The Final Joke (Season 1 End!)
...You were all standing at the park, right where the light was just right...Ivy was surrounded by flowers...
"Harley, uh, a few words?." King Shark looked at Harley, who continued to cry, she was crying into your shoulder.
"Let her grieve," Clayface said. "I've prepared a little something...We have gathered today to pay respects to our beloved friend, her death was not an empty sacrifice, and, of my friend, I will say just this, of all the souls I have met on my journeys, hers was the most... human."
"Wow, that, uh... Wasn't awful." Psycho said.
"As apropos a speech now as when it was originally delivered by William Shatner's Captain James Tiberius Kirk in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan-" Clayface continued
"Mmm-hmm, all right." Psycho cut him off.
You slowly let go of Harley and walked over to Ivy's body...tears still forming in your eyes.
"I've killed a lot of people in my life..." You slowly began. "But I've never had anyone close to me pass, and when it finally happened now, it was the only person who truly cared for me, the only person I would happily take a bullet for..." You slowly bent down and gripped her hand, you felt tears running down your cheek but you didn't care. "I love you, Ivy...and..."
You slowly wiped the tears from your eyes, King handed you a handkerchief which you wiped your tears from.
"I'll miss you...more than anyone here-"
"Who's gonna water my roots?." Frank cried, interrupting you, and heading over to Ivy. "I don't trust any of these assholes!."
"You'll be missed." Psycho used his telekinesis to lower Ivy's body in her grave, then put the dirt over top of her body, Harley cried louder as she clung to your suit collar.
On the tombstone, it simply read, Pamela Isley, friend and lover.
"She's a doctor, damn it!." Frank groaned. "Who chiseled this shit!?."
Psycho then chiseled Dr right next to Ivy's name, Harley continued crying and so did you...before you both turned around, looking at Joker's tower, suddenly, Harley screamed and started charging at the tower.
"No, no, no." Psycho used his powers to drag Harley back over to the rest of you.
"What're ya... What are you doin'?." Harley growled
"He doesn't want you to follow Ivy to the grave." Clayface spoke up.
"So that's it!?." Harley glared. "We're just supposed to sit here twiddling our thumbs?."
"Well, unless you got some kind of actual plan, I say yes." Psycho answered.
Harley thought for a minute before you thought of may be stupid...but it may just work.
"I've got one..." you tried your tears again with the handkerchief King Shark gave you.
"Ooh, does it involve indiscriminate smashing of other people's property?." King looked at you, smiling.
"No." You answered.
"Aw!." King frowned.
"When no one believed in me, Ivy did." Harley said, cutting you off. "She always wanted me to get rid of this assh*le, so that's what I'm gonna do."
"That's not a plan." Psycho looked at her.
"I know dipshit, Y/n has one." She looked at you. "So, what's your plan?."
Jim Gordon was playing with the bat signal, waiting for Batman to show up.
"Come on, come on." Jim continued flipping the switch.
"Jim, what's wrong?." Batman suddenly appeared.
"Nothing." Jim jumped. "My marriage is totally fine."
"I mean the situation on the street." Batman glared.
"Oh, that's a shit show," Gordon answered. "Unlike my marriage, which is rock-solid."
"Right-" Batman said before the two of them looked shocked when you kicked open the door to the rooftop, now in your assassin gear, Harley was next to you.
"OW!!!." You began holding your foot. "FUCK SAKE, SON OF A BITCH, THAT HURTS, I STUBBED MY DAMN TOE!!!!."
"Ugh, what is the point of having an elevator if it doesn't work?." Harley walked past you.
"Quinn, what are you doing here!?." Batman shouted, then looked at you. "And who's this, a new criminal you've been taking under your wing?."
"Name's Headhunter asshole." You continued to hold your foot. "I'm an assassin, the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be-"
"I think Deathstroke has that title climbed but anyway we wanna take down Joker." Harley looked at you then looked at Batman. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... we need to work together."
"I work alone." Batman folded his arms.
"What about me?." Jim frowned.
"Not now, Jim." Batman groaned.
