42 Where's Arnav?

Part 42 Where's Arnav?

Khushi fell losing consciousness. HP who crossed the path shouted,

"Khushi bhabiiiii..."

That dragged everyone's attention. All of them rushed out of their respective rooms and ran in the direction from where HP's voice echoed. They saw Khushi lying on the ground unconscious. No need to say they were panicked seeing her condition.

Shyam rushed to Khushi and tried to lift her but Akash shrugged his hands and lifted her in his arms. That had not gone unnoticed by Payal. He walked to her room and kept her on the bed. Payal sprinkled water on her face. Khushi opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the people surrounding her restlessly.

"Khushiji, are you all right?" Anjali asked worriedly, sitting beside her.

"Why did you faint Khushi? Didn't you have anything this morning?" Payal asked touching her cheek.

That was when Khushi remembered why she fainted. She pressed her head.

"I will call the doctor" Akash removed his phone.

"No need Jeejaji..." Khushi tried to stop him.

"No Khushiji, knowing the reason for your condition is important. Chotte left you in our responsibility. We can't be careless. Chotte will get upset with us if he gets to know we didn't look after you like he does" Anjali said strictly.

Khushi became anxious remembering Arnav had not reached London yet. She felt like her heart becoming heavy.

"I'm all right, di..." she said making herself.

"Then why did you faint?" Anjali asked.

"I just..."

"I think she may be pregnant," Manorama said.

Everyone smiled but Akash's eyes automatically travelled to Shyam whose facial expression changed into horrible. The man who always managed himself struggled to do it now. Akash glared at him, gritting his teeth. He could not tolerate the snake in his house. He was sure that he was pretending to be a memory loss patient. If it was not like that, then why didn't he feel happy about Khushi's pregnancy? No matter how hard he tried to veil his bad intentions, the real color could not be hidden. Akash thought.

Akash intentionally kept the phone in his pocket without calling the doctor.

"Don't you call the doctor?" Shyam asked.

"I think it's not needed. As Ma said, she must be pregnant I suppose" Akash purposely said that.

"Then we should confirm it. Then only we can take care of her... am I right Rani Sahiba?" he said urgently.

"You are right. Akash, call the doctor" Anjali said.

Without any choice, Akash took his phone and dialed the doctor while walking out of the room. He came in, disconnecting the call.

"The doctor is coming, Di"

They waited. Khushi's mind was thinking about Arnav. She felt a tug in her heart when she remembered how Arnav spoke to her about not taking risks. Why did he tell her that? Did he sense that he would be trapped in trouble? She felt helpless. Why did he want her to tell Devi Maiya that she was happy with him? She closed her eyes and prayed. Hey Devi Maiya... why are you testing me? You gave me the world's best husband. He made me happy and proud in every phase of my life. He never gave up on me but stood for me. After giving me all the happiness why did you cause trouble to my Arnavji? Please give my Arnavji back...!

Khushi didn't know where to start. How to start..! She didn't know why Akash didn't tell them about Arnav missing. He might have hidden it not wanting to make them panic. It didn't mean, she should be silent. So she asked,

"Di, Did Arnavji call you? Why hasn't he called us yet? Did he reach London safely?" She asked impatiently looking at Akash, expecting him to tell them about the phone call but he was silent.

"Khushiji, bhai will be safe. We don't have to bother about him" Akash said.

"Then why didn't he call us?" She asked.

Taking her phone, she called Arnav's number.

"Khushiji, Bhai will call us when he reaches London"

"As per the time chart, he should have reached London by now. Then, why didn't he call us? Call the airport authorities and ask them whether his flight reached London or not" she insisted restlessly.

"Khushiji is right. What harm if we check he reached London safely?" Anjali said.

"Di... he may be busy. We should give him time to settle down in London..." Akash said.

Anjali took her phone and called Aman which was least expected by Akash. Aman attended the call. Before Anjali asked anything,

"Ma'am, did you get any information about ASR? Did he say where he went?" he asked.

Anjali frowned.

"He went to London. Don't you know that?"

"Of course, Ma'am, but he didn't reach London. He had not even boarded the flight"

"Whaaaat? What are you saying? Didn't Chotte board the flight?"

"Yes, Ma'am... I got a call from London authorities. They had been waiting for him but they were disappointed as ASR didn't go to London" Aman said.

Anjali cried listening to it.

"Akash, Chotte didn't go to London. He hadn't even boarded the flight. I don't know what happened to him. he has never been like this. Something must be wrong. Call the commissioner and ask him to search for Chotte" she ordered.

Akash saw Shyam silently slipping away. Akash dialed the commissioner and tried his number. At the same time, the landline rang. Anjali attended the call. All of them looked at her surprisingly when she said,


"Chotte, where are you? Why didn't you go to London? Where are you now?" she asked sobbing restlessly.

"Di... I didn't go to London. My program changed at the last minute. I'm in Scotland now"

"Scotland? But why did you go without letting us know about it? What would we think of not getting any message from you? Do you know how scared Khushiji is? She even fainted..." Anjali said looking at Khushi who was looking at her expecting her to give the reciver to her,

"Whaaat? Fainted? How is she now?"

"She is all right... talk to her"

Anjali passed the receiver to Khushi.

"Arnavji..." tears flew from her eyes.

"Khushi, I'm all right"

"Why didn't you tell me anything about your Scotland trip? Why didn't you call me?"

"There is no signal in here. Just now I came to the place where I got a signal. That's why I called you"

"Do you know how scared I was?"

"Don't be scared. I'm all right... Di and Akash are there... you can get any help from them but don't do anything without Akash's knowledge... ok?"

"When will you come?" She asked miserably.

"Very soon"

"Can't you skip such deals?" she asked helplessly.

"Some deals can't be skipped, Khushi..."

"Come soon, Aranvji..."

"As much as possible"

"Call me often whenever you get time"



Arnav disconnected the call. Khushi wiped her face and smiled. At the same time, the doctor arrived. She checked Khushi.

"Nothing to worry. She must be stressed... that's why she fainted," the doctor said and Akash saw relief in Shyam's face.

"She is weak. Make her eat healthy food and give her enough rest"

"We will take care of her Doctor," Anjali said.

"I will be all right as Arnavji is all right, Di" Khushi said smilingly.

Khushi felt relief. Thank God, nothing happened to Arnav and he was safe. She closed her eyes and thanked Devi Maiya.

"Thank you Devi Maiya, you heard my prayer. Thank you so much for keeping my Arnavji safe...I know you would be there for us..." She thanked DM heartedly.

In the meanwhile,

There was a dark godown-like room with a dim light effect. Arnav who was supposed to be in Scotland was there surrounded by a few men who looked like goons.

After talking to Khushi, Arnav disconnected the call and kept the phone in his pocket smirking. A few goons were being tied up with iron pillars and a few more goons were guarding them.

"ASR, what to do with their guns?" Asked one of Arnav's men.

"Keep it... you may need it" Arnav said smirking.

"These guys tried to kidnap you but you didn't surrender these guys to the police. Why?"

"I can't implement my plan if I surrender them to the police... that's why," Arnav said, looking at those guys who were sent by Shyam to kidnap him.

To be continued... 

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