the opposite direction, so he wouldn't be there. Hopefully McKenna would be. What if she figured it out? Shit. And told someone.
"Hey, Jace!" Xavier Franklin, our Twin River High baseball catcher, yelled as I bolted by him. He stood by his locker talking to Landon, Victoria, and Mia, who gave me a quick wave but didn't say anything. That was fine. I needed to hurry the hell up.
McKenna wasn't at her locker. "Shit." I tried the handle, but of course it was locked. Leaving my hand on it, I glanced around. I'd seen her in the language arts hallway before while I headed to Spanish.
What would I say if I found her, anyway? If she'd opened it, she'd have to know it was mine, since we'd run into each other before last period. Hopefully she would keep it a secret. I blew by a few people waving at me, wishing me luck for this Friday's football game, but I didn't stop.
I had to catch up with her. I rounded the corner to my classroom, then sped by it. Three doors down was where the literature classes were held. Weaving through people, I made it with about thirty seconds to spare before the final bell would ring.
I peeked in the first class. She wasn't there. The second and third weren't lucky for me, either.
Shit. It was a long shot finding her in this freaking huge school. I'd have to get to her locker ASAP after class.
I booked it to my room as the final bell sounded and Señorita Smith glared at me for almost being late. It was horrible being late to her class—it meant you had to sit in the seat of shame, aka at the very front of the class, right next to Señorita Smith's desk. That also meant no texting, zoning out, and lots of being called on to speak in front of the class.
But hey, I'd sit in that seat every day just as long as it meant no one found out that I was WriteEmHard.
I stood by McKenna's locker after Spanish, hoping to find her. The bell rang and every second that ticked by felt like an hour. Come on!
As if she heard me mentally calling her, McKenna scurried around the corner with her usual demeanor: focused on her combat boots and rushing by, not acknowledging anyone.
She hadn't always been like this. Back in third grade, she'd written me the sweetest Valentine card. Sure, the teacher made us each write one for everyone in the class, but hers was epic.
She had a flair for art, drawing a big heart with little butterflies around it, but the bodies of the butterflies were shaped like hearts. When I'd opened the card, another heart sprang up. She'd fashioned a fun spring from folding some stiff construction paper.
It was cool and thoughtful, but then, somewhere around the end of fifth grade and the start of sixth, she'd changed.
By the time we'd left middle school to move on to Twin River High, McKenna had changed; she'd become sullen and quiet. And her wardrobe featured only black pants and shirts. It was a huge transition and most of the girls she used to hang around with dropped her.
Everyone buzzed by, not giving me any notice. Then again, why would they? Never would they expect one of the star football players to be standing near Goth Girl's locker. I hated that name. So she wore dark clothing; had multiple piercings in her eyebrows, nose, and mouth; and wore black nail polish.
Big deal.
"Hey, McKenna," I said.
She skidded to a stop as she lifted her head. Had I not said anything, she might have run into me. Her bright green eyes shot wide. They looked like the shallow end of the ocean with how green they were. Especially with the thick black eyeliner around them.
I turned toward her locker. "Did chance grab a black notebook by accident? You know, after you rammed into me earlier?"
She arched an eyebrow and gave me a sarcastic grin. "If I say yes, are you going to pull out your sword?"
Holy shit on a sword. She'd read my notebook. She knew I was WriteEmHard.
"You read it?" I glanced around. I was so screwed.
She pulled the notebook from her bag and I let out a sigh. There it was. She had it. Now I had to figure out how to keep her from telling anyone.
I let my bag slide off my shoulder, then I dug out hers.
"Pretty impressive...WriteEmHard," she said as we swapped. "Did you know there's an Insta account for your fandom?"
Son of a sword. Could she talk any louder? "Keep it down!"
She flinched.
I knew I was being rude, but shit, I wasn't sure what I'd do if everyone found out I wrote fantasy romance stories...
McKenna spun her combination on her locker and stopped it, then slowly turned it to start unlocking her locker.
"You didn't tell anyone, did you?"
"Who the hell would I tell?" She smirked.
I felt about fifty pounds lighter knowing my secret was safe.
"What's the big deal anyway?"
I let out a huff, holding up the notebook. "A seventeen- year-old guy writing this stuff? I'd get crucified."
She chuckled. "It is kinda funny."
"See! Point proven." I shook my head. "You can't tell anyone."
McKenna made an X across her chest and gave me a small curtsy. "Your secret is safe with me, milord."
This is so humiliating...
"Funny," I snapped.
A wave of darkness swept over her eyes. "You don't have to be an ass about it."
I hadn't meant to be. I held up the notebook. "It's just, if anyone found—"
"I get it. Go." She waved me off.
I turned and hustled away, rounding the first corner I could find.
"Yo!" Joel Adams rammed right into me. "What are you doing down here, dickweed?"
I spun around and managed to keep my balance, clutching the notebook protectively to my side.
"And what the hell were you doing talking to Goth Girl?" He ripped the notebook out of my hand, laughing. Kyle Walker came up beside him, as did Pitch Slater. Why was everyone from the football and baseball teams huddling around me right now?
Fate was a bitch.
"What do we have here?" Joel flipped open my notebook and I almost puked the disgusting meatloaf surprise lunch I'd downed four hours ago.
I reached for the notebook, but Joel spun out of range and started laughing. I was fucked right now. So totally and completely fucked.
Kyle and Pitch looked over their shoulders as a few people gathered, watching the commotion that asshole Joel was causing. He hated everyone, was mad at the world, just because he rode the bench for the football team instead of starting as the kicker. It was like he had to make everyone's life hell because his was.
"Come on, man." I went to grab the notebook, but he pivoted away.
"Those plump lips demanded I kiss them. Nip them. Her moan sent me into overdrive," Joel read aloud.
Each word he read felt like a punch to the gut.
The crowd started laughing.
"Drop the sword, Severa said. Take me now."
My face heated up to nuclear levels. Of course he'd pick one of the steamiest scenes in the third chapter.
"No freaking way! Did you write that?" Someone pointed at me. I didn't know her name, but her big brown eyes were wide and focused on me.
"Um..." Shit. Shit. Shit.
"I know that character," someone else said, holding up her phone. "I read that story online the other day!"
This was it. I was outed. I'd be the laughingstock of the school.
Joel looked up at me, holding the notebook. "Did you write this shit?"
Bile stung the back of my throat. I felt like I did starting in my first ever varsity game, like I couldn't catch my breath. My mind blanked on how I might be able to get out of this.
"Hey. It's not shit. It's the most popular book on Scribbles!" someone yelled.
It didn't matter how popular the story was. I'd get so much shit. How was I going to—
"Hey, dumb fuck!" McKenna strode up to Joel, her hand extended. "Give me my damn notebook."
Happy Thursday!
So... I couldn't wait until Saturday to post chapter two! Ha ha!
Quick Note - GUTTER GIRL is written in alternating POV's. I wrote McKenna Storm's chapters and Lynn Rush wrote Jace Rover's chapters. I love reading books with alternating point of views and I think that's what really drew Lynn and I to writing this way! :) How about you? What's your preference?
Also, what do you think of GUTTER GIRL so far? Let us know in a comment!
If you can't wait to see what happens next, pop over to and pick up your e-copy or paperback!
Thank you so much for reading chapter two of GUTTER GIRL!
Kelly Anne & Lynn xoxo
P.S. All comments, votes, and library adds are majorly appreciated!
P.S. Just a reminder! This book will only be up in full for a limited time (3 months), so be sure to add it to your library so you don't miss a single update!
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