"No one knows Joker better than you and me." Harley looked at Batman.
"I've got a file on him, I'll be right back." Jim smiled and ran past you into the building to get the file.
"I thought this guy was a good cop." You pointed at him with your thumb.
"Look, we put our heads together, we can beat him." Harley looked at Batman. "And then you can go back to doing whatever it is you do."
"I'm not teaming up with you, you should be locked up in Arkham." Batman glared at her.
"Joker killed Ivy, took over Gotham, and cut off your bat nuts!." You pointed at Batman. "Thanks to that pasty-faced bastard, my lover is six feet in the fucking ground and you aren't doing anything about it, Dark Knight!."
"Easy, easy..." Harley held you back from Batman. "Don't go full Psycho on him, okay, dear, just relax..."
Harley then turned to Batman then gripped his cape. "HELP US!!!!!!!!!."
"You're never gonna believe this." Jim busted the door wide open holding a card. "Found Joker's file, but he replaced it with one of those greeting cards that plays music."
He opened up the card to reveal Joker surfering on the beach.
"What a tricky son of a so-and-so."
"If I say yes to this, what do you bring to the table, Quinn?." Batman looked at Harley.
"The thing he wants most." Harley smirked, You, Gordon, and Batman all looked confused.
"What does he want more than Gotham under his thumb?." You raised an eyebrow confused.
Harley, You, King, Psycho, and Sy had all walked up to the front gate of Joker's tower, the second you knocked on the door, Machine Guns were pointed at you
"Who is it?." Joker walked up to the mouth of his tower. "I've already donated-Oh, Harley."
Joker began laughing.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?."
"Well, seein' as it's your birthday and all, I got you a gift." Harley smiled.
"Oh, you shouldn't have." Joker laughed. "I mean, especially after what I did to Ivy."
You clenched your fist hard at the mention of Ivy's name, you wanted to do many undescribable things to that clown but you had to hold your anger in.
"You must be very upset with me." Joker began looking at his painted fingernails. "Of course, I'm referring to the "murder her on purpose." HAHAHA!."
"Oh, I hate you more than you'll ever know," Harley grunted quietly before saying out loud.
"You won, and I wanna be on the winnin' side."
"Oh, Harley, how positively mature of you." Joker continued laughing.
"I know, real growth." You rolled your eyes before Harley hit you in the stomach, shutting you up.
"I thought maybe we could patch things up over a steamin' cup of..." Harley began before you brought out the one thing Joker wanted most. "...Batman."
Batman was tied up, looking pissed as hell.
"Oh, Harley, this... This is amazing." Joker looked at Batman in aww. "For the man who has everything, you found the one thing I wanted and didn't have!."
"He's buying it!." Clayface leaned over to you, he was in disguise as the Dark Knight.
"Just keep your mouth shut." You said to him, pointing one of your guns at him.
In the sky, the real Batman leaped out of the batwing and parachuted down onto the head of Joker's tower.
"Well, happy birthday to me!." Joker continued laughing. "Of course, no birthday's complete without my special birthday song."
"Birthday song?." You looked over at Harley who cursed under her breath.
"What do you say, Harls?" Joker smiled. "For old time's sake?."
"To my puddin'." Harley put on a fake smile and began to sing. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday-"
"Would you look at this dumbass son of a bitch-" Clayface silently sang in tune.
"Don't sing!." You pistol-whipped him.
"Happy birthday Clown Prince of Evil!." Harley smiled before finishing up her song. "Happy birthday to you!-"
"And many more!." Clayface breaks out of the bonds and starts singing like an opera singer, making all of you glare at him.
"Wait a minute," Joker growled. "That's not Batman!."
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!." Harley growled before out of nowhere pulling out an RPG and firing it at Joker's tower, Joker dove out of the way just in time, then he slowly looked up...Batman was there...
"God damn it!." Joker quickly got up and ran into the center of the room, pressing a button, he incased himself in a force field as Batman tried to break it with his fists.
"Keep banging away." Joker taunted.
"You'll never get away with this." Batman shouted, before suddenly green gas began filling the room, knocking out the caped crusader.
"Nighty night, Batman." Joker laughed before looking down at you all. "Grab them!."
He pressed a button and suddenly, giant hands came out of the tower doors and grabbed Clayface, Psycho, Sy and King, Harley avoided hers and you shot the hand trying to grab yours to hell.
"Come on, let's get out of here!." Harley looked at you.
"We can't leave-" You looked at her before a hand grabbed you and pulled you into the tower, along with the others, guns began raining down bullets on Harley who had no choice but to flee.
"That's right, Harley!." Joker cackled. "Run away!."
Joker continued cackling and then walked further into his tower, he walked into another room where Clayface, Sy, Psycho, King, and You were brought in.
"Hello, bitches, and HeadHunter." He smiled. "Welcome to my penthouse, or as for you five will be calling it, your final destination."
"Why doesn't he get called a bitch?." Psycho pointed at you.
"Because he worked for me for several years, killing everyone I wanted without...oh...I don't know...questioning any of my methods or falling in love with some plant-loving whore-"
You lunged at Joker but two goons held you back, Joker laughed again.
"Oooh, touched a nerve didn't I, tell me Y/ did It feel, when the only woman you ever loved in this cesspool of a world died in your arms, doesn't it make you...angry?."
"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!." You tried to shoot Joker but his goons took you to the ground and took all of your weapons away, one of them kicked you in the face when you tried to get up.
"Oh you won't be killing me, you'll be Hunting for me again, like old times...your target...well, you know who I'm going to say, right?."
"Fuck you, I'm not killing Harley for you!-"
"Oh, but you will..." Joker smiled, he motioned to his goons and they picked you up off the ground before Scarecrow injected something into your neck.
"What the fuck are you doing!?." You shouted at Scarecrow who laughed.
"Oh sorry, I just injected you with a lethal dose of poison that can kill you in exactly twenty-four hours...unless, you have the antidote..."
Joker then rolled a small pill between his fingers like a gambler would roll a coin, giving you a devilish smile. "Tick tock, tick tock, times running out...and make sure you bring her back alive, I want to have the last laugh with her."
He motioned for his men once again, they picked you up and threw you down a chute which sent you down a green and purple spiral before shooting you out the side of the tower, into the trash... your guns landed near you a few seconds later.
"Oh and HeadHunter..." Joker's voice was heard from the big TV screen on the tower. "Happy Hunting..."
You slowly wipe the old banana peel, burrito wrappers, and other garbage off your gear before grabbing your guns and walking away from the tower, to find and Capture Harley Quinn.
You were walking around Gotham City, trying to find Harley, you were looking in every alleyway, every building, every vehicle, nothing.
"No, Nurse, I said to prick his boil!." You heard Joker's voice again, this time he was on a bunch of tv's that a bunch of people was watching, suddenly a sign that said LAUGH in big bold letters appeared and everyone started laughing at Joker's joker, except for one man...when he didn't, a police car, with the police logo now being a giant smile, mowed the man down with a minigun in the middle of the street.
"Now, as you all know, Harley Quinn is still out there running around the city..." Joker continued speaking to the audience, suddenly a sign that said BOO HER showed up on the left corner of the screens and everyone began booing. "Yes, yes, I know, she's the worst, but fear not, we have a hero who is going to bring her to justice, may I present to you, The HeadHunter!."
A giant spotlight shined on you from several helicopters in the sky, all painted green and purple.
The crowd of people started surrounding you and began shaking your hands, asking for pictures, for you to sing stuff, all while they looked panicked as Joker's guards had their guns on everyone but you.
"One at a time please, you all will have time to meet your new hero, but he's running out of time as of right now and has an important mission to SCRAM!."
Joker's guards began firing bullets into the air and the crowd ran away from you, all while Joker laughed from the TV screen.
"Ugh!." Joker groaned as he zapped Batman with a cattle prong. "Take that...And that...And that...yawn, who would've thought my 25th birthday month would be so blah?."
He slowly sat back down on his throne.
"Maybe I'm having a quarter-life crisis-"
That's when a cork popped and he jumped.
"What the hell are you doing!?." He shouted at Scarecrow who was opening some champagne
"Celebrating!." Scarecrow smiled. "Think of all you've accomplished in 38 years-"
"I'm 25, and you know how I feel about champagne corks." Joker growled. "That could've hit me in the eye."
"Sorry about that." Scarecrow poured the champagne into two wine glasses. "So, what shall we do now, boss, maybe we build a giant maze, yeah, dose the people in it with fear toxin?."
"You are so one note, bag head." Joker smacked the glasses out of his hand. "After Harley and I got disruptive, you know how we'd celebrate?."
"Uh, fondue?." Scarecrow looked confused.
"Fondue"? No!" Joker shouted again. "By getting more disruptive, like kidnapping Gordon and eating sushi off his lumpy, naked body...I was picking hair out of my teeth for weeks."
He then zapped Batman again.
"And now I'm doing this, which should be tons of fun, but I'm bored." Joker sighed. "What is wrong with me?-"
"You're a sociopathic narcissist-" Batman grunted before Joker zapped him again.
"It was rhetorical, asshole!." Joker shouted. "And who do you think you are, a psychiatrist?."
"Let's find out!." Scarecrow suddenly took off Batman's mask, revealing Bruce Wayne's identity.
"What!?." Joker shouted.
"Bloody hell!." Scarecrow gasped. "It's billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne."
Joker suddenly clenched his fists, he looked like he was going to snap.
"No!!!!." He shoved Scarecrow away "Are you shitting me!."
Joker then lifted his entire throne and broke it.
"What is wrong with you!?." He gripped Scarecrow. "Don't you think I would have done that had I wanted to, half the fun of our relationship was the mystery, now I know Batman is just some boring rich asshole with parental issues!."
"That's really reductive." Batman/Bruce said.
"Thanks for ruining the funest thing I had going." Joker shoved Scarecrow onto the ground. "Now I don't even feel like torturing him."
"Sorry, I thought it might be the kind of thing Harley would do-" Scarecrow shook with fear.
"I don't care about Harley!." Joker smacked him, then got a wild look in his eye as he began walking towards Scarecrow.
"I'm sorry, look, I must've misread the situation when you kept saying her name and reminiscing about all your memories together." Scarecrow shook. "Over and over and over and--"
Joker put a finger on his flower and acid came out of it, landing on Scarecrow's face, melting his entire head as he screamed until his head hit the floor and his skull shattered on the ground.
"Not even that was fun." Joker looked back at the tied-up Bruce Wayne. "WayneTech promised an electric car by this year, I put a deposit down, where's my goddamn electric car, Bruce!?."
You kept searching for Harley, you felt sick, your eyes were red, you were coughing a ton and your strength was slowly fading.
"The guy at the flower shop said black roses don't exist in nature, so I had to dye these," Harley said as she put black and red roses on Ivy's grave. "Just wanted you to have a little bit of me in the ground with ya."
Harley slowly began tearing up, you slowly put your guns again and slowly crept up on her from behind, like a wolf stalking its prey.
"Oh, Ive!." Harley cried. "I miss you so much, If you can hear me, just give me a sign-"
You slowly began coughing, right as you were behind Harley, making her turn around quickly.
"Y/n!?." Her eyes widened like she saw a ghost. "H-H-Oh my gosh, I've missed you, how did you escape the tower!?."
She ran at you and hugged you tightly, you didn't know whether to hug her back...
"H-Hello Harley..." you weakly said.
"Okay, well, it's good that someone is here, perfect, I've got a plan to get back into that tower and take down that sonofabitch-"
"...I'm afraid..." You looked sad. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that-"
You slowly pushed her away from you and took out your gun, aiming it at her.
"....W-W-What are you doing?..." Harley looked at you, backing away towards Ivy's grave.
"Joker's making me hunt you down...I have to bring you back to the tower....if I don't..." you started coughing again, this time, you coughed up a bit of blood. " time on this earth is over..."
Harley's eyes widened. "He poisoned you!?."
"...Afraid so...look, just please, do this, for me..." You looked sad as you pointed the gun back at her, you didn't want to shoot her. "I will use force to make you comply..."
"If you think I'm going to willingly go back to that tower, you have lost your mind Y/n, I thought we loved each other for fucks sake-"
"I STILL DO!." You shouted, before coughing up more blood. "...I still do...and I don't want to do this...but I don't wanna die, at least not yet..."
"So, you still love me, even after everything, all the jokes about your small little bullet-"
"Which you wanted to ride like it was a goddam horse..." you interrupted her.
"Well...that is true..." Harley sighed. "And you are still my boyfriend/Ivy's boyfriend, but she's not involved and you and I are still together-this whole relationship triangle thingy is a fucking mess-"
"Get on with it, I don't have much time!." You coughed again.
"Sorry sorry, my point is, if it's for you, I'll comply...but...I have a plan...and I need you to be on board with it, 100%."
"After what that piece of shit did to you, Ivy, and now I, as well as the other boys in the tower...I was already on board when I joined your crew..."
"Good boy..." Harley smirked at you. "I still have one question, why does he want my ass alive?."
You slowly looked up and a flyer hit you in the face, you pulled it down and looked at it, reading through it carefully.
"To make you watch your crew get executed." You head up the flyer, showing Clayface, King, Sy, and Psycho on the chopping block.
"Wait, what!?." Harley tried to snatch the poster from you.
"Says here he's gonna execute them and then after, he's throwing an '80s party." You kept reading the flyer. "You don't have to dress up but it's strongly suggested-"
"They're doing it at sundown tonight!." Harley growled. "I'm not gonna let this happen-"
"Uh, how are you gonna stop Joker by yourself when you couldn't even do it with Batman?." You asked.
"As I've said, I've got a plan." She looked at you smiling, then looked at Ivy's grave. "Just give me a sec with Ive, okay?."
You nodded, walked up to Ivy's grave, and sighed before walking over by a tree and lighting a cigarette.
"Ive, what I'm gonna do may be a suicide mission." Harley looked down. "If I don't see you back here, maybe I'll see you on the flip side."
She walked over to you and took your cigarette out of your mouth, quickly taking a puff of it herself.
"All right, let's go kill this piece of shit once and for all."
Harley and you walked up Joker's tower entrance, you had your gun to your head.
"Hey!." You shouted up to the clown prince of crime. "I got her!."
"Wha-Oh!." Joker smiled as he put a book down. "Brilliant work HeadHunter, hey, Harley, I was just finishing Infinite Jest, are you familiar with it?."
"Spine looks pretty intact." Harley looked at the book.
"Well, I have a digital copy, too." Joker tossed the book away. "Anyway, are you here for the big execution?-"
"There ain't gonna be an execution." Harley growled at him.
"Flyers say there is." Joker held up one of the flyers. "Right before the live '80s cover band, their version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" is...It's okay."
"Release my friends," Harley growled. "And give Y/n the antidote he was promised!-"
"Or what?." Joker chuckled. "I have a whole army inside this sick-ass tower, what leg do you have to stand on?."
"It seems like you really want me alive, so, if you don't do what I say..." Harley whipped off her jacket revealing a vest with bombs attached to it, and a button in her hand. "I'm gone."
Joker looked both shocked and angry as your eyes widened.
"Where the fuck did you get that?..." You whispered to Harley, she just winked at you before the doors to the tower opened and you two walked inside.
After a long and boring elevator ride, the doors opened and Joker was smiling.
"Welcome to my penthouse." He began walking around the top floor. "It's got all the amenities, central air, 360-degree views, and a couple of horny tigers."
You both looked at the cage of tigers that growled at you.
"What the hell do you want from me?." Harley shouted. "Where's my crew?."
Joker chuckled as he walked over to a box and got something out of it.
"I want you to put this on." He unfolded Harley's old costume, and Harley's eyes widened.
"Come on, remember how much fun you had in that costume?." Joker smiled.
"No," Harley shouted. "I didn't have fun, you were the one having fun."
She then backed up towards you.
"It wasn't till I got away from you that I realized how deeply un-fun being with you was." Harley shouted. "So I would rather blow myself up and take you with me than go back to being your sidekick and wearing that fuckin' costume!."
"Well, you could, certainly an option." Joker nodded, pulling out another button. "Only fly in the ointment if you blow yourself up, you'll take your crew with you."
Joker pressed another button, revealing Sy, King, Clayface and Psycho all trapped behind some of Joker's paintings, all of them were bloody, and King had a few missing teeth.
"So, how about you make this easy and put... the outfit... on." Joker tossed the outfit to Harley.
"Don't do it." Clayface, Sy, and King groaned.
"Do it!." Psycho shouted.
"So, I put this on, you let them go and give Y/n the antidote he needs?." Harley glared at him.
"And if you don't..." Joker chuckled. "I kill them."
"Oh, there she is!." Joker smiled seeing Harley return in her original outfit. "Harley Quinn original recipe, why'd you have to go and mess with a classic?-"
"Are you gonna let my crew go, or what?." Harley pointed at him.
"I'm a man of my word." Joker smiled and pressed a button. "Buh-bye."
In the blink of an eye Clayface, Psycho, King, and Sy all fell down chutes that were underneath them and launched out from the side of the tower into the trash like you were.
"She gave her life so that we may live." Clayface looked down, sad.
"Goodbye, Harley." King sniffled.
Back at the top of the tower...
"Oh and HeadHunter." Joker smiled tossing you the pill, you caught it and quickly took it, and after a few seconds you began to feel the poison fade...before you vomited up a bunch of green icky stuff that couldn't be described.
"So that's how it left your system, I thought it would come out the back way." Joker chuckled. "Well, I guess now that I have Harley, you can go as well-"
Joker pressed another button and you were then dropped again into another chute that was underneath your feet and landed right on top of the others, taking them all out.
"He let you out too, huh?." Sy looked over at you.
"Yeah..." You looked back up at the tower, seeing Harley stuck up there with Joker who had a big smile on his face.
"Come on, let's get the hell out of here!." Psycho used his powers to grab all of you and lift you off the ground, running away as fast as possible.
You all were walking down the street, you saw people living in fear as guards wearing purple and green combat gear were walking around the city with rifles.
"So, this is how we live our lives now, huh?." Psycho asked.
"It appears to be that way." Clayface sighed. "Harley's trapped in that tower and Ivy's in the ground, there is nothing we can do about it."
You heard some rumbling in the park and all of you looked confused, as the flowers Harley put down slowly began blooming, and then...a hand popped out of the ground...
"...Holy fucking shit..." You sprinted past everyone. "IVY!?."
Your eyes couldn't believe it as Ivy's arm popped out from her grave, then her other arm, her head, she looked...different.
"Ugh..." Ivy groaned then slowly looked up, before she could even adjust to her surroundings or the fact she was alive again, you tackled her out of her boots and started kissing her.
"IVE!..." You started kissing her neck, shoulders, and face. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!."
"Y/N!?." Ivy shouted and moaned quickly after you kept kissing her, not stopping to even let her speak. "Get off of me, of course I'm alive again, It was the renewing power of nature that brought me back..."
She tried to get you off of her but you weren't budging, wrapping your arms and legs around her.
"Y/N!." She screamed. "I love you but GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!."
She shoved you off of her and slowly got up, looking around.
"Okay, what did I miss, and where's Harley?."
"...I'll explain everything, right now, we gotta get back into that tower!." You pointed at Joker's tower.
"Okay, I'm in the costume." Harley groaned. "So what's the plan, want me to make you a chocolate cake, put on Legally Blonde, call you "puddin'"?."
"Harley, I've got the city by the balls." Joker laughed. "The cops are mine, Batman's tied up and gagged, I have everything a man could want...But I'm not happy."
Joker then put his hand on hers. "And do you know why?."
"Because you're a textbook sociopathic narcissist with a chemical imbalance in your parasympathetic nervous system?." Harley shouted.
"Hey, that's what Batman said." Joker smiled, looking over to Batman who was tied up still. "Hey, Batman, she said the thing you said- anyway, no."
He then looked back at Harley.
"The reason I wasn't happy was because we weren't together." Joker smiled. "It wasn't until I got everything... that I realized it means nothing without you by my side."
"Really?." Harley asked.
"Harley, you're the missing piece to my happiness." Joker gripped her shoulders, Harley slowly took out a hidden switchblade while her hands were behind her back.
"I guess I could never stay away from my puddin'." Harley smiled, the two of them leaned in for a kiss but to the surprise of both of them, they both groaned...they both had stabbed each other in the sides.
"You were always so unoriginal, stealing my ideas." Joker laughed.
"Fuck you!." Harley jammed her knife in deeper. "This is for Ivy."
Joker headbutted her and took the knife she used out of his side and tried to stab Harley, Harley used her acrobatics, flipped over Joker and tried to punch him but Joker grabbed her head and smashed it against the glass cage with the horney tigers, Harley tried to stab him but Joker used his flower, the acid was avoided by Harley but that gave him the distraction he needed to punch her in the jaw, making her go down.
"Ha!." Joker laughed.
"Did you really think I was gonna believe that bullshit about me being the missing piece?." Harley groaned.
"But that was all true!." Joker stomped on her torso. "You see, I only have one weakness. You. And when you're the most powerful man in the world, there's no room for weakness."
Joker then gripped the knife in his hand.
"And so, my only option is to... Get rid of you."
"Then do it," Harley shouted. "Kill me!."
"Do you take me for a basic bitch?." Joker laughed again. "If I were I to k*ll you, you'd live on forever, an emotional martyr in my soul...So I'm going to erase you from existence."
Two henchmen ran in and Joker laughed.
"Pick her up, follow me."
You and Ivy had found your way into the tower from the back, Ivy used her vines to strangle some guards while you were pulling off tricks and no scopes with your silenced pistols.
"I think I see them, up there!." Ivy pointed up to a walkway, there was a large green pool of something over it.
"...Is that...acid?..." You looked at the giant pool, then chucked one of the dead guards into it and they quickly dissolved. "Yep...that's acid already..."
Harley slowly woke up and she screamed as Joker smiled.
"I made the mistake of creating you, and now I'm going to undo that mistake." Joker laughed as Harley struggled against the two guards. "This acid will erase all that makes you Harley Quinn...You'll be a nobody...A blank canvas....A stranger on the streets...Normal."
"Don't do this." Harley began squirming, trying to get free from the guards. "If you wanna kill me, kill me, but don't do this!-"
Joker then slapped her and brought her over to the railing, right above the pool of acid. "Should've thought of that before you made me fall in love with you!."
Ivy slowly used her vine powers to get up to the railing behind a corner and around the edge of the acid pool, Harley saw this, then slowly looked over and saw you, you gave her a peace sign.
"It's time." Joker smiled. "But don't worry, you won't remember a thing-"
"Let me jump." Harley glared at him. "Let this last act of Harley Quinn be my own, You owe me at least that."
"Sure." Joked laughed. "Go nuts."
Harley jumped off the railing and Joker began walking away, Ivy used her vines to catch her while you got ready in position.
"Goodbye, Harley Quinn." Joker smirked, and then he stopped walking. "Wait a minute, did anyone hear a splash, I've fallen in acid enough times to know that there should be a splash-"
"You're right about that, puddin'." Harley rose back up to the railing thanks to the vines, ripping off her Jester's outfit.
"How did you..." Joker looked confused. "Wait, where are those vines coming from?."
It took him one second for him to realize he was done for.
"Oh, fuck."
Ivy glared at Joker as she slowly rose with the plants, helping Harley as well.
"I knew I should've harpooned you in the head!." Joker shouted. "One in the head, one in the heart, it's Harpooning 101."
Ivy used her vines to grab the two henchmen and throw them out of the tower, sending them out of the glass window.
"Guess who's next?." Harley shouted as she landed on the railing, Joker tried to run out of the room but you punched him in the jaw, kicking him in the ribs as well.
"I don't think so..." You loaded a magazine into your pistol, Joker now had a bloody nose, you then picked up Joker and dangled him over the pit of acid.
"Harley... You don't wanna do this." Joker screamed. "We can rule Gotham together, You're nothing without me!."
You smirked as you let his arm go for a second but quickly gripped it tighter, making him shit himself with fear as he screamed.
"You always tried to make me think that, but it's not true!." Harley walked over to him. "I have friends that love and care about me."
She then smiled at Ivy and put an arm around you.
"I'm moving on with my life with the people that matter, and that ain't you, puddin'." Harley then looked at you.
"Drop him!."
"Love to." You smirked at her before looking at Joker.
"You don't want to do this, I can pay you more money than you can imagine, dollars, gems, gold, everything you've ever wanted-" Joker looked at you before you smirked.
"I've got all I need Joker."
"Don't do this, I've always supported strong female friendships!-" Joker looked at Ivy who gave you a nod, you dropped Joker into the acid and he landed with a splash.
"Oh, Ive!." Harley ran over to her friend and hugged her. "Oh, my God-It was my tears, wasn't it, my tears of friendship fell on your grave and brought you back to life!."
"Harls, I love you, but we don't live in a Disney movie, okay?." Ivy rolled her eyes. "It was the renewing power of nature that brought me back, I've already explained this to Y/n-"
She stopped speaking when Harley looked a little sad.
"And, you know, maybe the tears helped a little too..." She smiled, the two of them hugged, then they both looked at you.
"What?." You asked then when they both opened up for you to join them. "Eh, I'm not a hugger-"
"Come here you big, strong, goof." Ivy suddenly pulled you into the hug and Harley laughed.
Down in the acid pool, Joker tried crawling out but he couldn't before he was fully under the acid he pushed one final button before screaming as he fully went under.
A few seconds later...the tower began shaking, and everything started crumbling around you three, parts of the tower came crashing down near you.
"What the fuck!?." You shouted as some giant metal scrap was heading your way, before out of nowhere a beaten and bruised but now free Batman shoved You, Ivy, and Harley out of the way before the metal hit him and went through the floor.
"Oh, my God, he saved us." Harley shouted. "He'll be okay, right, I mean, he's Batman."
"Sure." Ivy looked down. "I mean, you know, he's got the polymer suit with the--"
That's when more metal began falling.
"Oh, shit." You screamed. "Let's get out of here."
Ivy, using her vine powers, grabbed both you and Harley and herself and got out of the building through the shattered window, the giant Joker head began laughing as the tower began falling, citizens were screaming and fleeing, the ground beneath them was shaking, everyone was in a panic as the tower came crashing down, covering everyone in smoke.
"So, to summarize, the good news, Joker no longer rules Gotham." A news reporter on a barely working tv said. "Bad news, thanks to an 8.6 earthquake, there's no longer a Gotham left to rule, and Batman is missing...more updates as we get them."
The tv shut off and you all looked around from atop the rubble, standing there, looking at the now-destroyed Gotham City.
"And I just want the record to reflect that I always had faith in you, Harley." Psycho said. "Did not doubt it for a moment-"
"I did not feel the same way, but am so glad I was wrong." King laughed.
"Harls, ya did it." Ivy patted her friend on the back. "Justice League is gone, same with the Legion of Doom, and the Joker's dead-"
"More importantly..." You put your arms around both of them. "Gotham is in complete chaos."
"It's so beautiful." Harley hugged both you and Ivy as the city looked like a wasteland...
END...of Season One!.
Hey everyone, we're finally done with Season One and now it's onwards to Season Two, It's going to be more chaotic, crazy, and cozy now with both Ivy and Harley back with you, and it's going to be a hell of a ride!.
As of this chapter coming out, it's Christmas Eve so don't expect any updates until the new year has started, thank you so much for reading, and merry christmas.
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